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The Eternal Principles

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The Eternal Principles: An interview with Sunandaji

Sunandaji is the daughter-disciple of international philosopher and author A. Parthasarathy. Under his guidance, Sunandaji has been studying and researching the ancient philosophy of Vedanta for over three decades. Sunandaji’s clear and powerful presentations have been acclaimed by prestigious universities and organisations around the world, including the Young Presidents’ Organisation. By: Meredith Forder

We had the privilege of asking Sunandaji some questions: What is Vedanta? Is it a religion?

Vedanta is the ancient philosophy of life and living. It presents the eternal principles and explains the meaning and purpose of our existence in the world. Vedanta is a knowledge that trains you to think for yourself. To analyse, investigate and realise the Truth about life. Ultimately, the knowledge of Vedanta leads you to the highest goal of spiritual Enlightenment.

Download Our App What is the best way to deal with life’s problems?

There is only one problem in life and that is a weak intellect. All problems can be solved with a strong intellect. The intellect is like a muscle, it has to be developed by oneself.

My father and guru, Swami Parthasarathy, through years of deep study and research, has written books and founded the Vedanta Academy which runs continuous three-year residential, and online courses wholly dedicated and designed to strengthen the intellect.

Relationship problems abound in the modern world. What is the cause and how can authenticity and connection be restored? Problems in relationships arise because of the deadly trait of attachment. Attachment is opposed to love. Where one looks into one’s personal interest rather than that of another. Attachment is rooted in self-centredness, selfishness. Whereas love is based on selflessness and sacrifice. You would need a powerful intellect to control, govern and not let the mind slip into such attachment.

What do you consider most important for today’s youth to be aware of?

Thinking is generally considered a natural process like seeing, hearing or breathing. The youth must understand that to develop the faculty of thinking, reasoning you need to devote as much time and effort to it as you would to learning any other art or skill.

Your life is devoted to the study and propagation of Vedanta. What inspires you? The virtue of selflessness, the power of truth, the grandeur of duty is a fountainhead of inspiration.

What do you do for enjoyment during your free time?

True and constant enjoyment lies in doing what ought to be done. Moment to moment, experience to experience. Having learned that lesson early has made life truly enjoyable.

What is the best advice you have received? Serve. Love. Learn and realise your Self.

Invest in Yourself

Sunandaji will be in Australia in 2020 for a 3-day Retreat designed to help you gain success and happiness in everything you do.

Register your interest: www.vedanta.org.au Get social: • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ vedantaperth • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ vedantaperth

The Honourable JING LEE MLC Member of the Legislative Council PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (T) 8237 9408 www.jinglee.com.au

Stay at home mum vs Working mum

By Vaibhavi Joshi “Zeal”

Are you a mother? Are you working? Are you living with your guilt being a working mum?

Are you a homemaker and feel like you have lost your identity?

Are you often judged based on your choices of career over family or vice a versa?

As a working woman, are you sick and tired of hearing that you are selfish?

And; are you being judged as lazy women who has all the time in the world, just because you are a stay-at-home mum and are looking after your family?

If all these sounds very familiar, then don’t stop! Continue reading…

As woman, it is entirely her choice to be a working mother or a stay-at-home mum and that has nothing to do with the quality of her care towards her children. Not all working women are reckless and not all stay-at-home mums are lazy.

I will strongly emphasize here that being a woman you have equal right to think and act independently and do what is right for you and your family. No matter what decision you take, it is entirely yours and you have absolutely no reason to regret it. Whatever, you are doing simply do it with full confidence. Whether you are working or not has nothing to do with how you are raising your

kids. Please do not ponder over your decision or seek approval from others. It is your situation, your health, your family, your kids and every one of them who judge you cannot comprehend your situation. Your home environment is totally different to others, even your parents or in-laws’ roles are different and your responsibilities are different from others too. Do not let others to judge your book just by looking at its cover.

Let us visit some common problems or feelings stay-at-home mums go through:

4As a stay-at-home mum, you are so engrossed with the welfare of the children that you usually lose contact with outside world. 4Your kids become overly dependent on you for everything as most of the time you end up doing it for them. 4Your spouse may not understand the difficulties of raising a child and can

get boring over time, and make you feel depressed. It might seem easy for him but reality is different and the lack of understanding may cause conflicts. 4 It might seem that the only job you are doing in your life is taking care of your child and nothing else. 4Besides, your contribution to the family is taken for granted as it is considered that it is all you have do and you have no additional work. 4Initial days of motherhood can be very daunting. You might feel isolated, as you hardly get any time to socialise with friends, neighbours and outside world. 4Your routines as pre-set, mechanical and monotonous just going through your daily household grind. 4You sacrifice yourself, your time and self-perseverance, contrary to the general belief that a stay-at-home mum has so much time for herself. You might gradually become the prisoner of your own

entrapment of stay-at-home mum. 4Looking after a growing child is always tiring, irrespective to whether you are working fulltime or stay-at-home; in spite of all the support system you might have. It is always more physically and mentally overwhelming job managing your daily grind. 4You may not be having a career, but even if you want to take up a hobby or do something constructive, you are left with no time or energy for it. 4Being a stay-at-home mum makes you financially dependent on your spouse for all your expenses. You will have to manage your expenditure on a single income. 4If you have switched from being a careerwomen to a stay-at-home mum; the change in your lifestyle can be very depressing. You miss going to work, financial independence and interacting with co-workers. And, if you ever plan to return to workforce, it is hard breaking the ice again gaining the same level of financial and job satisfaction. 4There aren’t any sick leaves, annual leaves, flex-hours or a rostered-day off in your role. You are there 24/7 job for your home, for your family and for your spouse.

The list can be never-ending, as every women and family is different so let’s not dig more into it. If you have already decided to take a break from your career or you have never worked and decided to give your full time and energy after your kids then why not to make it more organized, pleasant and meaningful for everyone around you.

Let’s look at some of the solutions however it could be different for everyone based on their situations: 4 Never lose your self-esteem, your identity and your personal time. 4There is a world outside those four walls; interact with it. 4You can remain active, physically and mentally in spite of looking after your home, children and spouse. 4Taking a break from career is no way endof-the world. 4Keep yourself physically and mentally active by joining some group, going to library, reading, home yoga or exercises. 4Be more organised and plan your daily routine instead of making it as a daily chore. 4Set a routine for your activities, household

chores, and your child to manage your time efficiently. 4Leave some time for contingencies. It helps your child get used to ‘order’ in daily life. It helps you to be organized and saves time. It works for you, the child, and the family. 4 Network with women like you and share your experiences, learn from sharing your experiences and that of others. It helps you and your child to socialize and improve your parenting and social skills respectively. 4Do not compete to be the best parent in the world. Parenting is not competition; it is all about doing what is best for you and your child. Nobody is perfect, but there is always room for improvement and do it without getting overwhelmed by it. It reduces undue stress of being ‘perfect’ and helps your child to perform without any pressure. 4Seek help when needed and get a break. There is nothing wrong in taking help from your extended family and friends. You need some ‘me-time’ too. Go for a movie, hang out with friends, or pamper yourself at a spa. These small breaks for two to three hours can help you energize and refresh yourself. It also helps your child get used to staying away from you. 4If you have the budget, you can plan your day and baby’s activities by hiring a babysitter or nanny for few hours. Your baby will get used to being away from you and socialize with others. 4When you are preparing a routine, allocate some time for your hobbies. Enrol yourself in theatre, cooking, workout, dance or any other classes that makes you feel fresh and energized. Take up something that motivates you to step out of the house. It keeps your mind active and improves your self-esteem. 4While you are at home all the time still let your kids grow in a childcare environment as they learn more when they are around the similar age group. While they are developing their skills, you also develop yours. 4Learn to be independent in terms of know how to organize your finance, learn how to manage your super, manage your banking, learn your medical policy and where to go who to contact. 4If you don’t drive, then learn driving so you are not dependent on anyone. You can manage pick up or drop of for your kids without much hassle. 4If you always wanted to study something, then do so. This is your golden chance to develop and discover yourself. 4Be job ready and keep upgrading your skills if you are a professional as you never know when circumstances may change, and you have to join workforce again. 4Last but not the least, once your baby grows up and begins going to school, you can use your free time to take up a part-time job or follow your passion and do a business that you can run from home. It adds to your family’s budget as well as makes you financially independent.

Whether or not to be a stay-at-home mum is a personal decision, which depends on your family support and financial situation. If you have elders, who are willing to take care of the baby, and you have a great career going, you might not want to stay-at-home. You don’t need a paycheck to feel valued. Never let your role feel you less superior than others, as you are doing the most valuable job in the world; A job of being a mother is priceless.

Always self-appraise and be positive. It makes the journey of parenting fun, rewarding and fulfilling.

Hope this was helpful. Once again, all the powerful ladies, respect your own decision and do it without any regret. This was all about stay-at-home mums and now if you are a working mum watch out this space for some of your problems and possible solutions as i am a working mum too and sailing in a same boat like any other working mums.

It’s March, the month that celebrates Women for who they are and what they stand for. Women are master multi-taskers managing multiple relationships, conflicting emotions, seemingly endless housework, demanding office work, school events and lots more. In today’s fast paced, frantic and technologically advanced lifestyles, By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra

Being Woman is Being Busy. Being woman is often being under stress, being rushed and being constantly on the go.

So, on this International Women’s Day, I invite all you lovely ladies to give yourselves the gift of mindfulness; to nurture yourselves as you go about your day nurturing others around you. Read on for a few handy mindfulness tips and affirmations that may be of help in keeping yourselves more centred and in the present.

A minute a day keeps the stress away

Affirmation: I am checking in with myself. I am doing the best I can. I am well and so is everything around me.

Fill your day with multiple minutes of mindful breathing. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t able to set aside dedicated time to practice mindfulness. Sometimes, sixty seconds are all it takes to help you slow down and check in with yourself. A mindful minute can serve as a quick pause from the rush of getting somewhere or getting something done and help you set a calmer pace for the day.

Walk mindfully – take mindful steps

Affirmation: I am a strong confident woman, taking firm long strides in the direction I wish to go.

Mindful walking simply means taking steps with an awareness of each step and breath. It can be practiced anywhere and at anytime, whether you are alone or in the company of others; as you walk to or from your car in the parking lot; in the grocery store; between business meetings - anywhere at all. Taking steps with awareness helps in keeping them slow yet firm, relaxed yet purposeful and in staying connected with yourself in the present moment.

YouGo with Rajni Let’s Be Mindful Series Celebrating International Women’s Day with a look at mindfulness tips for busy women on the go.

Drive mindfully

Affirmation: I am on a journey of healing, nurturing and wellbeing. It is a beautiful journey and I will enjoy every minute of it.

Driving- what a wonderful opportunity to practice connecting with yourself, of turning a mindless activity of sitting behind the wheel, half listening to the music playing in the car and half absorbed with multiple thoughts, into a conscious, mindful journey. Often, we cover long distances without really noticing the drive. Taking mindful breaths while driving are an effective way to bring yourself back into the present moment. While driving, pay attention to the route, to the traffic, to the passing landscape. Listen to the words of the music that is playing in the car. Mindful driving will enable you to enjoy the drive and reach your destination in a state of awareness, being fully in the now.

Drink your tea mindfully

Affirmation: I will drink my tea (or coffee) slowly and savour every sip. I am at peace in this moment.

Oh, that much desired cuppa! Sometimes a good cup of tea/coffee is all we need to bring us a sense of wellbeing. What if we infused that with a touch of mindfulness? In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, “drink your tea slowly and reverently as if it is the axis on which the earth revolves – slowly, evenly and without rushing to the future”.

As you engage in the act of making the cup of tea, guide your thought to this action. When your tea is ready, observe the colour and the aroma of

the tea. As you take a sip, feel the flavour of the tea in your mouth. Feel the warmth of the cup in your hands. Making your breathing calm and gentle, become aware the slow and deliberate act of sipping your tea thereby making the simple act of drinking tea a way to connect with yourself and step into the present moment.

Mindful companionship

Affirmation: I have strong and committed friendships. I nurture my friends as they nurture me.

Women are social and emotional beings. Friendships play a big role in our lives and catching up with our girl friends can go a long way in helping us relax and de-stress. Add to that a touch of mindfulness and feel the magic of connecting with your friends by listening and talking without judgement. Be all there and help your friend to also enter that state of being. There is no better feeling than helping a friend connect with herself.

Mindfulness retreat in your home

Affirmation: I am in my safe space where I can simply be. Here I am. Here is where I need to be. Here is where I AM ME.

This is a powerful tip that can really go a long way in helping you regain your balance quickly and effectively. Identify a spot in your home where you can withdraw for a few minutes of solitude and allow yourself to gently come into the present moment. It can be a seat by the window of your lounge, the study or even a green corner in the garden. Withdraw to your retreat regularly for a few minutes when you feel like reconnecting with yourself. Engage in mindful breathing, repeat the affirmation and allow yourself to just be.

ThereYouGo! Mindfulness for women in six easy steps. Now let’s make every day a mindful women’s day.

Yours mindfully, Rajni Follow Rajni on Facebook @YogaWithRajni

Meeting the Women in Bluea personal perspective

By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra

The Indian National Women’s Cricket Team has been touring Australia for over a month now. Here for the Tri-Nation Series and 2020 ICC Women’s T20 World Cup, the girls have been blazing a trail of victories in the T20 series under the fine leadership of their Captain, Ms Harmanpreet Kaur. The support for the team has been phenomenal, as their performance in both the series, especially the Women’s T20 World Cup where they have made history by reaching their maiden final to be played on Sunday, 8 March 2020.

(as they have fondly been nicknamed) at a welcome dinner hosted by the High Commissioner of India H.E. Mr. A Gitesh Sarma and Mrs. Ratnamala Sarma at India House. It was a memorable evening spent in the company of these inspiring young women of substance, women of few words but loud and determined action. And I came away thinking what fine examples these young women are, of what great heights women can achieve, if they set their minds to it. Go Team India, May you hit it out of the park!

I, along with other distinguished members of the Canberra community, had the opportunity to meet the fantastic Women in Blue

Download Our App MARCH I 2019 www.DesiAustralia.com 37 Photos: Rajni Ghai Malhotra and High Commission of India

Patiala Jutti Vs Patiala Peg

There’s a great quote that says, Real queens fix each other’s crowns! And it’s something worth reminding yourself on a regular basis.

Sydney’s Abbey Singh is known for her innovative ideas to bring women together through her unique events every year. After hosting successful events like Fashion Race, Jazzy Kids Dsico, Wakhra Sawag and White Wedding, Abbey brings to you a never heard and never experienced event before Patiala Jutti Vs Patiala Peg

Abbey spoke to Desi Australia and shared vision and reason of doing this event.

We live in a very competitive world but the simple truth is, women are more powerful when they work together.

As we get older, as we become women, we start to see the advantages of collaborating. And for business women, it can offer amazing advantages. Business women working together can just about achieve anything!

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. So thought to do an event which is named as Patiala Jutti Vs Patiala Peg meaning Bibiya Vs Babe. Abbey said.

But eventually the message on event day will be woman from all races stand strong when they are together.

On behalf of Desi Australia we wish Abbey Singh all the Very Best for yet another successful event.

NSW Seniors Festival -

NSW Seniors festival was celebrated during 12 - 23 February 2020. The theme for the 2020 festival was ‘Love to Celebrate’. During the festival, hundreds of free and discounted events and activities for seniors were held across NSW.

Many Indian and other support groups such as Sri Om Care, AASHA, AHIA, Sewa Australia, Boronia, Hornby Seniors etc. were among many who showed their support and organised special programs for seniors.

NSW Seniors festival is about looking after our senior citizens, getting them out of the house, getting socially active and enjoying their time. This gives them the opportunity to make new friends or get together with old ones at local community events. Many free sessions for exercise and physical activities were held to help prevent common injuries associated with ageing. These sessions were important to understand the health benefits of engaging in physical activity.

Australian Over 50’s Living & Lifestyle Guide is proud to be a part of the NSW Seniors Festival.

Seniors-3 org-Boronia, Sri Om Care Sewa Australia, Wentworthville

By: Harmohan Singh Walia

NSW Seniors Festival - Love to Celebrate AA SHA-5th Seniors Hub, West Ryde

Seniors-Sewa Australia, Wentworthville

Seniors-Sri Om Care, Seven Hills

Hornsby Seniors

Affinity’s Lecture Event: “Asia Caught Between America and China: Maintaining Peace and Prosperity” with Doug Bandow and Richard Broinowski

On the 27th February 2020, Affinity had the pleasure of hosting their lecture series, featuring presenter Doug Bandow, senior fellow at CATO Institution in Washington DC. The event was facilitated by former diplomat Richard Broinowski AO. Arshmah Jamal Safiya Ilham

The topic featured “Asia Caught Between America and China: Maintaining Peace and Prosperity” on Thursday 27 February 2020 in a luncheon event. .

The audience was welcomed by Dr Alison Broinowski AM, former Australian diplomat and academic who introduced the topic as well as the speakers for the day’s event.

Doug Bandow began his keynote speech spanning from the Trade War to the Uyghurs. He first began discussing the relationship between America and China as he sees China as a worthy competitor to China as compared to Russia according to other discussions.

The audience found it fascinating to hear the economic relationship between China and the US as the trade war and economic tension has far reaching impact on other nations such as Australia. Doug Bandow also discusses of the true impact of the coronavirus as he states that China was challenged economically from its own demographics, large debts, ghost towns as well as the nature of population due to the postulate effects from the former one child policy.

Doug Bandow then sat down to engage in a couch conversation with Richard Broinowski AO who presented varying questions to him especially how different society can be with alternative US candidates and how it might have changed the US today.

Download Our App Doug Bandow highlighted the innate limits placed on all Presidents of USA as many would have ideally brought change until it is realised that there are many changes which are stagnated from realising the reality of their limitations. Doug Bandow was also asked to further broaden the values of CATO and what to stands for as Doug Bandow clarifies its purpose and values it holds.

The discussion ended with an audience Q and A session with the first question asking about China’s economy and it’s’ effects on

the Australian stock market as well as the probable outcome of there were alternate candidates in the president position today.

Gifts of appreciation were then handed to Doug Bandow by Andrew West, host at Radio National at ABC. Executive Director Tom Switzer from Centre of Independent Studies gifted Richard Broinowski AO. Then, Jason Constable, team leader at AFP, presented Dr Alison Broinowski AM with a gift of appreciation.

Both Andrew West and Tom Switzer said a few words of appreciation and highlighted their perspective of the contemporary position between the USA and China. Andrew West also emphasises the value of Doug Bandow’s presence as he explains that he is a true authentic intellectual who speaks on pure research and intellectual basis, making him an excellent guest for today’s topic.

The program concluded with Executive Director of Affinity, Ahmet Polat, closing the event with a few words of his own perspective with the importance of peace and dialogue to foster between these international relationships where Affinity can make a positive impact in its own respect.

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