8 minute read


Interview & Cover Photography by Justin Jackrabbit @blackjackrabbit_studio.llc

INDULGE After Hours caught up with EDM Music Producer, Cover Model, and Super Talented Dancer, REVENANT MELODY!

INDULGE: How are you? Thank you so much for taking time out of your day. Tell us how you got started in modeling.

REVENANT MELODY: Hey there! My artist name is Revenant Melody. I got into modeling when I was about 20 years old. I was that one skater/scene girl at school that expressed myself through clothing. I found out that people can actually make a living for their uniqueness. From there I pursued modeling as a career. As of the music, since I was a kid, I’ve always had the passion to write, sing and dance. Throughout school, I was always in performing arts, and choir. It’s been a dream of mine to write and create music! I happen to love EDM so I am self taught but do want to look into getting education for music production.

INDULGE: Our lives revolve so much around emotion, whether it’s in work or family life. If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other, drives you to stay involved in such a competitive industry? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

REVENANT MELODY: If I were to only choose one emotion that drives me the most to stay in the modeling and music industry, I would say it’s Joy.

I truly enjoy feeling beautiful and going out of my comfort zone to create art . I enjoy creating music, it pushes me to stay humble, and be comfortable with being vulnerable. I enjoy doing these things because it allows me to express my creativity and share my own world with everybody else’s world.

INDULGE: I’m sure you have had many photoshoots. Please share 1 or 2 of your favorite shoots with us.

REVENANT MELODY: My first experience in the studio with Jackrabbit was amazing! Considering that Jackrabbit is not only a photographer but also a model and an actor, he respects the models time and he respects the models energy and most of all the body. I would say my second favorite photoshoot for INDULGE would be the most recent, including the Lyra hoop. Dancing is such an emotional form of art, just as creating music and modeling. Being able to create this for INDULGE, was an absolutely amazing experience, and I am very grateful!

INDULGE: Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas?

I think my charisma is the key ingredient to my uniqueness as a performing artist. Growing up, as a child I had a big imagination, and I always had a strong connection with nature and animals. Now as an adult, I also have a strong connection with people.

INDULGE: In your opinion, what would you say is the #1 key to success?

REVENANT MELODY: The number one key to success is consistency. I am a personal trainer and yoga instructor, the one thing that I tell my students is that you have to stay consistent in order to see results. That goes for anything.

INDULGE: Talk about the biggest failure you’ve had. What did you learn from it?

REVENANT MELODY: My biggest failure was letting myself go during Covid. I was struggling and I was drinking a lot of alcohol, and I was eating a lot of food. I had gained almost 50 pounds. I felt awful. Not because of how I looked, but because of what I was consuming. That failure, actually pushed me to become a personal trainer and a yoga instructor. I wanted to educate myself to better, my mental and physical health. And from there, the passion to help others came right behind it. Every failure brings a lesson.

INDULGE: Tell us about the music you produce. Who would you like to collaborate with and why?

REVENANT MELODY: I don’t know exactly what type of EDM I create, I have my moments of pumped up base and Deep House, but I also have my slow melodic tracks that have more vocals included. If I ever had a chance to collaborate with an artist it would be Zhu. I’ve been a fan of his music since I can remember and if I could ever put my vocals on one of his tracks or even create a track with him that would be a dream come true.

INDULGE: I feel that music can often play a big role in our lives. Please tell us your top 5 artists that have influenced your career.

REVENANT MELODY: Top five artists that have influenced my career. Number one would be Alicia Keys. I have been singing her music since I was a child. Number two, Christina Aguilera. Her vocals would always give me the chills and as a kid I would always spend my time covering her music. Number three, deadmau5. An absolute creative and it’s always been something that I can vibe with. Number four, Deftones. Don’t get me wrong I love EDM, but I’m actually a bit of a rocker. Chino’s vocals are stunning and they just leave me feeling like I’m floating. Number five, Celine Dion. My mom introduced me to Celine Dion and still as an adult, I blast her music in the car on my way home from work.

INDULGE: What advice can you give other individuals who want to follow in your footsteps?

REVENANT MELODY: My advice to anyone who wants to follow in my footsteps is to do it, just do it. I don’t want to hear any excuses, once you step out of your comfort zone, you feel great that you’ve accomplished something new and different. You’re not getting any younger, but you’re also not ever too old to fight for some thing that you want to experience.

If you don’t know where to start, get on Google and start looking for other people in your area that do what you want to do and put yourself in the environment that you want to succeed in the most.

INDULGE: What does a typical day in your week look like?

REVENANT MELODY: A typical day in my week starts with feeding my fur babies. I teach two yoga classes in the mornings and train a couple of clients afterwards. After my day job, I come home take a shower, then eat some food. When I have free time, I fill it up with creating music or creating content or I go dance.

INDULGE: What’s your ideal producing environment?

REVENANT MELODY: My ideal producing environment is outside under some shade next to nature. I don’t like being cooped up inside making music. If I could travel and produce music in an RV, I would.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Think the best advice that I’ve been given is do not give up. If you want something then do everything you can to make it happen.

If you had to recommend one album for someone looking to get into dance music, what would you give them?

If I had to recommend an album for someone looking into dance music, I would highly recommend flume the artist the album name is skin.

What’s one song you wish you had produced?

If I had to pick a song that I wished that I had produced, I would pick Believe by Cher.

What’s distinctive about New Mexico, and how has it shape you?

New Mexico is very limited with resources when it comes to helping an artist grow.. we have a lot of independent artists in New Mexico and we help each other rise.

What’s distinctive about New Mexico is our culture and how us artists keep each other alive.

What does your family and friends think of what you do as a model and music producer? Are they supportive?

My family is very supportive and they encourage me to continue creating music.

INDULGE: How can fans-to-be follow your career?


REVENANT MELODY: Here are my platforms!

Spotify - Revenant Melody

YouTube - Revenant Melody

Amazon Music - Revenant Melody

Instagram - Revenantmelody

Twitter - MelodySgh

Suicide Girls - Revenant_Melody

Onlyfans - Revenant Melody

INDULGE: Again, thank you so much for interviewing with us. We are sure that your fans will enjoy your interview as much as we have. Make sure to follow Revenant Melody and stream her music.

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Body By Snow Jay. Click on her link: https://www.bbsjllc.com



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