Desert Local News April 8, 2023 issue!

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1 April 8, 2023 Saturday, April 8, 2023 ~Https:// HORROR MAMMA! She called her children Zombies Reba at Acrisure “COCAINE HIPPOS”


He was waiting for delicious drinks with his little daughter - only moments later, Paul Stanley Schmidt (37) was dead, first of all in front of the eyes of little Erica (3).

The dispute with a smoker led to the death of the family man in Vancouver (Canada) on Sunday. As the newspaper “Vancouver Sun” reports, everything happened when Schmidt’s fiancée Ashley Umali tried to get something to drink.

The victim’s mother, Kathy Schmidt, described how the dispute occurred. Schmidt sadly: “It all started when the guy started smoking next to the child.” Paul is said to have confronted and asked the later perpetrator to refrain from doing so. The stranger then started to attack Paul.

Schmidt continues: “It all feels so wrong. He only tried to protect his daughter. I am angry and sad. Ashley is in shock. She had to see it all. She is destroyed. “

An eyewitness standing only a few meters away filmed the act. In a video that later surfaced on the

Internet, the perpetrator (dressed in red sports pants and a hooded jacket) can be seen stabbing Paul, the father writhing in pain. The perpetrator, a 32-year-old man of Indian descent, was arrested at the scene and charged with murder.

According to police, the man had the Starbucks branch arrested without resistance. The police called on eyewitnesses to report and, if necessary, provide additional photo or video material. Police spokesman Steve Addison said: “There are a series of indications of what happened. We are now focusing on why that happened. “

The grieving mother, Kathy Schmidt, told the portal “Vancouver

2 April 8, 2023
Paul Schmidt and his little daughter Erica. He was stabbed because of a dispute with a smoker.

City News”: “What kind of world do we live in the middle of the afternoon with your family and are attacked and killed while many people stand around and all of this Record video?”

The family appealed to the public and did not share the disturbing video. Schmidt’s sister Jessica Foxx wrote on Facebook: “Yesterday, someone took my brother’s life, and another person filmed it instead of calling the police. Even worse: I posted it on social media. That makes the whole family sick.“

At the place of the tragedy, residents of Vancouver’s flowers resigned, and photos of Schmidt with his daughter hang on a lamppost. The city’s mayor, Ken Sim, described the crime as a “senseless and terrible act of violence.” Sim on: “Our thoughts are with Paul and his family. We all love him.

3 April 8, 2023
Police officers arrest the perpetrator.

A woman goes on a date - and ends up in a wheelchair for months.

4 April 8, 2023
Kiaha Kurek (35) date had an accident and took Kiaha Kurek to the hospital. A visit from the family and a cuddly toy helped the seriously injured man get back on his feet.

She wanted to drive into the sunset with her date - but her crush only took her to the nearest hospital!

Kiaha Kurek (35) could not walk for several months after a severe car accident and was confined to a wheelchair. The New York Post reports on this.

What happened?

Kurek met her date through an online dating platform. It had sparked, and so the two Americans arranged a rendezvous.

The date picked Kurek up; it happened on the way to the cinema. “I remember suddenly seeing headlights coming towards me in the car. I thought: This is the end,” the 35-year-old recalls.

The man had lost control of his vehicle in a curve. As a result, the car crashed head-on into oncoming traffic at almost 90 kilometers per hour.

“I woke up, and my eyes burned with blood dripping. And I could hear a loud noise as the car was cut open,” said Kiaha Kurek. She came to a clinic. The shock diagnosis: the broken pelvis and several ribs, and the leg was smashed.

After the operation, Kurek suffered from “terrible pain.” Doctors said she might never walk properly again. For the young woman

a significant turning point in her life. “I had to move back in with my parents and rely on others to do everything for me, which was the worst

It was six weeks before she could take a step for the first time. After more months, she learned to walk again and had to get around mainly in a wheelchair. The wheelchair became a walker, the walker became She had a large scar apologized the accident

5 April 8, 2023 Max Liebermann Publisher Editor-in-chief 760-808-7104 NEWS ROOM DesertLocalNews JustTheFactsMax WeGoViral DesertFox STAFF WRITERS JTFMax Pat Krause Robert Kinsler Pam Price George Paul ADVERTISEMENT Javier Soto Desert Local News is a Membership ‘DLNews1’ Online E-Newspaper For more information email: HTTPS://
The 35-year-old is now happily married.
She tattooed her back to cover the scars.


Nashville - sneakers, camouflage pants, red baseball cap on backward. Footage from surveillance cameras at a private Christian elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee, shows the horrifying attack. In the middle of a hallway stands Audrey Hale (28), dark vest, heavily armed, holding a black rifle.

Three dead children. Three deceased school employees. Again a terrible bloody deed shook the USA. Police identified Audrey Elizabeth Hale, 28, as the shooter. But, according to investigators, she is said to have gone

to school earlier and felt like a man.

It becomes clear: the 28-yearold had a detailed plan for the killing spree. Police Chief John Drake: “We have a manifesto; we have some writings that we’re going through that relate to that date, the actual incident.” And: “We have a map.”

She is said to have drawn them, marked possible entrances and exits, and scouted the site in an affluent area of Tennessee before the crime. Motive? It may be due to the 28-yearold’s school days. The police chief told NBC that investigators believe the shooter had “a certain resentment about going to this school.”

The first emergency call was received by the police shortly after 10 a.m. local time (just after 5 p.m. in Germany). When officers arrived, they were shot at. The 28-year-old fired from windows on the first floor of the

school building and hit emergency vehicles. “When the officers got to the second floor, they saw a gunman, a woman, who was shooting,” said one officer. Then, 14 minutes later, the attacker was killed by police officers.

They found three weapons on her: two rifles and a Smith & Wesson pistol (9 mm caliber) from the M&P Nine Shield EZ model series, built for self and home security—cost point: around 600 US dollars. The weapons were covered with stickers on the buttstock of one of the guns that read “Aiden,” as Hale called himself on the Internet, among other things. According to the police, she had bought the guns legally.

After the crime, investigators flew into Hale’s house and, according to “ABC,” blew up an entrance. Inside: Two more shotguns.

Continues on page 8

6 April 8, 2023

Money can't buy love.

Israel “Izzy” Englander was left by his wife Caryl after 40 years together - for a woman. Nevertheless, he paid his ex more than a billion dollars in severance pay! But money can’t buy love. Israel “Izzy” Englander was left by his wife Caryl after 40 years together - for a woman. Nevertheless, he paid his ex more than a billion dollars in severance pay!

According to “ Page Six,” Izzy and Caryl quietly agreed on the immense payment three years after the separation.

Hedge fund manager Israel Englander (75) is unimaginably rich. With a total fortune of 11.3 billion dollars, he is one of the wealthiest people in the world. In 2020, he was named the highest-paid hedge fund manager of the year, earning $3.8 billion.

A hard-hitting war of the roses precedes this settlement. Caryl Englander wanted a divorce because the heavily rich husband had allegedly cheated on her repeatedly. She eventually fell in love with the renowned Swiss gallery owner Dominique Levy (55). Then the two women are said to have been terrorized by Israel Englander!

His ex-wife humiliated him and tried to bind her to him again by hounding him. Among other things, Israel had hired private detectives to monitor Caryl and the woman by her side; he had secretly read her emails and allegedly outed her to her children. In addition, the billionaire allegedly fabricated the story that the new partner had abused her children.

Too much for Caryl Englander and Dominique Levy! Both women filed civil suits against the manager, now settled with the billion-dollar payment. The court documents attested to the

man’s media smear campaign against the women. He had wanted them to end their relationship and Caryl to return to him. In the end, love won out, even in court. Without much publicity, the former spouses have now signed a payment agreement of more than a billion dollars. A large property is also said to have changed hands. Caryl additionally owns a 25 million dollar estate in Connecticut

7 April 8, 2023

Audrey Hale Killer

From page 6

adults and three school childrendied in the terrible attack on the “Covenant School” (200 children, around 50 employees).

Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney and Hallie Scruggs died. They were all only nine years old. Little Hallie was the daughter of a pastor, reports “CBSnews.”

The city is in shock. Shortly after the school was attacked, children were taken to a nearby church to be with their parents. A woman: “People were shaking. The kids started their morning in cute little uniforms, had breakfast,

and now their whole life has changed.” Sadness remains. Time and again, there are killing sprees in the USA. US singer Lenny Kravitz (58) commemorated the victims of Nashville at an event, saying: “America, we have to do better.”

US President Joe Biden called the shooting a “family’s worst nightmare” and again asked

Congress to pass a ban on certain semi-automatic weapons.

Audrey Hale’s mother campaigned for more gun control in the United States, reportedly sharing petitions

supposed to ban “high-capacity gun magazines.” She shared another on keeping guns out of schools, saying it was “so important,” the New York Post reported.

Nashville is in shock. There were several vigils in the evening. Candles, prayers, tears. A pastor: “We must resign. We need to breathe. We must mourn. We must remember. We need to make room for other mourners.”

8 April 8, 2023
The killer from Nashville - three
Flowers at the school Audrey Hale (28) Haleatayoungerage. The 9mm caliberpistol


With many people focused on achieving a cleaner and healthier lifestyle, taking actionable steps such as recycling, using less hot water and eating nutritious foods can help lower your carbon footprint. Another step for a clean lifestyle: cooking with an environmentally friendly, clean energy source like propane.

Propane is already powering more than 12 million homes with reliable energy people can count on.

Plus, gas­powered cooktops are preferred by 96% of professional chefs, including nutritionist and chef Dean Sheremet of “My Kitchen Rules,” who partnered with the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) to educate homeowners on the benefits of cooking with gas.

“There is a lot of misinformation about cooking with gas in the news,” Sheremet said. “It’s important to remember, the act of cooking itself impacts indoor air quality, regardless of the energy that powers the stove. Having a qualified technician install and perform regular service for the stove, maintaining proper ventilation using a hood or opening doors or windows and following common sense safety measures can ensure the safe use of any stove.”

Because ventilation when cooking is key, it’s important to note that cooking with propane results in lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions than electric cooking, on average. That’s because more than 60% of electricity production comes from natural gas or coal generation plants, which release more CO2 emissions as part of the generation process.

Beyond the environmental benefits, propane-powered cooking appliances provide convenience, modern design and performance in kitchens, allowing home chefs to prepare healthy meals for their families in a short amount of time. Sheremet values the efficiency of a propane cooktop when creating nutritious meals like Skirt Steak with Salsa Verde and Spaghetti and Clams, which can be whipped up in minutes using a clean energy source. “Chefs, and parents like me, prefer gas for a variety of reasons,” Sheremet said. “My son, Atlas, is often in the kitchen when I’m cooking, and we know sometimes kids don’t listen when we tell them to not touch a pan or the stove. Propane cooktops allow for greater control of heat levels and their instant flame turnoff capabilities help them cool faster than traditional electric stoves, which can remain dangerously hot for a period after they have been turned off.” Learn more about cooking with propane and find recipes from Sheremet at


Cooking with a reliable and environmentally clean energy source like propane can take your home chef skills to the next level. However, there are steps to take to ensure safety while maximizing the benefits of cooking with your gas range.



n Follow the manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions.

n Keep pot handles turned inward to protect against accidents like knocking the pot off the stove or little ones reaching for the handles.

n Keep the range surface clean.

n Keep flammable materials away from burner flames.

Recipe courtesy of chef Dean Sheremet on behalf of PERC

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1/4 cup red wine vinegar

2 thinly sliced scallions

3 tablespoons capers, drained and roughly chopped

3 garlic cloves, minced

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, plus additional, to taste, divided

1/2 teaspoon black pepper, plus additional, to taste, divided


1/2 pounds skirt steak

2 tablespoons chopped parsley

2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint, divided

1/4 cup pistachios

1 romaine heart

1 radicchio

1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese

n Do not cover the oven bottom with foil as it can restrict air circulation.

n Never use gas ranges for space heating.

n Do not allow children to turn burner control knobs.

n Do not leave food unattended on the cooktop.

Whisk olive oil, vinegar, scallions, capers, garlic, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Pour about 1/3 of dressing (about 1/3 cup) over steak and turn to coat.

Add parsley and 1 tablespoon mint to reserved dressing; stir and set aside until ready to use. Cover and refrigerate steak 30 minutes, or up to 24 hours.

In small saute pan over medium heat, toast pistachios, tossing often, until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Set aside.

Set grill to medium­high heat or heat grill pan on stovetop over medium­high heat. Grill steak about 5 minutes per side. Transfer to plate and rest 10 minutes.

Cut romaine hearts lengthwise into quarters. Arrange romaine and radicchio in layers on large platter, leaving room on one side for steak. Sprinkle with goat cheese, pistachios and remaining mint.

Slice steak into 3­inch pieces then slice against grain to cut steak into wide strips. Add sliced steak to platter. Drizzle reserved dressing on romaine and steak.

Spaghetti and Clams

Spaghetti and Clams

Recipe courtesy of chef Dean Sheremet on behalf of PERC


8-12 littleneck or other small clams in shell, scrubbed

1/4 pound spaghetti noodles

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1/2-1 garlic clove, minced

1/2 dried red chile pepper

1/3 cup vermouth or white wine

1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley

Bring large pot of lightly salted water to boil. Soak clams in cold water. Add spaghetti to boiling water and cook until slightly underdone. In large saucepan over medium­low heat, add olive oil, garlic and chile pepper. Saute gently, reducing heat, if necessary, so garlic does not brown. Add vermouth and clams; cover. Clams should open in about 2 minutes. Add hot drained pasta, cover and shake pot gently. Simmer 1­2 minutes until spaghetti is cooked to taste.

Discard unopened clams. Add half the parsley and shake pan to distribute evenly. Transfer to plate or bowl and sprinkle with remaining parsley.

9 April 8, 2023
Skirt Steak with Salsa Verde
Skirt Steak with Salsa Verde
Chef Dean Sheremet



Medellín – Drug lord

Pablo Escobar († 44) had hippos flown from Africa to Colombia for his private zoo in the 1980s. In the meantime, the “cocaine hippos” have become a plague. So now the animals are to be resettled – which costs money.

“The entire operation is expected to cost around $3.5 million,” Ernesto Zazueta, owner of the Ostok Conservation Area in northern Mexico, announced on Wednesday (local time), where ten animals will be housed.

The hippos Escobar introduced to other exotic species at Hacienda Nápoles in the Medellin region were released after the drug lord was killed in a police operation in 2013 and have multiplied unchecked ever since. As a result, almost 150 hippos

now populate an area around the Magdalena River. According to the authorities, the descendants of the “cocaine hippos” threaten native animal species, the ecosystem, and the people living along the river.

According to a study commissioned by the Colombian government, the number of hippopotamuses could reach 434 in 2030 and surpass 1,500 in 2050 because the animals native to Africa have neither natural enemies nor drought to contend with in Colombia.

10 April 8, 2023

After plans to sterilize the animals, which can weigh up to three tons, fell through, the Colombian authorities finally declared them an “invasive” species last year. Unfortunately, this means they are also released for hunting.

The governor of the Colombian region of Antioquia, Aníbal Gaviria, wants to save the hippos

from being shot down. So, in addition to the ten hippos finding a new home in Mexico, there are plans for another 60 to be relocated to a protected area in India.

11 April 8, 2023
A hippopotamus in the Río Magdalena in Colombia - one of the many descendants of Pablo Escobar’s “cocaine hippos.” Warning sign near the “Hacienda Nápoles”. The many hippos threaten humans and animals



Joanne Marian Segovia (64) was a picture-perfect grandmother: She cared for her grandchildren, was extremely popular in her neighborhood, and was the figurehead of the local police union.

But no one knew that the likable grandmother had been dealing drugs on a large scale for years.

The 64-year-old from San Jose, California, hoodwinked her family for years with a Walter White-worthy performance, baffled relatives and colleagues told the U.S. newspaper New York Post.

According to prosecutors, Segovia led a double life in the “Breaking Bad” series style since late 2015: she ordered at least 61 shipments of drugs from Hong Kong, Hungary, India, and Singapore and shipped them to all parts of the United States.

The drugs were mainly Fentanyl Analogues, strong painkillers, and other opiates. What seems even more unbelievable is that she operated her drug shipping business while working in a high position for the U.S. city’s police union. Segovia allegedly worked with encrypted WhatsApp messages to schedule the shipments. In addition, she exchanged hundreds of letters over the past several years using a phone number with an Indian country code.

The indictment says there was never a hint of her criminal activity over all those years. Husband Domingo Segovia, 79, also allegedly had no idea of his wife’s drug dealings.

Over the past three years, police had repeatedly intercepted drug shipments sent anonymously through post offices in the area. After a detailed investigation, they could finally trace the packages - and arrest the drug kingpin grandma.

A niece told the New York Post, “She’s the sweetest woman ever, very loving, generous, and family-oriented. So we’re all surprised and can’t believe it.”

He said there was no reason for the criminal activity: “They didn’t need money. They had both made excellent money and didn’t need anything.”

Segovia, meanwhile, denied the allegations, telling authorities that the mastermind behind the drug deal was her housekeeper - a “family friend.” If convicted, the defendant faces up to 20 years in prison.

12 April 8, 2023
13 April 8, 2023
Joanne Marian Segovia (64) worked for the local police union, was a loving grandmother - and dealt drugs on the side

Big night at the Acrisure Arena on Friday, March 30th. Three groups of entertainers brought a whole house of music fans—the Isaacs, Terri Clark, and the headliner Reba McEntire. Everyone was excited to hear the iconic Reba. She has been dubbed the Queen of Country for her many CMA awards and millions of records sold. The Acrisure Arena was filled with barely an empty seat anywhere. Even a Reba lookalike at the entrance looked

Reba at the Acrisure Arena

very much like her.

The first group was a southern Blue Grass Gospel family group, The Isaacs. They were founded by mother Lily, who, along with her children, brings this unique type of music for enjoyment. Their first song was, Work It Out followed by Humpty Dumpty. The sound was especially great when they all sang together. Lily’s daughters, Becky and Sonya, and son Ben and Grandson Levi make up most of this award-winning group. Songstress Teri Clark followed with songs, Gasoline, Emotional Girl, every time I cry, If I Were You, and many of her hit songs. Terri came out with her

signature Black Hat and black leather jacket. Terri is a Canadian country music award-winning singer.

She was inducted into the Canadian Hall of Fame. Her songs have gone platinum, and She put out a new album last year. She can be seen performing at the Grand Old Opry and on tour. Reba McEntire came on stage in a sequined top with fringes on the sleeves. Her red hair was just as always and shone under the lights. She performed most of the songs solo in the center of the stage. Some of her songs were, Can’t Even Get The Blues, Little Rock, The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia, Turn on the Radio, and

14 April 8, 2023
Story and Photos by Pat Krause Reba McEntire - Photo by Pat Krause

more. These are much-loved songs by everyone attending. Reba is more than just a singer.

She is a movie actress and has her TV show, REBA. In addition, she has starred on Broadway and written several books. However, her talents always end with something she tries to do. She was even a Rodeo Champion years ago. She has won 14 AMC awards, sold millions of albums, and had numerous top hits. She is also a philanthropist supporting many charities and has her foundation. No wonder she is loved by so many.

15 April 8, 2023
Reba (center) with Bandmates -Photo by Pat Krause Terri Clark -photo Pat Krause The Isaacs group- Becky, Lily, and Sonya Isaacs -Photo Pat Krause Reba McEntire - Photo by Pat Krause Terri Clark -photo Pat Krause

Earlier this year, the City of Desert Hot Springs and Habitat for Humanity

Coachella Valley broke ground on two donated lots in Desert Hot Springs that will soon be affordable homes for the Sotelo and Gonzalez families. It is a day of celebration, a time to show our appreciation for their commitment and hard work to help build a better community and life for them and their children.

The ceremony was led by Mayor Scott Matas, Mayor Pro Tem Roger Nunez, Jan Pye, Russell Betts, and

Gary Gardner Council members of the City and several representatives from the DHS Police Department. Firefighters from Engine 36 joined them, their shiny fire engine, and most importantly, the two families and their friends who will work with us to build their homes and futures.

Located in the heart of the Coachella Valley, the City of Desert Hot Springs is one of the area’s fastest-growing and most desirable residential areas. The cannabis industry has brought many new jobs to the City and helped increase the local economy, creating a demand for housing, especially for retirees and young families.

It is also a great place to live if you want to be close to the famous Joshua Tree National Park, with its hiking trails perfect for outdoor activities. The City is working with Joshua Tree National

Park to recruit volunteers to keep those trails safe for hikers and to help preserve the region’s natural beauty.

In addition, the City is on the move and building some residential projects, offering everything from townhomes to single-family homes with beautiful views. The new health and wellness center is a significant project that will bring over 120 construction and permanent jobs to the City.

The City also has a robust tourism industry that attracts locals and visitors from around the country. It is home to some hot mineral water spas, some of which have been restored and revamped to appeal to the new spagoers.

Residents of Desert Hot Springs are passionate about their community and are committed to improving the quality of life in the City. They work tirelessly to maintain and beautify their

16 April 7, 2023
Gonzalez & Miranda Family at Groundbreaking.

neighborhoods and promote local businesses.

For example, the City recently created a Desert Hot Springs Beautification Committee that engages residents in cleaning up their neighborhoods and working to improve the condition of local businesses.

Citizens advisory committees on health and wellness, recreation, neighborhood watch, education, and clean-up involve city officials, residents, and business owners.

City Councilmembers and Residents Taking Action

As part of the reorganization of city government, the City of Desert Hot Springs is moving from at-large elections to districts. This change is prompted by a letter the City received earlier this year, alleging that its atlarge elections violated the California Voting Rights Act and would result in litigation if it were not changed.

17 April 7, 2023
CC Gary Gardner, Mayor Pro Tem Roger Nunez, CC Jan Pye, Mayor Scott Matas, and CC Russell Betts. Firefighters from Engine 36 Mayor Scott Matas


18 April 8, 2023
“To serve and protect” is the motto of many U.S. police departments.”
Courtney Spraggins (†26) was trapped and executed by her killer The unborn child of Courtney Spraggins died

In an interrogation, the former officer has already confessed. Also, the evidence speaks clearly against the now ex-cop. That is why McCoy must now stand murder trial. In Alabama, he faces the death penalty.

As the trial shows, the policeman drove on two tracks. His mistress Courtney Spraggins (†26), who was not pregnant by David McCoy, wanted to move into the house the law enforcement officer occupied with his girlfriend. To Spraggins, he played for time, stalling the expectant mother.

Eventually, he lured her into a deadly trap. In the process, the ex-cop took a particularly devious approach: First, he met his lover in her car on January 7, 2022, and executed her with a shot to the head. Then he hypocritically called an internal police hotline and asked if shots had been fired in the area. Finally, he said a loud bang awakened him.

Fellow police officers found the body; McCoy had met investigators at the scene. The killer said he had “seen the victim once.” Later, the 29-year-old became entangled in contradictions.

On the man’s cell phone, IT specialists discovered numerous messages Spraggins and her killer exchanged. For example, when asked what she should do in her time of need, David McCoy once said, “A

bullet to the head sounds good to me.”

Gunshot residue (residue from the muzzle flash of a firearm) was found on the hands. The murder weapon was in McCoy’s apartment beside the murdered woman’s cell phone. Finally, after five hours of interrogation, the accused buckled and confessed

everything. With the police, the killer was fired.

The unborn child also did not survive, according to media reports.

19 April 8, 2023
A former public servant has turned out to be a stone-cold killer. Cunning: David McCoy (29) from Huntsville (Alabama) wanted to make his bloody deed look like a suicide.
David McCoy (29) was particularly devious in his murder

Judge Juan Merchan

20 April 8, 2023
Judge Juan Merchan at his New York County Criminal Court office
The judge in Trumps criminal case has received dozens of threats.

The attacks have been a stark reminder that the US faces a new era of uncertainty as it navigates an uncertain political climate. But, unfortunately, it has also reaffirmed the polarization of America’s politics.

People are scared.

Fear is a powerful political tool, and both parties use it aggressively. That’s partly because Americans are more fearful of crime and violence than ever, according to Gallup.

It’s also because fear has proven a reliable predictor of voting, says Michael Neblo, director of the Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability at The Ohio State University. That’s because fear evokes anxiety — something people are more likely to second-guess about their beliefs.

Some scholars at the University of California, Berkeley, say Trump’s supporters are motivated by being left behind and feeling that Black, Latinx, and Asian people and immigrants are exploiting them. In addition, they believe that the economy and culture exclude them from their progress.

The Trump family has long worked with mobsters and their affiliated businesses. For example, when Donald Trump was building his empire of skyscrapers and casinos in New York, the city was dominated by mob bosses who controlled the city’s construction unions. They also had a monopoly on concrete, which was used in constructing many of his buildings, including the Trump Tower.

Trump’s legal mentor was Roy Cohn, a ferocious and coldhearted lawyer representing many mafia bosses. He also introduced them to each other in his Manhattan townhouse, according to Wayne Barrett’s 1992 book.

Judge Juan Merchan, the Judge in Trump’s criminal case, has received dozens of threats and calls to his home from people who have seen news coverage. He has also been the target of slurs on social media.

Donald Trump was born into a billionaire family whose wealth was primarily the result of Fred Trump’s business acumen and savvy financial planning. He was given his father’s apartment buildings, a piece of the family’s real estate empire.

Mr. Trump started the business by helping his father manage it, and eventually, he became its president. As a result, he earned a salary and had benefits, including health insurance and retirement plans.

He also was a landlord, consultant, and banker for the family. He made his father’s children part owners of their properties and helped them buy stocks, make loans, and build homes.

He also gave his daughter Ivanka a share in her father’s company. But he was criticized for his lavish spending, and his father died in 1990 with less than half of the family’s fortune.

In the wake of President Trump’s election, Americans woke up terrified. They are afraid of losing their jobs, being deported, and having their rights as LGBTQ immigrants, refugees, or Muslims denied.

The fear has fueled the president’s authoritarian style and reliance on immigration as the primary reason people voted for him in 2016. His executive orders and promises have made him more popular, but they also give him much leverage with voters who fear letting the government down.

That strategy has worked partly because Americans are more worried about crime than ever. A Gallup poll released last April found that Americans were more concerned about crime and violence than ever before the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

In a recent NPR/ PBS NewsHour/

21 April 8, 2023
overseeing the criminal case against former President
Donald Trump has received dozens of threats in recent days, police sources told ABC News. Bomb and death threats, a suspicious powder scare, and a pro-Trump protester who pulled a knife on passersby were among them.
Marist poll, 6 in 10 said Trump should not be president, including two-thirds of independents. The poll also showed that people who approve of his job performance are likelier to say their biggest concern is his personality than his policies
22 April 8, 2023
Jim at wedding

AUTO CLUB, Law Enforcement

Distracted Driving Awareness Month and Beyond

LOS ANGELES– The Automobile Club of Southern California joined law enforcement and a man injured in a severe distracted driving crash to push drivers to get off their smartphones when behind the wheel. The group also encouraged drivers to learn how to use Driving Focus features on smartphones, designed to prevent incoming calls and texts while a vehicle is in motion. This effort comes at the start of April’s National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), fatalities in distracted driving crashes increased by 12% from 3,154 in 2020 to 3,522 in 2021, 8.2% of all fatalities reported. Even with these high numbers, distraction is likely underreported because the behavior is difficult to detect during crash investigations, and police report probably understates its incidence. According to the California Highway Patrol, nearly 28,000 hits since the start of 2021 involved inattention behind the wheel, resulting in 185 deaths and 19,883 serious injuries in California alone.

“Using a smartphone behind the wheel is a threat to everyone who uses our roadways,” said Auto Club Corporate Communications Manager Doug Shupe. “Even though it is against the law to hold a smartphone in your hand while driving in the Golden State, we recently drove around Southern California for two days and saw hundreds of drivers using smartphones while behind the

23 April 8, 2023
Jim at wedding Jim Jones in the hospital

Horror Mother only called her children “Zombies”

Lori Vallow (49) from the USA will soon have to answer in court. The Idaho woman and her partner Chad Daybell (54) are accused of three murders. The cases against the two conspiracy theorists are negotiated separately.

The victims are the children of 49-year-old Tylee († 17) and JJ († 7), and the accused’s ex-wife, Tammy Daybell († 49).

The case is attracting much attention in the States. Background: Vallow is known nationwide – at least since the streaming giant Netflix released a documentary about her. In the summer of 2022, the three-part series “The Crimes of Our Mother” was published.

Vallow and her fifth husband committed the three murders in the fall of 2019, according to the indictment. The killers buried the children’s bodies near their property. While the police were feverishly searching for the dead children in November, the couple honeymooned in Hawaii.

It is known about Vallow that over the years, she has become more and more fantasized about the end of the world - probably because of her new partner’s smut books. According to her late ex-husband, she called her children “zombies.” Other people were “dark spirits” and “demons”; they were “a reincarnation of God.”

Before the children, they had already got rid of Daybell’s ex-wife: Tammy died in mid-October 2019. Chad claimed the 49-year-old had a bad cold and suffocated in her sleep. The killers got away with it at first.

However, a later autopsy revealed a previously unpublished, unnatural cause of death.

Finally, in June 2020, the police found the children’s bodies. Tylee’s remains had been dismembered and then cremated. Vallow and Daybell had wrapped the seven-year-old body in plastic wrap. The couple was arrested.

Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell should have been tried in 2021. However, the trial was delayed due to a “pervasive” evidence collection, according to Judge Steven Boyce. In addition, the mental state of the accused had to be examined.

The defendant will plead not guilty. So Chad Daybell’s trial won’t start for a few months.

24 April 8, 2023
Lori Vallow (49, left) faces triple murder charges

The now 49-year-old, at her arrest appearance in 2020, will plead not guilty at the beginning of the trial

The bodies of JJ (†7) and Tylee (†17) were found near the co-defendant’s property

25 April 8, 2023
The trial of Schwurbler book author Chad Daybell doesn’t start for a few months

Auto Club,

respond to text messages with a preprogrammed message. However, users must opt-in to activate the apps.

The AAA survey found that although 81% of drivers across the U.S. know driving Focus features on their phones, 54% have never used them. The survey also found that of those familiar with the driving Focus features, the most significant users are people 18 to 29 years- old who say they usually or sometimes use it while driving (59%).

Among all drivers who DO NOT enable the driving Focus features while driving, the primary reasons they gave for not using them are:

• Able to ignore my smartphone while driving

• Use Bluetooth if I need to answer a call

• Don’t think to turn it on

• Need to be reachable in an emergency (kids, family, work, etc.)

wheel, and often they were traveling at freeway speeds and taking their eyes off the road for up to 5 seconds at a time.”

Driving 55 miles per hour, taking your eyes off the road for five seconds, is like traveling the length of a football field blindfolded. Law enforcement officers watch out for distracted drivers on roadways, but they can’t be everywhere to catch every violation.

That’s why the Auto Club continues a campaign it began in 2018 to increase the social stigma of using a smartphone while driving, like the stigma that exists with alcohol-impaired driving. As part of the campaign called “Don’t Drive Intoxicated. Don’t Drive Intoxicated.” AAA market researchers surveyed drivers nationwide about their knowledge of and use of driving Focus features, which are smartphone apps that use sensors and proximity to available network connections to detect driving. The apps generally work when the vehicles are in motion and can silence the phone, redirect incoming calls to voicemails, or

However, smartphones’ latest driving Focus (iPhones) and Drive Focus (Android) features address many drivers’ concerns. These newer features will:

• Automatically enable when connected to the vehicle’s Bluetooth

• Allow repeat calls to be received (in emergencies)

• Set contact exemption rules allowing calls/texts from select contacts in your phonebook

• Allow all messages/calls but only allow interaction via Bluetooth

The driving Focus features could have prevented a crash that nearly killed Los Angeles resident Jim Jones. Jones was walking near his former Napa Valley home in 2013 when a 19year-old man, who admitted to using his phone to talk with his girlfriend, hit Jones and caused him to go airborne, land on his head, be dragged at least 30 feet, and suffer a traumatic brain injury.

“I had to learn how to walk again, learn how to eat again, and in fact, I still don’t eat in public because eating

is very awkward for me,” said Jones.

The crash impacted him and his entire family four months before his daughter’s wedding. They were told at one point that he would not survive.

“When I was recovering, I was conscious but could not focus on what was happening in that world. Then, as I became more conscious, I realized I would walk my daughter down that aisle. There was no doubt about it. I was driven,” said Jones.

To stay focused behind the wheel and prevent driving “intoxicated,” the Auto Club recommends you:

Use the driving Focus features on your smartphone.

Pull over if you have to call or text someone.

Speak up if the driver of your vehicle is distracted.

Put it away. Place your mobile device out of sight to prevent temptation.

Know where you’re going. If using GPS, program the destination before driving.

Ask passengers for help. If with someone, ask for help to navigate, make a call or text.

Don’t be a distraction. Avoid calling or texting others when you know they are driving.

For more information about the Auto Club’s

“Don’t Drive Intoxicated. Don’t Drive Intoxicated.”

For the campaign, visit AAA. com/DontDriveDistracted to read real stories of lives impacted by distracted driving, watch PSAs, and view a distracted driving documentary called “Sidetracked.”

26 April 8, 2023
From page 23 _______
Jim Jones in the hospital

Coachella, CA – Green Room Theatre Company Coachella Valley (GRTCCV) debuts

Gary Soto’s awardwinning Novio Boy on April 15, 2023, with several performances scheduled through the end of April (additional locations will be announced later for the May schedule). The critically acclaimed Novio Boy is set to captivate audiences with its poignant and funny explorations of love, family, and coming-of-age.

The comedy centers on Rudy’s experiences, anxieties, and ambitions to transition from childhood to adolescence as he prepares for his first date. The lead actors are Luis Miguel Ibarra as Rudy and Jackie Corona as 16-year-old Patricia. A cast of six other actors supports them. Julian Perez doubles as Rudy’s roque, Uncle Juan-Juan, and the mysterious curandero Mama Rosa.

“Theatre enthusiasts will not want to miss this one-of-a-kind traveling production, and anyone who loves to enjoy live theatre up close and personal will find an enriching experience,” said GRTCCV’s Executive Artistic Director David Catanzarite.

“We hope to expose more of the community to high-caliber theatre by providing all of the performances free to the public, thanks to an IMPACT

Grant from the California Arts Council. This show is for people of all ages who may not have easy access to theatre. We’re bringing professional theatre to their neighborhoods.”

This production brings topquality theatre to various locations throughout the Coachella Valley. Performances are all free of charge, and families are especially encouraged to attend for audiences five years and older.

The current schedule of performances is as follows:

*Saturday, April 15 at noon and again at 2 p.m. at La Quinta Library, 78275 Calle Tampico in La Quinta. *Saturday, April 22 at 1:00 p.m., venue to be announced. Check the grtccv.orgwebsite for updates.

*Saturday, April 22 at 1:00, venue to be announced. Check the grtccv. org website for updates.

*Additional performances and locations for April and May are TBD.

For more information, updates on the performance schedule, or to get involved with GRTCCV, please call (760) 696-2546 or visit www. greenroomtheatrecompany. org.

27 April 8, 2023
28 April 8, 2023

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