Introduction The pollution, our bad habits like touching our face, again and again, can affect our beauty by making it week and old. That’s why it is important to use skincare products like Vitamin C Serum. Wrinkle problem is also very common nowadays. The main problem is Wrinkles that cause due to many reasons like Age, Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, Smoking, decrease in collagen production, etc. By giving the goodness of vitamin c for few weeks, you will notice a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and more vitality and shine in the skin. Vitamin C is one of the best anti-aging ingredients. With no other substance, the rejuvenating effect has been proven by studies as often as with this super vitamin. It sounds as if scientists have already tested the best vitamin C serums in countless studies on hundreds of test subjects, who then all looked younger, more radiant, and more alive than before. Is that correct? Do the wrinkles, dark spots, and signs of aging disappear if you drip vitamin C serum on your face every day?
Yes, all skin type needs vitamin C It is clear that the skin needs vitamin C: It helps it to form collagen, protein fibers that give the skin stiffness. Vitamin C protects them from the attack of so-called free radicals, which arise in the metabolism and attack the cells. It is the best skin care product in the market. It is also clear that a vitamin C deficiency visibly damages the skin: Since it can produce less collagen, it becomes more unstable and prone to injuries. And because it loses some of its protection, it becomes more susceptible to UV damage - which in turn leads to wrinkles.
Whether and to what extent the skin can be protected from aging by an external supply of vitamin C is still questionable. Because the skin is supplied with vitamin C naturally from the inside, not from the outside. Studies showed that the skin claims a fairly high proportion of the vitamin C that we ingest through food. The vitamin enters the bloodstream from the intestines, from where it is transported into the small blood vessels in the skin. The skin cells can finally absorb the vitamin into the interior of the cell via so-called transport proteins.
How to recognize a good vitamin C serum Serums with real vitamin C are available for every healthy skin tone. However, their effectiveness depends on numerous factors, especially the other ingredients and the packaging. The best vitamin C serum can be recognized by that fact. Ascorbic acid is on the list of ingredients. This is the English technical term for real vitamin C. Its ingredients such as ferulic acid ( Ferulic acid ) containing those that provide an acidic environment: Vitamin C penetrates only at low pH (<5) into the skin. In the best case scenario, it also contains hyaluronic acid, which enhances the antioxidant effect. It is packaged to protect it from light and air: light and air cause vitamin C to react (oxidize) with oxygen and thus lose its effectiveness.
Buy The Best Vitamin C Serum Give a try to Derma Essentia anti-ageing Vitamin C serum is an advanced serum formula packed with the benefits of Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid and Ceramides. It is a powerful advanced anti aging formula that prevents and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also protects against free radicals and UV rays damage.
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