HEIM Everyone has their favorite place. Usually it has a memory that is not forgotten, with friends, family or personal memories. It could also be because the place that it makes the person feel very safe, comfortable and feel better. Every place has always had a very interesting story to tell and sometimes gives us a hidden message and inspiration.
WINTER FOREST Artwork By Alekandra Kabakova
I love very much the Russian forest. It is beautiful in all seasons, but it is absolutely special in the winter. In winter forest it is possible to forget about any daily problems and genuinely have a rest from your thoughts, beholding the surrounding beauty. In the winter forest you feel freshness, an absolute calmness and silence and this is very inspiring. The trees look as if they are drawn on a blank sheet of the snow. There is no better description of the Russian winter forest, than the words from a poem by Russian poet Nikolay Nekrasov: ‘There is no deeper, no more enjoyable peace, than that sends us the forest, Motionlessly, dauntlessly standing Under a cold of the winter skies...’ (“The Frost, The Red Nose” poem by N.Nekrasov)
UNDER A GLOOMY SKY Artwork By Andro Kristian
My favorite place is definitely NOT outside, under the gloomy and raining sky. I dislike. I hate. Rain, a big time canceler for things I had planned.
FAVORITE WINDOW Artwork By Anuka Kvezereli
This place is in little village near Tbilisi. That’s my favorite window with that view. It is a balcony in the end of house with one window without glass. I’ve often been there with my paints and this is one place where i had inspiration to draw. In spite of that, i never tried to paint this landscape becouse it’s like a picture, the frame of drawing, and that drawing is alive.
DREAMLAND FANTASY Artwork By Atreyu Moniaga
I dont think im kind of adventurous person, all my life (almost all) i use to read a fantasy books, or watching fantasy movies, either live action or cartoon.. so when he asked me, the first thing in my head is this place, the places where i can see a dragon, fairies, magical creatures and some imagination things so here it is, my favorite runaway place, my imagination
AV. PAULISTA Artwork By Danilo Pegorara
I’m a city boy. In spite of being in a country full of regional traditions, I live in a cosmopolitan city. I grew up around concrete, lights and megalomania. And that’s the material, especially megalomania, of which Paulista Avenue is made. One of the main financial and cultural poles of the city of São Paulo, this place was part of every stage of my journey so far. There, I watched movies that changed my worldview, drank beer with dear friends, and had great ideas and insightful conversations. I cried, witnessed protests and saw Van Gogh paintings. Is where I had the first date with the love of my life. Paulista is the home of the MASP, the Art Museum of São Paulo. Inaugurated in 1947, the building houses the most important and comprehensive collection of western art in Latin America. Designed by the modernist architect Lina Bo, is supported by four red pillars. It has the longest span in the world, more than 70 meters wide. Important icon of Paulista Avenue and São Paulo, is a modern, impossible building. And the impossible is a valuable source of inspiration for a city boy.
LEE ROSY’S TEASHOP Artwork By Deborah Ballinger
This little teashop, located down a small and bustling street in the heart of Nottingham, is a sweet haven for me when times get a little crazy or my head is filled with too little or too much information. I love to spend lazy afternoons here listening to folk music, drinking pot after pot of tea, and feeling safe within its art covered walls. My illustration is about all of this, but I guess most importantly it’s about how this place inspires my art through all of its characteristics. Life in the UK can sometimes feel a bit claustrophobic and a little bit grey, but just spending a few hours in the warmth of Lee Rosy’s and I am ready to tackle the traffic, buses, people and busyness of the world around me. And let’s not forget it does amazing cake.
SOUND OF THE SEA Artwork By Dimgras
The atmospehere of the sea give me inner peace, feeling comfort and always make excited. Especially Sound of waves, bonfire and a small tent on the beach make me excited to go back again and again. This place sometime make me think that life is so simple.
THE STREET Artwork By Irina Kvezereli
This street located in city Mtskheta (near Tbilisi). I worked there about 6 month for reconstraction project. I met there wonderful people and just fell in love with this place. Mtskheta is one of the oldest cities of Georgia. The “Historical Monuments of Mtskheta� became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For me it was big pleasure to work on this project. It also was very interesting to change buildings facade of historycal city like this.
Artwork By Justin Cameron
This painting is made of lemon juice and green house paint. I layer the house paint on top of the sourness of the lemon juice to speak of a process of beginning again and “clearing the slate�, so to speak. I traveled on foot around Menomonie Wisconsin USA and sketched the city from several vantage points that have significant meaning to me. I drew them very quickly and in an abstracted manner to allow me to blend them together seamlessly. The balance between industry, city and country that exists in this rural city was captured. I then applied the house paint to mask certain elements and emphasize others. This operates much like the concept of nostalgia, which hides and emphasizes particular components of memory. My earliest memories of living in Menomonie were plagued with negative emotions but, as I chose to take control of my situation in this city, I was able to wipe the slate clean and rebuild a positive way of life. The underlying memories will always be there but memory itself has a funny way deconstructing and reconstructing into positive stories. I have a feeling that when I move away from Menomonie I will look back and see the city where I first took a stand as an artist.
Artwork By Lilit Altunyan
My favorite place... Is where I feel free, where I sense bliss. It’s a place where I am boundless, And I feel peace. My favorite place is the sky, In my dreams when I fly.
This is the only place I ever say this place really makes me nervous and amazed, and this is the first time I made ​​a promise to a place that I would go back there .. : D
Artwork By Naomi Cassyane
The first thing that poped up in my head, when I read “Your favorite place.� is Malioboro, located in Jogjakarta. Something about this place, that makes me always want to come back, maybe the culture, the people, and the circumstances, that can give me inner peace. Malioboro is my perfect getaway. Malioboro is also a perfect spot to buy souvenir from Jogjakarta. We can get unique stuffs there, and the price is also cheap. And talking about food, Malioboro offers so many Javanese foods with low price, yet super yummy. I just love this place.
DEEP, DEEP SEA Artwork By Naomi Dame
I’ve always been fond of floating sensation--be it in sea or space. In this case I pick sea because I’ve never floated in zero-G before. Sense of weightlessness calms me down, because I feel like there is no restrictions and just free in general. Under the sea, deep and quiet and peaceful and relaxing, is a perfect place for me. It doesn’t have to be the sea, actually, but metaphorically it wraps the idea best. Any place could be home for me as long as I can ‘float’ like I do in the sea, with my mind pulsing slowly like a jellyfish, roaming endlessly into the deep.
LA RUTA DEL COLESTEROL Artwork By Ralf Wandschneider
This is my tribute to a place called “la ruta del colesterol” (route of cholesterol). This “route” is one of my favourite places in Valencia (Spain). Runs from south Valencia trough Albal, a town 6 kilometers south. I go running or biking in this bike lane (is a bike lane parallel to CV-400 or Avinguda del Sud) to make some exercise. It’s special because there you can find from a horse, a rooster or a duck, to a nice old man who sells vegetables he had cultivated in his orchard close to this route. At the top of the artwork, you can see two elements from Valencia: the Miguelete tower (from the cathedral) and a new bridge crossing the city called “el jamonero” (near the Science Museum).
LONG BIEN BRIDGE Artwork By Siphong
Long Bien Bridge is a historic bridge across Red River in Hanoi, Vietnam. It was built during French colonization period in 1903, which at that time was one of the longest in Asia. It survived through wars and time, and has blended well with not just the landscapes but also local people’s lives. I often travelled across the city to come here to get away from the city. Taking a walk on the bridge will bring you back in time, and watching people’s lives under the bridge is amazing. To me, it hides a lot of mysteries and history.
Artwork By Stefan Zsaitsits
“My favorite places are in my head. I can go anywhere in my thoughts. Since i´m a child this is the place where anything could happen. Good and bad. But if i have to choose one spot outside my head it will be the forest. Going to the woods always calms me down. There´s a little forest with a slowly floating river near my house. I think thats my favorite place. Quiet and no people.”
GIRL WITH GOAT Artwork By Victoria Wooldridge
I chose the mountains of West Virginia as my favorite place. When I was a senior in high school, my parents decided to move from the city in North Carolina to the mountains of West Virginia. Although it was only a state away, it felt like I moved to another country or another world. There was no sound, no traffic and no people for that matter. All you saw when you went outside was blue sky, and at night that sky turned into a vast universe and you felt as though you were truly drifting through space. Now that we were in the country we decided to raise some goats and I was amazed at these funny little creatures. They became quite tame and they would follow me anywhere. If I walked through the woods they would follow me all in a straight line. I felt like a Kindergarten teacher with her “kids�. One day we went for a walk in winter. It was cold but the sun was shining and the woods blocked the wind. I sat down in a clearing and the goats all followed suit. It suddenly began to snow. It was so quiet you could hear the snow landing all around. The goats were all resting in the sun chewing their cuds and I realized, at that moment, how beautiful life was and felt peace for the first time. It was one of those moments when everything you believe in changes, and the way you view life is never the same. Who would guess you could have such a revelation walking through the woods with goats.
Maybe I haven’t visited my country enough to have met a location wich I love more than the rest.. While trying to figure out where I’d like to be if I would, all I could imagine was the beach scenarios I visited while travelling with my parents as an infant. They all come to my mind as this one big archetype . I have enjoyed the sunny beaches of Salvador, Cananéia, Ilha Grande, and many other coast cities around Brazil, but it has been many many years since then. While I’m disatisfacted about the grayness of the big city of São Paulo, my heart recalls those good days of travelling and leaves no doub’t that as soon as I’m able I’ll be searching for a perfect beach on a decent coast city so I can finally have my own favorite brazilian place.
CONTRIBUTORS Aleksandra Kabakova
Lilit Altunyan
Andro Kristian
Mas Ube
Anuka Kvezereli
Naomi Cassyane
Atreyu Moniaga
Naomi Dame
Danilo Pegorara
Ralf Wandschneider
Deborah Ballinger
Stefan Zsaitsits
Irina Kvezereli
Victoria Wooldridge
Justin Cameron http://be.net/thisvisvjustvin/frame
Vitor Akeda http://vitorakeda.com