Emerging Issues in Criminal Justice: The Ugly Truth of Human Trafficking in the United States

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Emerging Issues in Criminal Justice: The Ugly Truth of Human Trafficking in the United States

Derrick Snipes


Contributors Page My name is Derrick Snipes and I am a Senior Criminal Justice Major at North Carolina Central University. I chose the topic of Human Trafficking in the United States as what I wanted to focus this final senior project on.

Š No portion of the magazine's works may be reproduced without the permission of the author. "This magazine is created in satisfaction of a requirement of the Senior Seminar CRJU 4600-OL at North Carolina Central University, Department of Criminal Justice. It information contained herein, the opinions, or writings are not to be construed to be the opinion or policy of any employee, department, division or office of the University."


Table of Contents Opinion Editorial: Human Trafficking............................................................................................................ 4 Book Review: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson.............................................................................................. 6 Media Analysis Assignment on Mississippi Burning ..................................................................................... 9 Emerging Technology Assignment .............................................................................................................. 12 Literature Review ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Infographic .................................................................................................................................................. 20 Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 21


Opinion Editorial: Human Trafficking Most people would not believe that North Carolina is one of the states that human trafficking has a growing presence in. Jenna Novak states that, "We're seeing mostly sex trafficking that is coming out of North Human trafficking is the modern-day slavery Carolina” ( Carson, S. (2016, Jan 07). There and it is a sometimes unrecognized problem is also labor trafficking victims as well. North in the United States. Human trafficking Carolina is one of the states on the East coast infringes on the basic rights of people and that has access to major highways and forces them through torture, coercion, and locations within the state where there are a lot any means of creating fear to ensure that they of traffic from high profile people Carson, S. are held in slavery. People are treated as (2016, Jan 07). With this type of people commodities and the criminals that run the comes money and with money comes organizations are profiting off of the sale of criminal organizations. Charlotte has been human beings. When I started researching identified as one of the leading cities for this topic, I assumed that human trafficking human trafficking victims in North Carolina was a problem that was more in other (Carson, S. (2016, Jan 07). The article countries, but I didn’t believe that there was

focuses on the basic information but doesn’t

a huge problem with human trafficking in the go far enough in depth to explain what types United States. During my research, I found of victims were found (age, race, gender, out that this assumption was incorrect and

etc.), and it doesn’t explain what legal actions

that human trafficking was closer to home are being taken in North Carolina to combat than I realized. the problem.

5 The main solution to the problem of

a hotline provided by The National Human

human trafficking is to continue to raise

Trafficking Resource Center and it has

awareness of the problem, encourage

“received over 96,000 calls that identified

community involvement, and continue to

40,000 victims” (Carson, S. (2016, Jan 07).

combat trafficking with swift and severe

All citizens have to do is recognize what the

punishment (Carson, S. (2016, Jan 07).

signs of human trafficking are and call the

Especially in the United States, where

hotline to make tips. These tips are followed

people do not necessarily see human

up on and given to law enforcement to

trafficking as “our problem”, there needs to

investigate. The article focuses largely on

be an increased awareness of how severe the

access to the hotline, including the phone

problem is becoming in the United States

number and words you can text from your

and educated on how to notice the signs of a

cellphone to receive help or report suspected

case of human trafficking. I think that there

victims/activities (Carson, S. (2016, Jan 07).

should be free citizen training programs offered that raise awareness of the issues with the community and give them the information they need to be successful at helping these trafficked individuals. There is


Book Review: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson In the book, the main story is about Walter McMillan, an inmate that is wrongfully convicted of murder and placed on death row for years before Stevenson can get him out. Stevenson doesn’t just detail Walter’s case and life, but he also includes the struggles he faced in the profession as a death row lawyer and some of the other cases that he encountered in his career that furthered his belief that the justice system is Introduction Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson was

flawed. This book also focused on how

one of the most profound books that I have

prevalent racism still is and how racial

read in a long time. It was an eye-opening

profiling and race can result in wrongful

experience that took me through the

convictions. The most important part of this

challenges that a death row lawyer faces, but

book is that there are so many people in the

not just any death row lawyer, but a black,

world like Walter that were wrongfully

male death row lawyer fighting wrongful

convicted of crimes that they did not commit

execution in the South. Stevenson’s

and if they are ever released from prison,

experiences are colorful, informational,

their lives will never be the same.

heartbreaking, and touch a place in your soul that only injustice can reach. Summary of Content

Analysis and evaluation of the book Just Mercy was a narrative that provided a real experience and perspective

7 on racial bias that was displayed in courts

Walter's alibi was presented but due

across America. The author’s strong sense

to the nature of the crime and the

of what justice is for all people is reflected

environment of the Alabama court system,

throughout the book. “The true measure of

he was convicted because he was a poor

our character is how we treat the poor, the

black man on trial for a white woman's

disfavored, the accused, the incarcerated,

murder. No facts and no truth were bigger

and the condemned.” (pg.18) Based on the

than the racism in Alabama during the trail.

book, America’s character is questionable.

I agree with Stevenson that it is incredible

Walter McMillan’s case was a horror

that not one person on the judicial team

story. Walter McMillan's case was a joke

cared about true "justice". They only cared

and yet, he was convicted and on death row

about "solving" the murder of a white

for a crime he did not commit. Walter had

woman and if that meant setting someone

an airtight alibi that proved that he was no-

up, then so be it.

where near the murder scene at the time of the crime and a white law enforcement official was a witness to his alibi (pg.93). The main witness that testified that Walter was at the murder scene, Bill Hooks, lied about being at the crime scene when he was actually at work and Darnell Houston could

Conclusion The best part of the book to me was

attest to that (pg.105). None of the eye

that although the author is surrounded by so

witness accounts in Walter's trial were ever

much racial bias, so many people being

investigated, but were just taken as truth.

wrongfully convicted, and by being emotionally bombarded daily due to

8 intensity of helping people that are incarcerated in hopeless situations, he remained hopeful. Stevenson at the end of the book focuses not on the travesty that was Walter McMillan’s life after he was targeted and how the wrongful conviction ruined it for him, but the fact that Walter taught him “that mercy is just when it is rooted in hopefulness and freely given� (pg.314). Mercy is all about understanding that people are human and that by forgiving them, you keep them from having the chance to have

any power over your life (pg.314).


Media Analysis Assignment on Mississippi Burning First of all, the movie Mississippi

by white male police officers that were also

Burning was very emotionally charged for

members of the Klu Klux Klan. The racial

me. It was a movie that was set in the 1960’s

tensions in the town were strong and any

in Mississippi and it is a crime movie about

black person that stood up to them or tried to

the disappearance of three Civil Rights

help the FBI agents were punished or

workers. The movie depicts the true nature

murdered. The police officers used

of Mississippi during this time period.

excessive force, intimidation, coercion, and

Mississippi was one of the last states to

even murder to try to keep the black people

implement segregation, even after there

down. They forcefully maintained

were laws passed against it. There are a lot

segregation and continually said throughout

of racist people that live in Mississippi and there is also an economic divide due to this. The power sits mostly in the white male’s hands and the KKK is openly active during this time. My brother-in-law and his wife live in Greenwood, Mississippi currently and they say that it is still very much like that today. This movie showed how the Civil Rights workers were murdered

10 the movie that “no outsiders would tell them

practices in that they used community

how to live”, meaning that they would

information to find informants or people that

continue to deny any legislation that was in

were talking. Such as the example in the

favor of providing anyone but white

movie where Officer Pell’s wife was talking

supremacists with rights (Parker, Alan,

to the FBI because she didn’t believe in


what her husband was doing. Officer Pell was informed by other officers of the situation with his wife. He was also protected by his own, which is a common police belief. They stood back and watched him beat his wife and did nothing to help the situation (Parker, Alan, 1988). The type of policing reflected in this

movie depicts exactly how it was during the 1960’s in rural Mississippi. If there was any

In the movie, it is apparent that the majority of the white community felt the same way as the police officers. Officer

abuse going on against black people, law

Pell’s wife said, “that you are not born

enforcement would turn a blind cheek, but

racist, but taught racism” (Parker, Alan,

the same was not true for white people. White people were treated as superior beings by law enforcement and due to the fact that Mississippi was not yet desegregated, black people had no rights to change laws or even elect new officials. The police in the movie demonstrated modern community policing

1988). This is true and in Mississippi, the white community taught racism from the time a child was born. There were children present at the Klan meeting that is shown in the movie. The black people lived in their own section of town, which was clearly

11 segregated from the white section. Even the

racism and maintain segregation. This

majority of the poorer white people felt like

becomes reckless because they never have to

they were superior to the black people. I

answer for their actions and the community

remember one of the women that was

encourages the actions by either supporting

interviewed by the reporters when they were

it or staying silent. Fear and intimidation are

dredging the swamp looking for the bodies

always present in these types of situations

said that “black people didn’t take baths and

and it will continue until enough people take

they stunk” and during the interview she

a stand for change.

didn’t look like she had the best hygiene. I feel like the police maintained/adopted the values of the community and this is dangerous. It is dangerous because there is no one there to uphold the law or think morally. They are using the law and positions of power to push their own agenda and in this case, it was


Emerging Technology Assignment The emerging technology that I am

movements due to location information from

using is newer medical devices, like

the wireless device. In 2015, the first new

pacemakers that have tracking technology in

wireless pacemaker was inserted with a

them. In the past, medical devices/equipment

catheter without having to perform open

that is surgically implanted in people have

heart surgery. Medtronic is the company that

helped to identify dead victims by using the

is making the new pacemaker. It was

serial numbers. Moving forward, medical

approved by the FDA in 2016 after extensive

devices, such as pacemakers, could provide

clinical trials. The cost of one of the

further evidence during investigation and

Medtronic pacemakers is around $10,000.

trial, by providing some of the same location

The cost of the item is no cost to the criminal

information that cell phones and fitness

justice field due to it being an individual

watches provide currently. This could help

medical device, therefore it will only be

locate missing people, identify victims faster,

helpful in cases that involve individuals that

and also help track potential criminal’s

have these types of medical devices.


Literature Review and children. According to the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking of Los Angeles (CAST), the United States sees about 50,000 men, women, and children Statement of the Problem Human trafficking has become the modern-day slavery. The United Nations defined human trafficking as the following: Trafficking in persons shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. (Weakley, M., 2014)

trafficked annually and this is only a best estimate (Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2012). Human traffickers are normally criminals that are also involved in many other criminal activities, such as illegal drugs and use their criminal connections to keep them protected. Human trafficking is a top paying criminal industry and the only industry that brings in more money is the illegal drug trade (Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2012). It’s also easy to get new victims by conning or convincing low

When most people think about human income families that their children are being trafficking, they think of the sex trade, but it afforded better lives elsewhere. Human can also be for purposes of forced labor or trafficking organizations have to have good servitude, and it can include women, men,

“salesmen” on their team to “sell” the

14 dreams to the will-be victims. Corrupt

or have to fight hard to overcome their past experiences (Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2012). The victims are so brainwashed by the traffickers that even if they are caught and given an opportunity to get out, they won’t speak up because of distrust of law enforcement or government

officials that work with human traffickers is

officials (Films for the Humanities &

also a reason why they can get off easily

Sciences, 2012).

when caught and continue criminal activity (Films for the Humanities & Sciences,

Implications Due to the nature of human trafficking, there are major implications for

2012). The victims of human trafficking are ruled by fear, torture, insecurity, and sometimes mental illness, such as

why it is an issue. Human trafficking infringes on the basic rights of people and forces them through torture, coercion, and any means of creating fear to ensure that

Stockholm Syndrome (Films for the they are held in slavery. People are treated Humanities & Sciences, 2012). They feel as commodities and the criminals that run that they have no way out and lose their will the organizations are profiting off of the sale to fight back. If they do manage to escape,

of human beings. Since 2000, human

they are often addicted to drugs, suffer from

trafficking has finally been brought to the

mental illness or other disorders from the

forefront as an issue of priority and the

abuse and mental anguish of being captive,

United States and United Nations have

15 enacted legislation/programs to

As a recommendation,

deal with the issue (Films for

we need to find out not only

the Humanities & Sciences,

who these victims are but how


they were brought into the As a recommendation, I

United States. If it was by

would use sting operations by law

illegal means then we need to find the access

enforcement to continue to catch the

points and increase security or shut them

traffickers and to find victims. This takes a

down. This will also require education and

lot of man power and the officers involved

training for border patrol officers.

would need to be highly trained in how to deal with these victims. Another issue is that because human

The United States government has taken several steps to deal with the issue of human trafficking. They have implemented

trafficking is on the rise in the United States,

the Trafficking Victims Protection Act in

it means that our border protection is not as

2000 and several reauthorizations of the Act

tight as we think it is. There are people

since then with changes each time. The UN

being smuggled into our country daily and women and children are being kidnapped and forced into a life of trafficking. This is

followed with the Palarmo Protocol to combat human trafficking on an international level. The Trafficking Victims

alarming because these organizations are Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 “established also involved in other illegal activities, like several methods of prosecuting traffickers, drugs and guns and if they can smuggle in humans, they can move these in large quantities as well.

preventing human trafficking, and protecting victims and survivors of trafficking� (Current Federal Laws, 2016).

16 This act classifies human trafficking as a

permanent residency (Current Federal Laws,

federal crime and establishes penalties for

2016). There have been several

committing the crime and also establishes

reauthorizations to the Act.

the option during sentencing to pay restitution to the victims (Current Federal Laws, 2016).

The strengths of the TVPA are that they provide counseling and support services to the victims of human trafficking (Current Federal Laws, 2016). They also provide longer, more severe sentences for offenders of human trafficking (Current Federal Laws, 2016). One of the

TVPA also has a preventative aspect in that the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons was established (Current Federal Laws, 2016). This office is

weaknesses/consequences of the TVPA is that traffickers are using the legislation to their advantage by invoking fear of being treated criminally if caught (Current Federal Laws, 2016).

responsible for preparing the Trafficking in The Palarmo Protocol is an initiative Persons (TIP) report annually and this report helps identify the level of effort that all nations are making to prevent and combat

by the United Nations to “prevent, suppress, and punish trafficking in persons, especially

human trafficking (Current Federal Laws,

women and children� (Weakley, M., 2014).

2016). Another provision of the Act is that it

There are 117 countries involved in

allows for a T-Visa for 3 years for victims

implementing and upholding the protocol

and their families to stay in the United States

and there are efforts to try to combat human

and after 3 years they are eligible for

trafficking worldwide (Weakley, M., 2014).

17 The Palarmo Protocol was enacted in 2000

and the TVPA are that the some of the

after the TVPA (Weakley, M., 2014). The

countries that are involved treat women as

Palarmo Protocol does not have anything in

less than and because of this, it makes

place to determine if countries are actually

pushing the agenda of the programs more

following the protocol or any way to

difficult (Coleman, S. S., 2016).

measure the impact of the protocol (Weakley, M, 2014).

Solution Suggestions The main solution to the problem of human trafficking is to continue to raise awareness of the problem, encourage community involvement, and continue to combat trafficking with swift and severe punishment. Especially in the United States, where people do not necessarily see human

Another weakness of the Palarmo Protocol is that if victims do not cooperate with authorities, they are treated like criminals

trafficking as “our problem�, there needs to be an increased awareness of how severe the problem is becoming in the United States and educated on how to notice the signs of a

themselves (Weakley, M., 2014). Victims are also deported when they are considered to be no longer needed with no assistance and this subjects them to be vulnerable to

case of human trafficking. I think that to raise awareness there should be mandatory training of all community officials and law enforcement officers to ensure that they can

trafficking again (Weakley, M., 2014).

recognize human trafficking situations and

Weaknesses of both the Palarmo Protocol

know how to deal with them. I also think

18 that there should be free citizen training

are so they can be more aware in those

programs offered that raise awareness of the


issues with the community and give them

I also believe that human traffickers

the information they need to be successful at

should be identified by law. There should be

helping these trafficked individuals.

a registry that identifies these people and the database should be public. This will allow communities to know who these people are and to keep an eye on them to ensure that they don’t continue the act once they are back into society. There should also be harsher penalties on human traffickers and

Our law enforcement officials should better provisions for the victims of human be provided with more training to be able to trafficking. Human trafficking is a crime know how to deal with human trafficking that is based in fear. Only by alleviating the victims and also to best notice a case of fear, will the victim come forward. This is human trafficking (Coleman, S. S., 2016). not only a law enforcement task, but a task Parts of the Reauthorization Acts of TVPA for human services. This would be a federal have added additional funding and training level program that would require local for law enforcement and this needs to implement continue. It should be mandatory that all law Conclusion enforcement personnel have continual The world still has a lot of work to training on human trafficking, how to deal do to make an impact on such issues as with it, the repercussions of it, and also human trafficking. The strives that have where the areas of known human trafficking

19 been made in recent years have been great, but there is still a lot of progress to be made. We need to increase training, awareness, resources, and support for victims. We need to continually change and create laws that deal with the issue in the United States and abroad. The need for increased legislation on human trafficking in other countries is great and we need to focus efforts on

stronger border control.




Resources .Carson, S. (2016, Jan 07). NC among leaders in human trafficking. The Charlotte Post. Retrieved from http://nclive.org/cgibin/nclsm?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1758988029?. Chon, Katherine (2015). What the FY 2016 Federal Budget Could Mean for Victims of Human Trafficking. Retrevied from http://www.acf.hhs.gov/blog/2015/03/what-the-fy-2016federal-budget-could-mean-for-victims-of-human-trafficking. Coleman, S. S. (2016). The trafficking victims protection act (TVPA) 2000: A policy analysis (Order No. 10046247). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1776463392). Retrieved from http://nclive.org/cgi-bin. Current Federal Laws. https://polarisproject.org/current-federal-laws. Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Firm). (2012). Human Trafficking [Motion picture]. New York, N.Y. : Films Media Group. Micra FDA Approved. http://www.medtronic.com/us-en/about/news/micra-fda-approval.html. Retrieved on April 22, 2017. Parker, Alan (Director) .1988. Mississippi Burning. United States: Orion Pictures. Stevenson, B. (2013). Just mercy: A story of justice and redemption. New York: Penguin Random House. (Book Review) Weakley, M. (2014). The united states government approach to human trafficking: A question of human rights, economics, and legislation (Order No. 1526152). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1645737001). Retrieved from http://nclive.org/cgibin/nclsm?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1645737001?accountid=12713. Wireless Pacemaker Using New Technology Found Effective and Safe in Most Patients. http://news.heart.org/wireless-pacemaker-using-new-technology-found-effective-and safe-in-most-patients/.Retrieved on April 22, 2017.


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