Sanatan Darshan - Oct- Dec 2015 brochure

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Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Ltd.

Sanatan Darshan

October - November - December


Jai Ambe

NAVRATRI 2015 We would like to invite you to the auspicious occasion of Navratri at the Sanatan Mandir in Crawley from 13th October till 23th October 2015.

This will take place in the main Dhamecha Suite from with a new live band due to public request 7:30pm - 11.00pm daily. In addition, we will hold garba for ladies in the Mandir from 10:30am - 12noon.

You can take part in Mataji’s seva during this event.

Daily Yajmaan

– £251

(includes three chundari’s Bhog and Shringar)

Three Chundari’s for the day

– £51

Aatham ni Seva

– £501

Aatham Yagna Yajmaan

– £101

Sponsorship for Navratri

– £100

If you would like further information during Navratri, please contact:

Chandubhai Nayee - 01293 519 130 - 07440 744098 Mandir - 01293 530105

Gurjar Hindu Union would like to invite all members to celebrate

Gurjat Hindu Union would like to invite all members to Celebrate


at the Sanatan Mandir, Appletree Centre, Dhamecha Suite. Prompt start: daily at 7pm so please arrive time Venue Sanatan Mandir, Apple tree on Centre, Dhamecha Suite, Ifield Avenue, Crawley RH11 0AF

05 October 2013 Saturday NAVRATRI 06 October 2013 Sunday NAVRATRI 07 October 2013 Monday Dates : 13 October - 23 OctoberNAVRATRI 2015 08 October 2013 Tuesday NAVRATRI Time : 7.30pm - 11.00pm. 09 October 2013 Wednesday NAVRATRI 10 October 2013 Thursday NAVRATRI 11 October 2013 Friday NAVRATRI 12 October 2013 Saturday NAVRATRI 13 October 2013 Sunday DASHAHRA 22 October KARVACHAUTH Family 9 day2013 pass Tuesday (2 adults – 2 children) : £30 01 November 2013 Friday DHAN TERASA Passes on sale now from the mandir. Please contact our shastriji. 02 November 2013 Saturday KADI CHAUDASH Members - Daily Adult charges : £2 DIWALI 03 November 2013 Sunday Members - Daily Children & OAP: DIWALI £1 04 November 2013 Monday AANKUT - NAVU Non Members - Daily Adult charges : £4 VARSH November 2013 Tuesday BHAI BEEJ Non05 Members - Daily Children & OAP: £2 10 November 2013 Sunday DIWALI SHOW HAWTH 13 November 2013 Thursday GITA JAYANTI 17 November 2013 Sunday TULSI VIVAH Please bring your GHU 23 November 2013 Saturday JALARAM JAYANTI

Entrance Charges :

membership card

Charge: Adults £2:00 daily, for entryEntrance varification

Children & OAP’s £1:00 Under 5’s Free Aarti Charge: £11:00 daily Sponsorship: £501 Aatham or £201 other days

Event not to missed Forbe more information please call:

Bharat Lukka 07967 339 790 For stalls / banners and leaflets enquires call: Umesh Nayee 07774 607 749

gHU is celebrating the 5th anniversary since opening the Centre in May 2010

II Jai Shree Krishna II The celebrations for our 5th Anniversary this year is going in full swing. It is amazing that five wonderful years have gone past since we built our dream and wonderful Sanatan Mandir and Community Centre, Apple Tree Centre! We are delighted to announce that His Highness Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester will visit our Centre on 14th October at 2 p.m. The Duke is a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, and 2nd son of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, who was the third eldest son of George V, and Princess Alice. At the time of his birth he was 5th in line to the throne.You are all invited to welcome His Highness to our Centre on the day. We dedicated 2015 as Hindu Heritage Events project. We received good support from Crawley Borough Council, West Sussex County Council and Heritage Lottery Fund to organise:1) A Community Dance and Drama Show as part of the Diwali show on 8 November 2015 at the Hawth Theatre. (see separate poster on this). 2) We have documented the oral history of six members of our community. This involved recording and documenting their entire life experience from leaving their homeland, settling in Crawley and joys of being a member and keen supporter of GHU. 3) Additionally we have begun recording and documenting the design and architectural features of outside and inside of our Mandir consisting of the ornate and magnificent features. Our ambition is to produce a booklet that will document the above. Also our ambition is to continue the Hindu Heritage theme every year. If you do wish to help and support or indeed wish to get involved then please get in touch with Ashwin Soni 07833252551


Sanatan Darshan | October - November - December 2015

Gurjar Hindu Union proudly presents The Community Dance and Drama Show Sunday 8th November 2015 At :The Hawth Parkwood Theatre, Hawth Avenue, Crawley. RH10 6YZ

Time : 6 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. To include Fire Works Display, Irish, Ballet, Brazilian and Indian Music, Singing and Dancing and light refreshment Show not to be missed Tickets : Available from : Hashmukh Mulji : Deven Patel : Kokiben Patel :

ÂŁ5.00 07761 972 651 07900 931 974 07950 245 715

The Show is kindly supported as part of Hindu Heritage Events and 5th Anniversary Celebrations by:

Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Sanatan Mandir, Apple Tree Centre, Ifield Avenue, CRAWLEY RH11 0AF

Royal Visit To Crawley Sanatan Mandir

14th October 2015 at 1.30pm. His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester is visiting our Mandir on 14th October 2015 at 1.30 p.m. for one hour. He is very interested to meet our community members. Title: Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester Full Name: Richard Alexander Walter George Relation to Elizabeth II: Cousin Married: Birgitte van Deurs, daughter of Asger Henriksen and Vivian van Deurs of Denmark, on July 8, 1972 Children: Alexander (Earl of Ulster), Davina (Lady Davine Lewis) and Rose (Lady Rose Gilman) The Duke is a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, and 2nd son of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, who was the third eldest son of George V, and Princess Alice. At the time of his birth he was 5th in line to the throne. He attended Eton College and Cambridge University and planned a career in architecture until the death of his elder brother in a plane crash in 1972, and his father in 1974 when he inherited the Dukedom and an increase in his obligations for royal duties. In 1972 he married Brigitte Eva van Deurs, daughter of a Danish lawyer. They had three children, Alexander, Earl of Ulster, born in 1974, Lady Davina Windsor born in 1977, and Lady Rose Windsor born in 1980. The Duke and Duchess carry out public duties on behalf of the royal family and are patrons of many societies and organisations. None of their children undertake official duties. The Duke maintains an interest in architecture and is a commissioner for English Heritage. He is the most senior male descendant of Queen Victoria.

Please contact Ashwin Soni (07833 252 551) for further information.

SEWA SUNDAY PROJECT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Are you able to devote 2 hours in a month? If so please join us.

Make Last Sunday of each month a Sewa Sunday from 10am – 12 noon.

Help required at the ATC : 1) Gardening and landscaping 2) Cleaning & decorating 3) Treasury, Data entry, filing 4) Religious duties and support 5) Kitchen, mandir

Please contact : Dilipbhai Limbachia: 07808 932858

II Crawley Arya Shakha II It’s not just your usual youth group or religious sermons! • • • •

Meet once a week for an hour in the local GHU Temple… Kick off with some warm up exercise… Followed by games (e.g. Football, Cricket, Kho Kho, Kabbadi) – fun, health and fitness… Last 15 - 20 min we will discuss culture, religion, current topics with a flavour of Hinduism…

Join us at the Apple Tree Centre every Sunday @ 11-12 Introduce us to your friends and family!

Chitra: 07584 356 031

Pranav: 07880 454 151

extra ordinary general Meeting (egM) Date : 13th December 2015 at 2:00pm Jai Shree Krishna, Jai Sia Ram Jai Ambe Gurjar Hindu formally gives this notice that an Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be held at the Apple Tree Centre on the13th December 2015 Time 2:00pm till 3:00pm AGENDA 1. Election • Governors: 6 vacancies • Committee: 10 vacancies 2. AOB 3. Light Refreshments Amendment to the constitution: On the 15th of August at the AGM a motion to amend the constitution (Memorandum and Articles of Association) for GHU Ltd was approved Qualification Rules for Serving on Board of GHU Ltd: In order to bring more fresh blood to the Board and Committee we agree the following: New Legal Trustees to be nominated with only 1 year GHU service (as opposed to the current 3 years) New Co-opted Trustees to be brought in without any GHU service, but they need to bring the following to the board: • Willingness to be an active Board member. • You have to take one of the vacancies available as approved by the board (applies to new and existing trustees) • Have some experience in charity work ( though not a prerequisite) • Recommended by at least two fully paid GHU members to co sign application • Clean credit history and CRB check If you wish to add or discuss further agenda items kindly write to the board by 1st December 2015 8

Sanatan Darshan | October - November - December 2015

Voting form for Committee Members For use on 13th December 2015 at the EGM Only VOTERS NAME______________________________________________ MEMBERS ADDRESS___________________________________________ POSTCODE____________________TEL__________________________ MEMBERSHIP/RECIEPT NO( 2015/16)_____________________________ Signature_________________________Date____________________ MY NOMINATIONS FOR in THE GHU Commitee FOR THE PERIOD YEAR 2016 ARE: (A maximum of two nomination in each position only from the list displayed or announced)

You DO NOT need TO fill in all Nine rows! No

Area of Responsibility


Catering & event management


Finance & Legal


Fund raising, Grants and Audit


Day care centre & Education


Publicity & Event, Bookings


Health & Safety and Centre management


Sports & Youth







Nominated Commitee members Name


Eligibility Check: for office use only

Checked by: 1:______________________2:_______________________ Accepted/Void______________ Commentts:__________________________________________________

Voting form for Directors ( Governors) For use on 13th December 2015 at the EGM Only VOTERS NAME______________________________________________ MEMBERS ADDRESS___________________________________________ POSTCODE____________________TEL__________________________ MEMBERSHIP/RECIEPT NO( 2015/16)_____________________________ Signature_________________________Date____________________ MY NOMINATIONS FOR in THE GHU Directors(Governors) Board FOR THE PERIOD YEAR 2016 co-opted Governors and Legal Governors to 2016/2019 (A maximum of one nomination in each position only from the list displayed or announced)

You DO NOT need TO fill in all Nine rows! No

Area of Responsibility


Catering & event management


Finance & Legal


Fund raising, Grants and Audit


Day care centre & Education


Publicity & Event, Bookings


Health & Safety and Centre management


Sports & Youth





Nominated Directors (Governors) Name


Eligibility Check: for office use only

Checked by: 1:______________________2:_______________________ Accepted/Void______________ Commentts:__________________________________________________

Fire Works Display at the Apple Tree Centre on Diwali day 11 th November 2015. Date: 11th November 2015 Wednesday Start at 7:30pm For Donations towards the Fireworks please contact :

Dilip Limbachia : 07808 932858 Hasmukh Mulji : 07761 972651 Deven Patel: 07900 931974 or any Committee Member

Jalaram Jayanti Celebrations BHAJAN - KIRTAN - BHOJAN PRASHAD

Saturday 21st November 2015 Bhajan Kirtan: 1.00 till 5.00pm Bhojan: 5.00 till 6.00pm Aarti: 7.00pm Bhajans by Prabhu Bhajan Mandal For sponsorship please contact: Chandubhai Nayee: 01293 519130 Bharat Lukka: 07967 339790

Gurjar Hindu union Ltd - MEMBErSHiP aPPLiCation ForM 2011 5 Apple Tree Centre Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Ltd Sanatan Mandir, Ifield Avenue, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0AF Tel: 01293 530105 Email: Web: Sanatan Mandir & Community Centre, now a reality. 1. You can use this form for applying for new membership as well as renewal of existing membership. 2. Membership fees: £10.00 per annum per each British unit of family. (Husband, wife & 2 children aged 18 or below maybe added.) 3. Gurjar Hindu Union Committee reserves right of approving or disapproving any application. 4. Abuse of Union rules may lead to withdrawal of membership without any notice or disciplinary action will be taken. In any case no refund of membership free. 5. Change of address to be notified to the Secretary or Bharat Lukka 07967 339790 6. We may from time to time send you information about the work of GHU. If you do not wish to be contacted again please confirm to us in writing. 7. Membership fee maybe varied as and when requred by the GHU. 8. Information provided above will be used for MEMBERSHIP/GHU purposes only.

9. Please tick appropriate boxes wherever necessary & use CaPitaL letters.




annual fee £:10.00

Paid by: Cash Cheque (Cheque payable to ‘GHU’) Please find enclosed payment towards above and note my following address details: Title: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr):..........Surname:..............................Firstname:................................ Address:................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... County:...........................................................Post Code:....................................................... Telephone:.....................................................Mobile:............................................................. E mail:...................................................................................................................................... Particulars of Family Name



Married/Single Occupation

.................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. w

In accordance with the provision of the Data Protection Act 1998 any personal data which is supplied to the Data Administrator,GHU, will be held in a secure database and used solely for the purpose of GHU.The information provided will not be passed to any third party. Information provided to Data Administrator will be subject toreview annually by the Data Administrator. You will be deemed to have accepted this declaration if you have signed this form.

I agree to abide by the Union rules if my membership is accepted. Signature: ………………………………………………..........................(Head of Family) FOR GHU OFFICE USE ONLY: Receipt No:...........................Date:....................Amount:£10.00......Database/Gift Aid records updated:................. September Form revised January 2011 2015

2015 Mand ir daily activit ies

Sanatan Mand ir Opening times

everyday fro m 9.00am The Mandir is open except for pm .00 0-5 1.0 ly dai 9.00pm (closed is con ducted daily at special events). Aarti 10.00am - 12noon the follow ing times: and 7.00pm

Gujarati Scho o l

es Harmonium Class

0pm - 8.00pm. Enrol Every Fri day fro m 7.0 son are free trials today - First few les

sses Bharatnatyam Cla 5.30pm – 7.00pm Every Monday fro m YOUR CHILDREN COME AND ENROLL E CLASS NC DA L RA TO CULTU

run every Saturday GHU Gujarati School pm 30 12. fro m 10.00am –

Divas Dance Gro up B o llywo o d – 7.00pm Every Fri day 6.00pm

Day Care Centre

ys is open on We dnesda GHU Day Care Centre 11.00pm am 00 10. en we and Fri days bet ved hot light meals Fri day Day Care is ser ses take place in the rci exe ed and Chair bas . ers Centre for all memb

Yoga Classes

in full sw ing on Every Yoga classes are also ry 11.00pm pro mpt & Eve Sun day 10.00am is 0pm pro mpt. Classes Thursday 7.00pm - 8.0 e or tur cul ir the of ive open to all irrespect ol We are happy to enr religio us backgroun d. your family h wit e com do – more members every Sun day fro m and see what we do n. noo 11am – 12

Have you moved please register your new details

Tuesday Mandal

Path at the Mandir We hold Sun derkan d 0pm – 9.00pm. 7:3 m fro y sda every Tue . end att All are welco me to

Badminton Club dnesday fro m Every Monday & We 7.30pm - 9.00pm

up Hindu Yo uth Gro 11.00am - 12.00pm Every Sun day fro m


(La dies only)


Vo lleyball

every Fri day fro m Volleyball is played open to all 7.00pm - 9.00pm. It’s ture or religio us cul ir the of ive irrespect py to enrol more hap are backgroun d. We members £2.50 per

07967 339790


APPLE TREE CENTRE Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Ltd.

Sponsor our Sanatan Mandir Crawley for a special day supported with the blessings and opened by Pujya Bhaishree’s Sponsor a day with just a £251 donation Celebrate a special day with a £251 donation to help run the centre. Sponsor : Birthday, Anniversary, Graduation, In memory off, Special Occasion.

For any further information contact: Bharat Lukka 07967 339790 Dilip Limbachia 07808 932858

Come join in for some fun‌

Bollywood Divas Classes Anyone aged 6 years and upwards are welcome Charges: ÂŁ10.00 monthly Time: 6.00 - 7.00pm (Every Friday) Venue: Apple Tree Centre, Sanatan Mandir, Ifield Avenue, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 OAF We perform at various events throughout the year etc. Anyone interested in bollywood dancing welcome.

FIRST 2 SESSIONS ARE FREE For further information please contact: Shobna Nayee - 07818 517 695 Bharat Lukka - 07967 339 790 Divas are back after a short break! We meet every Friday at the ATC from 6pm to 7pm. The Club is run by Shobna Nayee and Sejal Zala . Divas has been running successfully for the past 9 years and each year we perform at the Crawley Mela and the various Diwali Shows in Crawley. We urgently need more volunteers to help run this large club. If you are over 18, enjoy Bollywood music and have a passion for dancing please contact Shobna and be part of this fun club! Please see the ATC website for contact details. Please do contact Shobna if you would like to join Divas as a choreographer.

For further information please contact: Shobna Nayee 07818 517 695

Hatha Yoga Classes Every Sunday 10.00am - 11.00pm prompt. Every Thursday 7.00pm - 8.00pm prompt. at the Apple Tree Centre Please contact: Gomtiben 01293 885875 Courses include: • • • • •

Various physical & breathing exercises Cleansing of Chakras Meditation Techniques Advise on lifestyle and food Hand Reflexology

Gomtiben is a Register of Exercise Professionals Yoga teacher. Wear comfortable clothing and bring your own mat Fees: Introductory fee : £2.00 per lesson For further details please contact: Gomtiben Limbachia: 01293 885875 Mandir: 01293 530105

Bharatanatyam Classes Bharatanatyam, is by far one of India’s most popular Classical Dance forms, originating from the temples of South India. The classes taught here at the Apple Tree Centre, has grown from strength to strength since the opening of the centre as regular performances are given by the students locally as well as outside of the borough for religious and community events. If interested in learning Indian Classical Dance, please come forward and enrol in our classes. Classes are open to all those interested in Indian Art and Culture, regardless of age, ethnicity and gender, for beginners as well as advanced students, through disciplined yet enjoyable training. Bharatnatyam Classes are taught by: Priya Hema Bhawaneedin (Senior disciple of Guru Sri Prakash Yadagudde of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, London) Every Monday: 5.30pm - 7.30pm To enrol or for more information please contact: Priyaji (Teacher): 07531 567 390 Kokilaben Patel (GHU Governor): 07950 245 715 Mandir: 01293 530105 Please note: To join, minimum age is 5years old. Additional costs: Sari, Costumes and accessories.

Back 2 School asses l C e g a u g n a L i t a Gujar -12.30pm m a 0 1 y a d r tu Sa y Ever

s o ld as well as ar ye 5 ve bo a n C hildre e weekly classes th in jo n ca s lt u ad ferent levels: if d 3 at ed ct u d con •

Beg inner

r the stu dents who o (f te ia ed rm te • In ing and writing ad re r ei th ed et pl co m exams) level stu dents) SE C G d n -a re (p • Advance d

: s please contact For further detail le. 07950 245 715 bi o m – l te Pa n Kokilabe email. patelkoki@

Apple Tree Centre

Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Ltd. Sanatan Mandir, Ifield Avenue, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0AF I 01293 530 105 I


your perfect day

• • • • • • • • •

State of the art venue in Crawley near Gatwick Airport Direct route from M25-M23 Civil marriage licence Hi tech banqueting suite for 1,000 wedding or reception guests Bride and Groom changing rooms adjacent to Sanatan mandir Free car park for 250 cars Your own caterers are welcome Fully air-conditioned and heated floor Special affordable rates for weekdays events such as Chandlo Matli, Vidhi, Mahendi night & Garba

Please call Bharat Lukka on 07967 339 790

or email to discuss all your wedding options and see our venue.

Telephone. 01293 530 105 Website. Facebook. Charity No. 1117476 Est: 1968.

a day to remember

Apple Tree Centre, Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Ltd. Ifield Avenue, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 OAF

Shri Sanatan Mandir (Various seva information for Devotees)



Whole day seva

• Durva Pooja - £1001 • Ganesh Atharvashirsh Abhishek - £1001 • Chaturthi Pooja - £101 • Angaraki Pooja - £101 • Ganesh Utsav (bhardrapad mas) - £1001

• Mangal bhog • Raj bhog Shayan bhog • Pushpa seva Dhwaja Ropan (lifetime)

- £501


Ram navmi Utsav Janmastami Utsav Dipawali Annakut Mota Annakut Satya Narayan Katha

HANUMANJI MANDIR: - £1001 - £1001 - £1001 - £1001 - £501

AMBAJI MANDIR: • Chandipath • Mataji yagna

- £101 - £501

SHIVALAYA: • • • •

Ruddrabhishek Laghurudra Shravan mas Monday pooja Maha shivratri chaturyam (entire day) pooja

- £15 - £101 - £51 - £1001


- £651

• Hanuman Chalisa 108 path • Saturday puja • Hanumant yagna

- £1001 - £51 - £101

For more information or to book please call Chandubhai Nayee on 01293 530 105 or email Apple Tree Cente, Sanatan Mandir Ifield Avenue, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 OAF Website:

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