2 minute read

embrace the a.m.

We all know the drill: Your alarm buzzes, you hit snooze, and even after its third chirp, you’re still not quite ready to face the day. How can you change into a less sluggish you and make morning something you look forward to rather than dread? Here are some tips and tricks to help you enjoy every day to the fullest.

For those who struggle with wake-up time, it may be comforting to know that being an early bird or a night owl might actually be in your DNA. Some of us are wired to be more alert in the morning and others come alive at night (it’s called your chronotype). But with new habits, you can tweak your genetic coding and learn to become a morning person.

One of the best ways to embrace the a.m. is to have a mental change of heart. What if you convinced yourself that you actually are a morning person? Make a mental note of all the positive things you can do if you just hop out of bed a little earlier: enjoy the quiet of the house, watch the sun come up, read a book, take your dog for a walk in the cool early morning air, do some quiet meditation, or make yourself a homemade cappuccino. Trick yourself into being a morning person simply by convincing yourself you are … and reward yourself with something good once you greet the day. Of course, jumping out from under the covers may be easier said than done. That’s why it’s key to set yourself up for success the night before. Put your phone across the room so you have to get out of your comfy bed to turn off the alarm. Set up your coffee pot to brew a few minutes before your alarm goes off so the mocha scent entices you to the kitchen. Have your exercise clothes laid out beside the bed so you can hop right into it without even thinking.

Finally, before you slump back into your old habits, write down all the ways your life has improved since you’ve been getting up early: You feel more energy throughout the day, you’ve given yourself time to make a healthy breakfast, you feel less rushed, you actually finished that latest novel you’ve been wanting to read. This positive reinforcement should help you stick to your new morning routine.

Well done!

Sweet Potato Casserole with Hazelnut Crumble


8 cups sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1/4 cup hazelnut flavor coffee creamer

3 tbsp butter, melted

2 large eggs

3 tbsp packed brown sugar

3 tbsp all-purpose flour

1 tbsp butter, melted

1/2 tsp salt nonstick cooking spray

1/2 cup hazelnuts, toasted, skins removed and chopped


Preheat oven to 350° F. Spray 2-quart casserole dish with cooking spray.

Place potatoes in large saucepan; cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until fork tender. Drain; return to saucepan or mixing bowl and cool for 5 minutes.

Add granulated sugar, Coffee mate natural bliss Creamer, 3 tablespoons melted butter and salt to saucepan with sweet potatoes. With handheld mixer, beat until smooth. Add eggs; beat until incorporated. Pour mixture into prepared casserole dish.

Combine nuts, brown sugar and flour in medium bowl; stir in 1 tablespoon butter. Sprinkle over top of casserole.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until heated through and bubbly. Remove from oven.

Preheat broiler. Broil casserole for 30 seconds or until top starts to brown. Cool slightly before serving.

Cook’s Tip: To toast hazelnuts, place in a dry skillet over medium heat, shaking pan or stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes or until fragrant. While nuts are still warm, wrap them in a kitchen towel and rub vigorously to remove the skins. It’s okay if a few skins cling to the nuts. GoodNes.com

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