Why is BIM Essential For Industrial Projects?

One of the main benefits of BIM is that it allows you to create a virtual representation of the facility or machinery as it will be in real life. One of the most important aspects of this is the ability to create a virtual representation of the equipment in the warehouse or facility, including any machinery.
One of the most important elements of BIM is that it allows you to visually represent the construction in 3D. This visibility into the model helps teams identify potential issues earlier in the project. One of the most crucial issues that industrial BIM can help you identify is “collision”. Collision is an issue in which two objects in the BIM model are too close together.
Industrial BIM allows you to see the design in its entirety, including the lighting. You can see the amount of light that’s coming in through windows or skylights and the type of light bulbs that will be used throughout the building.
Tracking is the process of monitoring data, such as construction RFI's and management, equipment and materials, and more. By using BIM, you can track key project data such as the hours spent at each work site, materials used, equipment involved, management information, and more.