Summer is coming, are you prepare for it? Let's get prepare together before going under the sun, sleeveless on the beautiful beaches of Andaman and Nicobar Islands or before going out for work at 35° of Maharashtra. Sunscreen Gel is your one best buddy for protecting your skin from getting burned (tanned) your naked skin with its SPF.
Sun Protection Factor is called SPF, in short. It is a measurement of how much UVB rays are being blocked. They manage this by measuring the amount of light needed to cause a sunburn. An SPF of 50 means your skin will not burn until it has been exposed to 50 times the amount of solar energy that would normally cause it to burn.
Isn't it cool
Is higher SPF better? Most of the time, a higher SPF offers more protection from sunburn. But high SPF comes with some high chemicals, that can cause minor skin problems, especially to sensitive skin.
Dermatologist recommends that you use a Sunscreen Gel with an SPF of 40 for beginners (especially for sensitive skin) and SPF 50 for best results with less harmful chemicals that could cause irritation on skin or redness. The benefit of numbers that are higher than 50 is questionable in regards to UVB blocking. A Sunscreen SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays where Face Sunscreen SPF 30 blocks 94% of UVB rays. It's not a huge difference, but for the South Asian Countries, it is With that being said, you will commonly see products with SPF's of 30, 50, and even 100+ on the market. So, is there any advantage to these products? Possibly.
Manufacturers of Sunscreen for Oily Skin and Non Oily Skin in India have tried to increase their ability to block UVA radiation, but a side effect was that the SPF increased with their sunscreens as shown in this figure.
Remember SPF has nothing to do with the amount of UVA radiation being blocked For example, Derma Essentia SPF 50 Gel Sunscreen with nanotechnology claims very High Protection, more than SPF 50 with negligible about of harmless then SPF 50 with in SPF 50. This SFP 50 with UV + Pollution Protection + Water Resistance + Broad Spectrum Protection - Skin Harming Chemical improved the sunscreen's ability to block UVA light.
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Sunscreen Gel SPF 50
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