What would possibly happen if I will go out for the full day in hot summer without applying Sunscreen Gel? Come on let's figure out why should you apply best Sunscreen Gel with benefits. The sun’s ultraviolet rays hurt your skin from inside and even outside within fifteen minutes of being outside even on cloudy and funky days. There are many ways that will stop sunburns or protect your skin from it.
Skin without Sunscreen Gel Sun rays contain UVA and UVB rays; they both are harmful to our human skin. But how much it can harm? Tanning, Skin Cancer and many more skin problems. •Time of day: These rays are most powerful between 10 am and 4 pm. •Season of the year: As we all know these rays are more powerful during spring and summer months. •Distance from the equator: UV exposure goes down as you get farther from the equator. •Clouds: The effect of clouds can vary, but what’s important to know is that UV rays can get through to the ground, even on a cloudy day. •Light off surfaces: These rays can bounce back from surfaces like water, sand, snow, or even grass, that lead to an increase in UV exposure. •Contents of the air: Ozone filters out some UV radiation. means week Ozone layer means more powerful these lays.
Man-made sources of UV rays People can also be exposed to man-made sources of UV rays that can harm your skin. These include: •Sunlamps and sun beds (tanning beds and booths) •Phototherapy (UV therapy) •Black-light lamps •Mercury-vapor lamps •High-pressure xenon and xenon-mercury arc lamps, plasma torches, and welding arcs
Skin with Sunscreen Gel Now we now, these rays harm our skin in many ways. But what does Sunscreen Gel do or capable of? Sunscreen is a compound block, entering into the skin and absorbing the UV rays before they reach and damage the dermal layers. Some sunscreens include avobenzone, oxybenzone, and paraaminobenzoic acid, which are ingredients used to absorb the sun’s rays. In simple words, Sunscreen Gel protects our skin by blocking sun rays to pass through inside our skin. In today's Indian market there are a lot of Sunscreen Gel, Gel Based Sunscreen, Sunscreen for Oily Skin, Sunscreen SPF 50 Gel, Sunscreen with P+++ Protection and many more but the main question is that which provide the best result?
What’s SPF in Sunscreen Gel? SPF is an acronym for sun protection factor. It’s a sign of how well a product will actually protect you from the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. The SPF number tells you the amount of time it takes for the skin to redden upon exposure to the sun with protection as opposed to the amount of time without protection. SPF has the capability to block UVB rays and UVB rays, so it can prevent skin damage and tanning. SPF extends the ability of your skin toleration from the sun's UV rays. If you can stand for 10 minutes under the sun until you experience sunburn, then SPF 50,Sunscreen Gel with SPF will increase that time by 50x helping you tolerate it for 500 or more minutes and your skin will not get burned.
Advantage Sunscreen SPF 50 •Shields From Harmful UV Rays •Prevents Premature Aging •Lowers Skin Cancer Risks •Lowers Blotchiness on Face •Prevents Sunburns •Prevents Tanning •Enhances Health of the Skin •A Good Cosmetic Option •You May Not Have to Reapply After a Swim •Sunscreen Offers Better Protection Than a Full Sleeve Dress
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