Slane Local Heroes

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lane Local Heroes is the operational organisation within Slane Community Forum which is the umbrella organisation for business and community groups in Slane. In January 2012, recognising that Slane was experiencing very difficult times –shops closing, visitor numbers diminishing and a general atmosphere lacking positivity-a decision was taken to do something about it. SCF decided to use the popularity of the Local Heroes concept to motivate, involve and harness the energies of Slane Community. The first town hall meeting was held on 15th January. At this and 2 subsequent meetings, the key actions were identified by the community and action teams were selected to move forward.

Hub opening

These teams ,which are in addition to many pre-existing organisations, included: • Tourism • Enterprise and Employment • Heritage • Arts and Crafts • Communications • Fund Raising • Village Environment/Tidy Towns revamp

Hub opening

Flame of Slane

These teams were in addition to a number of specific project teams. The activities and achievements to date, it is fair to say, have transformed the community in terms of Activities/Involvement, Business, Atmosphere to a situation from where the future looked bleak to one where there is an atmosphere of positivity and general buzz.


B2B Slane Castle

Activities and Achievements to date include the following: 1. Establishment of a series of very proactive community groups. 2. Achievement of Renaissance Plus status with Meath Partnership thereby giving access to funding for Community Projects 3. Establishment of a Community Hub-this is staffed by a TUS team and is the information, support and admin centre for all the community activities.

Town hall meeting

4. Establishment and staffing of a Tourist information centre. 5. The first major event was the Flame of Slane festival of fires on the Hill of Slane. This was a pageant which spectacularly reenated the lighting of the Paschal Flame at Easter. It was attended by c.2000 people.It was generally felt that nothing like this had been previously seen in Slane.It also was free to enter. This really established the credentials of SLH.

6. Enchanted garden eventthis made use of the derelict village centre garden to create a wideranging event for all the family-at low cost. 7. Easter Egg Hunt-this is an example of many smaller events which were held as sources of activity for the family and also as fund raisers. 8. Launch of the Hill of Slane Enchanted Garden

Guide-this is a glossy ,attractive guide to the HoS.(copy appended) 9. International Archeological Schools-a series of Schools involving students from 12 different countries and led by local archaeologists undertook nondestructive-geophysical studies. 10. Business Directory-a directory of all the local businesses was compiled and disseminated.

International Archeological Schools

B2B Slane Castle 11. Business to Business (B2B) event was held in Slane Casstle-this was addressed by and advised local businesses on a range of services-financial, accounting, insurance, grants etc. 12. Walking Group-Slane Striders was established-this now has c.40 members and meets weekly for walks in the vicinity and a bus journey distant. 13. Renewal of the Village environment-lead by a revamped Tidy Towns Group a major village clean-up and replanting has taken place

14. Slane Gourmet Week- a series of evenings whereby events were held in the local restraints and hotels.

15. Youth Cafe-this was one of the most important developments. A Foroige-designed, wellmanaged facility for young teenagers has been established. It has a had very positive impact on the youth and the community. It has just found a new, more permanent home, which is currently being developed.

Youth Cafe


Slane Striders 16. Support for Lady Well Fete-this event has been re-established for the past 4 years. With funding obtained by SLH and people assistance, this event has now been expanded to become a major annual event. 17. Establishment of Slane Craft Collective. This recognised a gap in the tourist attractions/ local needs combined with the lack of an outlet for crafts people. FacilIted by SLH, a shop has been established which is operated on a cooperative basis by 13 local crafts people. Because the stock comes directly from the team and the shop is operated by the team, they are in a position to offer an attractive range of local goods at attractive prices. This will be further used to develop the crafts culture. This model –which includes a formal structure and plan-can be used elsewhere.

Tidy Towns

18. Food Producers Coop. Using the model of the Craft Collective a local food producers coop has been established. 12 people are cooperating to offer a range of locally-produced goods. Initially they are doing this through a market in the village hall .Longer term they have identified and reached agreement in principal on a local retail premises. Information-

Lady Well Fete

Market 19. A range of communication media was established ,these include :-Newsletter(copy appended) ,Facebook, Wordpress.

20. Business openings/reopening- there has been a very proactive approach to reversing the trend whereby business premises had been closing down.This has been achieved by creating a positive business environment/ atmosphere. This has resulted in 9 premises either opening or reopening between April and November 2012.

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Hotel Corner Shop Clothes Shop Indian QS Restraunt Patisserie Slane Craft Collective Bakery Artisan Foods Coop Arts Studio


Corner Shop


Slane Craft Collective

Indian Restaurant

Clothes Shop


Artisan Foods Coop

Arts Studio

The Future

The Group is presently reviewing the past year and planning the activities and project for the next 15 months. The approach is to learn from the first year, to consolidate existing activities and projects and plan for the future. The coming year will include expanded versions of the bigger projects eg • Flame of Slane • Ladywell festival

These will be run under the banner of the “Gathering”, for which a further major event is being planned. All of the existing group activities are being review, with groups being consolidated and activities and plans established. At some point in the future, environment and funding permitting, major projects such as a Community Centre or a Heritage Centre will be examined.

Lady Well Fete

Lady Well Fete

Lady Well Fete

Flame of Slane

Flame of Slane

Flame of Slane

Flame of Slane

Slane Craft Collective

Youth Cafe

Youth Cafe


Easter Egg

International Archeological Schools

Slane Local Heroes (The Hub) Main St. Slane Co.Meath 041 982 4000 DerryYank Design

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