Desh Videsh Magazine Health and Wellness April 2015

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Table of Contents

April 2015

Desh-Videsh VOLUME 22, ISSUE 04


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Understanding Breast Cancer


Incorporate Superfoods Into Your Diet


Centenary Celebrations of Swami Chinmayananda’s Life and Legacy



Yoga for Both Preventive and Therapeutic Healthcare 44

Understanding Breast Cancer


One of the most pervasive cancers in women today is breast cancer. One in eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer every day - a statistic not to be taken lightly. According to World Health Organization (WHO) reports, over 508,000 women died of breast Incorporate Superfoods Into Your Diet


These days, it seems like your doctor, nutritionists, and your friends are suggesting you try this diet or that. With so many different diets, from weight-loss to improving heart health, it can be difficult to figure out what first step to take in your journey to live a Desh-Videsh (USPS 024575/ISSN: 1941-2398) is published 13 Times a year (12 regular monthly issues and a special issue in March) by Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. 10116 NW 53rd St., Sunrise, FL 33351-8020, • Telephone: (954) 784-8100 • Fax (954) 944-1958 • E-Mail: Copyright 2010 by Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission of Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. The publishers of this magazine assume no responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business competion, nor do they assume responsibility for statements/opininons expressed or implied in the columns of this magazine. Photos: © wtamas, Phase4Photography, czamfir / Dollar Club. Subscription Services: Subscription rates are $7.00 for 6 Issues, $12.00 for 12 Issues, $24.00 for 24 Issues, $30.00 for 36 Issues.

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Dear Readers, While health-related topics are always in the news, we may not always be inclined to pay much attention. From new diets to mandates on what you should and should not eat, it can be difficult to keep up. We have the best of intentions to stay active and eat healthy, but actually putting good habits into practice is not always easy. This issue’s article on superfoods helps find simple ways to add healthy foods to our diet. There is nothing exotic about eating more fruit, nuts, and green vegetables! And it’s relatively easy to add to your everyday meals. Small steps will help us all achieve our lifestyle goals! Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, so it is not a disease to take lightly. This month, we feature an article that helps us understand the cancer as well as ways to improve our lifestyles to reduce the chance of occurrence. Yoga is another hot topic, and whatever your beliefs, no one can deny the benefits of regular meditation and yoga. Yoga expert Dr. C. Rajan Narayanan explains the medical facts behind yoga as well as how practicing works to better our bodies. As many of you may know, this year is the centenary celebrations of Swami Chinmayanada’s life and work. An inspirational and enthusiastic speaker, Swami ji’s teachings continue to be practiced and taught today. Learn more about his youth and work in this month’s article. As always, we love getting feedback. Whether topic suggestions for future issues or questions for our experts, email us anytime! Send your comments or questions to In closing, we would like to thank all of the brides, grooms, and families who attended our MyShadi Bridal Expos in Atlanta, Tampa, and Ft. Lauderdale. While March was a busy, busy month, nothing gets us energized like newly engaged couples energetically planning a wedding! We especially thank all of our vendors for participating and supporting the shows. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next show in Orlando - date to be announced soon! Raj Shah Managing Editor



Understanding Breast Cancer One of the most pervasive cancers in women today is breast cancer. One in eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer every day - a statistic not to be taken lightly. According to World Health Organization (WHO) reports, over 508,000 women died of breast cancer in 2011, and World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) re14

ports around 1.7 million new cases in 2012. Cancer rates in general, though particularly breast cancer, are on the rise among South Asian women, making the need for early detection and screening even more important than ever. What is Breast Cancer? Healthy cells make up the tissue and organs in a body.

Cells are continually growing and as they die off, are replaced by new, healthy ones. Malignant, or cancerous, cells tend grow and take over nearby healthy cells. A mass of malignant cells forms a tumor, which does not function as it should. If


left unchecked and untreated, tumors can become deadly spreading throughout the body. Breast cancer typically begins in the milk ducts, which is why more women than men are diagnosed with the disease. Tumors in the breast tend to grow slowly; by the time a lump is large enough to feel, it may have been growing for as long as 10 years. Some tumors, however, are aggressive and grow much faster. Importance of Early Detection Effective treatment of cancer has been linked to early detection. Finding tumors early can be the difference between life and death. Thousands of people beat their cancer when diagnosed early, as it is easier to curtail the growth of cancer cells and provide effective treatment in the early stages.

The first step is to be aware of breast cancer symptoms and warning signs. Some signs to be look for include a change in the size or shape of the breast or nipple, bloody discharge or rash on the nipple, swelling/lump in your armpit are few of the common symptoms (not necessarily cancerous) that require screening. Keep track of changes by examining your breasts around the same time each month. Self-exam by feeling around each breast in a circular motion. Look out for unusual lumps or knots. Even if you had a benign lump in the past, do not ignore any new growth. Be sure to also go beyond the breast and feel in the underarm area for any lumps. Yearly mammograms and regular visits to the doctor are very important at


any age, but especially after the age of 40. The most used screening tests include mammograms, ultrasounds, breast MRIs, breast biopsies, and ductal lavages. If your family has a history of cancer, younger women should consider beginning mammogram screening early. Types of Treatment The type of treatment a patient receives depends on the exact form and stage of cancer. Major treatment options include: surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies. As is the case with any major procedures, do not hesitate to get a second opinion. Discuss the pros and cons with your family to determine the right step for you. Reducing Risk About 85-90% of breast


cancers are due to genetic abnormalities that occur due to aging and general “wear and tear.� Risk factors that cannot be controlled include your gender, age, family history, and genetics. While it is not possible to prevent breast cancer or control genetics, it is possible to reduce the risk and impact of the cancer by taking care of your body through a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Risk factors you can control include eating unhealthy foods, smoking or drinking alcohol, and not getting 16

regular exercise. Researchers now suspect that diet is partially responsible for about 30% to 40% of all cancers. Eat a wide variety of foods, especially fruits, vegetables,

Researchers now suspect that diet is partially responsible for about 30% to 40% of all cancers.

legumes, and whole grains, to get all the vitamins and nutrients needed to keep your body healthy and give your body energy. Regular exercise has also been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends getting 45-60 minutes of physical exercise 5 or more days a week. This may seem impossible, but taking simple steps, like parking farther or going for morning/evening walks, will help you meet this goal. Maintaining a healthy


weight, eating a wide variety of healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and regular exercise will go a long way towards reducing one’s risk of getting cancer. Moving Forward Once diagnosed with cancer, a patient can feel overwhelmed and a loss for next steps. Lean on family for support and be in communication with your doctors. Above all, always ask questions. Treatment can take a physical and mental toll of a patient causing much much stress to the body while fighting cancerous cells. Following a healthy diet is more important than ever during the treatment process. Follow a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals during the treatment process. A healthy diet comprising of fruits, legumes, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, low fat dairy products, and nuts high in Omega-3s, are good for regenerating tissues that are damaged in the treatment process. They also help boost immunity and maintain a healthy body weight. It is best to avoid foods that are known to increase estrogen or oxidation in the body. Reduce or completely avoid processed food, sugary food, alcohol, and high fat dairy products, which can lower energy levels.

Resources Today, many online and inperson support groups and resources are available to those diagnosed with breast cancer. Below are some resources that can help during the cancerfighting process. Cancer Care Susan G. Komen Foundation National Breast Cancer Foundation

Incorporate Superfoods into Your Diet

These days, it seems like your doctor, nutritionists, and your friends are suggesting you try this diet or that. With so many different diets, from weight-loss to improving heart health, it can be difficult to figure out what first step to take in your journey to live a healthy lifestyle. Set the diets aside, and try adding superfoods to your diet. Most of these superfoods are already part of your everyday diet. Just try increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet as a small step towards improved health.

Superfoods Beans: Beans are a great source of iron and fiber.

Pairing beans with foods that are high in vitamin C will increase the effectiveness of iron absorption. Increasing fiber in your diet is beneficial for a healthy gut and can be effective at maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. Beans can be added to soups, salads, and vegetable dishes. 22

Berries: While all berries are packed with anti-

oxidants, vitamin C, and fiber, blueberries have the added benefit of improving your memory! Tiny, tart, and sweet, you can simply snack on these, add to your favorite smoothie, or stir into some plain yogurt. Chia Seeds and Flaxseed: Both of these are chock full of omega-3s, which have been linked to improved heart health. While chia seeds can be easier to digest than flaxseed, both are a good source of protein, fiber, and omega-3s, particularly for those who follow a vegetarian diet. Chia seeds can be eaten whole, while it is best to grind flaxseed for best digestion. Throw a handful of either into your smoothie or stir into yogurt. Coconut Oil: Though coconut oil is high in saturated fat, the type of fat in coconuts has been shown to increase your good cholesterol levels. Coconut oil has also been shown to improve immune systems by helping bodies resist viruses. And we all know how well it works to APRIL 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

keep hair moisturized! You can replace coconut oil for your usual oil. It even works well in baked goods. Nuts: Nuts have gotten a bad reputation over

the years, but these crunchy treats contain much needed healthy unsaturated fats. Like chia seeds and flaxseeds, nuts are also high in omega-3s. When eaten in moderation, nuts, like walnuts and almonds, have been shown to help maintain “good� HDL cholesterol levels.

Leafy Greens: Of course all vegetables are good

for you, but greens such as spinach, kale, and chard, are especially healthful. Like all the other superfoods mentioned here, leafy greens are high in fiber, which is crucial for a healthy heart and gut. In addition, greens contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients needed to improve your immune system, maintain blood sugar levels, and protect your skin. Try adding a handful of greens to your smoothies, daal, and vegetable curry dishes.

Blueberry Chia Smoothie A quick and delicious way to incorporate chia seeds into your diet. Chia seeds become gummy once blended with liquids, so be sure to drink your smoothie right away. Ingredients 1 1/2 cups almond milk 1 cup blueberries (frozen is best) 1 cup of spinach or kale Splash of pure vanilla extract Pinch cinnamon Honey or agave nectar, to taste Directions Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Drink immediately!

Mixed Bean Salad The perfect lunch or appetizer for your next party. Mix up the types of beans used and add additional vegetables, if desired. Ingredients 1 cup cooked red kidney beans 1 cup cooked black-eyed beans 1 cup cooked garbanzo beans 1 cup chopped tomatoes Âź cup diced red onion 1-2 handfuls spinach leaves, chopped 1-3 green chilies, chopped (amount to taste) chopped cilantro for garnish 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 lemon, juiced 2 teaspoons chaat masala Salt and black pepper to taste 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Directions In a large bowl, whisk the dressing by adding lemon juice, garlic, masala, salt/pepper, and olive oil. Next add all of the beans and remaining ingredients. Mix well and serve.

Centenary Celebrations of Swami Chinmayananda’s Life and Legacy Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda (1916-1993) is counted among the greatest spiritual leaders of India in the 20th century. He is considered an authority on the ancient Indian scriptures of Advaita (nondual) Vedanta, especially

the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads. He inspired the formation of Chinmaya Mission to spread these teachings. Beginning 1951, he spearheaded a Hindu spiritual and cultural renaissance that popularized the religion’s scriptures, teach-

ing them in English across India and abroad. He authored 95 publications and conducted university lecture tours in many countries. Gurudev attained Mahasamadhi on August 3, 1993; yet through his Vedantic teachings, publications, centers, ashrams, and social service projects around the globe, he continues to guide the cultural and spiritual evolution of millions of spiritual seekers. Swami Chinmayananda was born as Balakrishna Menon on May 8 , 1916. A precocious youth, he graduated with degrees in Literature and Law. Balan became a journalist, and determined to help bring his country out of bondage, he joined the Freedom Movement. Balan was imprisoned for several months and was not released until nearly dead of typhoid. Later, while working for The National Herald, Balakrishnan decided to write an exposé, calling the bluff (as he then believed) of the swamis of India. Thus, he travelled to Swami Sivananda’s ashram in Rishikesh. Unwittingly at the door of one of India’s fin

est spiritual teachers, Balakrishnan’s journey of inner spiritual evolution began. Swami Sivananda’s divinity, love, and Vedanta teachings inspired the young skeptic. He began questioning and reflecting upon the purpose of life. In the company of saints, and through the clarity of their teachings, the highly intellectual seeker soon chose to become a renunciate himself. On Mahashivaratri 1949, Balakrishnan was initiated into the sannyasa order by Swami Sivananda, who blessed him with the name ‘Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati’. Chinmayananda means ‘filled with the bliss of pure Consciousness.’ Swami Sivananda then guided Chinmayananda to a renowned Vedanta master, Swami Tapovanam, who lived in Uttarkashi. Swami Tapovanam rarely took on disciples and put forth strict conditions, but these were no deterrent for the young renunciate; Chinmaya accepted his Guru’s terms unconditionally and began a period of intensive study and austerities as Tapovanam Maharaj’s disciple. Having seen widespread spiritual and social degradation in parts of India, Swami Chinmayananda felt the urge to share the knowledge that had brought fulfillment in his own life. He received his guru’s blessings, and began his teaching. Swami Chinmayananda conducted his first Jnana Yajna 32

(a series of spiritual discourses) in December 1951, at a small temple in Pune. Jnana Yajna, a term he coined from the Bhagavad Gita, refers to the offering of ignorance into the fire of scriptural Self-Knowledge. Going against the convention of the times, he taught the Sanskrit scriptures in English in order to reach the modern public. His teachings are based on the authority of the Vedas and augmented by his own direct experience. Highly appreciated, the number of devotees eager to learn from Swami Chinmayananda’s powerful, dynamic, logical, and witty discourses increased rapidly. From that grew an inspired band of devotees who formed ‘Chinmaya Mission’ on August 8, 1953. Gurudev, as Swami Chinmayananda came to be known, had a keen sense of observation. He knew people by being among them, seeing them, talking to them. He also perceived the de-

generation in values and family systems, and knew that the way to restoration and sustenance was through communicating to the youth, using contemporary idiom and appealing to their value for logic and science. Swami Chinmayananda’s lectures were soon converted into books. He personally authored over 95 books, including commentaries on the major Upanishads and an extremely popular commentary on Bhagavad Gita. Named simply The Holy Geeta, it has been acclaimed as one of the most refined, insightful, and practical commentaries ever written on the Gita. He is credited with bringing about a worldwide Vedantic renaissance in the late 20th century through his introduction of Adi Sankaracharya’s teachings to the masses. Whether in his writings or his orations, his dedication to Sankara’s works is underscored. Swami Chinmayananda was famed for his depth, clarity, eloquence, wit, and humor, which shone in every


world, he taught hundreds of thousands who came to listen and learn. By the time he left his physical form and attained Mahasamadhi in 1993, Swami Chinmayananda had conducted 576 Jnana Yajnas as well as numerous Family Spiritual Camps, crisscrossing the globe, and transforming mil-

book he wrote and every lecture he delivered. In his 42 years of tireless service, Swami Chinmayananda left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of people, and his footprints on the multifarious service projects he inspired. He created a vast legacy - a global organization committed to Vedanta; a huge network of Bala Vihars and Chinmaya Yuva Kendras (CHYKs); Study Groups; rural development projects under CORD; and Vedanta Institutes called Sandeepanys that have trained hundreds of Swamis and Acharyas; as well as Chinmaya Vidyalayas schools based on his valueeducation platform. Through all the programs he started, Swami Chinmayananda enlivens the Mission with his love and knowledge. From pulpits and platforms throughout India and the

lions of lives directly and indirectly. His spirit and teachings continue to inspire people, and under the guidance of his dynamic successor, Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanda, have led to the growth of Mission centers that continue to practice and share the age-old wisdom of Vedanta.



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Yoga for Both Preventive and Therapeutic Healthcare By C. Rajan Narayanan, PhD, Executive Director, Life in Yoga Institute* Most people think of yoga along the lines of gym exercise for fitness, and most medical professionals think of yoga as physical manipulation along the lines of physiotherapy. Both are grossly misinformed. The following are some quick spotlights for you to be better informed about yoga and use it effectively for yourself, and your family and friends. 44

Medical Research Facts about Yoga The National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the US Federal Government has a National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health that recognizes yoga as a valid health modality. There are over 5,000 academic research papers on yoga listed in peer reviewed life sciences and medical jour


nals that are catalogued by the National Institutes of Health, often called the PubMed database. However to find all the yoga articles one needs to use the search logic of “Yoga” or “Meditation,” since generally most of the world think yoga does not involve meditation, while from a core yoga perspective there is no yoga in any exercise unless there is a meditative component. Yoga is known to produce deeper relaxation than any other form of relaxation practice. Yoga is the best stress buster ever known and since stress is known to be the most important factor for NCDs (non-communicable diseases),

it is the ventive availYoga shown

best premedicine able. h a s to have therapeutic im-

pact for many diseases: Metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes and obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disorders including

hypertension and coronary artery disease, musculo-skeletal disorders especially back pain, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, neurological disorders like sciatica, fibromyalgia and epilepsy, psychiatric disorders like depression, PTSD and schizophrenia, respiratory disorders like asthma and COPD, sleep disorders like insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea, and women’s health issues. Research shows that yoga controls gene regulation. How Yoga Works By mind-body integration it helps to provide deep relaxation and up regulate positive

By local massaging of dysfunctional organs done with ease with mind-body integration By optimizing vitality through regulated breathing and deep relaxation

By inner awareness of meditation that opens ones intuition Philosophy and Tradition of Yoga Clarified Yoga’s root document is

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. It describes the yoga process of being a pure observer unaffected by anything around us and yet doing our duty, that helps to purify our internal programs (Vaasanas, Karmas), and thereby attain liberation. It also describes the 8-fold process of Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Praanaayaama, Pratyaahaara, Dhaaranaa, Dhyaana and Samaadhi. It also gives a perspective on creation and the cycle of birth and rebirth until liberation. It is a theistic philosophy that also suggest that surrender to Eeshvara gives the highest level of realization. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras does not contain a single Aasana practice, but explains the principles of alignment in posture, effect of breathing and approaches to meditation.

Hatha Yoga is traditionally forbidden for children before puberty, since it is may affect their growth and organ functionality negatively in some cases. About the Author *Life in Yoga Institute ( is the first

Hatha Yoga is a view of yoga that is more physically focused and is expressed in the two texts called Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and Gheranda Samhita. The various Aasanas and Shat (Six) Kriyas of popular yoga come from these documents.

The following are some quick spotlights for you to be better Informed about yoga and use it effectively for yourself, and your family and friends.

(and at this time) the only yoga institution to have been awarded accreditation to offer continuing medical education courses for physicians that can be used to renew their practice license. Yoga Therapy is provided in the DC Metro area.

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(954) 784-8100 APRIL 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM


I would like to get married to my fiancée in India. I am a US citizen. What is the best way to bring her here? You have several options. First, you can apply for a fiancé visa (K1) for your intended, if you have seen her within the last two years. Once your fiancée receives the visa, she may enter the US for 90 days and must get married to you within those 90 days. After that she may file for adjustment of status here in the US to become a permanent resident. Second, you may travel to India, hold the wedding there, and one you are married, file a family petition to bring your wife to the US. The petition is filed in the United States, but the approval is sent to the US consulate nearest her city of residence, where she will have to have an interview to pick up her immigrant visa. Lastly, if your future wife is in possession of a visitor’s visa, or another nonimmigrant visa (but not a crewmember visa), she may enter the US and have the marriage take place in the US. Afterwards, you would file a family petition for her and she would simultaneously file an application to adjust status in the United States, all without leaving the US. She would receive an interim work authorization, and you will both be scheduled for an interview to determine the veracity of your 52

marriage and her eligibility to become a permanent resident. I received my permanent residence through marriage to US citizen. My green card was issued for two years. It will expire in four months. I was told that I need my husband’s consent to extend my card, but things have not gone well in our marriage. We are having problems, and I am worried that he will not agree to help renew my card. What shall I do? You are considered a conditional permanent resident. To extend your card, you need to file a petition to remove the condition on your card. Generally, the requirement if that both you and your husband file it jointly within the last three month window of your card’s validity. You must enclose proof that you and your husband have a valid marriage and are still living together. If your husband refuses to file a joint petition, you have two options. If your husband has abused you physically or has subjected you to extreme mental cruelty, you may file the request to extend your residence without your husband’s signature, as long as you have proof of the abuse through either a police report or a psychological evaluation. In this case, you must still be married when filing. If there was no abuse, you may file

without your husband’s signature only if there has been a divorce, and you must provide evidence that you entered into the marriage in good faith, and not to evade immigration laws, but that the marriage deteriorated due to circumstances beyond your control. My friend has a factory in outside the US. He wants to open a business in the United States to import and distribute the products here. Does he need to get a special visa to open the business in the US and work here? Your friend may be able to get an L-1 visa. The L-1 allows for managers and executives to transfer from a foreign company to a US branch, subsidiary, affiliate or parent of the foreign company. Your friend must show that he has worked for the company in India in managerial or executive capacity for at least one year in the last three years. He must also show that he is coming to the US to work in a managerial or executive capacity for the US company and that the US company has established an office in the US. Your friend may also qualify for the investor visa. The requirements for both visas are very specific, so your friend should consult a qualified immigration attorney as early in the planning stage as possible. My father has lived in the




My father has lived in the United States for 20 years. He is a permanent resident. He is 53 years old. He would like to apply for citizenship, but we do not think that he will pass the English test, even though he has taken classes. Can he get his citizenship? First, in order for your father to apply for citizenship, you need to determine that your father has been a permanent resident for at least five years. If he has been a permanent resident for the entire 20 years that he has lived here, he can take the civics test in her native language (since he is older than 50). If he has been a permanent resident for more that 15 years, but less than 20, he will have to wait until he turns 55 to be able to take the civics test in her native language. If he has been a permanent resident for less than 15 years, the only way he could avoid the English and Civics test is by demonstrating that he has a disability or mental impairment that prevents him from learning English. He would need to have her doctor fill out and sign Form N-648 requesting an exception to the English testing requirement. Not all disabilities or medical conditions are considered an impairment to learning English. The doctor must evaluate the effect of the disability or medical impairment on the applicant’s ability to learn, and must explain exactly why the medical condition prevents the applicant from learning English. The advice in this column may not apply to your specific situation, even if it seems similar in nature. The

only way to obtain legal advice is by speaking with a qualified attorney and reviewing your specific circumstances. If you have any questions, please call me at (954) 522-4115. Edward Boreth is an immigration attorney who has practiced law for 20 years. He is a director of the Citizenship Clinic. He is also an avid cricket fan.

Ram not able to play Gautami’s hubby


am Kapoor and Gautami Gadgil, who met on the set of a television show, fell in love and are leading a happily married life.

They continue to be a popular couple that fans want to see on TV. Both Ram and Gautami have strong careers in the movie industry as well.

While Gautami has several Marathi movies to her credit, Ram is known for his comic timing and has been a in several successful Hindi movies. Recently, when Ram was approached to play the role of the Gautmi’s husband in an upcoming show, Tere Shehar Main, he was unable to take the role due to date conflicts.Show producers then approached Ronit Roy for the role, and he reportedly demanded a huge sum for just a few episodes. Finally, actor Sachin Tyagi landed the role.

Salman and SRK together on Farah Ki Dawat?


arah ki Dawat is an ongoing television show where Bollywood celebs cook their favorite dishes. So far, Farah has been able to maintain TRP’s for the show due to its unique concept and celeb

Anushka Sharma ready for television

participation. In a recent press statement, Farah expressed a wish to bring Shah Rukh and Salman together on her show though there were no confirmations about such a plan. Nevertheless, given the excellent rapport that the lady shares with both Khans, speculations are rife that she may end up surprising everyone by doing the unexpected. Until then fans can only wait and watch.

Aditya Narayan an Amir Khan fan



ctor, singer, anchor Aditya Narayan confessed to being a huge fan of Amir Khan’s acting prowess. Currently, Aditya is hosting Zee TV’s Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Li’l Champs. For an upcoming episode of the show, Aditya will be donning Amir Khan’s look to pull off a satirical version of 58

Amir’s hugely successful movie PK. Aditya will play the role of QK, the protagonist’s younger brother. In a statement given to the press, Aditya said that he was very happy with the way the show was progressing and enjoyed doing stints that add more entertainment to the episode.

ctress Anushka Sharma has several successful movies to her credit. However, the actress has expressed a keen desire to do a television show provided the script is appealing. Anushka is not the first actor to show interest in the small screen. The actress was on the sets of crime-based show Savdhaan India when she gave this statement. Anushka was there to promote her upcoming movie NH10, for which she is also a producer. The film is being directed by Navdeep Singh, and revolves around a couple that goes on a road trip that later transforms into a complete nightmare ultimately becoming a fight for their survival.




Actor Satish Kaushik comes back to TV after 16 years!


fter having tasted success as an actor, comedian, director and a writer, Satish Kaushik is set to make a major comeback on the small screen with SAB TV’s show The Great Indian Family Drama. The actor will be seen on television after a 16-year gap and is very excited about the opportunity. Archana Puran Singh and Navneet Nishan will be his co-actors for the show. Satish Kaushik’s last appearance on the small screen was a host of the songs countdown show Top 10. Expressing his happiness on being a part of the show, Satish said that this is a unique medium where his fans will get to see more of his acting skills.





Sports personalities dish out delicacies


ce choreographer and director Farah Khan who hosts a concept-driven cooking show is leaving no stone unturned to ensure it is a huge hit. She uses her film industry

contacts to invite the crème de la crème of the society to her show. The latest personalities to join this bandwagon are tennis player Sania Mirza and cricketer Yuvraj Singh. So far, the show has

received tremendous response. Each celebrity coming to the show discusses their favorite food and l even cooks their specialities. Farah Khan also serves as a judge to the dishes.



Rithvik-Asha’s love story to be aired on national TV will witness the love story from the beginning covering minor details like how they met, their friendship, and on to the progression towards a more substantial relationship.

Rakhi Vijayan comes back to TV!


V actor Rithvik Dhanjani who proclaimed his love for fellow colleague Asha Negi and is happy with the stability in his relationship is all set to immortalize his love story on television.

The makers of Yeh Hai Aashiqui have taken a cue from the actor’s real life love story and chosen it as the theme for their final episode. Rithvik and Asha will even play themselves during this episode. Viewers

Drashti Dhami ties the knot


ne of t h e most popular celebs in the television industry, actress Drashti Dhami recently tied the knot with long time beau Neeraj in a traditional ceremony attended by close friends and family. Rumors state that Drashti and Neeraj had been dating for four years. Drashti enjoys a huge fan following. Even while she was busy with her wedding preparations and celebration, Drashti made it 64


a point to keep her fans updated by regularly posting pictures of the ceremonies on her social media profiles. Recently, the actress shared pictures of her sangeet party, which was attended by popular celebs like Mouni Roy and Sanjeeda Sheikh.

ctress Rakhi Vijayan who shot to fame for her curly haired look and flawless comic timing, is all set to make a comeback on the small screen in the upcoming show Gangaa. While Gangaa is a concept show that deals with the life and times of a child widow, Rakhi’s character in the serial is a mix of grey and comedy. Given this situation, producers have worked really hard to create a unique look for her. Rakhi will be seen portraying the role of Prabha mami, a loud mouthed woman who loves to wear bright colors, funky jewelry and openly give her opinion. In fact, the jewelry to be worn by Rakhi’s character is customized for her as it carries her name.




Sandeep Anand will now be seen in Sinhasan Battisi


e all know him as Billu, the assistant of Chandramukhi Chautala on SAB TV’s extremely popular show FIR. However, Sandeep Anand will now be seen in a new role as the ghost Betaal in the recently launched show Sinhasan Battisi. What is shocking is that Sandeep is not the first to be chosen for the role. In fact, he is the third actor who will be portraying the role of Betaal. Previously, show producers chose Rajesh Khera who later quit the contract citing medical reasons. After Rajesh, Abhaas Mehta was also see as Betaal. Now that dy channel and will be rechristened the show is shifting to a come- Betaal and Sinhasan Battisi, the makers


approached Sandeep to play the role.




Florida Orlando Belated Holi Celebration When: 04/5/2015, 1:30 PM Where: HSCF Community Hall 1994, East Lake Drive, Casselberry Contact: Madan Arora 407-971-9259 Host: Hindu Society of Central Florida Community Health Fair When: 04/12/2015, 10:30 A.M Where: HSCF Community Hall 1994 Lake Drive, Casselberry Contact: Aravind Pillai 407-718-8733 Host: HSCF King of Comedy When: 04/12/2015, Where: Olympia High School 4301 South Apopka Vineland Road, Orlando Contact: Krish Patel 407-454-3334 Host: Gujarati Society Central Florida Krishana Musical When: 04/15/2015, 7:00 PM Where: Olympia High School 4301 South Apopka Vineland Rd., Orlando Contact: Krishna 407-900-1743 Host: Freedia Entertainment 68

Spelling Bee When: 04/18/2015, 1:00 PM Where: Space Coast Stadium Viera Contact: Sue Tindall 321-543-1495 Host: Dwight E. Jones Medical Jagadamba When: 04/19/2015, Where: HSCF Community Hall 1994 East Lake Drive, Casselberry Contact: Kish Pathare 321-960-5497 Host: HSCF

Seasons Of India When: 04/12/2015, Where: Bob Carr Performing Arts Center 401 W. Livingston St., Orlando Contact: ACA 407-333-3667 Host: Asian Cultural Association

Doctors Expo & Health care When: 04/18/2015, 1:00 PM Where: Space Coast Stadium,Viera Contact: 321-323-5531 Host: Doctor Goodwill Foundation Presents APRIL 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM



Picnic Sabha When: 04/19/2015, 4:30 PM Where: BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir 1325 West Oakridge Road, Orlando Contact: 407-857-0091 Host: BAPS

South Florida Yoga-Meditation When: 04/12/2015, 4:00 PM Where: Hindu Society of North East Florida (HSNEF) 4968 Greenland Rd, Jacksonville Contact: 904-429-3803 Host: JKYog Awaken Your Inner Power When: 04/17/2015, 7:30 PM Where: Broward County Convention Center , Fort Lauderdale,33316 Contact: (954) 729-2046 Host: Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda Mothers Day When: 05/10/2015, 2:00 P.M Where: Kiwanis Park 951 Kiwanis Island Park Rd, Merritt slland Host: Indian Association of the Space Coast

Tallahassee Ugadi Celebration 2015 When: 04/4/2015, 6:00 P.M Where: Freedom High School 17410 Commerce Park Blvd, Tampa Contact: Paneendra Tirupati 727-492-5699 Host: Telugu Association of Florida

Walkathon When: 04/23/2015, 4:30 PM Where: BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir 1325 West Oakridge Road, Orlando Contact: 407-857-0091 Host: BAPS

Lecture On Gita When: 04/18/2015, 6:00 PM Where: Laxmi Narayan Mandir 4615 George Road, Tampa Contact: Srivastava (727) 490-2298 Host: Swami Mukundanandaji

Family Camp When: 04/3/2015, 8:00 AM Where: A.H. Stephens State Historic Park 456 Alexander St NW,, Crawfordville Contact: Manju Tiwari 770-962-2669 Host: World Hindu Council of America (VHPA)

Fundraising Gala When: 04/18/2015, 5:00 PM Where: Hillsborough Community College 10414 E. Columbus Drive, Tampa Contact: Manjusha Naik 813-842-8563 Host: Pehchaan

Hanuman Jayanti When: 04/4/2015, 5:00 P.M Where: Shree Shakti Mandir 1450 Huie Rd, Lake City Contact: 770-968-3490 Host: Shree Shakti Mandir

Classical Music Festival When: 04/26/2015, 11:00 A.M Where: Petersburg College 2465 Drew St., Clearwater Host: Swaradhana in association with St. Petersburg College Isha Foundation Yoga When: 04/26/2015, 2:00 PM Where: Starz Performing Arts Center - Carol Morsani Hall 1010 N. W.C. MacInnes Place, Tampa Contact: 813-413-1661 Host: Isha USA


Prana Prathisthapna When: 04/4/2015, Where: Sri Sairam Temple 585 Franklin Rd, Marietta, #135 Contact: Meenal Patel 404-932-7634 Host: Sri Sairam Temple Atlanta Indian Idol Contest When: 04/4/2015, 10:00 AM Where: ICRC 1281 Cooper Lake Road, Smyrna Host: India American Cultural Association

Sakhi Sammelan When: 04/3/2015, 6:30 PM Where: Taste of India Banquet Hall 3070 Windward Plaza, Alpharetta Contact: Suprabha 770-312-4736 Host: Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA

Blood drive When: 04/4/2015, 11:00 AM Where: Global Mall 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross Contact: 770-771-4646 Host: Nirankari Mission

Imran Khan Live In Atlanta When: 04/3/2015, 8:00 PM Where: Haven Restaurant and Lounge 375 Rockbridge Rd, Lilburn Contact: Shazzy 706-992-5686 Host: CB Entertainment & Crowne Entertainment

Inauguration When: 04/4/2015, 11:55 AM Where: Sri Sairam Temple 585 Franklin Road, #135, Marietta Contact: 404-932-7654 Host: Sri Sairam Temple



Sri Vishnu Chanting When: 04/4/2015, 5:00 PM Where: Piney Grove Middle School 8135 Majors Road, Cumming Contact: Rami Reddy 723-713-6375 Host: JET Atlanta Patni Singham Pati Chingam When: 04/7/2015, 6:00 PM Where: Cartersville Ram Mandir 41 Smiley Ingram Rd SE, Cartersville Contact: 770-386-9274 Host: Cartersville Ram Mandir On A Quest When: 04/11/2015, 3:00 PM Where: Navrang Theater 10743 Alpharetta Highway, Roswell Contact: Acharaya Geeta Raghu 678-615-7088 Host: Chinmaya Mission Atlanta Devotional Music When: 04/11/2015, 6:00 PM Where: Uuman Church 11420 Crabapple Road, Roswell Host: Amma’s Atlanta Satsang GNMS Vaisakhi Sports 2015 When: 04/12/2015, 9:00 AM Where: Guru Nanak Mission Society of Atlanta 1158 Rockbridge Rd, Norcross Host: Guru Nanak Mission Society of Atlanta Jago Hindustani When: 04/14/2015, 7:30 P.M Where: Cartersville Ram Mandir 41 Smiley Ingram Rd SE, Cartersville Contact: 770-386-9274 Host: Cartersville Ram Mandir 72

GAPS Vaisakhi Celebrations When: 04/17/2015, 7:30 PM Where: Ashiana, Global Mall 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross Contact: Avtar Singh 770-355-1545 Host: Greater Atlanta Punjabi Society Gujarati Comedy When: 04/17/2015, 9:00 PM Where: Gujarati Samaj Hall 5331 Royal Woods Pkwy, Tucker Contact: Vasu Patel 404-401-4404 Host: YK Entertainment TiECon Southeast 2015 When: 04/18/2015, 9:00 AM Where: The Renaissance Waverly 2450 Galleria Parkway, Atlanta Contact: 678-451-0557 Host: TIE Grand Inauguration Ceremony When: 04/22/2015, Where: 1637 Peachtree Parkway, Cumming Contact: Sri Keshava Murthy 770-716-6698 Host: Sri Maha Lakshmi Temple Ranjeet Rajwada Live When: 04/24/2015, 6:30 PM Where: The Palace Restaurant

Anandmurti Gurumaa When: 05/02/2015, Where: Radisson Suite Hotel 3101 N Highway-AIA, Melbourne Contact: Jayam 727-709-2364 Host: New Age Seer APRIL 2015 - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM



6131 Peachtree Pkwy, Norcross Contact: Mustafa Ajmeri 678-463-6613 Host: Ranjeet Rajwada Atlanta Indian Idol 2015 When: 04/25/2015, 3:00 PM Where: Robert Ferst Center Georgia Tech, Atlanta Host: chand akkineni Health Camp When: 04/25/2015 Where: Shree Shakti Mandir 1450 Huie Rd, Lake City Contact: 770-968-3490 Host: Shree Shakti Mandir CMA Walkathon 2015 When: 04/26/2015, 9:00 AM Where: Settles Bridge Park 380 Johnson Rd, Suwanee Host: Chinmaya Mission Alpharetta Prayers For Health When: 04/26/2015, 8:00 AM Where: Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple 492 Harmony Grove Rd, Liburn Contact: 770-381-3662 Host: Greater Atlanta Vedic Temple Annual Dance Show When: 05/10/2015, 5:30 PM Where: Gwinnett Performing Arts Center 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth Contact: Pankaj Bhargava 404-944-3456 Host: Geet-Rung School of Dance & Music

Ekal Charity Concert When: 05/3/2015 7.00pm Sharp Where: Rose & Alfred Miniaci Performing Art Center 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr Blvd, Ft.Lauderdale,33314 Contact: Shekar Reddy (954)-895 1947 Host: EKAL

Advertisers’ Index ACCOUNTANT Vakharia Bhupen CPA....................................................................................... 60

Lotus Insurance Group .................................................................................... 77 We Insure ........................................................................................................ 60

ADVERTISING Desh Videsh Media Group................................................................................ 80

Invitations Elegant Shaadi Cards ..................................................................................... 17 Elegant Wedding Stationary ............................................................................ 49

Amusement Game Machines Ultra Group of Companies ................................................................................ 83 ASTROLOGER Astro Words...................................................................................................... 78 Astrologer Ravi Shanker .................................................................................. 41 Psychic Indian Astrologer From India ............................................................... 80 ATM MACHINES Gold Coast ATM ............................................................................................... 36 ATTORNEYS Dehra Miotke LLC ............................................................................................ 69 Dsouza Law Group P A .................................................................................... 77 The Citizenship Clinic....................................................................................... 55 The Law Office of Ameen & Shafii .................................................................... 65 The Mattam Law Firm PA ................................................................................. 73

IT CONSULTING Contract Enginners .......................................................................................... 66 JEWELERS Bhindi Jewelers Inc ........................................................................................... 5 Carats And Cents ............................................................................................ 48 Devam Jewelers ................................................................................................ 2 Legacy Jewelers .............................................................................................. 81 Malani Jewelers ............................................................................................... 82 Meena Jewelers .............................................................................................. 19 MAGAZINE PUBLISHING Desh-Videsh Media Group................................................................................ 29 Moving Services Coco Movers ................................................................................................... 78

BANQUET HALLS Hilton-Orlando ...................................................................................................11 Mehfil Banquet Hall .......................................................................................... 61

P R COMPANY The Arpan Group .............................................................................................. 13

BEAUTICIANS/COSMETICIAN 03Plus USA Inc................................................................................................ 77 Beauty Cafe Salon ........................................................................................... 69 Saini Herbal ...................................................................................................... 18 Thaker Dental and Skin care ............................................................................ 54

PHOTOGRAPHER Anand Event Services ..................................................................................... DCom Studio ................................................................................................... Digital Dream Studio ....................................................................................... Krishna Video & Photo Image ......................................................................... Navyug Digital Studio & Color Lab .................................................................. Sona Photography ...........................................................................................

12 54 59 79 79 61

PRIEST/WORSHIP SERVICES Mahesh Gor ..................................................................................................... Priest Chakravarthy ......................................................................................... Priest Ramachandra Bhat ............................................................................... Ravindra Dave .................................................................................................

79 80 78 80

Boutique Kundan Fashions by Heena ............................................................................ 65 BOLLYWOOD ENTERTAINMENT Bangladesh American Foundation ................................................................... 53 Jadoo TV .......................................................................................................... 35 Paracha Entertainment ..................................................................................... 57 TV Asia............................................................................................................. 25 BRIDAL REGISTRY .............................................................................................. 50-51 BRIDAL SHOW MyShadi Bridal Expo 2015 .............................................................................. 42 MyShadi Bridal Expo 2015 .............................................................................. 84 CREDIT CARD PROCESSING North American Bancard ................................................................................. 17 CRUISES Anticipation Yachts Riverfront Cruises............................................................. 63 CULTURAL_PROGRAM Rhythms School of Dance ................................................................................ 37 DECORATOR Anand Event Services...................................................................................... 12 Anmol Kismet Weddings.................................................................................. 60 Linen Connection ............................................................................................. 78 Nikun Events .................................................................................................... 23 Occasions By Shangri-La ................................................................................... 4 DENTIST Affordable Family Smiles .................................................................................. 77 Center for Complete Dentistry ............................................................................ 8 DIRECT MAIL Desh-Videsh Media Group................................................................................ 67 DISC JOCKEY Ace DJ.............................................................................................................. 61 DCom Studio.................................................................................................... 54 Dudha Productions ........................................................................................... 59 Pavan Events ................................................................................................... 79 DOCTOR Dr.Iqbal Nazir .................................................................................................... 54 E-MARKETING Desh Videsh Media Group Inc .......................................................................... 27 Desh Videsh Media Group Inc .......................................................................... 79 The Arpan Group.............................................................................................. 13 EDUCATION Ekal Charity Concert ....................................................................................... 26 FINANCIAL SERVICES Capital Equity Partner LLC .............................................................................. 63 Smithdeal & Barry ........................................................................................... 66 FLORIST Nikun Events ................................................................................................... 23 Occasions By Shangri-La .................................................................................. 4 FOOD DISTRIBUTOR Commerce International Inc ............................................................................ 28 GROCERY House Of India.................................................................................................. 78 HORSE AND CARRIAGE Orlando Carriage Rides Inc............................................................................... 80 INSURANCE AGENTS All State Insurance Group ............................................................................... 74 Bill Daly Insurance............................................................................................. 78

RADIO SHOW Manoranjan....................................................................................................... 73 Radio Asia......................................................................................................... 73 Surtarang........................................................................................................... 73 REALTOR A. G. Kabani Commercial Consultant Inc......................................................... 60 Ameriteam Realty Inc....................................................................................... 59 Capital Equity Partner LLC............................................................................... 63 Coldwell Banker - Jyoti Laungani..................................................................... 78 Future Home Realty......................................................................................... 78 Island and Resort Realty Inc............................................................................ 77 Payal Chhelavda................................................................................................. 7 RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS New Age Seer Inc ............................................................................................ 39 RESTAURANT/CATERING India Grill + Bar .................................................................................................. 9 Indian Chillies .................................................................................................. 69 SARIS Devam Saris ...................................................................................................... 3 Rupees Sarees ................................................................................................ 77 TELECOMMUNICATION Call N Roam .................................................................................................... 34 TRAVEL AGENCY Exploratours .................................................................................................... Legend Travel & Tours ..................................................................................... Om Tours & Travel ........................................................................................... Puja Travels ..................................................................................................... Travel Kings USA Inc ....................................................................................... Worldwide Travel Inc .......................................................................................

21 63 73 71 77 79

VIDEOGRAPHY Anand Event Services ..................................................................................... DCom Studio ................................................................................................... Digital Dream Studio ....................................................................................... Krishna Video & Photo Image ......................................................................... Navyug Digital Studio & Color Lab .................................................................. Sona Photography ...........................................................................................

12 54 59 79 79 61

WEB DESIGN GlobalAMS ....................................................................................................... 40 WEB DESIGN - E-COMMERCE GlobalAMS........................................................................................................ 47 WEDDING BUSINESS MARKETING The Arpan Group .............................................................................................. 13 WEDDING INVITATIONS Elegant Wedding Stationary............................................................................. 49 WEDDING SERVICES Anand Event Services ..................................................................................... 12 Anmol Kismet Weddings ................................................................................. 60 DCom Studio ................................................................................................... 54 Nikun Events ................................................................................................... 23 Occasions By Shangri-La .................................................................................. 4 WEDDING PORTAL 20 WEDDING STATIONARY Elegant Shaadi Cards ...................................................................................... 43

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