What role does BIM play in sustainable construction?

Greater transparency during the design phase

Greater efficiency during the design and construction phases
Greater control during the operations phase
How BIM offers greater transparency during the design phase ?

When design begins on a project using BIM, it allows for a highly transparent process from day one: as design data is added to a shared model each stakeholder in a project can quickly and easily access a full, real-time summary of what products and materials are being proposed, how they will be fabricated and installed, and what can be expected as to their performance post-construction.
This transparency allows for contractors, energy engineers, suppliers, and more to provide their knowledge and experience to the overall construction and operation of the building early on, making the project more sustainable in the design phase before any money is spent o materials or supplies.
How BIM offers greater efficiency during the design and construction phases ?

The use of BIM results in 3D virtual prototypes that can be easily shared and used for real-time collaboration and simulation to test both the logic and sequence of construction. From estimating and takeoff to layout and ongoing project management, every step in the design and construction workflow is reviewed and enhanced to the extent that BIM technology is integrated.

How BIM offers greater control during the operations phase

In the past, once a construction project was finished, there wasn’t a lot the builders could do to help improve the ongoing operations of the building. That was left to the owner or facility manager until repairs or retrofitting work became necessary.
However, thanks to the high level of detail and ease of shareability inherent to the 3D models created using BIM, a wealth of operational data and insight can be passed along to the building owner and manager, improving their ability to run the building at its maximum potential.