How to Use Persuasive Words. Like, especially when you're trying to sell a product or an invention in an essay?. Useful Argumentative Essay Words and Phrases. Just give me some long words please. Transition Words for Persuasive Essays. 539.128.721.1.. Is it ok to use the word 'you' in a persuasive essay. Persuasive words Can anyone give me examples of long or impressive words to use in a persuasive essay. 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays.Im writing a persuasive essay, and my directions are to use logical appeals in my essay. But I HAVE NO IDEA HOOWWW?! Can anyone please explain it to me!. I am writing an essay on why the Chicago Bears wont make the Superbowl within our lifetime [meant to be serious] i got reasons, but I am required to us a hyperbole (exaggeration),. For a persuasive essay??? - Persuasive Writing Unit Can I use the word "you" in a persuasive essay. if we're writing a persuasive essay, are we a