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Amanda Flores

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Natalie Peña

Loud&Clear caught up with Amanda Flores, a Mom, Photographer, and Model. We asked her to share her "5 Facts" with us and this is what she said…

1. Photography is one of my hobbies. To capture the beauty in life with one click is almost magic.

2. I love to model. It lets me express who I truly am. The only thing I edit is the background because I truly love every inch of me and who I am as every one should love themselves. Took me years to find that self love. I am perfectly imperfect.

3. I love to shoot guns, ride quads, fish, camp, and travel. I love getting dirty in the outdoors.

4. If I’m not playing around outside or posing for a shoot I’m hard at work. My dad taught me to be a strong young independent woman and I’ve lived up to it.

5. My kids are my world. Everything I do is for them.

Bonus fact... Growing up, my dad taught my siblings and I that family is every thing, never cry because it doesn’t change the situation, don’t depend on others, do it yourself. So, on a camping trip while fishing for breakfast, my brothers and their friends bullied me into giving them my favorite and only fishing pole because they had forgotten theirs. It was a Snoopy fishing pole. I had nothing to fish with and instead of crying or sitting there sulking,

I looked around and found some cut fishing wire with a hook on it. Grabbed a stick and made my own little fishing pole. An hour later as my dad whistled for all of us to come back to camp, there I was with more then 10 fish hanging over my shoulder and plopped them right on the tailgate. Mind you, I was only 5 at the time. If you say it can’t be done then you have already failed.

Follow Amanda at: @whis_keysunrise

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