1 minute read
from 5701 W Hwy 126 Redmond, OR Ebook
by Desert Valley Group Cascade Hasson Sotheby's International Realty
May 29, 2002
Deschute,s County Planning Division
117 NW I, a Fayette Ave. tend, OR 97701
Aun: raid Blikattal
Re: Sherry Korcek 11. 1) 2- 20 15- 12- 13 11. 300
Sherry Korea came in today and asked us to corn rnura. on the Water rights affected on the referenced property. According to our records the sithject property is currently being "ISM: SSW a 10. 5 alere water right. Atter the lot line adjustment is completed the suhject parcel will have 9. 5 acres of water right. There shall be no development 4) r improvninunIS made to those lands possessing a water righl withoui ihose rights first being reintwed via a permanent water rights transfer done through this office.
Any irrigation conveyance, district or private, which passes through the suhject property shall not he e,ncronelied Uptpri Witli( nir Written perleiNSien 1itn this office.
Irrigation wateris Liffilit roi huinnn eon SLIM [ Alen and Shell Id nol he iiscd for drinking or other domestic purposes such as bathing, showering, dishwashing, cooking, or ntainlaining oral hygiene.
1r you Int ye. any questions pleaSe Mattel Inc at ( 541) 548- 0047.
Certificate Of Notice By Mail
DOCUMENT MAILED: Incomplete application letter
I certify that on 22nd day of May, 2002, the attached Incomplete Application Letter, dated May 22, 2002, was mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the person( s) and address( es) set forth on the attached list.
DATED this 22nd day of May, 2002.