MENTAL HEALTH IS HEALTH Dr. Jill Gover talks about mental health care in the Coachella Valley Mental health care is a significant need across the Coachella Valley.
very difficult and challenging time,” Dr. G says, referring to the pandemic.
In fact, according to a past community assessment, mental health services were identified as the greatest need for the Coachella Valley’s LGBTQ+ community, says Dr. Jill Gover, known as “Dr. G,” a licensed clinical psychologist and the Director of Behavioral Health at DAP Health.
For too many, COVID-19 painfully exposed how important it is to have competent mental health care available.
“Anxiety, depression, and mood disorders are the major issues facing the LGBTQ+ and underserved communities currently. It has been a
To have true wellness, a person needs to have both good mental and physical health, Dr. G says. They are integrated. Someone can’t have one without the other. “Mental health is health,” Dr. G says. “If someone breaks their arm, they go to the doctor,” she explains. “If they’ve got something going on
emotionally, they also need to go to the doctor. It’s what you need to do to stay healthy,” Dr. G says. She strongly advises people to seek out mental health services if they need them. People should not let any stigma around mental health keep them from getting the help they need. “It’s so important for people to reach out and get the help they need when they need it,” she says. Don’t let excuses get in the way of competent mental health care. Clinicians and patients have many options available to help them 29