Derrick Terry Professor Caldwell Photo Book March 20, 2013
Response Paper: Seeing Sound Remix Project For this project, my partner was Maria Concepcion and we had to switch our Seeing Sound projects. The seeing sound project was a project where we created a playlist of songs the corresponded with each other and then mimic the songs with images to tell a story or narrative, which could be found or our own. Maria’s original playlist was about finding love, having issues with their love, and making up. The images were silhouettes of a man and women with a tea stained color background. The songs were included in the images with excerpts of lyrics being placed on the images. The text played with the images in helping to tell the story. So I think without the text the story would not be clear to understand. So what I decided to do with the images was I wanted to created a alternative story because what I saw when I saw the images was a story of a guy who was afraid to let someone know he loves her. The process that I took was I made both images black and white. Then with the image with the two silhouettes facing away from each other I added a shadow of the guy facing towards the girl showing that he wants to go after her. I added text with the image saying, “wait”, which added to the theme of unspoken love. The next image was an image of the guy by himself and I added text from a song that adds to the story.
For my spreads, that Maria remixed, she took two images that had two different feelings to them and she combined them together by splitting the image horizontally. I believe Maria really captured the feel of these images and songs because she described it as having an up and down type feeling, which was what I was trying to go for. I wanted the images and songs to mimic the feeling of being high and drunk and going back and forth between the two. So in conclusion, I believe that this project was a success as in I captured the alternative feeling of Maria’s project and Maria capturing the alcohol and drug aspect of my project.