3 minute read
Latino Advocacy Week Promotes Environmental Justice
By Desert Star Staff
This week, Hispanic environmental advocates are heading to Washington, D.C., from around the country to engage lawmakers on issues affecting us all, like clean air, pristine waters, and the fight against climate change.
In California, the third annual Latino Advocacy Week, we kicked off with a kayak trip for youth leaders in Morro Bay, part of the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary, which would run from Santa Barbara to Cambria.
Juan Rosas, the conservation program associate for the Hispanic Access Foundation, led the event and said the beaches must be protected for future generations.
“To be able to protect this coastline from offshore drilling, to put our toes in the sand and enjoy the ocean,” Rosas emphasized. “Not only for our generation, but I think of our great-grandkids that are going to be able to see this amazing coastline like we’re able to see it today.”
Latino Advocacy Week also includes in-person and virtual presentations in English and Spanish on various topics, including ways to train future leaders on advocacy work and engage the media and clergy on environmental issues.
Rosas noted that too many communities of color are plagued by dirty air.
“Many of our Hispanic communities have asthma,” Rosas pointed out. “We would love to see the Hispanic community raise their voice and fight for quality of air. There’s nothing more valuable than the air we breathe.”
Data from the Public Policy
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