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Venice by Season
06 chapter
V e n i c e b y s e a s o n
Venice is always a good idea but visiting the city during the peak season might bring also a bit of frustration being packed with many tourists that pour into the lagoon. Besides, prices of accommodation increase and charge their maximum rates which somehow also reduces the average stay in the city, almost forcing many to do day trips. However, we know the desire to see the city might reach high levels, but our advice before planning a trip to Venice is to take into account different factors such as weather, festivals and events, and acqua alta phenomena when the sea tides flood the city.
C o o l w e a t h e r , b l o s s o m , a n d f e w e r c r o w d s
Spring is great to visit the city and enjoy the first wafts of warm air when the sun starts making a longer appearance. Temperatures in March are still quite cool, chilly, and humid but in mid-spring - at the end of April and beginning of May - the pleasant weather turns into ideal for sightseeing and exploring the secret blossoming gardens of the city. Springtime is also a synonym of Easter, so be aware that during the festive Easter weekend the city might be crowded. However, spring still offers an acceptable balance of reasonable prices, good weather, and few crowds.
March - April - Easter Celebrations April 25 – Feast of St Mark, Liberation Day.
Average Temperatures:
March 14°/4°C - 57°/39°F - 5 days of rain April 18°/7°C - 64°/44°F - 7 days of rain May 24°/12°C - 75°/53° F - 8 days of rain
H i g h - s e a s o n a n d e v e n t s The closer to summer it gets the more visitor numbers and people traffic increases. The main highlights of the city get overcrowded, while temperatures get higher and a city break might result in a more stressful experience rather than a pleasant visit to Venice. However, if you plan to head to the lagoon between June and September consider visiting less-touristy districts and offthe-beaten-path islands to escape the constant stream of people. In July, don't be missing the spectacular Festa del Redentore or Feast of the Redeemer with late-night fireworks, which commemorate the end of the plague in 1576.
June - Biennale di Venezia - months-long July - Feast of the Redeemer contemporary art exhibitions divided into diverse categories held every two years. August- September - Venice International Film Festival - the oldest in the world, dating back to 1932.
Average Temperatures:
June 26°/17°C - 79°/ 62°F - 7 days of rain July 28°/19°C - 82°/ 66°F - 5 days of rain August 28°/18°C - 82°/64°F - 5 days of rain
L e s s c r o w d s a n d a c q u a a l t a
Autumn is a shoulder season in Venice. Starting in September the tourist crowds slowly start decreasing, yet events and the magical atmosphere of the city continue to reign. Even if you think a gondola ride might not be possible when temperatures get chilly, actually the experience is even more enjoyable and intimate because of the less boat traffic through the canals and the warm blankets to cuddle in to keep off the chilliness. Moreover, in autumn also the historical water parade on Gran Canal Regata Storica takes place offering a throwback in time. However, the fall is also the period of acqua alta, so be aware there might be some floods.
September - Regata Storica October - November - acqua alta
Average Temperatures:
September 24°/15°C- 75°/59° F - 5 days of rain October 18°/10°C- 64°/50° F - 5 days of rain November 12°/5°C- 54°/41° F - 6 days of rain
W i n t e r m a g i c a n d c a r n i v a l
From November through February Venice slows down and the winter period gets dominated by the Chrismas and New Eve's magic and events. The days become shorter, the weather cold and foggy, some places close earlier but the lagoon city lights up with Christmas glow and markets that bring a warm and spelling atmosphere. Besides, if you are traveling with a lower budget the off-season will offer you pretty good accommodation discounts. February brings colors and joy with the renowned Venice Carnival and the city starts welcoming the crowds again ready to celebrate one of the most antique festivals.
December 8 - Immaculate Conception December 25 -Christmas December 31- New Year's Eve January 1st - New Year February - Venice Carnival
Average Temperatures:
December 8°/1°C - 46°/33°F - 6 days of rain January 7° / 0°C- 44°/32°F - 5 days of rain February 9°/1°C - 48°/33°F - 4 days of rain