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Borrego Health Board of Trustees Selects DAP Health as Winning Auction Bidder
By Desert Star Staff BORREGO SPRINGS, Calif.
– The Borrego Health Board of Trustees selected DAP Health to acquire the Borrego Health system based on a process conducted through Borrego Health’s Bankruptcy Court proceedings.
“Borrego Health delivers high-quality, essential care, and we began this process because the communities we serve need that care to continue,” said Rose MacIsaac, Chief Executive Officer of Borrego Health. “I am confident in DAP Health’s commitment to ensure our patients continue receiving culturally competent care from clinicians and support staff with local experience. I look forward to collaborating with this alliance of well-respected providers to shape a smooth transition that does not interrupt patient care or team members’ careers.”
Borrego Health clinics remain open, and patients do not need to reschedule appointments due to this announcement.
The decision is a culminating step in a careful, deliberate process that began in November 2022 to sell Borrego Health’s operations to a likeminded federally qualified health center (FQHC). Borrego Health’s goal throughout the process has been to secure continued access to a health home and safety net for the patients and communities it serves.
“DAP Health is encouraged by today’s news that our bid is being advanced by Borrego Health to a court hearing to consider approval of the sale,” said David Brinkman, Chief Executive Officer of DAP Health.
“We entered this process with one goal – to ensure that people who receive care today will find the doors to that care open tomorrow. Therefore, it is with great humility and with Borrego Health’s patients in mind that we await a final decision.”
“This alliance empowers us to expand our quality, compassionate, whole-person care to more people, regardless of their circumstance,” said Rakesh Patel, MD, Chief Executive Officer of Neighborhood Healthcare.
“We’re excited to work with DAP Health and Innercare to make this a reality!”
“With a history of and expertise in caring for rural populations, Innercare is highly motivated to protect access for the thousands of patients who rely on Borrego Health,” said Yvonne Bell, Chief Executive Officer of Innercare. “It is with this goal in mind that we hope for a positive final decision that will allow us to bring Innercare’s strengths to the alliance.”
The Board’s selection will now be taken to the Bankruptcy Court and Health Resources & Services Administration for the necessary approvals, with the final sale hearing in Bankruptcy Court currently scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, at 10 a.m.
For additional information, please visit www.borregohealth.org
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