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Vision Forward
vision forward Building for a Healthier Tomorrow
In 2018, DAP Health launched our ambitious Vision 2020 Capital Campaign to raise $20 million to embark upon a much-needed, major campus expansion that would enable us to grow our programs and services, thereby increasing the number of patients we provide for annually.
By the time COVID-19 blindsided all of us in early 2020, we’d already raised $13.5 million and built two of our four new clinics. To come to the immediate aid of our newly challenged community, the campaign was paused.
Vision 2020 has morphed into a new 10-year plan titled VISION FORWARD > Building for a Healthier Tomorrow. By enlarging our physical footprint, we will be in a better programmatic position to fulfill our mission, which remains to ensure the health and well-being of every member of our community — so that each may
When completed, the DAP Health campus will have the capacity to serve 25,000 patients.
experience their most fulfilled life. When VISION FORWARD is actualized, DAP Health will have the capacity to grow from 10,000 people served today to 25,000 people. Now, we again turn to the Coachella Valley’s most generous philanthropists to help raise the remaining $6.5 million needed to finish this effort.
Many view and experience the Coachella Valley as a sublime oasis. But for others, that pristine picture is far from reality. Many neighbors — people of color, people living with HIV/ AIDS, people living in poverty, and trans individuals, many of whom have yet to find their way to DAP Health — wrestle daily here with pain, sadness, and desperation.
Because a community can only be as strong as its weakest member — as healthy as its sickest — it’s crucial that we join forces so that barriers to health and wellness are abolished. After all, is it not the duty of those standing tall to lift up those who have fallen?
Founded in 1984 by a group of community volunteers in the face of the AIDS crisis, DAP Health is an internationally renowned humanitarian health care organization. In 2013, the non-profit expanded its scope to care for all marginalized people, regardless of HIV status.
Our goal is to improve the overall health of our entire community — especially the disenfranchised — by providing culturally competent, quality primary and preventative health care and social services on one campus. These include medical care, dentistry, and programs related to mental health, substance use recovery, and sexual wellness. The expertise, infrastructure, reputation, and donor base atop which DAP Health’s considerable success stands was bolstered by our more recent involvement providing for all those devastated in countless ways by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to 38 years of caring for people both directly and indirectly affected not only by the HIV/AIDS epidemic but by the proliferation of other public health emergencies, we have the physical and intellectual resources, the desire, and — most importantly — the imagination to effect even greater positive change in our beloved Coachella Valley community and beyond.
DAP Health would never have been able to achieve all it has on behalf of our community were it not for the continued, generous support of people like you — compassionate humanitarians. Please trust that you have DAP Health’s endless gratitude.
If you would like to help us reach the culmination of VISION FORWARD >, you may make a named gift to fund a particular need, or a general contribution to uplift the entire campaign. Your gift will be doubled by a special matching fund established by fellow DAP Health donors.
Please be as generous as your means allow, and contact DAP Health’s Director of Development James Lindquist with any questions. He can be reached at 760.656.8413 or via email at jlindquist@daphealth.org. On behalf of DAP Health’s board of directors, staff, volunteers, and patients, thank you in advance for your time and consideration. daphealth.org/visionforward