1 minute read
“Rock Out to Knock Out CANCER.”
Story and Photos

by Pat Krause
The “Lip Sync For A Cure” Event was held on April 29th to benefit the American Cancer Society. The theme was “Rock Out to Knock Out CANCER.” The event was held at the Palm Springs Cultural Center, formerly the Camelot. This event is fun as celebrities perform a Lip Sync show on the stage. Celebrity guests speak about each show and judge each performance. The performances were well rehearsed, and many brought much laughter. Even the judges were laughing. Many were choreographed beautifully and showed much time in rehearsal. Many were so good that you thought they were singing. The video backdrop for each performance showed off the performer and the character.

Performers characterized celebrities like Joan Rivers, John Travolta, and Olivia Newton-John from the movie Grease. Four women came out to dance to the music of the Moulin Rouge in the costumes of that era. FUN. The costumes and the make-up brought to life the celebrity they were impersonating. This production took much work, rehearsing, and planning, and was
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