Desh-Videsh January 2023

Page 60

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Elon Musk and Adani: A Nightmare for the Left 16

Twitter takeover by Elon Musk and Adani becoming NDTV’s major stakeholder: 2022 has been a tough time for Liberals - A misnomer - Two pivotal events, one in the USA and the other in India, have shaken the foundations of the Left-Liberal world:

Editor’s View 10

Let me first and foremost wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Let me use a verse from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the most well-known slokas in Hinduism:

Make Learning FUN again for Kids 32

Do you agree that these days kids spend the vast majority of their time either in front of a screen or being shuffled from activity to activity? There’s something I’ve noticed over the last few years that bothers me:

Gujarat 2022 Election and The People’s Prime Minister 42

He is at the zenith of power, yet so down to earth. He is synonymous with hope and humanity. The common Indian sees the new sunrise through him. He is none other than Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India.

Key Points for a Great Immigration Reference Letter 48

Question: Do you have any suggestions to have a better reference letter for my visa or green card application? I get these questions a lot from my employment-based immigration clients.

Careers! Who gets to choose – Parents or Kids?


A clever advertisement recently released (https://youtu. be/36SDHEwSA_U) by Bournvita, a children’s health drink company in India, promoted a social message. In this ad, they changed the packaging of their health drink and presented it

NRI News 56

Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at the United Nations headquarters. - The installation of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, makes every Indian proud.

74th Republic Day: India ready to become global powerhouse

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On January 26, 2023, India will commemorate its 74th National Republic Day, which marks the date in 1950 when the Constitution of India took effect and all links to the evil British empire were severed.

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Desh-Videsh JANUARY 2023 -
30, ISSUE 01
Advertisers’ Index
Poetry on Hinduism 60 Community News 68 Classifieds 71 Best Bollywood Movies of 2022 to
Online 72

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Editor’s View

Dear Readers,

Let me first and foremost wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Let me use a verse from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, one of the most well-known slokas in Hinduism:

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Om, May All be Happy, Sarve Santu Niraamayaah | May All be Free from Illness. Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu May All See what is Auspicious, Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet | May no one Suffer.

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || Om Peace, Peace, Peace Wow! What a universal peace message. Most of the world’s issues will be resolved if we all begin to think in this way.

In this issue we are presenting to you articles that cover a wide variety of subjects. They could seem a little controversial to some of you. Therefore, I strongly urge you to send an email to with your point of view.

After all, the focus of our cover story is on free speech and the right to express one’s own opinion. I’ve taken the liberty of comparing two crucial incidents that agitated the Left-Liberal world’s foundations, one in the USA and the other in India. Elon Musk acquiring control of Twitter and Gautam Adani becoming a major shareholder in NDTV, one of India’s most watched TV networks, enraged left-leaning individuals, parties, and media. It is, in my opinion, blatant hypocrisy on the part of the left-aligned camp to preach about free speech on the one hand while being outraged that Elon has published thousands of messages in the Twitter archives that clearly violate that right.

The next article, which I hope you will read and comment on, is about the BJP party’s resounding victory in the Gujarat elections. In my opinion, Prime Minister Modi deserves the majority of the credit. The article also includes an anecdote from when PM Modi was Gujarat’s chief minister. It demonstrates how he pays attention to common people’s views and puts a program into place that benefits them.

Next, I’d like to discuss two articles on parenting. Since Dr. Namitha Raju began writing her parenting column, we have had several emails and phone calls from parents requesting that we write more articles about parenting. Your wish is our command, so to speak. Please check out our articles on how to make learning interesting for kids and how to help them choose a job.

The statistics in this article on Indian parents pressuring their children about their career choices are for parents residing in India, but it is also true that a similar, if not worse, pressure is happening here in the US. Unfortunately, Indian parents in the US mostly consider the careers of doctor and engineer for their children.

Desh Videsh believes that providing children with a healthy environment is crucial, thus we are taking it a step further and showcasing a webinar on “Parenting Secrets” by Dr. Namitha Raju. For more information, please refer to page 50 of this issue.

Let me now discuss an intriguing subject: employing an AI chatbot to generate content. As a retired software engineer, I thought it was a very interesting piece of contemporary technology. I therefore made the decision to explore. And strangely, I saw that someone had used one of the open source AI tools to compose a poem about Hinduism. This poetry is located on page 60. Every new instrument or concept brings discussion, as is customary. So far there are two disagreements that came up on this subject, the first being who should receive credit and the second being what happens if students utilize it in their assignments.

Well, only time will tell if this technology is beneficial or dangerous. For now, enjoy the poetry on Hinduism and let us know whether you agree with the blogger who claimed that AI can explain Hinduism more clearly than most Hindus.

Finally, I’d like to highlight that the MyShadi Bridal Expo will be held at the Marriott in Fort Lauderdale on May 28, 2023.

You do not want to miss this expo if you or a loved one is organizing a wedding or any kind of event.

Until then, be safe and be happy!

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Elon Musk and Adani: A Nightmare for the Left

Twitter takeover by Elon Musk and Adani becoming NDTV’s major stakeholder: 2022 has been a tough time for Liberals

A misnomer

Two pivotal events, one in the USA and the other in India, have shaken the foundations of the Left-Liberal world: Elon Musk’s acquisition of the microblogging platform Twitter and Adani Group becoming a major stakeholder in NDTV.

To understand why these acquisitions have caused largescale conniption fits among a certain entitled class one needs to understand the background of these platforms.

Let’s first talk about NDTV. It’s no secret that for multiple decades the channel has been a big-time propaganda machine against the BJP in general and Narendra Modi in particular. The channel tilts toward any party, entity, or organization that works to erode the roots of the BJP. It can be the Congress party. It can be the Left. It can be the divisive forces from minority communities. It can be the vicious, foreign-funded NGO cabal that aims to derail every major development project being carried out by the BJP governments at the state and the central levels. It can be the Naxalites waging war against the state and slaughtering innocent civilians. It can even be terrorists and separatists from Jammu and Kashmir, and across the border. For them, the end justifies the means, and they can be any means. They haven’t just blurred the line between right and

wrong, they have yanked it out and burned it on the bonfire of journalistic ethos.

They are so vehemently and brazenly anti-BJP that they don’t even pretend to be otherwise.

Traditionally, NDTV has been in cahoots with the Congress party and the Communist party because many senior journalists and administrators in the so-called news media channel have deep connections with these outfits. It’s not just ideological inclinations that have the journalists and the management of the propaganda news outlet enamored with the Congress party and the Communists. Many senior journalists and people in top positions have direct relationships with the leaders of these parties.

Though, who is related to whom and whose spouse or relative or close friend hobnobs with which political outfit is a matter of personal choice, when these relationships and affiliations begin to bear upon your journalistic judgments, even those sitting on the fence are drawn to the center of the contention and begin to judge as well as analyze your

propensities. For the context, hence, it becomes important to know who is related to whom in the quagmire of NDTV.

Radhika Roy, Prannoy Roy’s wife, is the co-founder and part owner of NDTV. Her sister is Brinda Karat, the wife of Prakash Karat, who is the ex-general secretary of CPI(M) –Communist Party of India (Marxist). Arundhati Roy, as per the information available on the Internet, is a cousin of Prannoy Roy, or at least she is a distant relative.

Senior editor Sonia Singh’s husband, RPN Singh, was Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs in the Congress government, though, in recent times he seems to have distanced himself from the Congress party.

These are just a few examples. It is known that young journalists at NDTV were hired due to their close proximity to the Congress ecosystem or the side of bureaucracy that depends on the Congress ecosystem or the communists for its survival, prosperity, and unbridled power.

Sources in the NDTV have revealed that during job interviews it was specifically asked whether applicants had relationships or connections with people in the corridors of power, especially close to the Congress party, and if they didn’t, they were rejected.

NDTV has thrived due to these connections. Prannoy Roy was once so influential that he was able to sabotage a top-level meeting


between Atal Bihar Vajpayee and Parvez Musharraf by smuggling out a secret videotape. The news channel celebrated its 25th anniversary in Rashtrapati Bhavan (President House). Never before had a private enterprise been allowed to hold a function in the iconic building.

Why does this information matter in the current context?

NDTV has been the pallbearer of the Left-Liberal ecosystem because it pedals a certain narrative that is antithetical to India’s nationalistic resurgence, especially advocated and accelerated by the BJP.

Why is it so, you may ask. Why is the Left-Liberal ecosystem against India emerging as a global superpower using its indigenous intellectual progress and a culturally Hindu bent of mind?

To understand this, you need to wrap your head around this whole concept of being Left-Liberal. Don’t get swayed by the lofty nomenclature “liberal.” Among these circles, being a “liberal” has nothing to do with being a liberal. They are the most illiberal lot when it comes to accepting different beliefs.

It’s all about politics, economics, and to an extent religion.

India is often subject to multidimensional attacks. People who have studied India, people who know its ancient history, know that what India achieved a couple of thousand years ago it can achieve again, in the coming decades. It can upstage any country. It just needs a spark to trigger its growth. Having been

in the grip of foreign occupations –first Islamic and then European – the Indian civilisation has been battered physically and psychologically, elucidated in detail by the Nobel Prize winner V. S. Naipaul in his book “India: A Wounded Civilisation.” Nationalistic parties like the BJP aim to reverse the psychological and physical impact.

Therefore, the forces that don’t want India to unchain itself from centuries of subjugation keep alive this Left-Liberal ecosystem to run an ongoing propaganda. The times of direct warfare are over. Most of the wars are fought through agenda

The Left-Liberals are the foot soldiers of the forces inimical to India’s economic, cultural, ideological, and physical development.

The Left-Liberals need a welloiled propaganda machine. For this cabal to succeed, it’s very important for them to mislead people. It is critical for them to tell false stories. It is important that they continuously propagate victimhood narratives among the minorities and keep the Hindu majority perpetually apologetic. They must paint doomsday scenarios because their favorite political masters are not in power. They need to continuously say that the country is in the throes of communal disharmony due to the divisive politics of the BJP.

via a nefarious web of non-profit organizations, activists, intellectuals, influencers, journalists, and politicians. Governments all over the world have been overthrown like this without direct military intervention.

How can India’s growth be curtailed?

Keep it communally divided. Crush its cultural and historical spirit. Keep it politically unstable. Don’t let it develop its own infrastructure. Strongly discourage manufacturing industries in the name of preserving ecology and the environment. Keep a big chunk of the population poor, illiterate, and backward.

So far, NDTV has been a critical component of this propaganda machine. It is also a significant source of (mis)information for the international network of media outlets that are dominated by a similar Left-Liberal coterie. NDTV publishes and broadcasts misleading news, and then international media outlets like The Washington Post and The New York Times pick up the stories and provide them an international platform. It is a self-sustained, selffeeding ecosystem that produces and propagates agenda-driven stories. International propaganda activities are given a local twist and then distributed among the local audiences by outlets like NDTV, and national falsehoods are seeded by the likes of NDTV and then propagated by


the international outlets. The cycle continues.

NDTV has also had a notorious reputation for playing into the hands of terrorists – during the 26/11 attacks, Barkha Dutt who was employed at NDTV at that time, was blamed by many observers for revealing the locations of the victims on live TV and consequently jeopardizing their lives. Her excesses during the Kargil war have been well documented during which she exposed Indian military positions. The Pakistani establishment used the statements made by Ravish Kumar to criticize the Indian government. Ravish had commented that the coverage of terrorism from Pakistan was advantageous to the BJP and the Indian media shouldn’t cover this aspect much.

The recent acquisition by the Adani Group seems to have thrown a spanner in the works. Typically, big business houses like Ambanis and Adanis cannot afford to have political affiliations. They need to keep all the politicians happy. Recently, Adani, often accused of being close to Narendra Modi, obtained lucrative projects in the state of Rajasthan, which is ruled by the Congress party, and in the state of West Bengal, which is ruled by the Trinamool Congress party.

So, it would be naïve to say that a seasoned businessman like Adani would directly display his political connectedness and meddle too much with day-to-day affairs of the news network. Nonetheless, according to the popular perception, he is known to be close to the Modi government, and just the fact that someone close to Modi has purchased a large stake of the channel is likely to give sleepless nights to many. This is not just a matter of paranoia; recently, veteran Modiphobic Ravish Kumar resigned from NDTV and he and his acolytes

say Adani’s purchase is the reason why. In fact, in a recent interview with Karan Thapar at the Leftist propaganda website The Wire, Ravish Kumar said that Adani spent crores of rupees just to shut him down.

Whether the acquisition is going to have an impact on the editorial policy of NDTV remains to be seen, but the purchase itself is being seen as a great setback by the Left-Liberal clique.

But the biggest upset has come with the acquisition of Twitter by

Elon Musk. Without mincing words, Elon Musk has repeatedly said that he has bought Twitter to protect freedom of speech, which had been heavily compromised by the Twitter management overrun by leftist and woke people. He has repeatedly stressed that politically, he has a centrist view, but the way he has been un-suspending right-wing accounts, alarm bells are ringing all over the place.

Twitter wasn’t biased at the start.

In the beginning it took some time for the Left-Liberals to understand the true power of social media. They have had a very tight control over newspapers, magazines, TV channels, the film industry, and the book publishing business for more than a century. Communists in general and leftists in particular have long recognized the overarching significance of thought control by controlling people’s access to information. Goebbels said that if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it, and this is what leftist intellectuals have been doing. Before the advent of social media, it was these leftist intellectuals, authors, and journalists who decided what people read, what type of movies they watched, what type of political

Musk is not as subtle as Adani. He made his intentions clear when he walked into Twitter headquarters holding a sink and then tweeting “Let it sink.”
He is one of the richest people on earth, and also one of the most powerful.

opinions they had, and what literature they read. Alternative thought existed at the extreme fringes and most of the intellectuals who did not subscribe to this narrow, leftist point of view were relegated to oblivion, with no scope for any professional success.

Social media suddenly turned everything upside down. The information began to flow unrestricted. Those who could not express themselves before were able to do so. Writers, journalists, and independent observers who couldn’t get published in mainstream newspapers and magazines started publishing their own blogs, and these blogs generated more views than the established newspapers and magazines.

Then came Twitter as a microblogging platform. People posted messages and others, who followed these people, responded to these messages with their own thoughts and opinions. Diverse thoughts and ideas began to spread like wildfire. The Left-Liberals were caught off guard in the beginning. Suddenly, they could not control the flow of information. Everybody could share everything. News was being broken on Twitter faster than in mainstream newspapers and TV channels. This news was unfiltered. It was not manipulated. It was not onesided. It was not wrapped in leftist packaging. It was being posted as it was.

Social media, especially Twitter and Facebook, was blamed for Narendra Modi’s elevation to national politics from regional politics and for the sudden rise of Trump in America.

Soon, the Left-Liberals realized how important it was to control Twitter. The platform had become a major source of news and information, and since for over a century they have been controlling news and information, they realized they would

lose their grip if they didn’t control Twitter.

Techies are traditionally Leftinclined. They like to believe that they are liberal and support progressive thought. Most of the American techies are anti-Conservative and consequently, anti-Republican, and in India, they are anti-BJP. To show their disdain against their political and ideological opponents, they can go to any length, as long as they can justify their actions as being for the “greater good.” In their effort to demonize their opponents, they themselves end up indulging in acts they blame their opponents for indulging in. They repress information. They twist facts. They curb freedom of speech of their opponents. They sabotage careers. They justify acts of terrorism. They cancel people in the name of acting against bigots and extreme rightwing. It’s no holds barred.

Therefore, when Left-leaning vested interests began to infiltrate into the workforce of Twitter, it was a cakewalk. It was easy to make them believe that they were champions of marginalized communities, minorities, transgender people, and democratic values. And to champion the cause, it was fine to go to any extent. People with opposing views began to be shadow banned. Twitter users who did not subscribe to the Leftist ideology and expressed their opinions openly began to lose followers. Followers of certain politicians and commentators wouldn’t see the tweets.

Project Veritas, an initiative to investigate and expose the deceptive tactics followed by the mainstream media to mold public opinion, secretly taped Twitter employees admitting that Conservative Twitter handles in America and Twitter handles that openly supported the BJP in India were shadow banned, and their tweets were prevented from reaching a wider audience, manually and algorithmically. Popular right-wing Twitter handles have been complaining for years of their limited reach and their followers not being able to see their updates. During a Congressional hearing Jack Dorsey, the then-CEO of Twitter, denied that Twitter was taking extra steps to put Conservatives and Republicans at a disadvantage.

In the name of curbing hate speech, they have been severely curtailing freedom of speech of many prominent thinkers and politicians, and have been allowing open threats of mass killings by certain leaders.

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They banned Trump merely on conjecture. They didn’t allow people to share links of the Hunter Biden sex tape and corruption cases because it could tilt the election results in favor of the Republicans. On one side they would suspend Right-wing accounts at the drop of a hat, or merely out of spite, and on the other side, they would allow the most obnoxious comments from the Left-wing unaffected by moderation. A video of a victim of pedophilia was posted on Twitter but since it was in agreement with the Left-wing ideology, even after multiple requests by the victim, the video was not removed by Twitter. Many comments opposing pedophilia were deleted by Twitter. Child sexual exploitation content on Twitter was rampant as many liberals claim that pedophilia is a mental condition and not something to be judged negatively.

They even banned Jay Bhattacharya, an Indian-origin Stanford University professor, who had said that Covid lockdowns would harm children. He was placed on a “Trends Blacklist.”

When Elon Musk took charge, he fired the entire moderation team that was heavily Left-tilted. Vijaya Gadde, the thenhead of legal, policy, and trust at Twitter, and who played a big part in banning Trump, was summarily dismissed within the first week of Musk taking over. Yoel Roth, head of trust and safety at Twitter, left one week after Musk took over and started unsuspending accounts.

Successive “Twitter Files,” aside from revealing how freedom of speech was repeatedly violated in the name of “stopping misinformation,” have also revealed that the American government paid millions of dollars to Twitter to suppress certain information. The FBI under the current government specifically colluded with top executives at Twitter to discredit the Hunter Biden expose.

All these capabilities to control the flow of information handed immense power to Left-Liberals. They felt powerful. They decided who could read what. They decided who could post on Twitter and who could not. They behaved like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland.

Those who control information control the narrative and those who control the narrative decide who gets to form the government in the country. Left-Liberals have known that for more than a century now. What makes Twitter powerful is that information can be disseminated extremely fast and in a succinct man ner. It merely takes a few seconds for someone to get an update. This is what scares the hell out of the Left-Liberal groups. Due to its ability to disperse news fast, it is much more powerful than other media.

Musk is not as subtle as Adani. He made his intentions clear when he walked into Twitter headquarters holding a sink and then tweeting “Let it sink.” He is one of the richest people on earth, and also one of the most powerful. He doesn’t mince words when showing people the door. He is revamping Twitter. His programmers are going through the code that shadow bans people based on their political and ideological affiliations.


He is reviewing accounts that have been suspended or canceled. He has reinstated many accounts that are vocal against wokism and Left-wing extremism. He is allowing accounts that post content against the transgressions of liberals.

Left-liberals like to wield complete control. They curb contrary opinion with unyielding ruthlessness. To propagate their falsehoods, they need to control every possible media channel, including social media. There should be no chinks. Every instance of dissent must be squelched.

There is no scope for difference of opinion. It is just their way or the highway. The moment you say something that is contrary to what they are saying, you immediately become a bigot, a fascist, a supremacist, a right-wing extremist, or a homophobe. You are to be dealt with severely. They practice 100% intolerance.

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Make Learning FUN again for Kids!

Do you agree that these days kids spend the vast majority of their time either in front of a screen or being shuffled from activity to activity? There’s something I’ve noticed over the last few years that bothers me: Most of the kids I see don’t really engage with others and they don’t ask that many questions anymore.

While screen time and extracurricular activities are not inherently bad, there’s no space to tinker, explore, or get curious. And ultimately, we need kids to be curious about the world around them. Discoveries can’t be made when no one is asking questions. Science is all about questioning and discovering answers. Yes, that is a key aspect of science. Science is a way of investigating the natural world and trying to understand how it works. This process involves asking questions, making observations, and collecting data to test hypotheses and theories.

One of the main principles of science is that it is based on evidence and facts. Scientists seek to observe and measure the world around them, and they use rigorous methods to collect and analyze data. This allows them to build accurate and reliable knowledge about the world, and to test and refine their theories and ideas.

The scientific process also involves a sense of curiosity and a desire to understand the world around us. Scientists are constantly asking questions, seeking out new information, and looking for ways to

improve our understanding of the world. This process of inquiry and discovery is what drives scientific progress and helps us learn more about the world and how it works.

Club Scikidz: Bringing an end to boring learning!

Recently, I was introduced to Club SciKidz, a one-of-a-kind educational summer camp for kids. For those unfamiliar with Club SciKidz, it is founded on the belief that academic enrichment should be exciting, challenging, and life-impacting. It is this belief that drives their realworld camp offerings, with topics such as emergency medicine, video game creation, forensics, veterinary medicine, food science, oceanography, special effects, paleontology, and more.

This is not the “science class” of the 90s. We aren’t talking about periodic tables or long calculations here. This is science that your child will actually want to learn!

Club Scikidz runs well-balanced STEM-based science and technology

programs at summer camps, afterschool programs and in-school field trips. Club SciKidz is a place “Where Science and Technology Connect.” Their unique set of programs engages every child in his or her age group to realize their true potential as a scientist or geek!

Each summer Club SciKidz offers 70-plus themed camps for grades pre-K through 8th. Themes include Astronomy, Meteorology, Sea Adventures, Climate Change, Veterinary Medicine, Robotics, Marvel Stop Motion Animation, Save Our Oceans, Chemistry, Rocketry, American Doll, Wizarding World (Harry Potter), Medicine and Surgery to name a few.

Club SciKidz offers three different Minecraft Camps, ROBLOX, and Video Game Factory. They also have the best coding and programming camps, such as Kibo, Ozobot, Sphero and, of course, LEGO Robotics.

Each day campers start off with a spectacular science demonstration and then rotate through four classes that incorporate science, technology, art, and an exciting outdoor component.

Since Club SciKidz offers activities for kids that include science and technology, a lot of educated IndianAmericans have shown an enormous interest and started owning franchises.

For example, Dr. Abhi Rathi is the franchise owner of Club SciKidz/ Tech Scientific in Richmond, Virginia. Abhi has a doctorate degree in molecular biology from the University of Pittsburgh, a master’s degree in biochemistry, and a


bachelor’s degree in pathology. After working in academics and later in the pharmaceutical industry, Abhi left the job market to concentrate on raising her young children.

While working with her own children, she realized she had an inner desire to teach them science and technology with a fun and interactive approach. She wanted to teach them in a way that would excite and engage them in learning about how everything, from living to nonliving things, works and about how we interact with machines. Abhi wanted them to explore how chemicals behave and how certain math and physics principles can be applied to simple and complex tasks. She soon found herself thinking of empowering all other children with such enrichment, and found a perfect partnership with Club SciKidz/Tech Scientific.

As a scientist, researcher and educator and as a mom with two young kids, Dr. Rathi understands the fundamental building blocks of a successful science and technology program for kids and teens!

Kavita Nigam, from Hartford County in Connecticut, is another franchise owner of Club SciKidz/ Tech Scientific. Kavita holds a master’s in business administration from the University of Hartford and a masters in project management from George Washington University. Kavita was looking for some activity that helps children identify what they find interesting in STEM and foster that interest into a lifelong passion. She is a firm believer that enjoying what you learn and working in a field that interests you ensures that nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.


Club SciKidz


Club SciKidz is designed to enrich and challenge children ages 4 to 13. They offer half-day and full-day programs, and can accommodate extended hours for working parents. Drop-off is at 9 a.m. and pick-up is at 4 p.m.

Camp lessons are extensively researched by certified science educators, and your child is more inclined to be engaged, excited, and actually learning during those hot summer days.

To find out more about owning a Club SciKidz franchise, please visit

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Gujarat 2022 Election and The People’s Prime Minister

He is at the zenith of power, yet so down to earth. He is synonymous with hope and humanity. The common Indian sees the new sunrise through him. He is none other than Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. The recent Assembly Elections in his home state Gujarat once again conveyed the popular support and love for Narendra Modi, the erstwhile Chief Minister of Gujarat. It was his magic as well as the reality of prosperity that gave his BJP party a sweeping victory in Gujarat, which also indicates his third term as the Prime Minister of India.

What makes Modiji so popular? Is it his party’s principles, his charisma, or an obsession? No, it is his humanity, his passion for the well-being of common men and women of India...

PM Modi’s popularity has grown exponentially in India over the past few years and was a major factor in the 2022 Gujarat elections. It is largely attributed to his charismatic leadership style and his focus on development projects such as better infrastructure, improving educational opportunities, and implementing more efficient policies. Additionally, Modi is known to be able to connect with people from all walks of life and is often seen as being sympathetic to their concerns and providing solutions. He is also credited with being a strong advocate for the empowerment of women and minorities, both of which helped increase his overall popularity.

Speaking of women’s empowerment, let me give you one anecdote that happened several years ago, but I remember it as if it happened yesterday, and more importantly, people of Gujarat remember it very well.

Eminent cardiologist Dr. B M Hegde recalled his first interaction with Narendra Modi back in 2002, when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat. Both of them were coming back from London on an Air India flight, as executive class passengers. Dr. Hegde, being an apolitical person and hard-core academician, did not attempt to get introduced to Modiji. However, he was moved to see

Eminent cardiologist Dr. B M Hegde recalled his first interaction with Narendra Modi back in 2002, when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat. Both of them were coming back from London on an Air India flight, as executive class passengers.

the modesty of the man, when instead of ringing the bell for service he got up to obtain a glass of water.

It was a 9-and-a-half-hour-long flight and Modiji went to Dr. Hegde and started talking to him. The people’s man in him started inquiring about public health and how to improve the health of Bihar. He took written notes on what the doctor was saying. It was something beyond the imagination of Dr. Hegde, who used to be skeptical of politicians. A couple of months later, the Health Minister of Gujarat called him requesting a visit to the state. Chief Minister Narendra Modi read an article written by Dr. Hegde on the health and nutrition of pregnant mothers and was so impressed and influenced by his opinion, that he wanted him to come to Gujarat and discuss the points.

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On the meeting day at Gandhinagar, the Chief Minister along with some of his colleagues, health officials, and academicians were waiting outside to receive Dr. Hegde. He was amazed and highly impressed by the respect shown to him. In sharp contrast, he also shared his experience with the Chief Minister of Karnataka when he was the Vice-Chancellor of Manipal University. After calling him, the Chief Minister kept him waiting for almost 12 hours and finally forgot why he called Dr. Hegde! In Gujarat, all the ministers and officials along with Narendra Modi discussed the importance of nutrition for pregnant women so that they give birth to healthy children. Finally, he introduced warm mid-day meals for poor pregnant women, and that has cut down the infant mortality rate.

Dr. Hegde believes that India needs more good people like Narendra Modi. He does not engage in any propaganda for the politician’s power. He only trusts the goodwill gesture of Modiji.

This generosity and the great desire to make every Indian healthy, prosperous, and aware are the essences of the personality of Narendra Modi that have touched the hearts of the majority of Indians. He is genuinely poles

About the Author Raj Shah

A software engineer by profession, Indian culture enthusiast, ardent promoter of Hinduism, and a cancer survivor, Raj Shah is a managing editor of Desh-Videsh Magazine and co-founder of Desh Videsh Media Group. Promoting the rich culture and heritage of India and Hinduism has been his motto ever since he arrived in the US in 1969.

He has been instrumental in starting and promoting several community organizations such as the Indian Religious and Cultural Center and International Hindu University. Raj has written two books on Hinduism titled Chronology of Hinduism and Understanding Hinduism. He has also written several children books focusing on Hindu culture and religion.

We Love Diwali

We love Diwali, takes you inside the homes of families living in America where Hindus, Jain and Sikh children together celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. In their own words, the children take turns explaining the different customs and traditions celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs during Diwali. The children gather together to participate in a Diwali pooja.

ISBN: 978-0-9642962-1-3

Holi Hai!


Holi Hai, explains why Hindus celebrate Holi, the festival of colors all around the world in the spring season. This colorful book teaches children living in America the universal message of the victory of good over evil. It also explains the ancient story of Radha and Krishna and why they celebrated Holi. The Holi celebration consists of traditions such as lighting a bonfire and burning Holika, the evil sister of Prahalad. ISBN: 978-0-9642962-3-7

Welcome to our Beautiful Mandir!

The mandir or the temple is not just a sacred place for the Hindus, but is also a ground for learning. While children find great joy in visiting the mandir, they also learn about the principles of Hinduism in simple ways. This story helps us all understand the basic ideals of Hinduism through the eyes of children. ISBN: 978-0-9642962-6-8

The Complete Ramayana in 100 Tweets

The Ramayana is among the greatest of Hindu epics. However, it is also a wonderful story for all children as it is interesting and filled with events, and also has plenty of lessons to teach. In keeping with the times and the trends of the millennium, we bring the story of Rama in a simplified form for children to understand, presented as 100 tweets that encapsulate the most important moments of the story.

ISBN: 978-0-9642962-5-1

The Complete Mahabharata in 100 Tweets

The Mahabharat is among the greatest of Hindu epics. However, it is also a wonderful story for all children as it is interesting and filled with events, and also has plenty of lessons to learn. In keeping with the times and the trends of the millennium, we bring the story of the Mahabharat in a simplified form for children to understand, presented as 100 tweets that encapsulate the most important moments of the story.

ISBN: 978-0-9642962-9-9

To Order this Set, Please Click Here 10088 W McNab Rd, Tamarac, FL 33321-1895 (954) 784-8100 •
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Key Points for a Great Immigration Reference Letter

Define who your reference is

The next thing you should do is to define who your reference is: how they know you, how long they’ve known you, and in what capacity. If they know you from a previous or current job, they could include their position or title in connection to the relationship they have with you. To take things further, they could go into detail about your work relationship in order to strengthen their credibility in vouching for your skills and capabilities.

List specific facts about you

Question: Do you have any suggestions to have a better reference letter for my visa or green card application?

I get these questions a lot from my employment-based immigration clients. Many work visas or green card petitions either require or advise you to include letters of recommendation. Such petitions include:

1. Applying for a Specialty Occupation with an H-1B,

2. Demonstrating Exceptional Ability with an EB-2,

3. Arguing for a National Interest Waiver with an EB-2 NIW,

4. Investing in a business with an E-2, or

5. Demonstrating Extraordinary Ability with an O-1 or EB-1

Make sure you plan ahead so that you are not in a rush. It is important to realize that your professional and character references need time to write or review an appropriate recommendation letter. Here are some key points to obtaining a strong reference letter.

Select your reference

The first step in creating a great reference letter is to select who your reference will be. This could be a supervisor, a colleague, or even someone you supervised- as long as it’s someone who knows the value of your work and can attest to the traits that make you an excellent candidate for your particular job. It is helpful if they’re someone who has known you, can give specific examples as to why you are qualified for the position, and is able to relate specific scenarios where they’ve observed you using the skills required for the position.

The most important parts of a reference letter are the specific facts your reference is able to share about you. Remember, they should be able to shine a good light on the capabilities and personality traits that could undoubtedly show the reader how much of an ideal candidate you are for the particular visa or green card you’re applying for. Relaying information about times you demonstrated superb skills that contributed to the betterment of their organization is a good point to include. Sharing positive attributes that they’ve personally seen you demonstrate within the workplace is also beneficial. Essentially anything that adds to your value and standing as an excellent candidate is helpful in building a great reference letter.

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Remember, the focus of an immigration attorney is not to get you a job; their focus is to get you the visa or green card that allows you

to legally work for your employer. Generally, you must already have applied for the job and obtained a job offer before starting the visa or green process. However, in rare cases certain applications allow you to selfpetition and apply for the immigration benefits without a job offer. These applications which allow for a selfpetition are even more reliant on letters of reference. Experienced immigration attorneys can give you valuable legal advice about both the quality and quantity of your letters along with which particular visas or

About the Author

U.S. Immigration Attorney Seth Finberg is a 2005 graduate of the University of Georgia School of Law. Seth is a member of the Georgia Bar, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), and serves on the Business and Investment Committee for the South Florida chapter of AILA. Mr. Finberg is the owner and founder of South Florida based Finberg Firm

green cards are a good fit for your skills, education, and experience.

This article does not constitute a solicitation or provision of legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.The answers provided should not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney licensed or authorized topractice in your jurisdiction. You should always consult a suitably qualified attorney regarding any specific legal problem ormatter on time.

PLLC and he represents clients nationwide and internationally in business, employment, and family-based immigration.

He can be reached by phone at (954)-843-3568 / (954) 249-6603 or by email at or

The first step in creating a great reference letter is to select who your reference will be. This could be a supervisor, a colleague, or even someone you supervised- as long as it’s someone who knows the value of your work

Careers! Who gets to choose –Parents or Kids?

Aclever advertisement recently released (https://youtu. be/36SDHEwSA_U) by Bournvita, a children’s health drink company in India, promoted a social message. In this ad, they changed the packaging of their health drink and presented it in unimaginable containers (such as a glass cleaner, a soap box, a toilet cleaner, a tissue box, etc.) to see how someone would react to a different container shape instead of how it is meant to be. They used this analogy to urge parents not to force kids to choose a profession against their will and make them something they don’t want to be! The ad ended on a note urging parents to show “Faith not Force.” My article today is inspired by this advertisement.

A survey by joblist that interviewed working people and parents found that 40 percent of working people felt pressured to follow their parents’ career advice, while 2 out of 3 parents said they were disappointed when their children didn’t pursue their desired careers. It is thus no surprise that many parents, despite their best intentions, end up feeling misunderstood by their kids and their kids feel unsupported in their career choices.

As parents, we want the best for our kids. For many parents, one way to define best is by seeing their kids achieve financial success. There is no typecasting or judgment here. This definition reflects a valid need. We

all know how hard it is to live without financial security.

Some parents are so concerned about their kid’s future that they take it upon themselves to make career decisions for their kids and expect kids to implement them! There are also many other parents who encourage kids to pursue their interests but keep reminding their kids of their goals so often that kids start to rebel and lose interest in pursuing anything well! So while a huge parenting objective is to help kids be financially secure, it is often executed using some form of force.

Let us first ask ourselves, “what is our real goal as parents?”. We all want our kids to lead happy, fulfilled lives. I


don’t think any parent would disagree with me on this. And as parents, we consider financial stability as a means to help our kids become happy adults, and this is something kids also understand. What then is lacking in

the process that leads to rifts instead of collaboration between the parent and child?

The inability of the parent to express their best intentions to kids without using force or control is at the core of this issue! Parent-child

connection is directly linked to the quality of decisions kids make as they grow. Parent-child relationships that are collaborative open a child to receiving their parent’s ideas and life experiences and using them to evaluate their own emerging ambitions and interests. Even if parents are unfamiliar with their kid’s area of interest, faith in their child can inspire parents to support their kids. Then what stops parents from building that great relationship with their kids? What stops parents from showing faith over force?

Actually, it’s not surprising that force overtakes faith in our parenting. This is how most of us were raised; it’s the traditional way of parenting, a style carried out for many generations! In traditional parenting, compliance is seen as respect and often extracted through forcible means (shame, threat, yelling, comparison, nagging, sarcasm, etc.). Previous generations have followed the rules and complied with authority to survive. We end up repeating the same cycles because that is what is familiar to us.

Further, while complying, one cannot be creative or courageous. Especially in today’s age, success comes from collaboration, innovation, and courage, not compliance! Whether you pick a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) or non-STEM fields (Arts, Sports, etc.), success will come to you through your passion, not just a college degree. Our job as parents is to kindle our kid’s interests so that they grow to feel more passionate about it.

Research in the last two decades from neuroscience and child development identifies the drawbacks of traditional parenting. Any parental consequence that affects a child’s self-worth or selfesteem, even if it’s not harsh, leads to kids’ non-compliance with parents. Other negative effects the child experiences might include depressive feelings, behavior problems, and poor conscience development, making them incapable of making sound decisions.

And suppose you do attempt to be aware of some of the conditioning patterns and don a new face to parent differently. In that case, you are quickly caught in the ‘scarcity’ trap, another facet of traditional parenting. The scarcity mindset is the belief that there isn’t much to go around and only a few can succeed. So naturally,

Success will come to you through your passion, not just a college degree. Our job as parents is to kindle our kid’s interests so that they grow to feel more passionate about it.

this mindset breeds competition and comparison leading kids to feel unsafe and anxious around parents, corroding their trust in their parents.

On the other hand, an abundant mindset developed by adopting a peaceful parenting style allows one to view the world differently. We can start to see non-hierarchical relations and infinite resources, and possibilities and drop the constant fear that lingers about our child’s future.

Our kids need us to be their safe harbor, their guide so that they can navigate the complexities of life and make good decisions for themselves, especially their career decisions since that will dictate the direction and quality of their life. So it is upon us to transform how we parent, making our kids feel seen, loved, and empowered by moving away from the traditional, controlling style and towards a transformational, peaceful parenting style. Because … if we can’t provide it to them, who will?

About the Author Namitha Raju is a Certified Master Parent Coach. She coaches parents to develop deep connections and peace in their relationships with their kids. Her company, Beautiful Bonds, is based on the principle that emotional growth, healthy relationships, and personal transformation are the keys to fulfilling parenthood. Dr. Raju received a Ph.D. in Psychology, where she studied early development. As a mom of two kids, she found that her academic experience couldn’t rescue her from her day-to-day parenting challenges! Her curiosity led her to garner the expertise necessary to inculcate deep connections between parent and child. She serves parents virtually throughout the US. If you would like to find out more, please visit

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Two Indian-Americans in Money magazine’s top 50 changemakers

The installation of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, makes every Indian proud.

He made this statement following the unveiling of the bust of the Father of the Nation at UN headquarters by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on December 14 2022.

“Seeing the bust of Mahatma Gandhi at the UN offices inspires pride in every Indian. The Prime Minister tweeted, “May the ideas and principles of Gandhi increase prosperity on Earth and promote sustainable development.

Gandhi’s bust will serve as a reminder of the principles he supported, said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres earlier on Thursday in a tweet, calling Gandhi an “uncompromising advocate for peaceful coexistence.”

“Mahatma Gandhi was a staunch supporter of nondiscrimination, pluralism, and peaceful coexistence. According to Guterres’ tweet, the new installation at UN headquarters will serve as a reminder of the principles Gandhi upheld and to which we must continue to be dedicated.

At the installation of Mahatma Gandhi’s bust, Jaishankar was joined by Guterres, Csaba Korosi, the 77th UN General Assembly’s president, and Ruchira Kamboj, India’s Permanent Representative/Ambassador to the UN.

According to a news release from India’s Permanent Mission to the UN, they left flower tributes at the bust.

Two Indian-Americans are among the 50 significant people in business, journalism, entertainment, investment, politics, etc. who are influencing how Americans manage their money, according to Money magazine.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Rohit Chopra and the fintech company Capitalize’s Gaurav Sharma have received recognition for their “unique perspective on the gaps inside our financial institutionsand how they’re striving to change the future for regular customers.”

The 40-year-old Chopra’s responsibility as the CFPB’s director is to safeguard families against dishonest and abusive financial practices.

Chopra was chosen by US President Joe Biden to the position in 2021, and according to Money, “Chopra has already made an outsized impact on Americans’ wallets by helping reform how medical debt impacts our credit, lower ‘junk fees’ levied by banks, and more.”

In addition to serving as a Director, Chopra serves on the boards of the Financial Stability Oversight Council and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

“Chopra, who is 40 years old, is a youthful financial regulator, yet he has considerable expertise. In reality, he resembles Forrest Gump in terms of finances “Money reported.

Beginning in 2018, Chopra worked successfully to tighten penalties for serial offenders, reduce the FTC’s reliance on no-fault, no-money settlements for fraud cases, and

Mahatma Gandhi’s bust at the United Nations headquarters.

stop unfair treatment of small firms. Before joining the government, Chopra worked for McKinsey & Company, a large management consulting firm, where he focused on consumer technology, healthcare, and financial services.

Chopra has a BA from Harvard University and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

Sharma, an Australian by origin, is the CEO and CoFounder of Capitalize, a venture-backed fintech business with a focus on the retirement savings market, located in New York. Sharma had held positions with JP Morgan, UBS, Morgan Stanley, and Greenlight Capital before launching Capitalize.

He made the decision to start a business that makes it simpler after realizing how difficult it is for most people to understand their retirement accounts.

Really thrilled to be among some incredible inventors, Sharma tweeted, “and really humbled to be chosen by @ Money as one of 50 Changemakers for 2023.”

Sharma’s initial goal for Capitalize was to simply discover an old account and make it simple for him to transfer money into an IRA. However, Sharma told Money that “our main aim is helping the issue of saving for retirement.”


“I look forward to using everything I’ve learned over my career, including my technology, operations, and risk-focused experiences, to advance the key initiatives and support the committed leadership of this important institution,” the author says.

Shukla has substantial experience leading large-scale organizations and transformation programs, according to John Williams, president and chief executive officer of the New York Fed. Williams called Shukla a creative, inspirational, and highly effective leader who brings this expertise to the Bank.

Shukla, according to him, “has a thorough understanding of technology, is passionate about fostering a truly diverse and inclusive workplace, and is skilled at agile innovation approaches.”

According to the announcement, Shukla will work with the Bank’s president and chief executive officer to define, convey, and carry out the organization’s strategic direction. Shukla will also represent the Bank as an alternate voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee.

Rosa Gil, the founder, president, and chief executive officer of Comunilife and chair of the New York Fed Board of Directors, stated that Shukla has “deep expertise and leadership acumen” that will benefit the Bank in fulfilling its goal and strategic objectives.

Shukla has held leadership positions in the insurance industry for close to 20 years, according to her profile on the New York Fed website. She also has extensive experience leading significant enterprise transformation initiatives, in-depth knowledge of technology, and expertise in Agile innovation techniques.

Shukla, a resident of Connecticut, most recently served as Chubb’s Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer for International Accident & Health, where she oversaw operations, claims technology, and strategic initiatives for the company’s international accident and health business in 51 nations.

According to the profile, she improved customer service and the overall customer experience while driving operational efficiencies.

First Vice President


Officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Sushmita Shukla, an insurance sector veteran of Indian descent, is now the second-ranking official at the prestigious organization.

The Federal Reserve System’s Board of Governors gave its blessing to the nomination, the New York Fed announced in a statement on Thursday.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Board of Directors has nominated Shukla, 54, as first vice president and chief operating officer, beginning in March 2023.

Shukla, who holds a bachelor’s in electrical engineering from the University of Mumbai and an MBA from New York University, will serve as the New York Fed’s first vice president.

In the statement, Shukla expressed her gratitude for the chance to work for a company with such a noble objective as the New York Fed.

At Healthfirst, where she began as Vice President of Enterprise Business Solutions in 2016 and later served as interim Senior Vice President of Enterprise Transformation in 2017, Shukla previously oversaw a company-wide transformation effort.

Shukla has also worked with Liberty Mutual, Merrill Lynch, and GiantBear Inc., a New York-based provider of cellular technology and application services.

The Federal Reserve System is made up of the Board of Governors in Washington, DC, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and 12 regional Reserve Banks.

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Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Sushmita Shukla
and Operating

There’s a new kid in town:

An AI (Artificial Intelligence) poet.

Users can ask questions or narrate stories using the ChatGPT tool, which Open AI introduced in November 2022. The tool will then react with pertinent, natural-sounding questions and subjects. The user experience is intended to mimic a real conversation and encourage natural interaction with the tool. It soon attracted notice for its thorough responses and understandable justifications in a variety of subject areas.

It has abruptly turned artificial intelligence from a theoretical idea into a current cultural phenomenon. The cutting-edge application, which was made by OpenAI, lets you type in one or two sentences and get detailed responses that sound like they came from a real person. These responses can be instructions, poems, jokes, melodies, or even computer code.

Being a software engineer in my past life, I decided to give it a test drive. Hinduism was the first subject that came to mind. However, I figured that asking to write about Hinduism might not be all that difficult. I then gave it a twist. I requested that this cutting-edge technological gadget create a poem about Hinduism.

Here is a poem that an AI program wrote. Some bloggers have stated that this tool is more knowledgeable about Hinduism than the majority of Hindus and offers an unbiased perspective. I just so happen to agree with them.

Poetry on Hinduism

Hinduism, ancient faith of the East, A religion rich in tradition and belief. A path to enlightenment and peace, A way to connect with the divine.

Hinduism also called Sanatan Dharma, A way of life that’s ancient, yet always new. A path to understanding, wisdom, and peace, A journey of self-discovery, and of unity.

With countless gods and goddesses, Each with their own unique stories and powers, Hinduism teaches us to honor and respect, All aspects of the divine.

The Bhagavad Gita, ancient scripture of Hinduism, A source of wisdom, guidance, and peace. A conversation between god and man, A path to understanding the divine.

With teachings on the nature of the self, And the path to liberation and enlightenment, The Bhagavad Gita offers us a way, To find peace and purpose in this life.

The Vedas, a foundation of Hinduism, Teaching wisdom, knowledge, and truth. Taking us to liberation and enlightenment, Show us real purpose in this life

From the teachings of the Vedas, To the practices of yoga and meditation, Hinduism offers a wealth of wisdom, For those seeking spiritual growth.

So let us embrace this ancient faith, With open hearts and minds, And let the teachings of Hinduism, Guide us on our journey within.


74th Republic Day: India ready to become global powerhouse

On January 26, 2023, India will commemorate its 74th National Republic Day, which marks the date in 1950 when the Constitution of India took effect and all links to the evil British empire were severed. It is a national holiday every year to honor the occasion. The constitution was adopted two months before, on November 26, 1949, with Dr. B. R. Ambedkar serving as the committee’s chairman.

India has made significant progress in various areas over the past 75-plus years. Some notable achievements include:

Economic growth: India has experienced rapid economic growth in recent decades, with GDP (gross domestic product) per capita increasing more than fivefold since 1950. India is now the world’s fifth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity.

Industrialization: India has become a major industrial powerhouse, with a diverse range of industries including textiles, pharmaceuticals, engineering, and information technology.

Education: There has been a significant expansion of education in India, with enrollment rates at all levels increasing dramatically. The country now has one of the largest higher education systems in the world.

Economic growth: India has experienced rapid economic growth in recent decades, with GDP (gross domestic product) per capita increasing more than fivefold since 1950.

Health: India has made significant progress in improving health outcomes for its citizens, with infant mortality and maternal mortality rates both declining significantly.

Infrastructure: India has made significant investments in infrastructure, with the construction of roads, airports, ports, and other transportation facilities improving connectivity and accessibility across the country.

Science and technology: India has a thriving science and technology sector, with a number of major research institutions and a growing number of patent applications.

The Arpan Group 703-651-6670 MyShadi 954-784-8100 Fort Lauderdale Marriott Coral Springs Hotel 954-753-5598 Platinum Sponsors Sunday, May 28, 2023 Noon to 5:00 PM Fort Lauderdale Marriott Coral Springs Hotel 11775 Heron Bay Blvd, Coral Springs, FL 33076 FORT LAUDERDALE Desh-Videsh Presents MyShadi Bridal Expo showcases the latest trends and products for Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Sikh weddings. Meet with a variety of event vendors all in one afternoon. MyShadi Bridal Expo The Largest Event of Its Kind Plan Your Wedding in One Day! v Free admission and parking v Variety of event vendors v Designer runway fashion show v Creative ideas and designs for all your events v Interactive sessions v Mehndi, hair & makeup demos v Scrumptious appetizers and wedding cake v Exclusive show discounts for Expo attendees Win Two FREE Tickets to India Register Online: Desh-Videsh Media Group Inc. (954) 784-8100 •

IMF and World Bank projection on India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set an ambitious target to make India a $5 trillion economy by 2024. This goal was reiterated during the G20 summit, where PM Modi outlined a vision for India as an engine of global economic growth.

Narendra Modi’s economic policies and growth initiatives, the Indian economy is expected to reach a nominal GDP of $5 trillion by 2024-25.

The World Bank also noted that India’s reforms and strong macroeconomic management have helped create a conducive environment for economic growth. The report further stated that India’s growth could be driven by strong private consumption, investment and exports, as well as government policies that promote investment and job creation.

The real GDP is projected to grow at 6.8 per cent and 6.1 per cent in fiscal year 2022/23 and fiscal year 2023/24, respectively, according to Choueiri Nada, the IMF’s India Mission Chief. In her virtual interaction with reporters, she reiterated that India continues to be the bright spot in an otherwise gloomy global economic scenario.


The economic growth of India over the last few years has been nothing short of remarkable. Apart from the direct benefits of increased employment opportunities, better living standards, and improved infrastructure, India’s economic growth is also playing a pivotal role in the global economy. Indian exports are providing a much-needed boost to global trade and commerce, while Indian companies are becoming key players in the global marketplace. Additionally, India’s investment in research and development has helped it become a major technological innovator, helping shape the future of the world.

Finally, India’s rise is also having positive geopolitical implications. India is already playing a leading role in tackling global issues like climate change, terrorism, and poverty. It is also helping to strengthen regional ties by promoting regional cooperation and dialogue, while becoming an important voice in international forums such as the United Nations.

“We are seeing the economy continue to grow pretty robustly this fiscal year,” Nada said as the international financial body released the report of its annual consultations with India.

Below we have the IMF’s GDP growth forecasts for some of the world’s major markets. These projections are from October 2022:

IMF GDP growth projections, October 2022 - Data from: International Monetary Fund

The IMF also projects that India will be the secondlargest economy by 2030. As a result of Prime Minister

All in all, India’s economic growth has been a tremendous boon for the country, as well as for the world as a whole.

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As a result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s economic policies and growth initiatives, the Indian economy is expected to reach a nominal GDP of $5 trillion by 2024-25.
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Talks by Shri Dhiraji - Navavidha Bhakti

When: 2023-01-04, 7:00 PM Contact: 954-689-0471 Email: Host: ShivaVishnu Temple of South Florida

CMP Summer Tech Internship 2023 Virtual Event

When: 2023-01-05, 9:30 AM Contact: 602-689-0328 Host: Chinmaya Mission Phoenix

Talks by Shri Dhiraji - Navavidha Bhakti

When: 2023-01-11, 7:00 PM Contact: 954-689-0471 Email: Host: ShivaVishnu Temple of South Florida

La Meditemos Juntos Meditation Sahaja Yoga

When: 2023-01-14, 8:45 PM EST Email: Host: Sahaja Yoga Meditation

E-Bala Vihar

When: 2023-01-21, 8:30 AM PT Contact: Chandra Brahmasandra 407-376-9564 Email:

Host: Chinmaya Mission Orlando

Happy Republic Day India

When: 2023-01-28, 2:00 PM

Where: Osceola County Sheriffs Office 2601 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee,34744 Contact: 321-662-1887 Email: Host: Indian Horizon of Florida

Florida Jacksonville

Happy Lohri and Bhogi & Godha Kalyanotsavam

When: 2023-01-13 6:30 PM Where: HSNEF 4968 Greenland Rd, Jacksonville,32258 Contact: 904-268-7630, Email: Host: Hindu Society of North-East Florida

2023 India Day Celebration When: 2023-01-28, 4:00 PM Where: Bolles High School 7400 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville,32217 Contact: 904-770-5127 Email:

Host: Indian Cultural Society of Jacksonville Orlando

Satyanarayan Katha

When: 2023-01-06, 6:00 PM Where: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple 11414 S Apopka Vineland Rd, Orlando, FL 32836-7008 Contact: 407-437-6709 Email: Website: Host: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple

The Entertainers

When: 2023-03-03, 8:00 PM

Where: Gas South Arena 6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth,30097

Contact: Shaphalie Bavani 770-904-9297 Host: Jasani Entertainment & Vency Entertainment

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Lohri Celebrations

When: 2023-01-15, 6:00 PM

Where: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple 11414 S Apopka Vineland Rd Orlando, FL 32836-7008

Contact: 407-437-6709 Email: Website: Host: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple

Sunderkand Paath

When: 2023-01-17, 7:00 PM

Where: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple 11414 S Apopka Vineland Rd Orlando, FL 32836-7008

Contact: 407-437-6709 Email: Website: Host: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple

Republic Day Celebration

When: 2023-01-26 Where: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple 11414 S Apopka Vineland Rd Orlando, FL 32836-7008 Contact: 407-437-6709 Email: Website: Host: Maa Durga Sri Sai Baba Temple

Geeta Gnana Yagna Sapoorna Geeta

When: 2023-01-13

Where: Chinmaya Mission Orlando 1221 Chinmaya Way, Casselberry,32707 Contact: Bhavana Chandra 407-376-9560 Email: Host: Chinmaya Mission Orlando

Uttrayan Kite Festival

When: 2023-01-15, 9:00 AM Where: Deltona Sports Complex 1200 Saxon Blvd, Deltona,32725 Contact: 407-301-9956 Email:

Host: Gujarati Society of Central Florida Inc.

Cricket Tournament

When: 2023-03-04 Where: PFC Emory L. Bennett Veterans Memorial Park

1365 Veterans Memorial Pkwy, Orange City,32763

Contact: Raj 407-335-0485 Host: Central Florida Indian Cultural Association

Orlando Holi Festival

When: 2023-03-11, 11:30 AM Where: 2911 E Robinson St, Orlando,32803 Contact: 407-889-8872 Email: Host: Indian Horizon Of Florida

South Florida

Dancing With The Star Live In 2023

When: 2023-02-17, 8:00 PM EDT Where: Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Seminole Way, Hollywood,33314 Contact: 954-446-0788


TMA Christmas & New Year celebrations When: 2023-01-22, 5:00 PM Where: Our Lady Queen of Peace 5340 High Sr, New Port Richey,34652 Email: Host: Tampabay Malayalee Association

Vishwanath Batunge Live Musical Concert

When: 2023-03-10, 10:00 PM EDT Where: Yellow Mango Lounge 1608 East State Road 60, Valrico,33594 Contact: Prakash Shah 281-974-0805 Host: Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of USA

MyShadi Bridal Expo

When: 05/28/2023, 5:00 PM Where: Fort Lauderdale Marriott Coral Springs Hotel 11775 Heron Bay Blvd, Coral Springs, FL 33076 Contact: (954) 784-8100 Email: Host: Desh-Videsh Media Group


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Best Bollywood Movies of 2022 to Watch Online

Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva

Drishyam 2

Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video

IMDb Rating: 6.2/10

Genre: Family entertainer

Cast: Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and others.

Vikram Vedha

Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video

IMDb Rating: 8.7/10

Genre: Drama/ Crime film

Cast: Ajay Devgn, Tabu and others

Where to watch:

Disney+ Hotstar

IMDb Rating: 5.6/10

Genre: Romance

Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and others

The Kashmir Files

Gangubai Kathiyawadi

Where to watch: Voot Select

IMDb Rating: 7.1/10

Genre: Neo-noir action thriller

Cast: Hrithik Roshan, Saif Ali Khan, Rohit Saraf and others.

Ram Setu

Where to watch: Netflix

IMDb Rating: 7/10

Genre: Biographical crime drama

Cast: Alia Bhatt, Seema Pahwa, Ajay Devgn, and others

Radhe Shyam

Where to watch: Zee5

IMDb Rating: 8.3/10

Genre: Drama, Historical Film

The Kashmir Files Cast: Mithoon Chakraborty, Anupam Kher and others

Bhool Bhulaiya 2

Where to watch Radhe Shyam: Zee5

Radhe Shyam IMDb Rating: 5.3/10

Genre: Romance

Radhe Shyam Cast: Prabhas, Pooja Hegde and others.

Jugg Jugg Jeeyo

Where to watch: Netflix

IMDb Rating: 5.7/10

Genre: Comedy Horror

Cast: Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani and others

Dr Aryan Kulshreshtha, an ASI archaeologist, is a non-believer. He is often criticized for sharing his opinion on the Ram Setu, claiming that it is man-made and merely a natural phenomenon by Indrakant, who seeks financial gain from this.

However, research makes him realise that the structure has historical importance. In order to collect evidence related to the existence of Rama, he visits Sri Lanka with environmentalist Dr Sandra, where they learn more about the ancient cave connected to the bridge. Meanwhile, his wife Gayatri is kidnapped by Indrakant’s men, and to save her, the trio surrender. Rest of the film focuses on how they rescue and how they publicize their discoveries.

Where to watch: Amazon Prime Video

IMDb Rating: 5.2/10

Genre: Action/ Adventure

Cast: Akshay Kumar, Nushrat Baruchha, and others

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