10 minute read

87 Days to your Dream Health & Body

Poornima Vamsi is a Hormone Balance Coach who can guide you to reset your hormones, rejuvenate your mind & soul and reboot your body that will enable you to release up to 15kgs in 87 days.

Most women these days suffer from a range of health issues – often relating to hormones and can be reversed without going on any fad diets or fancy routines as stated by Poornima. She caters to health requirements arising out of Thyroid, PCOD, PCOS, and Diabetes or just being over-weight with a high BMI.

A mum of 2 boys aged 9 and 4, her quest to help herself goes back to half a decade when she was diagnosed with hormonal imbalances leading to Thyroid and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Weighing a whopping 90kgs, she found it hard to do day to day chores forget about playing with kids or going for walks. For a lively and cheerful persona that she had, life seemed hazy as she saw herself getting into postpartum depression. Deep down in her heart, she knew she had to do something and while you read this – do you also have a feeling running in your heart about your health?

8 years of research, analysis, and studying, today she is grateful and blessed to be out of Thyroid medication, bringing her weight to 60kgs and most of all having this burning desire to help women like YOU – you heard it right, just like YOU! Poornima believes – “If there’s no health, it doesn’t matter how much of anything else you have”.

Anything that is perceived by the mind can be conceived by the body! That said, we work strictly on one rule of “eat your staple food” while you reset and rejuvenate your hormones. This might sound strange and unbelievable at the start, but as she teaches her clients, she admits openly as well – If you don’t eat food that you did while you were raised by your family, you won’t be consistent, and then fret as you will not see desired results.

As a coach she comes into the picture focusing on how these foods when prepared rightly help in accelerating your metabolism thus making the entire process of releasing weight a fun. She also works with her clients in identifying the energy blocks and knots that has put the person in the state of dis-ease and while they release those knots through the ‘Energy Breakthrough Methodology’ practices that she incorporates in her coaching sessions, her clients not only release weight easily but also holistically shift their lifestyle for their better self.

Poornima assures you that there are no supplements and no kung fu diets you have to take to undergo a healthy hormonal transformation. The program that she caters is for 87 days and many of her clients have mentioned of it as a miracle way to their DREAM HEALTH.

By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra

Whether we like it or not, accept it or not, most of us are suffering from pandemic fatigue. Amidst the chaos, unpredictability and uncertainty that we are all living in, navigating each day has become a challenge either emotionally, mentally or physically.

Many of us have been impacted by the constantly changing lockdown and restrictions status of where we live. Many others have had to deal with loss of loved ones near and/or far, unable to be by their side, haplessly watching from the distance, waiting anxiously for news, having to make peace with worry and grief.

YouGo with Rajni – Let’s Be Mindful Series

Pandemic Yoga 101 – 10 minutes a day to keep the blues away

When we are living through such a crisis of global scale, it is essential that we fortify ourselves with enough skills to deal with each day as it comes and not let it take is down. That’s where yoga comes in.

“Yoga teaches us to deal with each day as it arises and then put it down” BKS Iyengar

During the past few months of immense personal struggle as my dear ones fought the virus, I have come to realise the power of yoga even more deeply and to understand the real meaning of these words by the great yogi BKS Iyengar. It was a dark time when days turned into nights, nights into weeks. But through that phase, yoga played the perfect role of helping me repeatedly regain focus and balance.

How to focus on the asana/breath when the mind is turbulent

It is totally understandable that at times like these it is harder to commit to a regular yoga practice. It may be difficult to focus on the asana or sit with a clear mind during meditation when your emotions are out of control, you may not be able to make time for a long practice session every day, you may be too distracted to be able to bring the intent of a focused practice. But that’s OK.

Pandemic Yoga 101 – 10 minutes a day to keep the blues away. Using the wise words of BKS Iyenger, I will walk you through two easy steps towards helping yourselves in regaining balance each time you feel you are losing it and keep you fortified for when you feel you are being stretched beyond your capacity mentally and emotionally.

Step 1: As the day arises

You are starting a new day – you might be in lockdown, home schooling, working from home, on calls all day supporting family and friends through their struggle against the pandemic. The start of the day is the right time to connect with your higher self, strengthen yourself to be able to charge through the day’s challenges.

5 minutes of deep mindful breathing or pranayama

Sit in a comfortable position and breathe gently at your normal pace for a minute. Allow your body, breath and mind to collect together in the physical space you are sitting in. With intent stretch your every breath to be a deeper inhalation and exhalation. As you breathe, take care that your belly rises as you inhale and relaxes as you exhale. Tune yourself to your breath and remind yourself that you are blessed, you are strong and you will be able to steer yourself with courage and grace. Gently, when you are ready to come out of this meditation, ease your eyes open and reintegrate with your ordinary day.

Step 2: Put the day down

It has been a long day, filled with challenges both emotional and physical. It is essential that you get a good night’s rest and awake fresh to take the new day on with renewed energy. For a calm, undisturbed sleep, try Savasana.

5 minutes of Savasana (Corpse pose)

The idea is to lie flat on your back and relax and introduce a physical stillness which will result in bringing a stillness in your thoughts. Gently close your eyes and let the weight of your body flow into the surface you are lying on. Slowly, starting from your toes, moving upwards, relax your body and let kindness and gratitude flow through your system.

Bring your attention to your breath, make it slow and calm and with every breath remind yourself any 5 things you can find even in this crisis, to be thankful for. It could be as simple as having been able to spend a few minutes of quality time with your family, the fact that you, your partner, your children are well and safe, a thoughtful message from a friend (and so on). If at any point a disturbing thought occurs, consciously push it away or try to block it with a positive thought. Gradually allow the harmony of thought and breath let you drift into slumber.

It is undeniably hard to stay connected with yoga when we are losing connection with ourselves, with those we love, with the world at large but it is also at such a time when it is most crucial for our wellbeing that we do not give up on it.

There YouGo! If there is one thing that can help us keep our mental health and wellbeing in check in such tumultuous times, it is the renewed hope and balance that we gain through yoga. Regardless of the restrictions and lockdown in your area, yoga can be done in the comfort and confines of your home, all you need is enough space to roll out your mat and the intent to engage in practice.

Yours mindfully, Rajni Follow Rajni on Facebook @YogaWithRajni

HSC- Survival guide for parents

By: Preeti Gupta

Being a parent to an HSC student is hard enough and when you throw the pandemic in the mix it seems like a nightmare. I can feel the affected parents nodding vigorously, as they read these lines.

Having been a teacher for HSC classes for three decades, I would like to bring a little perspective and maybe even some relief to you. The following tips are what I tell parents depending on their particular issue. It’s in broad categories.

Tips For Parents of current HSC Students:

1. Don’t smother your child, just be there like a dumb prophet ( as my wise mum says). You don’t need to fuss over them all the time, but just be alert to the signs of distress to step in and be helpful.

2. Don’t nag! Resist the temptation. Instead encourage your child to have little breaks with or your balcony. Maybe share how you felt before your HSC.

Photo Credit: Punita Yadav Photo Credit: Punita Yadav

Student in ‘study’ mode Student in ‘relax’ mode playing Cricket with Dad.

3. Remember there is life after the HSC. We all are living proof of it!! It’s extremely important that you provide a balance between the importance of the HSC and life beyond it. Don’t get caught up in the parents’ group chatter. I understand you will start experiencing FOMO. So do the next best thing keep perspective when you read all the chatter on the parents’ group on Social Media. By now you would have worked out the various ‘types’ on that platform. Pay attention only to the sensible type. STOP trying to live vicariously through your child!

4. Don’t throw the comment or variations of ‘we do so much for you but....’ Nothing worse than hearing this from your parents. There are better ways of ‘guilting’ them if you absolutely have to. Use humour. Keep your anxiety levels under control. Talk to ‘normal parents) aka parents who have been through this pain at least a decade ago or even your own parents. They give you fantastic insight and in a no-nonsense manner.

5. Don’t forget food. Feed them well. Feed them their favourites. Even get them into kitchen, as there is nothing more therapeutic than kneading and bearing the pizza dough. First hand experience from my school days.

6. Give them hugs and cuddles. They may have gained height and may look like an adult, but they are still, somewhere deep down your baby who was fearful of the unknown!.

7. Last but not the least, keep your sense of humour. Remember, this too shall pass. What remains with the children is how they felt at this point in time. I’m sure you want them to remember that they were loved and supported with no dramas.

Best of luck!

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