1 minute read

Series down the Basics

from inwards to outwards – begin to feel the sensations of your body, listen to the sounds around you.

Movement – Beginning with your toes and finger tips, gently move your upper and lower body.

Opening your eyes - Rub your hands together to create a tingling sensation, until you can feel warmth in your palms. Place your hands on your eyes and open your eyes into the gentle warmth of your palms.

Take in the sights - Once your eyes are open, remain seated and continue to breathe gently as you take in the sights around you.

Feel Gratitude - If you were in solitary practice, feel gratitude for these moments that you were able to invest in meditation for yourself. If you meditated in a group, express gratitude for meditation, for other meditators in the room and for the meditation leader.

Adjust to your surrounds – You may be thirsty after your practice, have a sip of water. Your body temperature may have risen or dropped during meditation. Take off or add a layer if needed.

Conversations – As you pack up your mat and belongings, it is perfectly normal to not wish to break the harmony of the moment by engaging in conversation. It is your choice to either speak with others or withdraw quietly.

Close with a smile – As you transition out of your meditative state into the ordinary, keep a gentle expression in your eyes and a smile on your face.

There YouGo!

Stepping mindfully out of meditation into the ‘real’ world allows our calm and peace to seamlessly transition into our day, radiating into everything we do.

This brings us to the close of the three-part series on meditating mindfully. Happy meditating!

Yours mindfully, Rajni Follow Rajni on Facebook @YogaWithRajni

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