shooting video dschool

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SHOW DON T TELL : Shooting Video STORYBOARD Plan ahead – write a script, then sketch out a storyboard to prototype communicaAon, flow and shooAng schedule. Get feedback and go through mulAple iteraAons before you shoot.

FRAME & FOCUS Bias toward filling the frame & minimizing the blank space above your subject. This will help focus your audience’s a@enAon and will create a sense of inAmacy with your subjects.

USE LIGHTING to draw a@enAon to your subject. There is no “right” way to light, but of awareness of the direcAon of light sources relaAve to your subjects will help you a@ract rather than distract viewers. RULE of 3rds : A simple recipe for a@racAve images. Mentally divide your frame into verAcal and horizontal 3rds. Place horizon lines & strong verAcals along the 3rds and points of interest (e.g. eyes) at their intersecAons.


SHOW DON T TELL : Shooting Video

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