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Annex 2: List of Documents Reviewed
Annex 2: List of Documents Reviewed
1. Signed project document of Recycling Promotion Pilot (RPP) Project phase 2 2. Low Value Agreement (LVG) with Rede HASATIL 3. Signed MoU between UNDP and Dom Bosco Foundation 4. Agreement for Temporary Custodianship between UNDP and Rede HASATIL 5. Annual Progress Report 2020 6. Project Progress Report presentation to MSA (Power point) 7. Minutes of meeting for Project Board Meeting in September 2021 8. Assets Handover and Extension Request presentation at the PBM in September 2021 (Power
Point) 9. Baseline Study result for suco Caicoli 10. Baseline Study result for suco Colmera 11. Baseline Study result for suco Motael 12. Baseline Study result for suco Campo Alor 13. Impact Assessment Report presentation (Power point) 14. Draft narrative Report from Rede HASATIL 15. Financial Report from Rede HASATIL (on milestone 1 and 2) 16. Recordkeeping for Kiosk Verde