Desh-Videsh Atlanta November 2022

Page 14


Sunak: The First India-Origin Hindu Prime Minister of UK


Rishi Sunak: The First India-Origin

Hindu Prime Minister of UK 16

“All Indian leaders will be of low calibre & men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts”. In 1931, Winston Churchill, late prime minister of Britain, said these words describing Indians and Indian leaders.

Editor’s View 10

First of all, let me thank advertisers, readers and well wishers of Desh -Videsh in the Atlanta area. Because of your support we have been able to launch the Desh-Videsh Atlanta Edition.

Letters to Editor


Kudos to Desh- Videsh for publishing its first Atlanta edition in October 2022. The cover page conveys the message of happiness and spirituality that majority Indian American

Pramukh Swami Maharaj – A Beacon of Values, Hope & Faith 24

The land of the great king Bharat, known as Bharat, now widely known as India is a mystical land. Every Indian from this auspicious land at our core is born with the hint of Sanatan Dharma-based faith and spirituality.

Must Read Book


Inspired By India: How India Transformed Global DesignInspired by India is an exploration of more than six centuries of trade, cultural exchange, and inspiration between India.

Sonal Shah Becomes the CEO of The Texas Tribune 34

A successful change of leadership starts with an able and accomplished individual who can assume new responsibilities with proficiency and ease.

What Kind of Parent are you?


Most of us are aware of the controlling parent and the lenient parent. A controlling parent manages their kids’ behaviors using dominating techniques such as threats.

Spirituality and Wisdom in the Vedas


The spiritual world is not a myth, although it may certainly be a mystery to those without sufficient knowledge or experience.

Rishi Sunak’s U.S.

Immigration Path


We are all very excited to learn more about the newly elected British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. What do we know about his U.S. Immigration journey?

NRI News 38

MONTHLY Horoscope- November 2022 58 Community News 60

Bollywood Today 66 Desi TV Duniya 70


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Editor’s View

Dear Readers,

First of all, let me thank advertisers, readers and well wishers of Desh -Videsh in the Atlanta area. Because of your support we have been able to launch the Desh-Videsh Atlanta Edition. I also would like to thank all 17,000plus people who have filled out free subscription forms. And last, but definitely not least, I would like to extend our gratitude to well-wishers who have written to the editor and several thousand others who have called or emailed to congratulate us after reading our inaugural issue. Without all of your support we could not have done this. This is your magazine. Please guide us and give us your feedback.

Every major religion in the world has a tenet around being generous, thankful, kind and hopeful. And these feelings become more prominent at festival time. I love festivals, both my Hindu festivals and non-Hindu festivals. Festivals bring hope, appreciation and kindness. In the last issue we talked about celebrating the Hindu festivals Navratri and Diwali. This month is thanksgiving. It is a family celebration and is about appreciating each other, not only within family but beyond family.

As all of you may know, this year we are celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of the late Pramukh Swami Maharaj of BAPS. Chirag Patel in his article talks about Swami ji’s unique lifestyle and how many lives he has changed, including the late President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam. He is still a beacon of values, hope and faith for millions of people all over the world.

Now let me talk about one historic event that just occurred in the world. Rishi Sunak has become the first Indiaorigin Hindu prime minister of the UK. In the past I have talked about how the evil British empire has carried out atrocities not only in India but in several other countries all over the world. “All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts.” In 1931, Winston Churchill, late prime minister of Britain, used these words to describe Indians and Indian leaders. In our article about Rishi Sunak, the author talks about how the tide has turned and now Britain Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, India-origin and Hindu, will rule the same empire from the same leadership position once held by the merciless Winston Churchill. We wish PM Sunak every success in the world so that he can guide Britain out of political and economic turmoil.

At this time, let me take this opportunity to introduce Dr. Namitha Raju, a South Florida resident who holds a Ph.D. in psychology and is founder of her company, Beautiful Bonds. Her company is based on the principle that emotional growth, healthy relationships, and personal transformation are the keys to fulfilling parenthood. We are thankful that she has agreed to write a column in Desh Videsh on parenting. Her first article asks a very bold and direct question to parents: What kind of parents are you? We all have seen and experienced that sometimes Indian parents can become a bit aggressive in raising their children. They may force their value system on their children to become doctors or engineers. In simple, easy to understand language, Dr. Raju will talk to us and guide us to become good parents.

Now let me share one news which makes all Indians happy, but when you look deeper it may not be so happy. Sonal Shah, who has held several positions in the political arena as well as business areas, is now the new CEO of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization. Of course, this is good news. But I look at it as the victory of evil over good. Shah has worked on the Obama- Biden transition team and also held leadership positions in the Biden-Harris campaign. But every time her name came up for appointment to positions in either administration, anti-Hindu and anti-India groups have spread fake news and convinced both administrations to change their opinion of Ms. Shah. Finally she decided to leave the political arena and join private organizations. It is ironic that the same administrations that blame India for discrimination against minorities can not appoint a Hindu in their administrations while a conservative country like Britain can elect a Hindu as prime minister.

Now let me turn to a lighter topic. As we have promised we are going to cover local events in greater detail, so please check out our extended community news section and our sister website for more pictures.

Until then be safe and be healthy!

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Kudos to Desh- Videsh for publishing its first Atlanta edition in October 2022. The cover page conveys the message of happiness and spirituality that majority Indian Americans derive from celebration of Diwali- Festival of Lights. The magazine has covered a vast range of topics for the Atlanta readers ranging from Diwali celebration editorial, entertainment, Atlanta current events, travel, immigration, Indian culinary, discussion on current topics, youth, and children related events. It is for the first time in Atlanta’s history that a magazine without negativity, impartiality, and biased reporting is getting published. The editors have followed strict editorial norms of fact checking before publishing any news or articles.

Congratulations to the entire team of Desh Videsh Media Group for coming out with Atlanta Edition. For a long time we were waiting for a quality magazine with rich and unbiased content.

Just received the inaugural issue of Desh Videsh Atlanta Edition. Very nice job, I especially loved the section of “ what Diwali means to you” where young children are expressing their feelings. My 10 year old girl got inspired from those poems written by kids and started writing herself. This is definitely one way for children to know about our festivals and culture. Thank you Desh-Videsh.

I just picked up a copy of Desh Videsh Atlanta Edition. I had never seen this magazine before. After reading it, I realized that you just launched your atlanta Edition. Congratulations! The quality of the printing and paper is much better than what I saw before. But more importantly I was impressed with the content. This is really a family magazine. It has something for everybody. Gandhi Article for my Grandfather, Must read Book section and NRI news for me and poems on Diwali for my children. Well done.

I am glad to have a new Atlanta issue of Desh-Videsh this week. Magazine is well designed and the articles were timely and appropriate. I was happy to finally see a media outlet that presents a balanced view on struggles faced by Hindu American community. I appreciate you allowing space in Desh-Videsh for the sensitive topic of Hinduphobia, which is spreading in the USA and worldwide.

Other chosen articles were something you don’t find in local biased media. As a community, we appreciate your launch in Atlanta and wish you a grand success.


Rishi Sunak:

The First India-Origin Hindu Prime Minister of UK


ll Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts.” In 1931, Winston Churchill, late prime minister of Britain, said these words describing Indians and Indian leaders. The evil empire of Britain ruled and looted India for decades. The tide has turned and now Britain Prime minister Rishi Sunak, India-origin and Hindu, will rule the same empire from the same leadership position once held by the merciless Churchill.

It was perhaps predestined that in the year of India’s celebration of its 75th year of independence from British rule, an Indian Hindu became the Prime Minister of the UK. The dark days of British imperialism that transformed our rich country into a mere colony have finally been given a fitting reply through the appointment of Rishi Sunak, an Indian Hindu leader of the Conservative Party as the Prime Minister of the UK. The news came on Diwali day, when Hindus around the world celebrate the festival of lights signifying the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness and hope over misery. The nomination of the Indian Hindu Leader is indeed a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

The buzz was heard for more than a month that the UK would soon have its first-ever Hindu Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. However, his colleagues in the Conservative Party were hesitant to support him in the beginning and nominated Liz Truss instead. Destiny had a different story to tell. Creating a record for the

shortest-serving prime minister in the history of the United Kingdom, Truss resigned within 50 days of assuming power, thus making way for Rishi Sunak to become the youngest and first India-origin Hindu Prime Minister of the UK. It was Diwali, the festival of lights, declaring the victory of good over evil, and Indians all over the globe were overjoyed with the news that a Hindu of Indian origin would become the Prime Minister of the UK.

political career began in the 2015 general election, when he became the Richmond, North Yorkshire, representative of the Conservative Party at the House of Commons. The overwhelmingly white constituency in Richmond initially was surprised at his election. However, Sunak’s hard work won them over. He has served as MP since then.

He assumed the post of Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2019 and served until 2020, and then served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2020 to 2022.

Rishi Sunak’s roots are in India. Both of his grandfathers were born in Punjab, during British rule, and later migrated to Africa. His father is a physician and his mother is a pharmacist. Migration to two different continents did not uproot his Hindu cultural values and ethics. He, along with his family, is a devout Hindu, regularly attending local temples and following rituals like Gau Puja (worshiping a cow).

Climbing the Power Ladder

Early Life

Born in 1980 in Southampton to parents of Indian descent, Rishi was educated at Winchester College, earned a degree in philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) at Lincoln College, Oxford, and an MBA from Stanford University in California, where he was a Fulbright Scholar.

After graduation Sunak worked for Goldman Sachs and later as a partner at the Children’s Investment Fund Management and Theleme Partners, both hedge fund firms. His

The investment banker turned politician Sunak’s rise to power is remarkable. He assumed the post of Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Local Government in Theresa May’s second government in 2018. After May’s resignation, Sunak became the Chancellor of Boris Johnson’s government in 2020. His support for pandemic relief was remarkably positive and aggressive. He was in charge of financial assistance during lockdowns, including leave payments and the “Eat Out to Help Out” system for restaurants.


In 2016 Rishi Sunak was a great enthusiast of Brexit and extended his support to Boris Johnson. It was this support that made his political as well as economic positions clear. He considered Brexit a once in a lifetime opportunity for the United Kingdom to regain control of its destiny. This support gave him high prominence and resulted in his becoming the Chancellor in 2020. However, being a man of clear-cut principles, Sunak resigned from the Boris Johnson cabinet in July, stating that his approach to the economy had fundamental differences from that of Mr. Johnson. This is one of the important factors that paved the way for Johnson’s exit as Prime Minister. Perhaps it was at the same time that the prospects of Sunak’s rise to the Prime Minister’s post became bright.

True Hindu

Rishi Sunak is a true Hindu not only by birth but also by his beliefs and practices. After taking official charge as the PM of the UK, he waved his hands where the sacred “Kalawa” thread was visible. He is always a proud Indian and a firm believer in Indian culture and Hindu traditions. From taking an oath with the

Bhagavad Geeta to visiting temples and performing Gau Puja, Rishi Sunak is a proud Indian Hindu.

As per a report by the UK media, the Vedic Society Hindu Temple in Southampton was established by Rishi Sunak’s grandfather, Ramdas Sunak. Rishi Sunak regularly visits the temple established by his grandfather.

Sunak’s parents may have been born in East Africa, but his cultural and religious affinity lies with his Indian and Hindu roots. He is a practicing Hindu and does not eat beef.

As he said in a 2015 interview:

British Indian is what I tick on the census, we have a category for it. I am thoroughly British, this is my home and my country, but my religious and cultural heritage is Indian, my wife is Indian.

Tory’s turn to prove

Rishi Sunak’s prominence and his claim to the highest post in the UK have been significant events considering the principles of the Tory, or Conservative, Party. Traditionally marked as opposed to Indians, especially Hindus, the Tories’ nomination and election of Rishi

Sunak as Prime Minister has finally improved the party’s image among the Asians and the Hindus. Initially, it was the Labor Party that had the support of the Asians, including the Indians. In the 2010 election, the Labor Party had a lead of 13% among the Hindus and 48.5% among the Sikhs. However, the Tories dominated in the 2015 election, with a lead of 8% among the Hindus and Sikhs together. Rishi Sunak belongs to a different category of migrants – those who migrated from East Africa and were much favored by the Tories. But the fact remains that he is an Indianorigin Hindu and his identity is being highlighted now, elevating the image of the Tories.

Emergence as the Prime Minister

The Tories were not ready to support Rishi in the first election and instead supported Liz Truss. It was her disastrous performance and resignation that prompted the support for Sunak. Soon after becoming the Prime Minister, he thanked Liz Truss and said that she was not wrong in trying to improve the economy of the UK. He also praised her eagerness to bring about changes, but said she had made mistakes. Expressing his full respect for his predecessor, Sunak said that her mistakes had no bad intentions, but they were mistakes after all. From the beginning he was critical of Truss’ policy of excessive borrowing, and warned that it would worsen the economic crisis. He was proved right and Truss had to resign. These mistakes became the stepping stones for Sunak.

Sunak has emphasized the importance of integrity, professionalism and accountability in his government and by doing so he will win the confidence of the British people. His plan to ensure integrity can be seen in his decision to include party men from different levels on his core team. As a dedicated politician and Prime Minister, this young Hindu leader has pledged to lead his


country to a bright and prosperous future. He said he is ready to put the needs of the people above political considerations. He also mentioned bringing the best traditions of his party to governmental operations, with the aim of building a foundation of success and achievements.

Winston Churchill must be turning in his grave

The British may not like being reminded of their hatred for Hindus. But history can not be changed. In February 1945, John Colville, secretary of Prime Minister Churchill, wrote in his diary: “The PM ( Winston Churchill ) said the Hindus were a foul race, ‘protected by their mere pullulation from the doom that is their due.’ And he wished Bert Harris [head of the RAF Bomber Command] could send some of his surplus bombers to destroy them.”

In 1927, American historian Katherine Mayo published her book titled, “Mother India,” which attacked Indian society, and Hindu religion and culture, and suggested Americans support British rule over India. She called “Hindoos” “men who enter the world out of bankrupt stock” whose “hands are too weak, too fluttering, to seize or to hold the reins of government.”

This demeaning description of Hindus was embraced in the United States and also by Winston Churchill, who viewed Hindus as backward and degenerate. Winston Churchill once labeled Indians “a beastly people with a beastly religion.” He also blamed Indians for the Bengal famine and described Indians as “breeding like rabbits.” He also sarcastically pointed out to Gandhi how, if the shortages were so bad, why then Mahatma Gandhi was still alive?

Now, Rishi Sunak, who took his 2019 parliamentary oath of office proudly holding the Bhagavad Gita, will assume Churchill’s former post and will be responsible for appointing bishops to the Church of England. His

rise to the central power of the UK signifies victory of Hindua over an erstwhile imperial country, creating a full circle of history.

Personal Life & Controversy

Sunak’s personal life has raised many questions. He met his wife, Akshata Murthy, while pursuing his MBA at Stanford University. Akshata is the daughter of the billionaire Indian and founder of Infosys Narayana Murthy. They were married in 2009 and have two daughters from the marriage: Anoushka and Krishna. Apart from being a fashion designer,

she holds a 0.93% stake in Infosys, which makes her one of the richest women in the UK. She also owns shares in several other businesses in the UK. She used to pay taxes as a non-domicile, thereby saving a lot on taxes. After Sunak became Chancellor, the tax controversy was fueled by the opposition. However, Akshata Murthy gave up her non-domicile status and pledged to pay taxes in the UK on incomes made outside the country. Sunak highly condemned the controversy, saying that attempts to defame him by criticizing his wife were shocking.


The Sunaks are a rich family with a fortune of approximately £730m. They own several properties, including a mansion in the village of Kirby Sigston, North Yorkshire, a house in Earl’s Court in central London, a flat in South Kensington, and an apartment in Santa Monica, California. Being a teetotaler, Sunak’s only addiction is Star Wars and he is a huge fan of Jedi Knight. His favorite Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes Back. India’s Jubilation: How will India be benefited?

Indians all over, especially those residing in the country, are extremely happy to see a Hindu of Indian origin becoming the Prime Minister of the UK. The news came as the Diwali Dhamaka , a pleasant surprise for Indians who celebrate the election of the first ever Hindu PM of the UK. They see it as a victory of the Hindus over colonial British rule, creating a full circle of history with a Hindu leader now head of the once-imperial country. Common Indians are expecting a better IndoUK relationship with Sunak as the Prime Minister. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also sees Sunak’s elevation as ushering in a new era of relations. Congratulating Sunak on his election as Prime Minister, he called him the living bridge for

UK Indians and expected a new era of partnership between the two countries.

Being a religious person, Sunak celebrated Diwali at 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the UK Prime Minister, by lighting diyas. Sending Diwali greetings to one and all, he expressed hopes to build a Britain where the next generations can light diyas with hopes of a brighter future. His Hindu roots and respect for the religious culture and ethics of Hinduism are loud and clear. However, the future of the IndiaUK free-trade agreement (FTA) is still not known. Through this deal, both countries will benefit from each other’s resources and finances. From the Indian perspective, FTA will enable exports of textiles, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, rice and leather. India also wants more openings for Indians to live and

work in the UK. The UK wants access to the Indian consumer market for selling goods like medical devices, transport equipment, chemicals, scotch, wines, electrical equipment, medical devices, and motor vehicles and parts. The deal was supposed to take shape during Diwali this year. However, the resignation of Liz Truss has delayed the plan.

Rishi Sunak’s Indian and Hindu origin is raising hope among the common Indians. Only time will tell whether that hope will be fulfilled, and to what extent.

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In 2016 Rishi Sunak was a great enthusiast of Brexit and extended his support to Boris Johnson. It was this support that made his political as well as economic positions clear. He considered Brexit a once in a lifetime opportunity for the United Kingdom to regain control of its destiny. This support gave him high prominence and resulted in his becoming the Chancellor in 2020. • 954.784.8100 BIZ PRINTING USA Providing Low Cost Printing Services Since 1993 Postcards • Business Cards • Booklets • Banners • CD Inserts Event Tickets • Stickers • Bulk Mailing • Silk Cards Binding • Menus • Brochures • Table Tents • Designing Posters • Magazines • Calendars and more PRINTING SPECIAL • 24”X60” PRINTED VINYL • PORTABLE X STAND • CARRYING CASE • 33”X80” PRINTED PVC • RETRACTABLE STAND • CARRYING CASE Standard $165 Premium $195 Deluxe $220 X STAND BANNER ROLL UP BANNER Step and Repeat Banner for Red Carpet Events $75.00 8ft x 8ft Banner $375.00 • 1,000 Business Cards $49 • 5,000 Business Cards $120 • 1,000 EDDM 6.25 x 9 Postcard $255 • 2,500 EDDM 6.25 x 9 Postcard $395 • 5,000 EDDM 6.25 x 9 Postcard $575 • 500 - 4 X 6 Postcard $80 • 1,000 4 x 6 Postcard $90 • 5,000 4 x 6 Postcard $250 Business Card & Postcard Printing All Above Products are Two sided, Full Color, UV Coated Offer Expires December 31, 2022 Above Prices are already discounted Prices Quick Turnaround 50% Discount

Pramukh Swami Maharaj – A Beacon

of Values, Hope & Faith

The land of the great king Bharat, known as Bharat, now widely known as India is a mystical land. Every Indian from this auspicious land at our core is born with the hint of Sanatan Dharmabased faith and spirituality. While the level of intensity varies, we Indians stay connected to our Santana ways of life. One side effect of this life is that it is often being misinterpreted — that only those who are in need, who are miserable, and who struggle to fight their battles in this world turn to spirituality. You will rarely see younger generations engaged in a spiritual way of life, a Sanatan way of life. Those who “have” things and believe themselves to be “happy” forget the true and very essential reason of our original value and faithbased Sanatan way of life, which will allow us Brahmanand, or supreme joy. There is a reason.

First, we must understand the difference between what we call “happiness” and what our scriptures describe as Brahmanand or Param Anand. At the bottom level of this incremental level of happiness is the day-to-day worldly happiness we enjoy through our senses. It is also known as VishayAnand, but for the sake of simplicity, we will call it happiness. At the top, is happiness in its purest form, which arises from God and is termed Brahmanand or Param Anand. Let’s pick Param Anand.

From the day we began to learn, understand, and dream, we all want our lives filled with happiness. The meaning of happiness and the means to happiness changes as we grow in this world, but the endeavor remains ongoing till we die. Many people live their entire lives mimicking what others do and live a happy life, but a few, those who ask questions and those who seek deeper meaning of our human life, search for true happiness that is filled with peace and a sense of satisfaction; that becomes the quality of one’s life… eventually. Those who have embarked on this journey to experience the highest level of happiness, known as Param Anand, almost every person leans towards a spiritual way of life. They see a need for different perspectives and lenses to see and experience the world. They don’t necessarily give up

their prized possessions or comforts of the current materialistic life, but they learn and understand that all those “things” matter less and less. What matters more gets revealed to them through this experience where they endure a much more powerful and satisfying Param Anand in life that is lived based on values and faith.

For them, the entire equation of happiness changes. A deep craving for spirituality and the need for a faith-based life grows more and more in them. These awakened souls continue to turn towards this value and faith-based life that spirituality offers.

One such soul was one of India’s most loved, admired, and globally recognized scientists, president, and people’s leader, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. He was at the top of his game, one might say, in 2001, as a principal scientific adviser of the Government of India. He was a man of science, who lived his entire life working with energy, observing the power of it, and absorbing the universal effect of it on people, nation, and probably himself as well. He was, undoubtedly, the best in his field in India, and recognized internationally as a man of science and principles. Dr. Kalam did not know who Pramukh Swami Maharaj was until he met him as a result of a very interesting incident that took place in the wake of the Earthquake that struck Bhuj in Gujarat in 2001.

Kalam recalls this incident in the book Transcendence, which he wrote as a result of his experiences with Maharaj. Kalam recalls,

I met Pramukh Swamiji, my ultimate teacher, unwittingly. Fate

and my curiosity had drawn me to him. Earlier, as principal scientific advisor to the Government of India, I had visited Bhuj to review the rehabilitation work in the aftermath of the earthquake. There, on 15 March 2001, I met Sadhu Brahmaviharidas, a disciple of Pramukh Swamiji. He asked me a startling question which elicited a spiritual response. He asked, ‘After the detonation of the first atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer remembered the Gita: ‘Time I am the shatterer of the world. What came to your mind after you detonated India’s first atomic bomb?’ I was puzzled by this question, and said, ‘The energy

to be upgraded and enhanced to a higher level of experience, Dr. Kalam did not anticipate the profound impact this first meeting would have on his life and future. Fourteen years after this meeting, Kalam wrote, “Pramukh Swamiji put me in the Godsynchronous orbit.”

Kalam saw something different in Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Maharaj was Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s fifth spiritual successor. As a true spiritual entity on this earth, Aksharbrahm, was the president of the BAPS and loved by millions.

Kalam called Pramukh Swamiji his “Ultimate Teacher” who put him in a God-synchronous orbit in the 14 years of his journey with him. In the book Transcendence, Kalam shared the insight he observed:

of God does not shatter; it unifies,’ to which he replied, ‘Our spiritual leader, Pramukh Swami Maharaj, is a great unifier. He has unified all our energies to regenerate and restore life from the rubble of damage.’ I was moved and expressed my desire to meet such a swami. What began as a chance introduction became a divine destiny.

Kalam thought that he was going to meet a sadhu, spiritual head of BAPS. Just like when Narendra was to meet Ramakrishna Paramhansa at the Dakshineswar Mandir not realizing who he was and that his life was going

For many years, since I met Pramukh Swamiji in 2001, I wondered about his vision, his calmness, and the influence he has over hundreds of thousands of his devotees. Finally, I found the answer in the writings of Michio Kaku and Steven Weinberg. I realized that there is a fourth level of consciousness, wherein the consciousness of the self is transcended and becomes cosmic consciousness. When I see the majestic Akshardham temples, I see within them Pramukh Swamiji’s passionate commitment to transcendental values such as beauty, truth, wisdom, justice, charity, fidelity, joy, courage, and honor.

Kalam elaborates, “Expansion of one’s consciousness begins with fundamental knowledge –understanding of one’s place in the universe and the interconnectedness of all with the Divine.”


This is the fundamental way Pramukh Swamiji has inspired millions to live a spiritual life right from childhood that is rooted in values. Our core values help us fight with the corrupt elements of time and maintain a balance in life that allows us to continue our journey towards Param Anand.

With a values-based life, individuals develop stronger morals and character which results in a HOPE for a better society. Such a person with a stronger character and moral life is naturally drawn to do things that are beyond human capabilities. We start feeling the power of the divine that governs this universe working with us and within us to enhance our lives. This divine joy, Param Anand, sense of satisfaction, is different, out of norm. One cannot express it as just happiness or fun, as it is much more than that and way above this plain flavor of happiness.

This is FAITH and it is built upon the foundation of values and hope. In turn, one realizes that all along, it was their faith in the words of this spiritual beacon, a luminary like Pramukh Swamiji, that allowed them to see their own potential and develop faith in themselves to achieve the impossible. This is what Dr. Kalam saw in Pramukh Swamiji — a beacon of value, hope, and faith for our humanity — the spiritual master who leads his pupil to the ultimate Param Anand in life.

These awakened souls can now differentiate between the worldly way of life where our life ends, but the chase to happiness never ends and the spiritual way of life where one can constantly feel the sense of Param Anand regardless of whether they have materialistic possessions or not.

Mandirs built by Pramukh Swamiji provides the platform for youth activities, seminars, and spiritual discourses. The lessons learned here equip us to identify and differentiate between what we can control and what we cannot control. This

helps us to put our chase to glory, fame, and riches in perspective.

I want to highlight two contrasts/ comparisons:

Rafael Badziag, a contributor at CNBC asked 21 self-made billionaires about their biggest regrets. Here are the 5 most common ones:

1. Not jumping on great opportunities

2. Not living in the present

3. Not starting soon enough

4. Not being bolder

5. Not changing fast enough

Grace Bluerock is a social worker in Murfreesboro, TN, who has experience working with individuals in community settings as well as in the private practice setting. She is the author of Live the Life of Your Dreams by Doing Work You Love. Working in hospice care for six years, she shares nine regrets expressed by hospice patients that can teach us how to live a better life:

1. They wish they had been more loving to the people who matter the most.

2. They wish they had been a better spouse, parent, or child.

3. They wish they had not spent so much time working.

4. They wish they had taken more risks.

5. They wish they had been happier and enjoyed life more.

6. They wish they had lived their dream.

7. They wish they had taken better care of themselves.

8. They wish they had done more for others.

9. They wish they had chosen more meaningful work.

Contrast is very evident at the end of life and quite a stark view on what really matters in life. When I look around in the life of the most famous, influential, and powerful leaders, the story remains the same.

Aurangzeb, one of the most powerful moguls who ruled over north India, had dying regrets: “I came alone, and I went as a stranger. I do not know who I am, nor what I have been doing,” the dying old man confessed to his son in February 1707.

Blinded by the ambition that drove Napoleon to glory, power, and riches, the broken little emperor was finally banished to St. Helena by his enemies whereupon he reportedly said, “I have never known six happy days in my life.”

One can argue that these were the emperors of old times, but what about the current world we live in? We are all chasing that illusive dream.

Olga Rickards is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and coach to high achievers.


She shared the insights she has learned throughout her four decades of studying what even the most successful people regret on their deathbed, and here is the list of some ugly truths that might give you shivers:

Most dying people regret not the things they did, but the things they didn’t do.

1. They grieve over their dreams that have gone unfulfilled.

2. They wish they had not worked so hard.

3. They regret making money at the expense of relationships.

4. They wish they had taken the time to love more and to express their love.

5. They regret not staying in touch with friends and not giving friendships the time and effort they deserved.

6. They wish they had the courage to express their feelings instead of suppressing them.

7. They wish they had the courage to live a life true to themselves, not the life to fulfill somebody else’s expectations or to prove they are good enough.

8. Many of them confessed they never really knew themselves or weren’t clear on what they really wanted out of life.

9. Many of them said they felt as if they hadn’t really lived.

10. And here is a sobering fact: most dying people regret postponing their happiness until “one day.” Guess what? That day never came!

Rickards posed the very obvious question:

Why do we invest so much of our limited time, energy, and money into our businesses, but not our own happiness? Well, simply put, most of us just don’t know how to create a happy, fulfilled, truly successful life. When you and I went to school, they taught us a lot of stuff we never use in real life, but they didn’t teach us what happiness and success really are about. Our degrees printed on fancy paper didn’t come with a Happy Life manual; we are left to figure it all out on our own.

Spirituality helps to bridge this gap. Pramukh Swamiji’s teaching of a values-based life helps us see this through a different lens:

Immorality may give you great gains, but a dry piece of bread given with morality will guarantee peace of mind. Do not become lazy and negligent. Fruits obtained without effort do not give peace and joy. Do not be trapped by greed and superstition. Walking through life in

consonance with instructions given by God will ensure that we are not met by unhappiness.

The greatest advantage of such a spiritual feeling is that any person on this earth, regardless of age, background, education, or social status, can feel this Param Anand when they are exposed to such spiritual wonders created by Swamiji.

In Akshardham, at Gandhinagar, there is a light and sound water show called “Sat-Chit-Anand Water show” based on the famous story of Nachiketa from our Upanishads. Thousands of visitors enjoy this immersive and enlightening show. Once a family of young children from the USA visited this show. One of their kids was a nine-year boy who enjoyed the show and as a curious kid asked many questions to satisfy his curiosity to learn how the light and sound with fire in between can co-exist. The chief guide there, Nishithbhai, patiently explained to him the details. Then, the boy said, “It feels different here. I feel peace.” It proved to be a powerful experience for such a young mind which may help to guide him toward a future of achievable Param Anand.

On December 5, 2010, Amitabh Bachchan, who needs no introduction amongst the Indian community, visited Gandhinagar Akshardham. After watching this “Sat-Chit-Anand Water Show,” he exclaimed “Adbhut, Adbhut, Adbhut.” He met the sadhus and volunteers who set up and operated the show. He also learned about how Pramukh Swamiji inspired this entire show and guided it to finish. Before leaving, he autographed the visitors book, “I have come to Akshardham for darshan many times, but in today’s experience my mind has experienced peace. And I have understood the truth about atma and Paramatma.”

After his visit, Shri Bachchan also wrote about his feelings regarding his visit on his daily personal blog:


But the day ended in another spectacular and amazing moment –a visit to the Akshardham Temple in Gandhi Nagar….The laser imagery on flowing fountains and building images on them with a story tale between Nachiket the son of a Saintly father that banishes him to YamRaj the disciple of Death, was a delight to watch. The deeper meanings of Atma and Parmatma were exquisitely woven into the …

Such a fulfilling experience and then to be able to speak on phone to Pramukh Swami ji, whom I have met on a few occasions, to seek his blessings, was an ideal end to the most, how should I put it, ethereal hours in a day.

Time after time, such experiences have been the triggers for many individuals to push themselves above and beyond our daily lives and out of seeing worldly monotonous ways of life.

With the help of Swamiji’s constant and readily available motherly nurturing in all three human needs— physical needs, mental fights, and the experience of power of Atma - they are pushed into what Kalam explains as the fourth level of consciousness.

I will now elaborate on the level four consciousness that I have observed in Swamiji. Imagine that you are a two-dimensional being and that a fence has been created around you and all that you desire. It would appear as a rectangle. The only way to get what you want is by cutting through the fence.

If you were suddenly given a three-dimensional consciousness, you would look from above at the two-dimensional rectangle and realize that you could simply reach in and take hold of what you want and that the rectangle or fence was not an obstacle from this higher perspective. However, you are still faced with obstacles and hurdles. It is not that things have been delivered on a platter to Pramukh Swami.

There have been problems, obstacles, resistance, even hostilities, but he never reacted to them. Why? Because he accessed an even higher level of consciousness.

The fourth dimension is a higher dimension of consciousness that comes through the divine connection. We are enveloped in a vast universe of light, consciousness, and love. We can reach upward to the higher parts of our being and access this source of inspiration, creative ideas, energy, wisdom, understanding, and spiritual vision.

With a four-dimensional consciousness, we are in touch with our intuition: an infallible source of guidance and wisdom that leads to rightful action, good choices and decisions, harmonious relationships, and a sense of well-being. This is the consciousness that brings us all the resources we need in every moment and is the source of our abundance. Many blessed souls throughout the history of mankind could expand their consciousness into higher dimensions. Pramukh Swamiji is such a blessed soul.

Pramukh Swamiji has become part of the ocean of consciousness. With his blessings, thousands of his devo tees have shifted from their old ways of blocking the true manifestation of their destiny. They have stopped trying to figure everything out; they have ceased trying to control and manipulate the universe into giving them what they want, and they have put their aspiration and their trust in Pramukh Swamiji. They no lon

ger think that having what they want is dependent upon someone else’s power or decisions. They no longer measure their progress or success in traditional cultural terms, but in stead by their feeling of righteous ness. They have realized that if they do not try to control things mentally, the universe will give to them more beautifully than what they could pos sibly have envisioned. Swamiji has taught four generations of people to rise from within, and their rise has been phenomenal.

What Kalam has observed in his 14 years of experience with Pramukh Swamiji, millions of followers have been experiencing for many years as well. We are celebrating the centen nial celebration of Pramukh Swami Maharaj — a beacon of values, hope, and faith on this earth who has en hanced all our lives. A grand celebra tion has been planned for December 10th, at FAU’s Performing Arts Audi torium on the Boca Raton campus. We would love to see you all there. Come and join us in this celebration of our life and culture.

Param Anand is waiting for you!

About the Author

Chirag Patel is a lifelong volunteer with BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha, where he currently helps coordinate all Mahila Pravirti in North America. He is a Software Engineer by education, and is a Product Manager for a Multi-National telecommunications company. He has been an active member of the South Florida community for over 25 years.

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Inspired By India: How India Transformed Global Design

Inspired by India is an exploration of more than six centuries of trade, cultural exchange, and inspiration between India and the West. Through the lens of various material categories, including textiles, fashion, jewelry, and perfume, marvelous stories unfold surrounding the histories of objects and the complex networks of cultural exchange they represent. The book explores how some of the most legendary design houses have looked to Indian culture, decorative arts and artisanal crafts for inspiration. Indian-inspired objects from luxury houses including Hermès, Chanel, Cartier, and Dior are featured, revealing creative and fascinating stories of inspiration and creativity. The stunning Inspired by India also includes rich visual imagery from leading museum and gallery archives, as well as the archives of the world’s greatest luxury houses and renowned fashion designers, including Dries Van Noten, Alexander McQueen, and John Galliano.

Varanasi: City Immersed in Prayer

Varanasi, also known as Kashi and Banaras, is a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh dating to the 11th century B.C.E. Regarded as the spiritual capital of India, the city draws Hindu pilgrims who bathe in the Ganges River’s sacred waters for prayer and ritual. In Varanasi, one is in a time warp where one is living in history as if time has never stopped, for the people, both residents and pilgrims, continue their daily practices and worship in ways relatively unchanged for millennia, a continuum of thousands of years. Being in Varanasi is like being on a thread pulled from a cloth that dates back to the beginning of time. Here, one doesn’t “see” a ruin, as one does in other ancient civilizations, but a living city where history hasn’t stopped.

Musical Resilience : Performing Patronage in the Indian Thar Desert

In Musical Resilience, Shalini Ayyagari shows how professional low-caste musicians from the Thar Desert borderland of Rajasthan, India have skillfully reinvented their cultural and economic value in postcolonial India. Before India’s independence in 1947, the Mangani yar community of hereditary musicians were tied to traditional patrons over centuries and through hereditary ties. In postcolonial India, traditional patronage relations faded due to new political conditions, technological shifts, and cultural change. Ayyagari uses resilience, one of the most poignant keywords of our times, to understand how Manganiyar musicians sustain and enliven their cultural significance after the fading of traditional patronage.


Gandhi’s Global Legacy: Moral Methods and Modern Challenges

While there has been sustained interest in Gandhi’s methods and continued academic inquiry, Gandhi’s Global Legacy: Moral Methods and Modern Challenges is unique in bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars who analyze Gandhi’s tactics, moral methods, and philosophical principles, not just in the fields of social and political activism, but in the areas of philosophy, religion, literature, economics, health, international relations, and interpersonal communication. Bringing this wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, the contributors provide fresh perspectives on Gandhi’s thought and practice as well as critical analyses of his work and its contemporary relevance.

Edited by Veena R. Howard, this book reveals the need for reconstructing Gandhi’s ideas and moral methods in today’s context through a broad spectrum of crucial issues, including pacifism, health, communal living, gender dynamics, the role of anger, and peacebuilding. Gandhi’s methods have been refined and reimagined to fit different situations, but there remains a need to consider his concept of Sarvodaya (uplift of all), the importance of economic, gender, and racial equity, as well as the value of dialogue and dissenting voices in building a just society. The book points to new directions for the study of Gandhi in the globalized world.

Highway to Swades: Rediscovering India’s Superpowers


In 2014, when Bhairavi Jani got into a car with three friends and drove 18,181 km across India, from the remote districts of Nagaland to the villages of Rann of Kutch and from the Kashmir Valley to the interiors of India’s Deccan she was searching for the threads that weave the people of the world’s largest democracy together. What she discovered from the many highways she took to swades form the beating heart of this book.

Highway to Swades is a quest to explore and rediscover the inherent civilizational powers shared by all Indians. Jani identifies twelve such superpowers and maps out how these can be called to action for the future of the republic and its citizens. In ‘Power of Enterprise’, for instance, she explores the values that connect India’s street vendors and tech entrepreneurs of Bengaluru. In ‘Power of Nature’, she shares the unlikely bonds that bind the Changpa people of the cold desert wildlife sanctuary in Ladakh, the Khasis of Meghalaya and an Oxford-returned young woman in Kumaon. And, in ‘Power of Creativity’ she throws light on how our inherent superpower of creativity can help us build a thriving creative economy using new-age tech and AI.

Through an amalgamation of data, travel anecdotes and stories of people from different corners of India, Jani intertwines the country’s past, present and future seamlessly.

Beyond Bollywood: 2000 Years of Dance

Dance is everywhere in the art and culture of the Indian cultural sphere, whether it is the sacred dance of a god bringing the world into being or the sensual performance of a courtly lady before a maharaja. More often than the divine beings of other cultures, the gods of Hinduism and Buddhism dance. They express their creative and destructive energies through fluid rhythmic movements, setting the pulse of the universe. In benign moods, they dance gracefully in sublime play. In stern moods, they dance with a force that, if fully unleashed, could destroy worlds.

In daily life people have long danced for worship, for festivals, for the entertainment of kings and princes, and for their own enjoyment. All these sorts of dance, both sacred and secular, have been represented-or embodied-by artists over many centuries in superb sculptures and paintings, and in recent decades in film and new media. Lavishly illustrated with over 250 color illustrations and essays from renowned experts, this book tells the story of dance in the arts of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Himalayan Region.


Sonal Shah Becomes the CEO of The Texas Tribune

A successful change of leadership starts with an able and accomplished individual who can assume new responsibilities with proficiency and ease. The Texas Tribune has found an ideal candidate for its new CEO in Sonal Shah, who is highly qualified and suitably experienced to excel in the post. The achievement of Indian-American Sonal Shah makes India proud and is certainly a big

Diwali gift for the entire country. With exceptionally bright leadership qualities, Sonal Shah has a long and successful record in fundraising. A long-standing supporter of diversity, equity and inclusion, she is expected to bring a new dimension to the activities of The Texas Tribune.

Sonal Shah’s selection as CEO of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization,

was announced on October 26, 2022. She will replace co-founder and founding CEO Evan Smith when her term begins in January 2023. As the new CEO, Sonal Shah will head the organization in the areas of strategy, fundraising and operations. According to the board of directors of The Texas Tribune, they have found just the right CEO and are extremely hopeful for the Tribune’s future.

The IndianAmerican Sonal’s achievement has made India proud and is certainly a big Diwali gift for the entire country. With exceptionally bright leadership qualities, Sonal also has a long and successful record in fundraising.

Sonal Shah was born on May 20, 1968, in the Indian business capital of Mumbai. She migrated to the USA in 1972 at the age of 4 and pursued her academic career there. She graduated from the University of Chicago with a BA in economics and received her master’s degree in economics from Duke University. Throughout her professional career Sonal Shah held multiple roles in leadership, fundraising and policy formation, both in the public and private sectors.

She worked in the U.S. Department of the Treasury from 1995 to 2001, serving as director of the office in charge of strategy and programs for sub-Saharan Africa, including debt relief. She also monitored the development programs and World Bank/International Monetary Fund strategies. Coordinating with the Ministries of Finance in Bosnia and Kosovo, Sonal Shah played a significant role in restructuring the postwar banking system. She also served as National Policy Director for then-mayor Pete Buttigieg in the 2020 United States presidential

election, was Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in the White House, and was a member of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.

Additionally, Sonal Shah served as Chief of Global Development Initiatives at Google. She also was the founder-director of the Beeck

Center for Social Impact & Innovation at Georgetown University. With roots now planted in Texas, Sonal Shah is poised to continue her distinguished record of leadership and philanthropy. A strong believer in Hindu nationalism, Sonal Shah is sure to fulfill all expectations with her professional skills and abilities.

Throughout her professional career

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Sonal Shah held multiple roles in leadership, fundraising and policy formation, both in the public and private sectors.
2020 Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Named 3 N RI s as Members of The Unity Taskforce Two NRI s Had Already Been Named as Co-Chairs of The Health Panel 35 NOVEMBER 2022 - ATLANTA EDITION - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

What Kind of Parent are you?

Most of us are aware of the controlling parent and the lenient parent. A controlling parent manages their kids’ behaviors using dominating techniques such as threats, yelling, shaming, sarcasm, or punishments. Parents who use control don’t like it but feel compelled to use it. Moreover, with time, the threats go up in intensity. Otherwise, they don’t work. While this method might produce obedience, it doesn’t teach kids why the desired behaviors matter. Furthermore, kids often learn to find less desirable ways to get the things they want, such as sneaking or lying.

Lenient parenting, on the other hand, has its own pitfalls. A lenient parent may decide not to be involved in actively managing kids’ activities (e.g., getting homework done, screen time decisions, junk food) to avoid conflict. Rather, they allow kids to make their own rules! This early and absolute independence can affect

kids negatively in the long run. Having brains that are not yet fully developed, kids often cannot make safe or healthy decisions and have a hard time with limits as they grow into adults.

In today’s age, most parents unconsciously swing between these two parenting styles. Let’s understand how. Even though most of us don’t agree with the controlling style of parenting many of us were raised with, it can be really difficult to invent a different parenting style for our kids. Thus, we end up employing a milder version of the same controlling style. We leave out the harsh punishments that were aversive for us, but we find it difficult to get rid of the milder counterparts, such as sarcasm, shaming, or lecturing, which serve a controlling role. We also feel justified in doing so, because we think kids need to learn the right way!

Any form of control inevitably leads to a disconnection from our kids.

When the disconnection becomes too bothersome, many parents stop controlling and let the kids take control instead. This shift into a permissive style continues until the parents realize that kids can’t manage on their own, ultimately bringing out the dominant parent once again.

If you find that any of this sounds familiar, don’t fret. Such “pendulum parenting” is more common than you think. More than anything, it is important to realize that these alternating parenting styles we adopt over time are simply coping mechanisms to manage our own emotions! This leads us to the question: What’s the right way to parent? How do we get our kids to listen to us without being dominating or lenient?

The answer to these questions is a transformational way of parenting that has evolved by diving deep into the world of emotions, feelings, and needs. This new style emphasizes


that the feelings and needs of every member of the family matter. The practice of accepting what you are feeling and needing as well as what your child is feeling and needing allows you to shift your focus from behaviorbased parenting to connection-based parenting. When you parent from curiosity and connection, kids are receptive because they don’t feel judged.

Making the shift from behaviorbased parenting to connection-based parenting, however, isn’t easy. It takes practice, patience, and a willingness to mess up. You can start by selfexamining your fears concerning your child, expectations from your child, expectations from yourself as a parent, your own disappointments, and your history and conditioning. All this is a lot to unpack, and it can be overwhelming without an objective and trained guide. It is usually helpful to seek structure and support. While this journey toward transformational parenting can be bumpy, I highly recommend it to parents who want to enjoy their parenting and see their kids living fulfilled lives.

About the Author Namitha Raju received a Ph.D. in Psychology where she studied early development. As a mom of two kids, she found that her academic experience couldn’t rescue her from her day-to-day parenting challenges. Her curiosity led her to garner the expertise necessary to inculcate deep connections between parent and child. As a Certified Master Parent Coach, she helps parents bring communication, connection, and peace into their relationships with their children. Her company, Beautiful Bonds, is based on the principle that emotional growth, healthy relationships, and personal transformation are the keys to a fulfilling parenthood. She serves parents virtually throughout the US. If you would like to find out more, please visit www.beautiful

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Parul Agrawal Becomes Head of Drama at Warner Brothers Television

NRI Doctor Donates All Her Savings to Alma Mater

Parul Agarwal has been promoted to the coveted post of SVP and Head of Drama Development at Warner Broth ers Television. Her diligence and brilliance in her responsi bilities as a drama executive at Warner Brothers Television have been recognized as evident by this promotion. In this new position, her reporting point will be EVP and Head of Development, Clancy Collins White.

Parul Agarwal began her TV career working as the script coordinator on AMC’s Mad Men. She joined Warner Broth ers Television in 2010 and climbed up the corporate ladder from the bottom to the post of director and attained the post of VP of Drama Development. In the initial years after joining in 2010, she worked as an assistant in a few devel opments and productions. Now, as the SVP, she will lead the creation of Warner Brothers Television drama series, and movies for Warner Bros. along with Discovery’s HBO Max, external streaming services, cable, and broadcast networks.

Dr. Uma Devi Gavini, an alumnus of the Guntur Medical College (GMC) who has resided in the USA for the last four decades, has donated her life savings amounting to 20 Crore (200 million) INR to her alma mater. The purpose of this donation is to build a Mother and Child Hospital (MCH) on the GMC premises. Her remarkable act of philanthropy and sense of love and belonging for her roots have inspired many of her juniors to step up for humanity.

Dr. Devi completed her MBBS from the GMC in 1965 and then relocated to the USA. She has been working as an immunologist and allergy specialist for more than four decades. She is also an active member of the Guntur Medical College Alumni Association, North America (GMCANA), in Dallas, Texas. At the 17th reunion of GMCANA in September of this year, she announced her decision to donate.

Inspired by her, fellow doctors Movva Venkateswarlu ensured a donation of Rs 20 crore, and Surapaneni Krishna and Tella Nalini, vowed to donate Rs 8 crore each.


Indian-American Lawyer Priti

Krishtel Gets the ‘Genius Grant’

It was indeed a proud moment and a great validation for the causes of the movement of health justice lawyer Priti Krishtel when she was chosen as a recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship, popularly known as the “genius grant” by many. This fellowship is an unconditional grant of $800,000 as a mark of recognition and appreciation for exceptionally talented people in various professions, such as artists, activists, scholars, and scientists. Priti is one of the 25 distinguished fellows comprised of 15 women and 10 men.

Priti completed her BA in 1999 from the University of California at Berkeley and earned her JD (2002) from the New York University School of Law. She has been working against the inequalities in the pharmaceutical patent system and is vocal about gaining availability of life-saving medicines for one and all irrespective of their purchasing power or country. She was the co-founder of the Initiative for Medicines, Access, and Knowledge (I-MAK) in 2006. At present, she works here as co-executive director.

Indian-Origin Footballer Mia Bhuta in the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup

Vyom Bhuta, a 16-year-old boy from Gujarat’s Rajkot, left his city and country to become a tennis player in the USA. Although he fell short of his goal, years later in 2022, his 16-year-old daughter Mia Bhuta created history by representing the USA in the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup. In a match against India on October 11, Mia scored a wonderful goal which her father witnessed from the stands.

Mia expressed her wholehearted gratitude towards her parents and said that she would not have achieved success without their sacrifice and contributions. Talking about Indian football she sounded very positive about the potential of young talent. She wanted the world to believe in the ability of these young girls so that they can succeed in the days and years to come.

Mia was overjoyed by the congratulatory wishes sent to her by the Australian football star Megan Rapinoe via social media.

Chandru Acharya to Represent Hinduism in Security Advisory Council

Chandru Acharya, an active member of the RSS’ (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) US branch of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh has been appointed as a member of Homeland Security’s Faith-Based Security Advisory Council. He is one of the 25 distinguished religious personalities in the USA to be a part of this council. In fact, Chandru Acharya is the only representative of the Hindu religion on this committee. He has made crucial contributions to building awareness and integrity among various religions.

Presently working in the Planning Commission of Canton Township, Michigan, Acharya takes an active

interest in building social equality and peaceful unions between different communities. He works with various community organizations to promote the welfare and cultural heritage of each community. Acharya plays a significant role in evolving cross-cultural consciousness among children and working above faith or religious lines throughout this pandemic. He has also raised his protest against Hinduphobia.

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Spirituality and Wisdom

in the Vedas

The spiritual world is not a myth, although it may certainly be a mystery to those without sufficient knowledge or experience. Many traditions, religions or cultures from around the world tell of another world, the afterlife or a heavenly or spiritual abode. But many of them do not say much about it, but only give hints as to its real nature, leaving the rest up to one’s imagination. The Vedic texts, however, have many descriptions of what the spiritual world is like, in fact more than you will find anywhere else. So we will take a few of these to get a good idea of the conditions there. In fact, such Puranas as the Bhagavata, Vishnu, Garuda, and others explain many of the Lord’ s pastimes and expansions as they are found in the spiritual world as well as the activities that He and His devotees display within this material creation.

The Chaitanya-caritamrita by Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami has some important verses that summarize what many of the Vedic texts describe, and explain the nature of the spiritual world. In the Adi-lila portion of his book, Chapter Five, we find that the spiritual sky is called Vaikuntha, which means where there is no anxiety. It is all-pervading, infinite, and the supreme abode. It is filled with innumerable spiritual planets, each of which is a residence of one of the unlimited expansions of the Supreme Being. The highest planet is called Krishnaloka, which is the residence of Lord Krishna Himself, the source of all other expansions of God. It is divided into the divisions of Dvaraka, Mathura, and Gokula. All of these divisions also appear on earth where the Supreme Being comes to display His pastimes. Gokula, also called Vraja and Vrindavana, is the highest of all. These abodes that appear on earth are expansions of the supreme spiritual atmosphere

Sri Nandanandana Dasa

and nondifferent in quality to the places in the spiritual world.

Lord Krishna expands into many forms, beginning with His form as Sri Baladeva, also called Balarama, who is considered Lord Krishna=s brother. It is by the energy of Lord Baladeva that the spiritual world exists.

In the Madhya-lila section of the Chaitanya-caritamrita (21.55-57), the spiritual planets are described as larger than we can imagine, larger

engaged in playfully tending the cows with his many friends, or engaged in dancing, having a picnic, teasing His relatives, or sporting with friends in the abodes built with spiritual gems and surrounded by millions of wishfulfilling trees. He is served with great reverence and affection by thousands of goddesses of fortune. In verse 2, it states that Gokula, the supreme abode and planet, appears like a lotus flower with a thousand petals.

than any material universe. Each planet is also made of spiritual bliss. All of the inhabitants are associates of the Supreme Lord. And, in Chapter 20 (257-258), the spiritual world is referred to as the abode of the pastimes of eternal spiritual energy.

There are also many verses in the Brahma-samhita which describe the nature and activities of the spiritual realm. In verse 29, for example, we find that the Lord engages in many playful pastimes. He is not some old man sitting high in the sky in a chair trying to manage everything while overlooking the material creation. Instead, we find that Lord Krishna is

Life there is eternal, as is everything else in the spiritual world, and full of bliss and knowledge. It is full of pure devotees who have unlimited facility for their loving service to the Supreme Being. There are beautiful homes and gardens, with ample vegetables, flowers, and jewels. Each person is full with all beauty, wealth, strength, fame, knowledge, and bliss. They also wear the most beautiful of clothes, and fly in wondrous planes around the spiritual planets. All walking is a dance, and all speech is a song. The water is nectar and the land is touchstone.

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, there is the following description of the kingdom of God: “In the spiritual sky there are spiritual planets known as Vaikunthas, which are the residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His pure devotees and are worshiped by the residents of all the material planets. In the Vaikuntha planets all the residents are similar in form to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They all engage in devotional service to the Lord without desires for sense gratification.

“In the Vaikuntha planets is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the original person and who can be understood through the Vedic literature. He is full of the uncontaminated mode of goodness, with no place for passion or ignorance. He contributes religious progress for the devotees.

“In those Vaikuntha planets there are many forests which are very auspicious. In those forests the trees are desire trees [trees that fulfill all desires], and in all seasons they are filled with flowers and fruits because


everything in the Vaikuntha planets is spiritual and personal.

“In the Vaikuntha planets the inhabitants fly in their airplanes, accompanied by their wives and consorts, and eternally sing of the character and activities of the Lord, which are always devoid of all inauspicious qualities. While singing the glories of the Lord, they deride even the presence of the blossoming madhavi flowers, which are fragrant and laden with honey. When the king of bees hums in a high pitch, singing the glories of the Lord, there is a temporary lull in the noise of the pigeon, the cuckoo, the crane, the chakravaka, the swan, the parrot, the partridge, and the peacock. Such transcendental birds stop their own singing simply to hear the glories of the Lord. Although the flowering plants like the mandara, kunda, kurabaka, utpala, champaka, arna, punnaga, nagakesara, bakula, lily, and parijata are full of transcendental fragrance, they are still conscious of the austerities performed by tulasi, for tulasi is given special preference by the Lord, who garlands Himself with tulsi leaves.

“The inhabitants of Vaikuntha travel in their airplanes made of lapis lazuli, emerald, and gold. Although crowded by their consorts, who have large hips and beautifully smiling faces, they cannot be stimulated to passion by their mirth and beautiful charms. The ladies in the Vaikuntha

planets are as beautiful as the goddess of fortune herself. Such transcendentally beautiful ladies, their hands playing with lotuses and their leg bangles tinkling, are sometimes seen sweeping the marble walls, which are bedecked at intervals with golden borders, in order to receive the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

“The goddesses of fortune worship the Lord in their own gardens by offering tulsi leaves on the coralpaved banks of transcendental reservoirs of water. While offering

worship to the Lord, they can see on the water the reflection of their beautiful faces with raised noses, and it appears that they have become more beautiful because of the Lord’s kissing their faces.

“It is very much regrettable that unfortunate people do not discuss the description of the Vaikuntha planets but engage in topics which are unworthy to hear and which bewilder one’s intelligence. Those who give up the topics of Vaikuntha and talk of the material world are thrown into the darkest region of ignorance.”

The Vedic texts further describe that in the center of all the spiritual Vaikuntha planets is the planet known as Krishnaloka or Goloka Vrindavana, which is the personal abode of the original Supreme Personality of God, Sri Krishna. Krishna enjoys His transcendental bliss in multiple forms on that planet, and all the opulences of the Vaikuntha planets are found there. This planet is shaped like a lotus flower and many kinds of pastimes are taking place on each leaf of that lotus, as described in Brahma-samhita, verses two and four: “The superexcellent station of Krishna, which is known as “Gokula” Gokula, has thousands of petals and a corolla like that of a lotus sprouted from a part of His infinitary aspect, the whorl of the leaves being the actual abode of Krishna. The whorl of that eternal realm, Gokula, is the hexagonal abode of Krishna. Its petals are the abodes of gopis [friends] who are part and parcel of Krishna to whom they are most lovingly devoted and are similar in essence. The petals shine beautifully like so many walls. The extended leaves of that lotus are the gardenlike dhama, or spiritual abode, of Sri Radhika, the most beloved of Krishna.”

In this way we can understand that the spiritual realm is not some form of nothingness, as some people may imagine. It is further described that there are millions of Vaikuntha planets, each with a form


or expansion of the Supreme Being who resides on it. Each resident of the spiritual world goes to whichever planet has the form of God to which he or she is most attracted. Each Vaikuntha planet is self-effulgent, and many millions of times brighter than the sun. Material time and the modes of nature have no influence in the spiritual realm. There is no birth, death, old age, or disease, and no past, present, or future. Time is conspicuous by its absence. Everything, including the homes, trees, animals, and plants, are all eternal. It is full of beauty and bliss.

The Lord is like a blazing fire and the spiritual entities are like sparks of that fire who engage in unlimited varieties of service for the Lord=s enjoyment. Since the Lord is also the source of all pleasure and happiness, when the living entities come into contact with the Supreme, they also feel a happiness which far supersedes any pleasure they could feel through contact with the material energy. Because the innumerable spiritual entities are engaged in serving and pleasing the Lord in this way, which is their natural, constitutional, spiritual position, they also feel a bliss that knows no bounds. They feel that there could be nothing better that they could do, or would want to do. Thus, they all feel perfectly situated.

only complete when He displays all of His energies. The unlimited spiritual potency is exhibited by the spiritual world. The limited energy is exhibited in the material cosmos. And the marginal potency, which are the living beings, can be in either the material or spiritual energy, depending on their consciousness.

‘‘ ‘‘

is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the original person and who can be understood through the Vedic literature. He is full of the uncontaminated mode of goodness, with no place for passion or ignorance. He contributes religious progress for

spark becomes bright again when in contact with the blazing fire. Because the Lord is the reservoir of all pleasure, and He also enjoys spiritual ecstasies, there are the living beings who also give Him happiness and provide the means for many pastimes in which there are varieties of pleasurable exchanges between them. The living beings provide the means for the Lord=s variegated activities. Without the spiritual entities, the Lord would remain inactive, although He is complete in Himself. However, merely by looking at all the activity within the material creation we can see that there are unlimited activities. Thus, we can get a clue as to how much more active the spiritual realm is. We can plainly see that we are not alone. So, it is illogical to think that there are no activities in the spiritual realm, or that it is merely some inactive void or Great White Light.

Why does the Lord create the spiritual sparks, or the innumerable living entities? Because He is the source of both the unlimited and limited potencies. The Lord is

To exhibit His omnipotency, the Supreme exhibits all of His energies. In this way, the Lord is the source of all potencies, including all pleasure potencies for which all living entities are hankering. When they come in contact with the Lord through the service attitude for pleasing Him, they are also full of all pleasure and happiness, in the same way that a

In this way, we can begin to understand that the spiritual world is simply for the transcendental loving relationships and recreational activities that expand the happiness and love of all, without the limitations found within material existence. Besides, what is the meaning of the word Alord@ if there is no one to overlord? Similarly, a king without subjects has no meaning. Thus, the spirit souls are the complimentary side of the Supreme Being, and are His parts and parcels. So it is natural that there are reciprocal feelings of love between

In the Vaikuntha planets
the devotees.

the infinitesimal living beings and the infinite Supreme Being. This form of love between the Supreme and His spiritual parts and parcels is the ultimate loving relationship. Every other form of love is but a dim reflection.

When the living beings display their pure spiritual tendencies to serve the Lord, they become liberated souls in the spiritual world. However, they have independence to act spiritually or materially. When they wish to pursue their limited desires for material enjoyment to satisfy themselves, then they take up existence in the material creation and acquire a physical body so they can chase after the idea of gratifying their minds and senses. The pleasure of the mind and senses is merely an idea because it is based on the mood of the mind and the level of reality that the materially conditioned soul accepts as his life and drama. The senses alone, being lumps of matter, or parts of an animated and temporary material body, cannot in themselves feel happiness. They only feel sensations which the mind then interprets as being either agreeable

and wanted, or disagreeable and unwanted. Such sensations are then merely interpreted by the mind, which then accepts such sensations and situations as happiness or unhappiness. In other words, it has the reality of a dream. In a dream one finds himself affected by various levels of his imagination, or memories of past bodily experiences, until he wakes up. Then he remembers his real and present situation. That is why spiritual realization is also called a spiritual awakening when a person awakens to one=s actual position as a spiritual being, beyond the material body and all its limitations. This realization also makes it clear that he or she ultimately belongs to the spiritual realm and needs to follow the process by which one can attain entrance into the spiritual world.

As it is further described, the Vaikuntha planets of the spiritual world float in the Brahman effulgence. Some call this the Great White Light or void. Merging into this Brahman is for those who prefer to exist in a spiritual vacuum, floating in an eternal sky without any form or activities. For this reason, it

is considered an incomplete level of spiritual realization and existence.

AWhat the Upanishads describe as the impersonal Brahman is but the effulgence of His body, and the Lord known as the Supersoul is but His localized plenary portion. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Himself, full with six opulences. He is the Absolute Truth, and no other truth is greater than or equal to Him.@ (Chaitanyacaritamrita, Adi-Lila, 2.5)

wwHerein we can understand that the Brahman effulgence, or the Great White Light in the spiritual sky, is nothing but the bodily rays coming from the Supreme Being, Sri Krishna. It is within those bodily rays that the unlimited Vaikuntha planets float, and into which the innumerable impersonalist philosophers merge who have attained liberation from material existence and who think there is no Supreme Being. However, such liberated souls who merge into the Brahman have no spiritual form or body, but remain only as a spiritual spark without any activity, floating in the Vaikuntha sky.

The Upanishads, focusing on describing the nonmaterial aspects of the Supreme and spiritual truth, especially put emphasis on the great, impersonal Brahman effulgence. The Mundaka Upanishad (2.2.1012) provides additional insight into the nature of the Brahman: AIn the spiritual realm, beyond the material covering, is the unlimited Brahman effulgence, which is free from material contamination. That effulgent white light is understood by transcendentalists to be the light of all lights. In that realm there is no need for sunshine, moonshine, fire or electricity for illumination. Indeed, whatever illumination appears in the material world is only a reflection of that supreme illumination. That


Brahman is in front and in back, in the north, south, east and west, and also overhead and below. In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreads throughout both the material and spiritual skies.@

The above verses mean two things: First, the very word Brahman, being the bodily rays of the Supreme Being, and being an effulgence which must come from a source, means that the Brahman cannot exist without its source. Therefore, by implication, the Brahman means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Secondly, the rays and spiritual force of the Brahman also pervades the material creation. It is in a corner of this Brahman in which the material creation manifests like a cloud. Within that cloud the necessary transformations take place in order to create the material elements, planets, universes, and innumerable living beings. However, between the material universes and the brilliant effulgence of the Brahman is what is called the Virajanadi or Brahmaloka. It is like a river, also called the Viraja River, which is the separation between the spiritual world and the material world. It is within the confines of the cloudy Viraja River that the material manifestation takes place.

The millions of universes in the material creation float on the waters of the Viraja River. On one side of this river are the material universes, and on the other are the spiritual

Vaikuntha planets which float within the Brahman effulgence. The Viraja River is a marginal position between the material and spiritual realms, and is thus not under the control of the material energy. That is why those persons who merge into the Viraja River are considered to have escaped material existence, yet have still not quite entered the real spiritual worlds.

In this way, the Viraja River is also a shelter for those living beings who are disgusted with material life and who become successful in a religious or philosophical discipline that is bereft of true spiritual knowledge. For example, the goal of Buddhists is to reach nirvana in the Great White Light or Clear Void. This void is found in the existence in the Viraja River, which is outside of the material worlds, but still not in the spiritual realm. It is in between. Therein they deny the variegatedness of material existence as well as that of spiritual existence. Thus, if they wish to leave material life yet still have no true understanding of spiritual life, or

life on the Vaikuntha planets, it is into this area in which they merge, if they are successful. Without knowledge or the practice of life in the spiritual world, they cannot go beyond this Viraja area. Thus, it is to our advantage to study what is the spiritual realm and how to follow the process best to attain it, as described in the Vedic literature. That is the means of becoming truly free from the limited material existence within this cosmic creation, which was created for the materially conditioned souls who prefer to attempt to satisfy all of their material desires. That is also why it is best to continue to hear about and familiarize ourselves with the deeper and blissful aspects of the spiritual world, such as with additional descriptions as follows:

“Vrindavana-dhama is a place of ever-increasing joy. Flowers and fruits of all seasons grow there, and that transcendental land is full of the sweet sound of various birds. All directions resound with the humming of bumblebees, and it is served with cool breezes and the waters of the Yamuna River. Vrindavana is decorated with wish-fulfilling trees wound with creepers and beautiful flowers. Its divine beauty is ornamented with the pollen of red, blue and white lotuses. The ground is made of jewels whose dazzling glory is equal to a myriad of suns rising in the sky at one time. On that ground is a garden of desire trees, which always shower divine love. In that garden is a jeweled temple

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whose pinnacle is made of rubies. It is decorated with various jewels, so it remains brilliantly effulgent through all seasons of the year. The temple is beautified with bright-colored canopies, glittering with various gems, and endowed with ruby-decorated coverings and jeweled gateways and arches. Its splendor is equal to millions of suns, and it is eternally free from the six waves of material miseries. In that temple there is a great golden throne inlaid with many jewels. In this way one should meditate on the divine realm of the Supreme Lord, Sri Vrindavanadhama.” (Gautamiya Tantra 4)

“I worship that transcendental seat, known as Svetadvipa where as loving consorts the Lakshmis, in their unalloyed spiritual essence, practice the amorous service of the Supreme Lord Krishna as their only lover; where every tree is a transcendental purpose-tree; where the soil is the purpose-gem, water is nectar, every word is a song, every gait is a dance, the flute is the favorite attendant, effulgence is full of transcendental bliss and the supreme spiritual entities are all enjoyable and tasty, where numberless milch-cows always emit transcendental oceans of milk; where there is eternal existence of transcendental time, who is ever present and without past or future and hence is not subject to the quality of passing away even for the duration of half a moment. That realm is known as Goloka only to a very few self-realized souls in this world.” (Brahma-samhita, 56)

About the Author

Sri Nandanandana Dasa previously known as Stephen Knapp has dedicated himself to spreading the deepest and most practical levels of spiritual knowledge about the soul–our real identity. Though this world may give us numerous challenges, when we rise above the basic materialistic view and its limited search for solutions, our evolutionary development on all levels greatly accelerates. By recognizing that we are all spiritual beings who are, basically, attempting to achieve the same essentials for our existence–namely love, acceptance, harmony, peace, and happiness, not to mention the ordinary needs of food, water, clothing and shelter–we can reach a new level of cooperation with each other. Stephen has written many books on this and related subjects and studied with A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada becoming initiated into the spiritual line of Brahma-Madhava-Gaudiya sampradaya. He is also president of the Vedic Friends Association.

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Rishi Sunak’s U.S. Immigration Path

We are all very excited to learn more about the newly elected British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. What do we know about his U.S. Immigration journey?

This is a very interesting and timely question and one I was asked a few times over the last few days. While I don’t know the exact facts concerning his immigration journey, I can speculate approximately how and when the various steps were taken. Did he follow a common International Student Path from F-1 visa to an H-1B visa to a Green Card? Sunak’s story may be a bit complicated to understand for nonimmigration attorneys, but it is fascinating to investigate, and I really enjoyed researching and writing this article.

The Honorable Rishi Sunak was born in England to parents of Indian descent. Instead of coming to the United States for college on an F-1 visa, hestayed home to attend prestigious Oxford University. After graduating from Oxford in 2001, Mr. Sunak began working for Goldman Sachs in the U.S. as an investment banker. Goldman Sachs likely sponsored Sunak for an H-1B visa under a specialty occupation specifically to the financial field. Since the H-1B lottery was not created until 2007, obtaining an H-1B

or sponsoring an employee for an H-1B was a much simpler process back then. Like clockwork in 2001 Sunak would have received his H-1B visa (which typically last 3 years) and then worked for GS from 2001-2004 in H-1B status.

Since we know that Mr. Sunak was a U.S. Green Card holder (before he recently renounced it in 2021), he would have likely obtained his permanent residence by means of an employer sponsorship. So, when did he get his U.S. Green Card? H-1B visas are “dual intent visas” where you can adjust your status to a lawful permanent resident (green card). It is possible that the future British PM got his Green Card while working for Goldman Sachs. However, I don’t think that is the case. If Goldman Sachs sponsored him for an employment-based green card (EB-1, EB-2, EB-3) he would have been ineligible for a Fulbright Scholarship. “Persons applying for or holding U.S.

permanent residence in the United States are not eligible”. We know that Sunak studied at Stanford as a Fulbright Scholar so he would have had to have instead “entered” the U.S. under the J-1 visitor exchange program run by the State Department. Therefore in 2004 he was still not a U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident but, on a J-1 visa. As on script, Sunak then returned home to England upon graduation from Stanford in 2006, a condition of the 2-year foreign residency requirement for J-1 visas.Many J-1 exchange visas require the student to leave the United States and return to their home country for two years before returning to the U.S. for education or work.

In 2009 he came back to the United States to launch a new hedge fund firm called Theleme Partners. Based on my research Rishi likely entered the U.S. on an investment visa such as an E-2 or under an L-1 visa for executives and managers. It is also possible that he could have even self-petitioned and applied for his own EB-1 or EB-2 green card as an individual with extraordinary or exceptional ability. Based on his already impressive education and work experience in the U.S. and back in the UK, he

Common Green Card Paths for International Students

Path 1 F-1 Visa H-1B Visa Green Card
Visa STEM OPT OPT OPT Green Card F-1 Visa F-1 Visa F-1 Visa Path 2 Path 3 Path 4* Path #4 is less
occurs with students
ability © Finberg Firm PLLC
having advanced degrees and/or extraordinary
1st Stage 2nd Stage 3rd Stage 4th Stage 5th Stage 54 NOVEMBER 2022 - ATLANTA EDITION - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

would have been a strong candidate for an extraordinary ability visa.

Therefore, the new occupant of 10 Downing St. likely obtained his U.S. Green Card sometime after 2006. I am sure the details will emerge in the near future once more indepth biographies are requested and created. While the U.S. Green Card is the goal for so many, why on earth would he ever renounce his U.S. residency? Let’s not forget there are tax consequences and sometimes political restrictions for those holding U.S. permanent residence. I think in this case it worked out okay for the UK’s new PM to eventually give up his U.S. status. Interestingly, I have had clients consult with me about trying to get back their U.S. residence or citizenship after renouncing them. Remember that renouncing or abandoning your U.S. residence is a decision you should make only after carefully consulting with both a qualified international tax specialist and an experienced U.S. Immigration Attorney.

This article does not constitute a solicitation or provision of legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship. The answers provided should not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney licensed or authorized to practice in your jurisdiction. You should always consult a suitably qualified attorney regarding any specific legal problem or matter on time.

U.S. Immigration Attorney Seth Finberg is a 2005 graduate of the University of Georgia School of Law.

About the Author

U.S. Immigration Attorney Seth Finberg is a 2005 graduate of the University of Georgia School of Law. Seth is a member of the Georgia Bar, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), and serves on the Business and Investment Committee for the South Florida chapter of AILA. Mr. Finberg is the owner and founder of South Florida based

Seth is a member of the Georgia Bar, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), and serves on the Business and Investment Committee for the South Florida chapter of AILA. Mr. Finberg is the owner and founder of South Florida based Finberg Firm PLLC and he represents clients nationwide and internationally in business, employment, and familybased immigration. He can be reached by phone at (954)-843-3568 / (954) 249-6603 or by email at seth@ or www.finbergfirm. com.

Finberg Firm PLLC and he represents clients nationwide and internationally in business, employment, and family-based immigration.

He can be reached by phone at (954)-843-3568 / (954) 249-6603 or by email at or



There will be mental unrest this month. The conscience will remain restless due to some unidentified reason. Be aware of any rudeness in your nature that might lead to an increase in confusion. In the beginning, due to the instigation of a family member, momentary differences may arise with the spouse. Loss is possible from an important contract. Wrong guesses can cause damage. Commenting on everyone in the family can have a negative impact on the family environment. Interest in spiritual and philosophical literature will be shown. Don’t run from problems; face them. Don’t get involved in arguments. There are signs of confusion between the opposite sexes. Avoid redundant speech. Don’t take any big steps without careful consideration. There may be ideological differences between spouses. Parents may suffer due to running away. Foreign contacts will be beneficial. Avoid hurting anyone’s self-esteem.


Your financial situation may be a little troubled this month. There will be a slight decrease in earnings, but the economic situation will be fine. Many new opportunities can be obtained. Someone’s jealousy can bring strength to your problem. There may be tension between colleagues and partners. There will be annoyance due to the nondischarge of duties of employees and colleagues. Do not make shortterm investments. A sweet voice will do the job. There may be pain in the nerves and muscles. Avoid conflict in the family. There will be a feeling of happiness due to the sign of speed in the work which has been stopped for a few months. Be careful about your image or someone may try to spoil it.


At the beginning of the month, there are indications of a distant journey. The dominance in the career and the number of supporters will increase. There are also signs of an increase in intellectual power. Eyes will shrink from the actions of an opponent. Your self-confidence will remain strong even in adversity. Efficiency in work will increase. Business relations will improve. The economic force will expand. There is a sum of spending on happiness. You will get the support of family members. The busyness in your career does not appear to end soon. Any work will get worse and worse. Happiness and peace will be visible in the family. With the support of the government or some big person, the background of some big profit will be created. Your brother will gain new opportunities. The trend toward music and literature will increase. In the middle of the month, the lines on the forehead will shrink due to someone’s stupidity.


You can get the support of senior officials. Relatives will come in handy. A wrong decision will cause damage. There are chances of getting auspicious results in the third week of the month. Arrogance will make things worse. Any minor thing will become a canker and will give mental stress. Prudent conduct will be beneficial. Weight will increase. The old friend will be heartbroken by the pain. The sharpness of thoughts will be appreciated. Do not take financial risk, otherwise, a loss is possible. You will get support from someone. Speak with courage. New people will pave the way for profit. There will be family joy. Inner happiness will increase. Religious interest will appear.


There will be new opportunities in business. You will get the grace of

a guru or a guru-like person. New ideas will spread fame. The spirit will rise. Awareness will increase among the people. You will get help from someone. Legal complications may arise. Positive results will be obtained in the third week of the month. A profitable deal will come. Maintain humility in nature. Do not argue with superiors. Take special care of valuables. Help but don’t lead. Smartness will lead to profit. A foreign contract will do wonders in business. Love relations will be strong. Control your emotions. Take care of your health. Credibility will increase. The spouse will get support. Women may suffer from irregular menstruation. Pets have the sum of pain.


This month is good in terms of career. There will be family happiness. Desired work can be done. Old aspirations are likely to be fulfilled. There will be panic among the opponents. Philosophical interest will appear. There will be mental anguish from rivals. A sudden loss can increase the damage. The knowledge of someone experienced will come in handy. There will be joy in the middle of the month. Your father may suffer. There will be positive results in investment at the end of the month. You will gain interest in astrology. One’s soft health can cause stress.


Attraction towards the opposite sex will increase. You will become successful in your career. You will get special support from friends. You will experience the joy of accomplishment. Your health will be fine. There will be further improvement in your ability, and there will be benefits. Financial conditions will be fine. Your bad relationship with your sister will improve. The irregular routine will affect your health. Some disorders may trouble you. Avoid bitter words and criticisms. The child will be restless. Victory will


come from love and forgiveness, not deceit. The body and mind will get rest. Interest in music and literature will increase. Taking a pay cut can be frustrating. There will be trouble due to the dramatic nature of the life partner.


The harshness of speech can cause damage this month. There will be new opportunities in business. The fear of theft or loss of a loved one will appear. The spouse will get support. Wisdom and prudence will benefit. Pain in the legs and muscles is possible. Bad news related to an acquaintance will hurt. Do not repair defective equipment in the absence of complete knowledge, otherwise, there will be trouble. New ideas of income will emerge. In the middle of the month, you will suffer from mental stress due to unnecessary disturbances. Your sister’s indiscreet conduct and hot nature will cause trouble. There will be a chance to profit from the opposite sex. Be careful in financial transactions. Avoid trying to earn money quickly. There could be some deceit. Disputes with family members are possible in the middle of the month.


There are signs of gaining physical and sensory happiness. Mental pleasure will increase. Time is better than a medium for a career. Wishes will take wings. There may be a financial loss in the second week. Domestic tension is possible. There can be a mole palm in a small dispute. Confidence will decrease. Experienced people will be contacted. Marital happiness will be better than moderate. There will be uneasiness due to the negative conduct of the family members of the father. Attraction towards the opposite sex will increase this month. Dramatic U-turns in a big contract will hurt. The third week will remain entangled like jalebi. Positive conditions will be

created. The lack of profit will open with the key of jugaad. Problems will arise due to the mistakes of colleagues. A sudden profit is possible at the end of the month.


You will see the fruits of your labor in your career. Any failure can trouble you in the first half of the month. False accusations will hurt. Mental tension will remain. Caution is essential in following the advice of others. There are indications of economic benefits from short-term trading; both earnings and expenses will increase. There may be tension in financial transactions. Any business deal will go wrong. There may also be tension with partners or team members. There will be sorrow due to the anger of the spouse. Keep your emotions under control. An old complicated matter will be resolved. Be careful about your health. Be careful with valuables and essentials. They can be troublesome due to different thoughts than your own. Mental ability will increase. Don’t let yourself lose faith. Do not get into a dispute with anyone for no good reason.


The financial condition will be moderate, yet the mind will remain restless due to money. Vigilance is necessary at the end of the month. An old spoiled relationship can get worse. Always avoid worry and criticism of your spouse. The child will leave for a distant journey, and due to laziness, the mind will be disturbed from studying. A sharp talk with a friend can strain the heart. The family atmosphere will be moderate. Obstacles will come this month, but they will go away. Any news related to someone close can increase your discomfort. Ideological power will increase in the third week. Due to the non-availability of essential items, the atmosphere of the house can be disturbed. People in government will benefit. There will be intimacy with

higher officials, and you will benefit from it. Inner qualities will come out. Ignorance can cause damage. Reputation will increase at the end of the month.


Today your speech intelligence will develop. An old boyfriend and girlfriend may be in contact again. With intelligence and tact, you will get many wonderful results. Lack of new income can cause stress. Anyone’s advice can do wonders. Correct predictions will give miraculous results in your career. Disappointment will increase due to work interruptions in the middle of the month. Uneasiness can increase due to the sadness of the spouse. In the third week, supernatural inner strength will manifest. There will be momentary tension in relations with loved ones. Be careful about reputation. Someone’s love will be passionate. There will be a way to get the stalled money. Be careful in big decisions, otherwise, a small mistake can cost you dearly. An expert’s opinion is essential before starting a new job. There will be happiness for daughters and granddaughters. The praise of a boss will increase your spirits. Any opponent will also praise. Deteriorated relationships will gradually improve. Do not doubt unnecessarily or else there can be farreaching damage to the relationship.

Author Bio:

Celebrity Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla is the son of famous astrologer Bejan Daruwalla. He is known for his detailed astrological predictions on career, health, love, finance, and business. You can visit their website for guidance on problems related to your life and solve your problem with the help of expert astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. Speak to Daruwalla on Call/ Whatsapp: +91 9825470377 or email:


Georgia Atlanta Metro

Mata Ki Chowki

When: 2023-01-01, 4:00 PM

Where: Shree Sadhana Mandir 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd. Ste 733 Norcross, GA 30071 Contact: 770-921-6889 Email: Website: Host: Shree Sadhana Mandir

Ganapathi (Balaji) 32nd Varshikotsavam

When: 2022-12-01, 9:00 AM

Where: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta 5851 GA Hwy 85 Riverdale, GA 30274

Contact: 770-907-7102

Email: Website: Host: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta

Teen. Miss. Mr. Mrs. Inspiration

Bharat GA 2022 When: 2022-12-03

Where: Phase Legacy Theater 12150 Morris Rd #7, Alpharetta, GA 30005

Contact: Priyanka, 316-461-7431 Email: Website: Host: Inspiration Enterprises

Saanjh Ke Rung Ekal Ke Sung

When: 2022-12-02, 6:30 PM

Where: Global Mall – Impact Center 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd Norcross, GA 30071

Contact: Ajay Upadhyaya, 678-770-1115 Email: Host: Ekal Vidyalaya Atlanta Chapter

Pagadipadai Tamil Stand Up Comedy

When: 2022-12-04, 3:30 PM EST Where: North Atlanta Dance Academy 10700 State Bridge Road Alpharetta, GA 30022 Email: Website:

Mokshada Ekadashi – Gita Jayanti –Sunderkand Paath

When: 2022-12-04, 4:00 PM Where: Shree Sadhana Mandir 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd. Ste 733 Norcross, GA 30071 Contact: 770-921-6889 Email: Website: Host: Shree Sadhana Mandir

Hanuman Vratam

When: 2022-12-05, 10:00 AM Where: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta 5851 GA Hwy 85 Riverdale, GA 30274 Contact: 770-907-7102 Email: Website: Host: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta

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Sauramana Kartikai Deepotsavam

When: 2022-12-06, 10:30 AM

Where: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta 5851 GA Hwy 85 Riverdale, GA 30274

Contact: 770-907-7102 Email: Website: Host: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta

Mokshada Ekadashi – Gita Jayanti – Marshish Purnima

When: 2022-12-07, 6:00 PM

Where: Shree Sadhana Mandir 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd. Ste 733 Norcross, GA 30071

Contact: 770-921-6889 Email: Website: Host: Shree Sadhana Mandir

Arudra Darshan Nataraja Swami Abhishekam

When: 2022-12-09, 10:00 AM

Where: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta 5851 GA Hwy 85 Riverdale, GA 30274 Contact: 770-907-7102

Email: Website: Host: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta

Dhanurmasa Vratham

When: 2022-12-16 Where: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta 5851 GA Hwy 85 Riverdale, GA 30274 Contact: 770-907-7102

Email: Website: Host: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta

Kalabhairava Jayanthi

When: 2022-12-16, 6:30 PM

Where: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta 5851 GA Hwy 85 Riverdale, GA 30274

Contact: 770-907-7102

Email: Website: Host: The Hindu Temple of Atlanta

Book Launch Snakes in the Ganga Breaking India 2.0 Saturday, December 10 From 6 PM - 9 PM EST Rajeev Menon 678-386-7873 Shobha Swamy 248-894-1929 Shiv Aggrawal 404-456-2973 Jugal Malpani 404-576-7802 Suresh Krishnamoorthy 678-600-4046 Contact: Register at Impact Center, Global Mall 5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, Georgia, 30071 Rajiv Malhotra Presented by : 61 NOVEMBER 2022 - ATLANTA EDITION - WWW.DESHVIDESH.COM

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar receives Gandhi Peace Pilgrim award

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, eminent spiritual leader and global emissary of peace, non-violence and humanity, was honored with the Gandhi Peace Pilgrim award by the Gandhi Foundation of USA (GFUSA) on November 10, 2022.

and government and elected officials of Georgia. A large crowd representing various communities also attended.

In his acceptance speech Guruji emphasized the significance and relevance of non-violence at all times, especially in the current era of polarization and global tension. Guests present at the ceremony congratulated Guruji, the founder of The Art of Living, an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization, and expressed appreciation for his teachings of universal peace and unity.

The prestigious award was bestowed in appreciation and recognition of Guruji’s efforts to spread messages of peace and non-violence, as embraced by Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Guruji accepted the award at a ceremony in front of the Mahatma Gandhi statue at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta.

GFUSA Chairman Subash Razdan presented the award to Guruji in the presence of Isaac Farris, former president of The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change and nephew of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Swati Kulkarni, India’s Consul General in Atlanta,

After the award ceremony, Guruji led a peace walk to the King family tomb and laid wreaths for Dr. King and his wife, Coretta Scott King. His 3-day Atlanta visit, from November 9-11, included activities and programs of meditation, speeches and interactive sessions attended by thousands of people in and around Atlanta.

He visited the Georgia Institute of Technology, the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel, Emory University and other notable locations, where he shared his valuable opinions on issues such as mental health, work-life balance, the stress of academics, etc.

He extended a public invitation to the World Culture Festival, hosted by The Art of Living and scheduled to take place in Washington, D.C. in September 2023. This global event, envisioned by Guruji as the “Olympics” of world culture, is expected to attract 250,000 people for meditation and an opinion-sharing platform for eminent leaders, visionaries, artists, educators, philanthropists and others.


Dr Veena N Rao Receives Pink Frog Legacy

Dr Rao got her Master’s Degree of Science in Biochemistry and PhD in Biochemistry from Osmania University, India. Her postdoctoral training with a Fellowship in Molecular Biology was completed at the University of California, Berkeley, and she also received a Fellowship in Human Genetics at Yale University School of Medicine.

Dr Veena N Rao is a passionate as well as a dedicated scientist who has been sorting out the mysteries of the BRCA1 gene and its role in breast and ovarian cancer for more than 20 years. Her persistent research and studies have been acknowledged at different levels and by various organizations. Recently, she was chosen for the Pink Frog Legacy Award by the Pink Frog Foundation at its 10th Annual Pink Frog Affair. The organization honored her as an acknowledgement of her research on breast cancer.

Dr Rao is a Professor and Co-Director of the Cancer Biology Program in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. The focus of her research is on the role of the BRCA1 gene in breast and ovarian cancer in varied populations, including triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) that are more dominant among African American women. She was the first to find evidence that BRCA1a brings cell death in breast cancer-affected cells.

She has got a patent for BRCA1 function-based tests, which can be used to lower the risk for TNBC in women. After full development, this technology along with BRCA1 genetic testing will create a sea change in the early detection of hereditary TNBC.

Dr Rao is a Professor and Co-Director of the Cancer Biology Program in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia.

Diwali Celebrations at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Atlanta, GA

Diwali is one of the best Hindu festivals celebrated with lights, colors and worshiping God. Hindus all over the globe celebrate this pious festival with wholehearted devotion and enthusiasm. This year Diwali was celebrated at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Atlanta, GA on October 24 with great festivities and tradition. October is observed as the Hindu Heritage Month is being celebrated by the US community leaders, and policymakers, including US President Joe Biden, by lighting lamps and offering best wishes for the festivities.

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir was decorated with colorful Rangoli and lights. Annakut or the ‘Mountain of Food’ was offered to the deities with utmost dedication and respect. For local Indians, it is like a home away from home where they join together in celebrating the festival and sharing the Prasadam or dedicated food. They fully observe the deep significance of Diwali and its lights, which implies the elimination of the darkness from within, in the forms of anger, envy, greed, arrogance, and resentment. Diwali also symbolizes the growth of inner light and prosperity. The festivities and participation of local people signified the spirit of love, unity and deep bonding among the people.

The BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) is a spiritual organization committed to improving society through individual growth by encouraging the Hindu ethics of faith, unity, and selfless service. It has 3800 centers around the world and its volunteers under the aegis of His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj are dedicated to building a morally and ethically superior society.


Grand Success of the Sai Health Fair

The SAI Health Fair, which was organized on October 15, 2022, saw a huge turnout of more than 200 people seeking medical assistance for various reasons. It took place at the Hindu Temple, Riverdale, Georgia, in coordination with the Georgia Indian Nurses Association (GINA) with the active participation of the Georgia Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage (GAPI). Dr Sujatha Reddy initiated the Health Fair as a part of paying tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and upholding his principles of Nonviolence, community service and social justice.

The importance and effectiveness of Ayurvedic as well as Homeopathic treatments were also discussed by the specialists. Health & Wellness Lifestyle coach and nutritionist, Rajitha Bommakanti discussed the importance of weight loss, nutrition, stress management and other areas. More than 80 kinds of blood tests were done at reduced rates. Tests like HBA1C, EKGs, Audio screenings, and Peripheral Bone Mineral Density screening tests were conducted that helped in quick diagnosis.

GAPI, and GINA officials Dr Uma and Vidya Kanagaraj respectively, and Rajitha Bommakanti, acclaimed Dr Sujatha Reddy for her initiative. Dr Sujatha Reddy profusely thanked GINA, GAPI, and all the Doctors, nurses, technicians, and volunteers for their efforts and initiatives in making the health fair a grand success. She also thanked Hindu Temple President Prashanthi Asireddy for allowing the temple to be used for the fair.

Specialist doctors in different fields like internal medicine, endocrinology, cardiology, gynecology and obstetrics, gastroenterology, orthopedics, general surgery, dentistry and ophthalmology attended patients at separate desks. Dr Supriti Balyan addressed and managed the public. Dr Indira Menon discussed the ‘’Bone Marrow Drive’’ signed up people for bone marrow registry and informed them about the importance of a bone marrow registry for helping patients requiring a bone marrow transplant.


Amitabh Bachchan Feels ‘honored’ to Work with Suraj Barjatya

Happy Birthday: Big B turns 80

Amitabh Bachchan, veteran actor and living legend of Bollywood, has expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to work with the eminent filmmaker Suraj Barjatya of Rajshri Productions. Though this is not the first time that he is working with Rajshri, he said that he feels honored to work with Barjatya. At the trailer launch of his upcoming movie Uunchai, he profusely thanked Barjatya for casting him in the film and allowing him to work with great actors.

Mentioning that he had worked with Rajshri Productions in the initial years of his film career, Bachchan also said that both his wife Jaya and son Abhishek had worked with Rajshri, and now it’s his turn. Suraj Barjatya, too, expressed his respect and admiration for “Big B” — as many call him. He said that it is extremely easy to work with him and added that they’ve shared thoughts on poetry and filmmaking in his van. However, on the set, Bachchan is a quiet listener — very likely one reason he has become such an accomplished actor.

Uunchai revolves around the story of four friends on a journey to climb Mount Everest. The story and direction are by Suraj Barjatya and features Anupam Kher, Boman Irani, Neena Gupta and Parineeti Chopra as cast members along with Bachchan.

He is an institution in and of himself. Megastar Amitabh Bachchan turned 80 on October 11, 2022. The showman with five decades in the film industry was greeted by a cross-section of his fans and followers among others. Even our respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeted him on his social media handle with birthday wishes for the veteran actor; he wished for a long and healthy life. Modiji called him the most remarkable film personality who has fascinated and entertained the audience for more than five decades.

This year, he surprised his fans who gathered around his residence, Jalsa, at midnight to greet him. He came out at the late hour for a short while and accepted the greetings of his fans. A special show by Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC), featuring “Big B” as the host, was organized. His wife Jaya and son Abhishek were also in attendance. Social media handles were full of birthday wishes for the megastar by his colleagues, juniors, and fans. Bachchan spent his birthday with his family in the house. His daughter Shweta Bachchan shared a few photos on her Instagram handle where “Big B” was seen with his son Abhishek and daughter Shweta, who was twinning with her father in their outfits.


Anupam Kher Visits Kailash Temple In Agra

restoration of her account. Kangana reacted positively to this request. Her fans want her account to come back for the sake of the freedom of speech.

Kangana, being an ardent supporter of Elon Musk, defended him after Kanye West’s tweet in which the actor shared a post by Vanity Fair mentioning that Musk would convert Twitter into a “right-wing” gutter. Defending Musk, Kangana commented that the liberals are opposing him, because they can’t stand a bright, intelligent, selfmade, and sane person like Musk.

Kangana’s upcoming movie is titled Emergency, and she plays the role of the late Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhry, Vishak Nair, and Shreyas Talpade are also part of the cast.

Veteran actor Anupam Kher had an amazing experience filled with devotion and gratitude during his visit to the Kailash Temple near Agra. Kher was shooting for his upcoming movie Kuch Khattaa Ho Jaay in Agra and had an opportunity to explore the remarkable sculpture and interact with the priest of the temple. He said that it is the only temple in the world with two Shivling. The actor was extremely happy for the opportunity to worship in the temple and expressed his contentment with his followers on his social media handle.

He also learned from the priest that the Kailash Temple is 10,000 years old. He prayed for the well-being of all to Lord Shiva and shared some glimpses of his interaction with the priest of the temple. A few weeks ago, Kher also visited the Guru Ka Taal Gurudwara in Agra and sought blessings. He interacted with the Kar Sevaks at the Gurudwara and paid homage to Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib for his sacrifice and said that the Kashmiri Hindus will be ever grateful to him.

Kangana Ranaut’s Reaction to a Fan’s Request to Restore her Twitter Account

Wedding Bells for Palak Muchhal and Mithoon

Kangana Ranaut admitted that she missed her friends on the microblogging platform Twitter. She responded positively to one of her fan’s requests to restore her Twitter account after its takeover by Elon Musk. A great supporter of Musk, Kangana shared the screenshot of her fan’s request, along with a sticker that said to protect free speech. Kangana’s Twitter account was permanently suspended in May 2021 following her comments on the West Bengal assembly election results. Now, after Elon Musk has taken over Twitter, her fans hope for the

It can rightly be called a marriage of melodies. The super hit singer Palak Muchhal recently married composer Mithoon in early November 2022. They have created quite a few famous songs together, and now it is time for them to move ahead in the song of life. They worked together on songs, such as “Keh Bhi De” and “Door Na Jaa” in 2016. Two songs in Aashiqui 2 — “Meri Aashiqui” and “Chaahu Main Ya Na” were also created by them, where Mithoon was the composer and Palak was the singer. The songs became a super-hit instantly after release. Despite knowing each other for quite a long time, their union was an arranged marriage, according to sources. Their wedding celebrations began on November 4, 2022, and the couple will have their wedding reception in Mumbai.

Palak Muchhal was the playback singer in hit films, such as Ek Tha Tiger (2012), Aashiqui 2 (2013), Kick (2014), Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (2015), M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (2016), and Kaabil (2017). Palak is also famous for her charity work for the underprivileged. Mithoon has composed songs for films, including Murder 2, Aashiqui 2, Ek Villain, Zeher, Kalyug, Anwar, Sanam Re, Shivaay, Baaghi 2, and Kabir Singh.

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Review of Ram Setu Movie

pressured by the government to submit a report on the Ram Setu that it is not man-made, but rather a natural formation.

With Aryan being an atheist, his report would not hurt any religious sentiment in breaking the Ram Setu. However, looking into the matter, Aryan found a deep-rooted truth and the cultural heritage and integrating powers of the Ramayana. His exploration and detailed research lead him to discover the closely intertwined relationship between history and mythology.

Ram Setu is miles apart from the average Bollywood masala movie. It is like a breath of fresh air in the world of typical Hindi movies featuring either romance or action. It is an adventure movie — seldom made in Bollywood — a movie that is based on Indian themes and traditions that is going to inspire young people, especially teenagers.

The movie begins with the mention of cultural bonding between Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India and the destruction of Bamiyan Buddha by the Taliban. The plot of the movie revolves around the request for the destruction of the Ram Setu for a multi-crore shipping project. Akshay Kumar, playing the role of the Joint Director of the Archaeology department Dr Aryan Kulshrestha, is

Aryan’s search and exploration reveal many truths to the viewers. He, too, goes to Sri Lanka in search of the truth. The visuals are extremely beautiful, with all credit going to Aseem Mishra and his camera. The stunts are also quite appropriate. The viewers get to see chases, suspense, courtroom arguments, and strong religious reasoning. Ram Setu was built by none other than Lord Rama, and apart from being a bridge, it is a symbol of protection of the Lord for all women whenever they are in danger.

Akshay Kumar gave a stellar performance as the senior archeologist Dr. Aryan Kulshrestha. Telugu actor Satyadev, too, was excellent. Jacqueline Fernandez and Nusrat Barucha are both appropriate in their roles. There is no song or romantic subplot… which is a great relief to many. Abhishek Sharma does a good job as both the story writer and director. Ram Setu establishes the power of Hinduism and is a must-watch for everyone.


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Jaya Bachchan leaves her husband speechless on KBC 14

Neha Kakkar breaks down in tears at Indian Idol 13.

He is the megastar, an icon of inspiration to millions, and a matinee idol. However, even he was not spared by his wife. It was Amitabh Bachchan’s 80th birthday on October 11, 2022. KBC 14 was adorned by the presence of his wife Jaya Bachchan and son Abhishek Bachchan. Jaya brought food for the megastar, and there was a cake-cutting ceremony. Amidst all the celebrations, she complained about her husband which left him speechless. Jaya said that she has heard about Amitabh sending handwritten letters or flowers to people as a token of appreciation for their work or influence on him.

Still, she protested that has never received any letter or flower from her husband. This left the super-smart “Big B” speechless.

“Big B” tried to defend himself saying that this is a public show and this complaint is not right, but Jaya was not ready to listen. The audience burst out into laughter. This personal touch on his birthday episode was perfect. Abhishek mentioned his father’s guidance and thanked him. Then he read aloud what he called his best script, titled Mere Paa in which he shared his emotional bonding with his father that left both his parents teary-eyed.

It was truly a moment of joy and achievement for singer Neha Kakkar when she heard superstar Govinda say that he is a great admirer of her songs. It was a special episode of Indian Idol 13, where Govinda, his wife Sunita, and daughter Tina were invited as special guests. Sunita said that Govinda is a great fan of Indian Idol judge singer Neha Kakkar. Hearing this, Neha appeared excited and joyful. Sunita requested that they dance to Govinda’s famous song “Main to Raste Se Ja Raha Tha.” Neha instantly agreed and the two of them danced to the song.

After the dance, Govinda praised Neha as a brilliant artist. He also wanted to hear her popular dialogue “Paisa Kamao.” Neha was so touched by this that she broke into tears, saying that she grew up watching Govinda’s movies, and now the superstar wants to hear her dialogue. It was an amazing moment for her and cried while hugging Govinda. The moment of emotion was shared by the many people who were present. Sunita said that she loved Neha, and Neha, too, said that she loved her.

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Iron Man” says her son

Shefali Shah is a powerhouse of talent which is evident from the variety of characters she has played effortlessly. Recently, she has been basking in the glory of two back-to-back super hits on the OTT — Darlings and Delhi Crime 2. Both have been highly acclaimed by critics as well as common viewers. However, she received the best compliment from her son after viewing Delhi Crime 2. Appreciating her performance as the chief cop in Delhi Crime, her son said that she is “like Iron Man.” To this, Shefali wanted to know whether this is a compliment for her playing a superwoman. Her son said that every Marvel

superhero has been played by several actors, except for Iron Man. She has become like Iron Man who cannot be replaced. Shefali was so moved by this compliment that she wanted to print it and place it on the walls.

Supporting the OTT platform, Shefali said that it is like a boon to the actors and with the availability of local, national, and international content. On the OTT, there has been healthy competition with world cinema. She also thinks that big cinemas are a part of the movie culture and have a time-tested value. Her recent release is Doctor G which also stars Ayushmann Khurrana and Rakul Preet Singh.

Ekta Kapoor slammed by the Supreme Court for polluting the minds of young generation

The Supreme Court of India has highly criticized Ekta Kapoor for the objectionable content in her web series XXX currently streaming on her OTT platform Alt Balaji. This criticism has come as the result of a complaint lodged by Shambhu Kumar, an ex-serviceman in Bihar’s Begusarai, and a subsequent arrest warrant against Ekta Kapoor has been issued by a trial court in Begusarai. Ekta Kapoor, represented by the renowned lawyer Mukul Rohatgi, has filed a plea in the Supreme Court, challenging the arrest warrants. The Supreme Court had earlier given legal protection to Ekta Kapoor on similar grounds.

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah to celebrate with Chhello Show director

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is going to have a special show with director Pan Nalin and child artist Bhavin Rabari of the Gujarati movie Chhello Show to celebrate the success of the movie as India’s official entry to the 2023 Oscars. Being a great fan of the show, Bhavin will visit the sets with creator Asit Kumarr Modi and the team of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah. The story of Chhello Show revolves around a nine-year-old Samay (played by Bhavin) who loves films and spends an entire summer watching films in a rundown movie palace. He wants to become a filmmaker. Unfortunately, he faces heartbreaking times.

The special episode shows Bhavin Rabari visiting the popular Gokuldham society and looking for Taarak Mehta,

However, this time, the bench of Justices Ajay Rastogi and C T Ravikumar took exception to such a plea and condemned Ekta Kapoor for creating such a web series that hurt the sentiments of the soldiers and their families. They said that something needs to be done in this respect. They claim she is polluting the minds of the younger generation by showing such content. They also said that since OTT is available for all, she is giving the wrong choice to young minds. They even told the lawyer that they don’t prefer such appeals and suggested that a local lawyer should be employed to know the status of the case at Patna High Court.

Anjali Mehta, Haathi Bhai, and others. He is thrilled to meet them, but they fail to identify him. Asit then tells everyone about the two visitors. Asit Kumarr Modi said that it is a part of their integration program with films. Chhello Show, translated as Last Film Show, is a significant development in the Gujarati entertainment industry. Its nomination for an Oscar is a well-deserved achievement.

to Shefali Shah after Delhi Crime 2.
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Madras ChattinaadVegetarian Restaurant 404-384-4754

Mayuri Indian Grill 770-609-6931

Sitar Indian Cuisines 770-422-8000 Zyka 678-580-0538


Sri Hanuman Mandir 770-475-7701



Asia Halal Meat 404-633-0010

Indian Bazaar 770-235-2066


Bawarchi Biryani -Atlanta 404-255-5059

Swapna indian cuisine 770-956-7589


Cherians International Groceries 770-888-4141

OM Indian Market 678-771-8261


Maruthi Foods 404-578-7500

Sri Krishna Vilas 470-239-8804


Sri Maha Lakshmi Temple of Atlanta 770-716-6698

Sri Satyanarayana Swamy Temple Atlanta 470-210-4492


Cherian S International Grocery 404--299-0842


Chai Pani Restaurant 404-378-4030

Madras Mantra 404-636-4400

Masala Indian Cuisine 404-296-9999

Zyka restaurant 404-664-8880


Apna Bazaar Duluth 770-807-7776

Cherians International Groceries 770-476-0522

Desi Brothers 470-740-2555


Asmas Cuisine 678-380-9548

Gokul Sweets 470-268-4444

Udipi cafe 678-584-5840


Bharath Groceries 678-731-9252


Indiaco 630-477-7555


Biryani Pot 770-476-4795

Rajulas Kitchen 470-275-3122


Ganesh Temple of Atlanta 770-573-4311


Patel Brothers-Kennesaw LAKE CITY


Ambaji USA - Shree Shakti Mandir 770 968 3490


Akshar grocery 770-717-9882


Shri Hari Grocery 478-254-5560


Bombay Curry 478-444-3401


Shree Umiya Mataji Mandir 478-305-5470



Bismillah Halal meat & Indo Pak Grocries 770-565-8859

Punjab grocery 770-955-3277

Shivam Indian Groceries 912-925-6677

Suvidha Indo-Pak Groceries 770-419-7112


Haveli indian cuisines 770-422-8000

Lahore grill 678-398-9868

Moon Indian Cuisine 770.792.1922


Guru nanak mission 770-931-3490


Rahuls Boutique 478-747-9418


Mughals Restaurant 770-446-6941


Indo Pak Grocery 770-996-6786


Hindu Temple of Atlanta (770) 907-7102


Sanatan Mandir 770-316-1055


Patel Brothers-Suwanee 770-781-6557

Suvidha Indo-Pak Groceries 770-292-1992



Sadh Sangat of Georgia 770-414-9096



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