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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has to catch a massive poll deficit - Tesla and Twitter boss: Americans want “reasonably normal presidents.”

It’s fixed: Ex-President Donald Trump (76) has to arm himself against a strong opponent within the Republican Party! Ron DeSantis (44) will officially announce his candidacy for the White House in the 2024 election today at 6 p.m. Where? At a live event on Twitter, moderated by Tech Titan and still Twitter boss Elon Musk (51).


Means: Elon Musk will present his most dangerous challenger to Trump.

Does the multi-billionaire support the Florida governor? When asked whom he favored for the 2024 election, Elon Musk told The Wall Street Journal he and most Americans want someone in office who is “reasonably normal” - a jab at the erratic ex-President Donald Trump.

A conversation between DeSantis and Musk is planned on Twitter’s audio platform “Twitter Spaces.”

Does he have a chance against Trump?

The past few months have been a political rollercoaster for the former military lawyer. Last November, he caused a sensation with his brilliant re-election victory as Florida governor. In the rain of confetti, he suddenly seemed like a new beacon of hope for a party in which many are tired of Trump. DeSantis, 32 years his junior, stood for the future of the conservatives.

But Trump turned everything around, furiously and effectively: He started a mud fight, taunted his opponent as a “hypocrite,” and blasphemed that DeSantis wasn’t “ready” for the Oval Office. At the time, Trump fans said: “DeSantis still has much time; now it’s Trump’s turn again!”

That’s how many saw it: According to a “Morning Consult” poll, Trump is far ahead in the field of Republican candidates with 61 percent. And DeSantis? A meager 18 percent.

From the beginning of 2024, partisans must decide who will be the presidential candidate in the primary elections. A turbulent election battle with a dozen candidates is expected among the Republicans. For the Democrats, the choice of President Joe Biden (80) is more of a formality.

In any case, DeSantis hopes that the tide can turn. He wants to beat Trump with these three trumps: He relies on his winning image.

Despite a disappointing election night for Republicans, DeSantis emerged as one of the few winners. While many blamed Trump, voters rewarded DeSantis for his pandemic policy that avoided lockdowns in the sunshine state.

His argument against Trump now: his rival embodies an “era of losing.” The party must free itself from this. In fact, since Trump’s sensational victory in 2016, there have been nothing but setbacks: the party lost the congressional majority in 2018 and the White House in 2020. And in 2022, there was only a slim majority in the House of Repre-

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