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School Cleanup Day
Continued from Page 1 leading the committee’s efforts. The first school cleanup took place at Painted Hills Middle School and Bella Vista Elementary in November 2022.
The DHS Beautification Committee is a volunteer committee co-chaired by James Nindel and Rev. Jackie Devereaux. Their goal is to help residents (of at least three years) who are financially challenged, elderly, disabled, or veterans, law enforcement and first responders fix up their homes.
City Manager Luke Rainey secured $500,000 funding from two government entities – $250,000 each from the Housing Authority and the American Rescue Plan Act. Homes and local businesses will be chosen to receive up to $10,000 each for renovations and repairs including paint and new signage for businesses and paint, new garage doors or windows, landscaping or general repairs for homeowners.
To be eligible, one must be an owner-occupied, single- family homeowner within the city limits. No renters, trailer parks or county residents will be considered. Local businesses must be owner-operated and have been cited by the city’s code compliance department for violations in the past. Submit your request to Roberta Crncic with the City of Desert Hot Springs at rcrncic@cityofdhs.org or call 760.329.6411 ext. 114. Please include your home or business address, a description of your needs, along with your phone number and email address. The application for assistance does for over a decade,” said Dr. Karen Shenoy, the chief veterinary officer of Hill’s Pet Nutrition U.S. “We learned lean pets have a different biology than overweight pets. This guided our development of formulas that both help support a pet’s metabolism for healthy body weight and taste great. With the guidance of a veterinarian, it can be as simple as feeding the right kind of ‘love’ to lose the weight.” To learn more and access free tools and resources for pet weight management, visit endpetobesity.com.
Family Features Source: Hill’s Pet Nutrition not require any forms to be filled out. A committee chair will visit your home for an interview. The process is completely confidential. However, if you home is chosen, the city may want to publicize the project to promote community pride and the beautification in our city.
February is the very heart of winter in the northern hemisphere. To offset possible winter’s gloom, and h help humanity have hope that spring is near, the month begins with multiple rituals, festivals and holy days - St. Brigid (Feb. 1), Candlemas, Purification, Baptism, Groundhog and Cross Quarter days (Feb. 2). February 5 is the Chinese Lantern Festival, always at the full moon solar festival (16.41 degrees Aquarius). February 14 is Valentine’s day followed by St. Patrick’s Day, (Feb. 17).
February 1 is St. Brigid’s Day. St. Brigid’s spirit herald the spring. Farm work begins again. Crosses of straw or grain (wheat) are woven and hung in homes to protect from fires and lightning. Corn dollies are made from dried corn sheaves (soaked in water) and given away as gifts along with oat breads, scones and butter.
Candlemas Day, a day of significance astronomically and religiously, marks the moment in time (day) between winter solstice and spring equinox (cross-quarter day). Like a spring festival of preparation, we turn over the soil and prepare it biodynamically. We sort our seeds, call forth their life-force, thus securing our future food supply. We can sense the Light is returning. We feel hope.
In the Catholic Church, Candlemas, 40 days after Christmas, marks the end of Epiphany (little Christmas, January 6). On Candlemas, the holy child and Mary are presented in the Temple. Mary is bathed (purified in a ritual bath – a mikvah - of sea/salt water) and the holy child (Jesus) is recognized as the promised and long awaited “Light of the world.”
Candlemas is a festival-of-fire-day, acknowledging the Sun light is rising. In churches today, pure beeswax