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Tools for Tomorrow’s Picasso Party

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Source: Family Features


Continued from Page 1 front of a class was one of the benefits of the programs. Something many adults fear.

TFT is an after-school program with qualified instructors teaching creative writing, art, music, and theatre. Classes are held 5 days a week, and classes are fIn addition, ree. TFT supplies the equipment and snacks. TFT is currently in Cathedral City, Indio, Desert Hot Springs, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, and

Rancho Mirage schools.

Tools For Tomorrow Visionaries will host, A Night at the Moulin Rouge as their annual Fundraiser. Jeff McDonald and Charles Thomas will be honored for their philanthropy in the Coachella Valley. The event will be held on February 27th. This will be a dinner show. This program allows our youth to learn about the arts by being a part of it hands-on. They get to show their artwork and perform in front of people. All great learning experiences.

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