1 minute read
Let’s talk about sustainability at Joshua Tree Music Fest.
By Desert Star Staff
They are introducing WeGenerative, the Sustainability Superstars! JTMF Promoter
Barnett English expressed his pride in partnering with WeGenerative to manage their waste on-site, including waste sorting, recycling, landfill diversion, and education. Thanks to their assistance, they successfully diverted over 7,000 pounds of trash from landfills in October 2022. Additionally, their food scraps are sent to a local farm. English is excited to continue working with WeGenerative to improve its waste diversion efforts this May. How can you contribute to these sustainability efforts?
• Sort your trash into our labeled waste receptacles; you’ll notice that we have signage telling you what goes where at each station.

• Sort trash at camp as best you can; bonus points for dropping sorted waste off at the Transfer Station in Day Parking.
• Bring your reusablesrefill those cups & water bottles
• Ditch single-use camping items (Styrofoam coolers, flimsy E-Z ups, plastic blow-up things that will only last one event).
Volunteer: Register with the sustainability team via our Work Exchange page. You’ll get a festival ticket, meals, and our endless appreciation for your efforts.
“Thank you for helping us leave the desert even better than we found it!”
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