catalogo erco

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The Light Factory


Art.-Nr. 1028676000 EN 10/2006

The potential to influence architecture through light is unlimited. With ERCO’s hardware and software, light becomes the fourth dimension of architecture. Our product is light – which is why we call ourselves ERCO, the Light Factory.



ERCO – the Light Factory


Light – the fourth dimension of architecture Projects

4–5 6–7

Lighting qualities The language of light Vertical illuminance

8–9 10–11 12–13

Tune the Light Scenography in the lighting network Lighting tools System design

14–15 16–17 18-19

Lighting applications Application area: museums Application area: the retail sector Application area: outdoor

20-21 22-23

The Light Factory Design, manufacture and logistics Workshops and seminars


ERCO – the Light Factory

ERCO showrooms Experiencing light and using services – worldwide

26-27 28-29 30-31

Information logistics Products – Projects – Guide The Guide in the Light Scout Virtual luminaires and simulation


Experiencing light – worldwide ERCO addresses

ERCO specialises in producing engineering hardware and software for architectural lighting. First and foremost, we see ourselves as selling light, not luminaires. This approach, which places the immaterial “software” of light above the physical hardware of the luminaires, has been the trademark of our work for many years. That’s why we call ourselves: ERCO, the Light Factory. Light interprets spaces and helps us to perceive and experience them. In this sense, we consider light to be the “fourth dimension” of architecture. ERCO’s indoor luminaires, outdoor luminaires and lighting control systems constitute an extensive range of lighting equipment for general, comprehensive, architectural lighting solutions. The luminaire is a lighting tool, a piece of lighting equipment with a special practical purpose. The far-reaching change that lighting technology is currently undergoing due to new lamps, new lens systems, digitally networkable control gear and the corresponding software leads to previously unimagined possibilities. We call this new approach “Tune the light”. Just as networking has allowed new perspectives in lighting technology, so too ERCO’s close-knit organisational network also allows optimum logistics and sales advice all around the globe. This brochure presents all the facets of both the networked architectural lighting and the ERCO Service network.

ERCO Light Factory


Light – the fourth dimension of architecture Projects

Making good architecture even better through the right lighting is what we see as our cultural contribution and the raison d’être of our activities. Today, ERCO illuminates museums, universities, shop windows, churches, airports, monuments, hotels, chain stores, trade fair stands, administrative buildings, parks, private houses and much more besides. Irrespective of whether the architectural concept emphasises functionality or presentation: our goal is, and has always been, to find a solution that does justice to the specific use and architectural features of each project.

Kunstmuseum Stuttgart (Stuttgart Art Museum), Stuttgart. Architect: Hascher & Jehle, Berlin. Lighting design: Peter Andres, Hamburg, ibb Burrer & Deuring Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Ludwigsburg.

Kastrup Søbad bathing platform, Copenhagen/ Kastrup. Architect: White Arkitekter A/S. Lighting design: White Design AB, Göteborg.

Louvre, glass pyramid, Paris. Architect: I M Pei. Lighting design: Claude Engle, Chevy Chase.

BMW Works, Central Building, Leipzig. ­Architect: Zaha Hadid, London. ­ Lighting design: ­Equation Lighting Design, ­London.

D&G Shop, London. Architect: Rodolfo ­Dordoni, Milan.

Revealing the environs: uplights illuminate the tree­-tops. The bollard luminaires emit their light downwards without glare and provide safe pathway lighting (ERCO factory grounds, Lüdenscheid).

ERCO Light Factory

Lichtrouten 2004: "Loher Wäldchen" park, Lüdenscheid. Lighting design: DIAL, Lüdenscheid.

Literaturmuseum der Moderne (������� Museum of Modern Literature), Marbach am Neckar. Architect: David Chipperfield, London/ Berlin.

Museum Ara Pacis, Rome. Architect: Richard Meier, New York. Lighting design: Fisher Marantz Stone, New York. ERCO Light Factory

Lighting qualities The language of light

Ambient lighting

A lighting control system such as the ERCO Light System DALI enables the balance of the different qualities of light to be easily opti­ mised and adjusted to suit changing condi­ tions while the building or space is occupied. Such adjustment may be dependent on usage, i.e. by modifying light scenes and recalling them manually; or dependent on time, by using timer programs. The effect on the architecture can be com­ pletely changed at the touch of a button by altering the stress of the “accent lighting”. The style of “scenic lighting” can be enhanced by electronically controlled, coloured light­ ing effects and dynamic progressions. This in turn can only be seen to full advantage when there is a corresponding reduction in “ambient lighting“.

ERCO Light Factory

The ambient lighting component usually con­ sists of an evenly dis­ tributed light designed for general visibility. Most standards relating to purely quantitative lighting design usually

consider this compo­ nent of light alone, e.g. regulations for specific illuminance levels at the workplace.

Whether lighting a museum, a boutique or a park, there is always a “language of light”. This concept has evolved over several decades and is now a means for analysing and structuring lighting projects. The three basic categories of this “language” – ambient lighting, accent lighting and scenic lighting – go back to the American Richard Kelly, a pioneer of lighting design whose projects have included the light­ ing of the Seagram Building in New York for Mies van der Rohe. Experience shows that lighting concepts are considered to be pleasing and success­ ful when all three components – ambient ­lighting, accent lighting and scenic lighting – are present in a well-balanced relationship.

Ambient lighting + Accent lighting

Ambient lighting + Accent lighting + Scenic lighting

“Accent lighting” uses brightness contrasts to set up hierarchies of perception. This especially relates to the use of directed light to emphasise areas or objects in the space. This attracts the view of the observer and enhances spatial awareness.

“Scenic lighting” incor­ porates the range of lighting effects that are used for their own sake either to add atmospheric or deco­ rative touches rather than because they have any practical function. Examples include the atmosphere created by a candle on a restau­ rant table, an object of

Light Art or coloured lighting whose main purpose is to influence and change the colour impression given in a room.

ERCO Light Factory

Lighting qualities Vertical illuminance

Wallwashing: scenic lighting The vertical surfaces of a space can be trans­formed by the use of appropriate lighting tools into projection screens for dynamic scenic effects. Projec­ tions or changing ­patterns of colour can be eye-catching and attractive.

Space can be defined and continually reinter­ preted with light. Looking at walls and other vertical surfaces, it soon becomes apparent that these are crucial for how architecture is perceived. Illuminated walls enable the shape and dimensions of a room to be com­pre­hended and cause the entire room to appear bright. A wall illuminated with perfect uniformity has an almost immaterial effect. Objects such as photos, posters or paintings can be optimally viewed. We refer to the light­ing tools for this kind of lighting as wallwashers. ERCO has been developing and perfecting such special luminaires for decades. The result is a range of instruments for illuminating vertical surfaces that is unparalleled in terms of its scope and variety.

Wallwashing: ­ambient lighting Successful wallwashing can be so subtle that it is hardly perceived as wall ­lighting; instead the observer is only

aware of a pleasant brightness in the room. The diffuse light reflected from the wall provides the ambient lighting.

Wallwashing and accent lighting Illumination of vertical surfaces as the back­ ground with directed highlighting in the foreground. Together these form a classic concept – using light to add scenic effects to objects in space.

The dual-focus wall­ washer – an ERCO speciality – produces particularly good uni­ formity across the wall due to its wallwasher reflector. Furthermore, the lamp is completely shielded by an antidazzle cone, resulting in exceptional visual comfort.

Wallwashing: accent lighting Selectively lighting certain surfaces that delineate a given space allows hierarchies of perception to be dis­ creetly created, which influences our percep­ tion of the spatial dimension. The surface properties of walls, such as their colour, texture and physical construction, are effec­ tively emphasised by vertical illumination.

ERCO Light Factory

ERCO Light Factory

Tune the Light Scenography in the lighting network

Our new catch phrase “Tune the light” is a logical development of our “Light not luminaires” approach. Digitally networked electronic controls enable multiple lighting parameters to be manipulated. Light can be manipulated even more easily, more individually and more ­flexibly than ever before – all this is encapsulated in “Tune the light”. The interaction of control hardware and software and the addressable luminaires in the ERCO Light System DALI opens up new dimensions for scenographic design. The possibilities for styling rooms with light are virtually endless. One of the most fascinating properties of light is its ability to continually reinterpret architecture. Staging and controlling such transformations with the inclusion of the time dimension is what we refer to as “scenographic light.” Networked lighting from ERCO provide the basis for shaping how light interacts with space, time and atmosphere to form a coherent scenography – more easily and economically than ever before.

The beauty of being able to control each individual lamp with Light System DALI can be seen, for instance, in those situations where a scenographic lighting concept requires changing patterns on a facade.

The appearance of a room is influenced as much by different brightness levels as it is by colour contrasts of the surfaces. Digitally controlled lighting tools such as the Quadra LED varychrome wall­washer allow the architecture to be continually re-interpreted.

The Light System DALI links digitally controllable luminaires together to form lighting networks – networks that use individual addressing and grouping independent of the structure of the electrical circuits. This results in a significant paradigm shift in lighting design: instead of having a specific, fixed lighting set-up, the new lighting technology creates the conditions for multiple lighting effects in multi­ functional spaces.

ERCO track with DALI live end It is especially when lighting gardens or parks that a scenographic approach means designing the interaction between artificial light and ­environmental factors such as weather and natural light.

Light Clients Light Clients

Light Studio

Light Server

Light Changer

Light Clients Outdoors

ERCO Light Factory

ERCO Light Factory

Tune the Light Lighting tools

The most important groups in the indoor luminaire product range are the spotlight/ track systems and the recessed luminaires. The complete range can be found in the ERCO Light Scout ( under “Products”.

The luminaire is a lighting tool, a piece of lighting equipment with a special practical purpose. This approach is reflected in the design of our products. ERCO’s product range for architectural lighting includes the three areas of: lighting control systems, indoor luminaires and outdoor luminaires. Together, they ensure that holistic lighting concepts can be realised. Taking system design to its logical conclusion is a character­ istic feature of the ERCO product range. The system concept occurs at all levels: from the extensive range of accessories to an individ­ ual luminaire and from the modu­ lar system featuring a uniform design within each product range to the uniform documentation of all products. This allows them to be combined in the best way possible in the design process. The DALI technology gives our product system an additional virtual software level – on which all ERCO Light Clients can be ­conveniently networked.

10    ERCO Light Factory

The outdoor luminaire product range extends from powerful spot­ lights and floodlights to bollard luminaires and LED orientation luminaires. It covers all architecturally related outdoor lighting appli­ cations.

The Light System DALI and the Light Studio software add a new ­virtual dimension to the system concept of the ERCO product range.

System design The Optec spotlight is an example of how ERCO product ranges offer a wide selection of different light inten­sity distributions and lamp options in a uniform design.

ERCO Light Factory


Tune the Light System design

The Beamer (left), Focalflood (centre) and Parscoop (right) prod­ uct ranges all share the same mounting acces­ sories, which cover all practical mounting options in outdoor situations.

Adjustable colour As an integral part of the Light System DALI lighting control instal­ lation, the ERCO Light Studio software provides operational control that allows light colours and dynamic progressions to be adjusted from vary­ chrome luminaires in the most convenient and simplest possible way.

Taking system design to its logical conclusion is a characteristic fea­ ture of ERCO products. We never develop products in iso­lation but always design whole product groups that are clearly positioned within the well-defined structure of the overall product range. This includes using versatile system accessories to adapt the lighting tools to suit particular require­ ments. The ability to interlink digitally controllable Light Clients using the Light System DALI and the incorporation of the Light Studio software as a user inter­ face for complex luminaire func­ tions is an equally important part of this concept.

Mounting options Accessories such as upright supporting poles and cantilever arms, as well as variants with cantilever brackets make the asymmetric Parscoop washlight a universally applicable tool for the uniform illumination of surfaces.

12    ERCO Light Factory

Adjustable brightness In the Light Studio software Light Clients that can be dimmed digitally via DALI are operated intuitively, using a slider control.

Lighting engineering accessories Accessories allowing special requirements to be fulfilled are avail­ able for many ERCO products. These range from colour filters and protection filters to lenses and anti-dazzle attachments. The latter further improve the already excellent visual comfort of the stand­ ard luminaires.

ERCO Light Factory


Lighting applications Application area: museums

The design and construction of museums has developed into a showcase discipline for architecture. Projects such as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao alter the perception of whole regions and, as a result, also their economic reality. The illumined glass pyramid of the Louvre has replaced the Eiffel Tower as a symbol for Paris. Such structures are highly significant for the designers, building owners and visitors. The quality demanded of the lighting is correspondingly high: extensive collections of material, in ideal conditions, displayed in the best possible light. The lighting equipment has to success­fully satisfy the often-contradictory demands of visitors and art conservationists regarding the protection of the exhibits. New additions to collections, new media and new forms of presentation all make intensive use of scenographic strategies and methods requiring appropriate, flexibly controllable lighting systems. Holistic lighting concepts which take outdoor conditions into account will transform museum buildings into nocturnal symbols of their particular locations. All these factors explain why “museum quality” light is still seen as the ultimate benchmark for lighting designers.


High quality spotlights provide accent lighting in museums. The crite­ ria needed to ensure the quality of a scenic lighting installation are: the availability of different light intensity distribution characteristics, an extensive range of accessories and details such as lockable aiming.

Special lighting tools are required for illuminating vertical surfaces absolutely evenly. Especially in the area of wallwashers, ERCO offers an unparalleled wide selection of differ­ entiated lighting instruments: lens wallwashers, dual-focus wallwashers, washlights, and linear wallwashers – to name a few. Hardly anywhere else is the need for vertical illuminance quite so important as for art exhibitions. Correctly designed washlighting


ERCO Light Factory

achieves the optimum results here to view the artwork.


Maritime Museum, Osaka: the holistic lighting design takes the museum’s external appearance into consideration, transforming the museum into a nocturnal landmark.

Illuminating art correctly is almost an art in itself. Recommendations on lighting gal­ leries and museums can be found in the “Guide” area of the ERCO Light Scout (

Architecture works: the impact of the Guggenheim Museum on its host city has become known as the “Bilbao Effect”. ERCO Light Factory


Lighting applications Application area: the retail sector

Scenographic light in the shop: a design medium that interprets the themes and motifs of a fashion or season into a scene – from subtle to expressive. The timed progression of coloured light is an effective eye-catcher.

It is the quality of the merchandise in which the retailer takes pride. ERCO luminaires reveal them in the best light.

These days designing retail areas predominantly means designing an experience: the shopping experience or the brand experience. This is central to the customer s perception. Professional shop designers work sceno­graphi­ cally in order to build themes into a coherent sequence of events. One of their tools used in the process is light as an intangible medium that allows space to be continuously reinterpreted. Light performs a number of different functions in a shop. It attracts attention, allows the goods to be seen to their best advantage and helps both orientation and wellbeing. In addition, light serves as a medium for expressing the contents and values of a brand so as to promote brand recognition. In this way it acts as a corporate light concept. Light can also be used to accentuate the atmosphere of seasonal themes, such as the seasonally changing collections in the fashion industry.


ERCO Light Factory

Track-mounted spotlights are the classical solution for display lighting with stagelike effects, as used in shop windows.

The abundance of light in today’s retail architecture would be unthinkable without high-efficiency metal halide lamps. ERCO offers an extensive range of lighting tools for these lamps – tools which are ideally suited to the particular require­ ments of shop design.

Special requirements apply to retail lighting. On the one hand light is used professionally, ­ with a love of experimentation and with sceno­ graphic concepts. On the other, stringent economical constraints are an ever-present reality. The intelligence and skill of the designers combine with state-of-the-art lighting tools to produce solutions satisfying the highest aesthetic and functional requirements, yet with low operating costs. Flexible, variable and state of the art lighting systems are ideal

for the short cycles of the retail trade and yet ­provide security for long-term investments.

ERCO Light Factory


Lighting applications Application area: outdoor

Dark Sky Carefully designed precision lighting tools such as Panorama bollard luminaires help to avoid glare and “lighting pollution” caused

ERCO Light Factory


The more discreet a light source, the more fascinating is the effect on the object illumi­ nated. In-ground lumi­ naires are available with various light distributions.

ERCO’s outdoor program includes projectors and floodlights with a range of power ratings.

Architecture, in which external and internal areas are designed as a composite whole, requires a consistent approach to its lighting design. The ERCO range of outdoor luminaires has therefore been designed to complement the full program accurately, enabling coherent and uniform lighting design concepts. These lighting design tools set new standards in terms of precision and visual comfort. They have been found to be ideal in scenic lighting installations for architecture, monuments, urban areas and landscapes under the harshest ­conditions in the world – from the Arctic Circle to the deserts of Dubai and Australia.

by unnecessary spill light emitted above the horizontal plane.

Clean: accessories such as filters or lenses are internally mounted in Beamer projectors and are consequently protected by the housing.

Designing scenographic light in the outdoor area means determining how artificial light interacts with environmental factors such as

the weather and natural light – where the timer functions of the Light Studio software is ideal. ERCO Light Factory


The Light Factory Design, manufacture and logistics

ERCO has its headquarters in Lüdenscheid, an industrial town steeped in tradition, right in the heart of Germany. The majority of the 1000-plus workforce work here in the Design, Production, Sales and Administration departments. In addition to these, there are the employees in the offices and showrooms around the globe. The ERCO plant consists of price-winning industrial buildings as a living expression of the corporate culture. Several thousand luminaires leave the ­factory every day – heading for buildings on all continents and meeting the safety regula­ tions of these destination countries. The pro­ duction and testing processes are subject to strict, ­certified standards, which ensure that our products will provide a long functional life.

The main feature of the production department is flexibility. The combination of intelligent automation and excellently qualified, versatile employees enables the production department to respond quickly to customer requests.

The Design, Marketing and Sales departments work together side by side in the Technical Centre. The transparent and functional architecture, designed by Prof. Uwe Kiessler, is an expression of the ERCO corporate culture.

The ERCO P3 high-bay automated warehouse, a design of the architects Schneider + Schumacher, is the heart of ERCO’s networked goods logistics system. From the Lüdenscheid site, the company supplies high-quality lighting solutions to all the important markets in the world.

20    ERCO Light Factory

New technologies such as digital control electronics or LED technology are developed in the ERCO laboratories into marketable products ideally suited for their intended use.

ERCO Light Factory


The Light Factory Workshops and seminars

Lighting design and the correct use of ERCO products are demanding subjects. Scenographic lighting concepts introduce additional creative dimensions which are often only alluded to in design courses. For this reason, developing user knowledge at ERCO is now more important than ever. At the headquarters of the Light Factory in Lüdenscheid, seminars and workshops are continually being held – for architects, designers, engineers and of course also for the members of ERCO’s global

Mock-up room The mock-up room is used both for dem­ onstrat­ing productionline products and for testing prototypes under variable conditions – such as differ­ent ceiling heights, which can be produced by the moveable ceiling.

sales force. In this way, we ensure that ERCO employees are able to do justice to their role as a “consultant to the consultant” and that lighting users obtain the best results when operating our powerful lighting tools.

Design seminars Design seminars are regularly held at ERCO head office for groups of architects, lighting designers, engineers and students. These sessions cover the fundamental

application of light as well as specific product knowledge.

Trade fairs Even in this age of virtual simulation, trade fairs still provide a valuable role – as a venue for discussing technical matters or for more informal contacts. Products can be directly experienced through all the senses. ERCO regularly presents at the Light + Building trade fair in Frankfurt. Lightpark The gardens around the Light Factory provide a perfect opportunity to demonstrate ERCO’s outdoor lighting tools

22    ERCO Light Factory

and are also used for outdoor workshops.

Company training scheme Providing employees with perfect apprenticeships and further training is given a

high priority at ERCO. The in-house training depart­ment ensures that ERCO’s clientele receive competent sales advice. ERCO Light Factory


ERCO Showrooms Experiencing light and using services – worldwide

ERCO is a cosmopolitan, globally active company. ERCO showrooms and offices can be found in all major markets. Here, our welleducated, specially trained employees work as lighting advisors. This worldwide network ensures reliable service and competent, on-site support especially on international projects: from providing advice during the planning stage, tendering, sample supply and project planning to customer service and training. “Consultant to the consultant” – this is how ERCO lighting advisors see their role in the building process: they provide professional support to designers in all matters relating to lighting technology and in each individual project phase. With case-related specialist information and customised product documentation they help customers to make the correct decision when selecting lighting equipment. The showrooms and offices provide ideal facilities for meetings during the project phase. Each has a mock-up section for sample and other product demonstrations. However, our ERCO service does not end with the punctual delivery of the products: after commissioning the system, our lighting advisors support customers in word and deed, for instance by lending a helping hand when it comes to positioning and focusing luminaires correctly.

On site Some decisions in the design process are best made on the building site. ERCO employees help to organise sample products and provide assistance on lighting technology issues.

24    ERCO Light Factory

Light in space The effect of light in space is difficult to express in words – it must be experienced. The ERCO showrooms provide ideal, flexible facilities for such demonstrations.

Events and seminars These turn ERCO showrooms into meeting places for the local light and architecture scene. The showroom is designed to make it possible to explain “Tune the light”: to design the qualities of light in terms of time and space.

Project management The offices provide ideal facilities for pro­ ject meetings. Your ERCO contact is trained to support clients through all the stages of a project.

Contact The ERCO staff all around the world look forward to getting to know you. You will find the addresses of our

offices and showrooms at the end of this brochure and at: ERCO Light Factory


Information logistics Products – Projects – Guide The ERCO Light Scout on the Internet is the leading medium in terms of up-to-date product information. The product area of the Light Scout and the PDF-format product specification sheets are both updated twice a year. Light Scout meets the requirements of a globalised market place with product information in fourteen versions for different languages and regions and with Internet navigation in five languages.

To provide designers with optimum support at every stage of their work, ERCO offers a multitude of both classic and digital media. Our extensive range of material is divided into information on products and reference projects and into didactic subject matter. All ERCO documents have been designed to perfectly compliment the design of coherent and uniform lighting concepts. The layout, structure and terminology of the various areas of the product range have been harmonised together to make orientation as easy as possible for users.

Ruiz deLichtbericht la Prada, Madrid EAgatha Agatha 74 Ruiz de la Prada, Madrid


For many years now the authentic, lively photographs from lighting projects have been the optimum medium for conveying the idea of “Light not luminaires�.

Erschienen im September 2004 Published in September 2004

Ăœber eine ERCO Controls Anlage gesteuert, erzeugt die in RGB-Technik hinterleuchtete Glaswand flieĂ&#x;end ineinander Ăźbergehende, unterschiedliche Farbklimas im Shop – ein Beleuchtungseffekt, der ideal mit der unbeschwerten Farbigkeit der angebotenen Kollektionen korrespondiert. Anstatt eine herkĂśmmliche Dekoration zu zeigen, gewähren die groĂ&#x;en Schaufenster (Seite gegenĂźber, unten rechts) einen tiefen Einblick von der StraĂ&#x;e in die zwei Verkaufsebenen – so wird der ganze Laden zum Schaufenster, und die farbige Lichtdramatik wirkt von innen nach auĂ&#x;en weiter.

Bunte, frĂśhliche Farben, naive Symbolik in den Mustern, kombiniert mit raffinierten Schnitten, Formen und Materialien – mit diesem unverwechselbaren Stil hat sich die spanische Designerin Agatha Ruiz de la Prada einen eigenständigen Platz in der Modewelt erobert. Seit neuestem vertreibt sie ihre Kollektionen auch in eigenen Shops in europäischen Metropolen – wie hier in Madrid. Die Interieurs sind geprägt von klaren Linien, frischen Farben und einer lebendigen Lichtinszenierung. Das Beleuchtungskonzept fĂźr Agatha Ruiz Was fĂźr die Besucher SpaĂ&#x; pur ist, What'sLightcast pure joy for the visitors means de la Prada in Madrid umfasst Downbedeutet fĂźr die Beleuchtung hard work for the lighting – it has to und Downlight-Wandfluter fĂźr for HalogenSchwerstarbeit:lights die Inszenierung set the scene a perfect leisure die fĂźr einesalt-water pools, eines perfektenNiedervoltlampen Freizeiterlebnisses QT16 150W, experience amidst angenehme Grundhelligkeit bei hohem zwischen Solebecken, Schwallbrause Jacuzzis and the Sehheat of the sauna. und Saunahitze. Das Frankfurter The Frankfurt presents komfort sorgen. RebDie Inszenierung derRebstockbad Waren stockbad zeigt erfolgt sich frisch renoviert, renovated, with an exĂźber eine Vielzahlitself von freshly Jilly Strahlern erweitert und sorgfältig beleuchtet tended and carefully illuminated forfĂźr 100W-Niedervolt-Halogenlampen, als junger Klassiker des Architekturmat; a neoclassicmonof the architectural tiert an 3-Phasen-Stromschienen. Dercentreâ€?. einheitgenres „Freizeitbadâ€?. genre “Leisure liche Leuchtentyp sorgt fĂźr durchgängige Ă„sthetik der Beleuchtungsanlage bei hĂśchster Flexibilität. Die verwendeten Lichtwerkzeuge bieten optimalen Blendschutz und hervorragende Farbwiedergabequalität.


Products Our extensive range of lighting solutions for architectural applications is divided into the three product ranges: lighting controls, indoor luminaires and outdoor luminaires. This structure is repeated in both the Light Scout and the printed catalogue.

Architektur und Lichtplanung / Architecture and lighting design: Jordi Castel, Jordi Veciana, Barcelona

ERCO Lichtbericht 74 09/04

Controlled via an ERCO Controls system and illuminated with RGB technology, the backlit glass wall creates different “colour climates� in the shop that blend into each other with flowing transitions to give a lighting effect that perfectly matches the carefree colourfulness of the offered collections. Instead of having a conventional display, the large shop windows (opposite page, below right) allow passers-by to look right into the two sales levels – transforming the whole shop into a shop window, and allowing the coloured dramatics of the instore lighting to reach beyond the interior and affect the world outside.

Brightly varied, joyful colours and naive symbolism in the patterns are combined with ingenious cuts, shapes and materials – with this unmistakable style the Spanish designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada has carved her own niche in the fashion world. She has recently also started marketing her collections through her own shops in the metropolitan cities of Europe – as here in Madrid. The interiors are characterised by clear lines, fresh colours and lively scenic lighting. The lighting concept for Agatha Ruiz de la Prada in Madrid includes Lightcast downlights and washlights for 150W QT16 low-voltage halogen lamps, which provide pleasant ambient brightness while ensuring high visual comfort. Scenic lighting is added to the merchandise via a number of Jilly spotlights for 100W low-voltage halogen lamps mounted on 3-circuit tracks. The uniform luminaire type harmonises the aesthetics of the lighting installation while also ensuring the highest flexibility. The lighting tools used provide optimum anti-glare protection and excellent colour rendition quality.

Preset Preset

Sequenzmodul Sequence module

Optimale Farbwiedergabe – in diesem Fall das klare Kriterium fßr Jilly Niedervolt-Halogenstrahler.

Optimum colour rendition – in this case the clear criterion for using Jilly low-voltage halogen spotlights.

DA-Modul D/A module

ERCO Lichtbericht 74 09/04


Projects Much space in ERCO communications is devoted to fascinating light in architectural applications – examples include the “Projects� area of the ERCO Light Scout and our magazine “ERCO Lichtbericht�.

Contents Introduction

7 ERCO Innovations


Lighting controls Lighting control systems Index page 24

Light System DALI 26

LON Area Net 33

Indoor Introduction


47 Light in the indoor area

Available in varychrome technology

Track and light structures Index page 49

ERCO track 50

Hi-trac track and light structure 69

T16 light structure 76

Monopoll track and light structure 85

Minirail lowvoltage track 94

Parscan 101

Eclipse 117

TM Spotlights 126

Domotec 135

Quinta 141

Jilly 154

Pollux 164

Castor 171

Oseris 179

Gimbal 184


Stella 208

Spotlights, floodlights and wallwashers for track Index page 99


Parscan Spotlight




for low-voltage halogen lamps


Product specification sheets with detailed technical information are available for every product – in up to fourteen versions for different ­languages and regions.



ERCO Program 2006/07




The “ERCO Program� printed catalogue contains all the important information and design data – in black and white, compact and always accessible.

72101.000 White (RAL9002) QT12-ax 50W 12V GY6.35 950lm Spot reflector Product description Housing: two-piece cylinder, aluminium, powder-coated, removable for lamp replacement. 0°-90° tilt. Scale for identifying the lamp power used. Safety cord. Bracket integrated in the cylinder: cast aluminium, powder-coated, rotatable on the 3-circuit adapter through 360°. Screw to set the angle of rotation and of tilt. Internal wiring. Electronic transformer 230/12V, 20-50W. ERCO 3-circuit adapter: plastic. Anti-dazzle ring: plastic, black. Fixing for accessories. Spot reflector: aluminium, silver, mirror-finish anodised. Anti-dazzle cap attached to safety glass. Use dimmers for electronic transformers (trailing edge). Weight 1.30kg




20000 cd


QT12-ax 50W 12V GY6.35 950lm h(m) 1 2 3 4 5

E(lx) D(m) 6° 0.10 0.21 0.31 0.42 0.52

17957 4489 1995 1122 718

Mounting ERCO 3-circuit track Hi-trac track Monopoll track 1-circuit singlet

ERCO Leuchten GmbH Postfach 24 60 58505 LĂźdenscheid Germany Tel.:+49 2351 551-0 Fax.:+49 2351 551-300

Technical Region: 230V/50Hz Edition: 16.03.2006 Please download the current version from


26    ERCO Light Factory

Guide Interactive knowledge-based modules in the Guide area of the Light Scout cover the fundamentals of designing with light and provide user information on lighting tools. On the follow­ ing pages we present examples of the content of the Guide.

Thematic brochures, such as the one on “Vertical Illuminance�, give deeper insight into particular aspects of lighting design and include many interesting features relating to design and technology. ERCO Light Factory  


Information logistics The Guide in the Light Scout

Providers of the highest quality lighting tools depend on the fact that their customers are well informed and appreciate quality. Experiencing the qualities of light first-hand in contexts such as design seminars cannot be replaced and has a long tradition at ERCO – as does the practice of using various media to disseminate knowledge about light and architectural lighting. The “Handbook of Lighting designâ€? published by ERCO Edition is still seen as the definitive reference work. Today, the Internet offers optimum ­possibilities for directly imparting current knowledge to all interested parties. The Guide area of the ERCO Light Scout provides extensive information on topics ranging from the physical basics of lighting through to possible solutions for specific lighting situa­ tions – in short, a veritable encyclopaedia of architectural lighting. The Guide’s knowledgebased modules utilise the Internet’s interactive capabilities in order to clearly illustrate various aspects such as time-related phenomenon, experiments or comparisons between alter­native solutions.

The Guide covers both indoor and outdoor lighting applications comprehensively.

The basic principle of the Guide: nothing explains technical facts better than the reproduction of experiments.

Graphic illustrations are particularly suited to interactively explaining qualities of light such as how the shape of a three-dimensional body can be formed by directed light.

The construction and lighting effect is even explained for special luminaire designs such as double-focus downlights. Design questions such as the optimum arrangement of certain luminaire types are answered by the Guide in a clear and understandable format.

The topics handled by the Guide also include the fundamentals of lighting technology, such as the spectral properties of certain

lamp types. The Guide takes a unbiased, ­didactic approach.



If offline-work with the Guide is necessary, CDROMs from ERCO are available on request.

The subject of “sceno­ graphic lightâ€? can be excellently conveyed using multimedia repre­ sentations that allow





interac­tive continuous adjustability.


28    ERCO Light Factory


With its interactive contents the Guide is tailor made for the digital medium of the Internet. The range of knowledge-based modules in the ERCO Light Scout is continually being updated and expanded. CD-ROM versions derived from the Guide contents at are regularly produced and can also run “offline� without an active Internet connection. The Guide CDs – which are also suitable as teaching aids in higher education – can be obtained via your ERCO contact on request. Furthermore, the contents of the Guide are also available in printable form as PDF files from the Download area of the ERCO Light Scout.

ERCO Light Factory  


Information logistics Virtual luminaires and simulation

Creative lighting designs begin in the mind. The journey from concept to reality takes time and has to be convincing. In this regard, implementing architectural design is largely a matter of communication. Since spatial perception in humans is primarily visual, computer-generated visualisations have gained a permanent place in the process of architectural design. However, just like real architecture, virtual architecture also only comes to life with light. That’s why every ERCO luminaire has a virtual “twin” in the form of digital luminaire data, which can be downloaded from the ERCO Light Scout website. It can then be inserted directly into lighting simulation and visualisation software to create physically accurate studies, visualisations and analyses – all in photographic quality. It is especially in the field of vertical illuminance that lighting simulation proves itself to be a valuable tool for convincingly demonstrating the effect of wallwashers and avoiding design errors. And yet the “virtual luminaires” are just one part of the extensive information and documentation available online in the Light Scout. In addition, there are also images, symbols, specification details, data sheets, photo­ metric data and much more – all aimed at ensur­ing that up-to-date information can be accessed anywhere and at any stage of the ­design process. The following detailed information is available for downloading from the Light Scout for every ERCO lighting tool (sometimes compressed as a .zip file): product specification sheets (.pdf), article texts (.txt), product images (.jpg), photometric data in IES and Eulumdat formats, 3D models for 3D-CAD (.dxf), i-dropcompatible data for DIALux (.uld) and lumi­ naire files for Autodesk VIZ, Autodesk VIZ 4 (i-drop), Autodesk MAX (i-drop) and for Lightscape.

DIALux Comprehensive, userfriendly functions for calculations and graphic representations for everyone who designs with light are offered by the free of charge lighting calcu­lation program DIALux (available at:


ERCO Light Factory

i-drop technology Whether from CD-ROM or directly from the Internet as online plugins with “i-drop” capability, ERCO design data seamlessly integrates into the digital design processes with DIALux.

ERCO Light Factory


Experiencing light – worldwide ERCO addresses

Europe Austria ERCO Leuchten GmbH Zweigniederlassung Wien Modecenter Str. 14/4.OG/BC 1030 Wien Austria Tel.: +43 1 798 8494 0 Fax: +43 1 798 8495 e-mail: Bulgaria Croatia Greece Lithuania Slovakia Slovenia Turkey see Austria Belgium ERCO Lighting Belgium Bvba/sprl Leuvensesteenweg 369 bus 7 1932 Zaventem Belgium Tel.: +32 2 340 7220 Fax: +32 2 347 3882 e-mail: Cyprus J. N. Christofides Trading Ltd. P.O. Box 21093 1c Kennedy Avenue 1501, Nicosia Cyprus Tel.: +357 22 813 043 Fax: +357 22 764 643 e-mail: Czech Republic ERCO Lighting Organizacni slozka Jana Masaryka 3/456 120 00 Praha 2 Czech Republic Tel.: +420 2 225 111 16 Fax: +420 2 225 217 12 e-mail: Denmark ERCO Lighting Vesterbrogade 136 C, st. 1620 København V Denmark Tel.: +45 33 21 80 60 Fax: +45 33 21 80 64 e-mail: Estonia see Finland Finland Oy HedTec Ab Lauttasaarentie 50 00 200 Helsinki Postilokero 110 00 201 Helsinki Finland Tel.: +358 9 682 881 Fax: +358 9 673 813 e-mail:

France ERCO Lumières Eurl 6ter, rue des Saints-Pères 75007 Paris France Groupe Paris-IIe-de-France Tel.: +33 1 44 77 84 71 Fax: +33 1 47 03 96 68 Groupe Régions Tel.: +33 1 44 77 84 75 Fax: +33 1 47 03 96 68 Groupe Architecture Commerciale Tel.: +33 1 44 77 84 70 Fax: +33 1 44 77 84 84 e-mail: Germany ERCO Leuchten GmbH Postfach 2460 58505 Lüdenscheid Brockhauser Weg 80–82 58507 Lüdenscheid Germany Tel.: +49 2351 551 100 Fax: +49 2351 551 603 e-mail: Great Britain ERCO Lighting Ltd. 38 Dover Street London W1S 4NL Great Britain Tel.: +44 20 7408 0320 Fax: +44 20 7409 1530 e-mail: Hungary ERCO Fénytechnika ERCO Leuchten GmbH Kereskedelmi Képviselet Budapest Irányi u. 1. mfsz. 2. 1056 Hungary Tel.: +36 1 266 0006 Fax: +36 1 266 0006 e-mail: Iceland see Sweden Ireland DesignLight Ireland Ltd. 289 Harolds Cross Road Dublin 6W Ireland Tel.: +353 1 496 6177 Fax: +353 1 496 6851 e-mail: Italy ERCO Illuminazione S.r.l. Via Vivaldi Residenza dell’ Orione 34 20080 Basiglio (Milano) Italy Tel.: +39 02 904 5031 Fax: +39 02 904 503 51/42 e-mail: Latvia Xcelsior stila grupa Muksalas Iela 42 Riga LV 1004 Latvia Tel.: +37 1 780 5233 Fax: +37 1 780 5231 e-mail:


ERCO Light Factory

Luxembourg see Germany Netherlands ERCO Lighting Nederland B.V. Gooimeer 13 1411 DE Naarden Netherlands Tel.: +31 35 699 1710 Fax: +31 35 694 6383 e-mail: Norway ERCO Lighting AS Industriveien 8 B 1473 Lørenskog Postboks 83 Ellingsrudåsen 1006 Oslo Norway Tel.: +47 67 973 240 Fax: +47 67 973 244 e-mail: Poland ERCO Leuchten GmbH. Sp. z o. o. Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce ul. Bialy Kamien 7 02-593 Warszawa Poland Tel.: +48 22 898 7845 Fax: +48 22 898 2939 e-mail: Portugal Omnicel Técnicas de Iluminação, S.A. Rua Castilho, 57-5. Dto. 1250-068 Lisboa Portugal Tel.: +351 21 381 3080 Fax: +351 21 381 3090 e-mail: Romania SC. ProEnerg SRL Str. M. Kogalniceanu nr. 60/A. 410094 Oradea Romania Tel.: +40 259 447 163 Fax: +40 259 413 869 e-mail: Spain ERCO Iluminación, S.A. c/ El Plà nº 47 08750 Molins de Rei, Barcelona Spain Tel.: +34 93 680 1110 Fax: +34 93 680 0546 e-mail: Delegación Cataluña c/ El Plà nº 47 08750 Molins de Rei, Barcelona Spain Tel.: +34 93 680 1244 Fax: +34 93 680 2624 e-mail: Delegación Centro c/ Buen Suceso nº 13 28008 Madrid Spain Tel.: +34 91 542 6954 Fax: +34 91 559 0965 e-mail:

Sweden ERCO Lighting AB Birger Jarlsgatan 46 11429 Stockholm Sweden Tel.: + 46 8 54 5 0 44 30 Fax: + 46 8 54 5 0 44 39 e-mail: Switzerland Neuco AG Würzgrabenstrasse 5 8048 Zürich Switzerland Tel.: +41 44 437 3737 Fax: +41 44 437 3738 e-mail: Neuco SA 100, route de Cossonay 1008 Prilly Switzerland Tel.: +41 21 637 3000 Fax: +41 21 637 3003 e-mail:

The Middle East Dubai ERCO Lighting ERCO Leuchten GmbH Representative Office Dubai P.O. Box 62221 Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel.: +971 4 336 9798 Fax: +971 4 337 3746 e-mail:

Southeast Asia

East Asia

North America


Singapore ERCO Lighting Pte. Ltd. 93 Havelock Road #03-532 Singapore 160093 Tel.: +65 6 227 3768 Fax: +65 6 227 8768 e-mail:

China ERCO Lighting ERCO Leuchten GmbH Representative Office Shanghai Rm 2015, Civil Aviation Center 18, Xin Jinqiao Road Pudong Shanghai 201206 P.R. China Tel.: +86 21 5030 5979 Fax: +86 21 5030 5879 e-mail:

USA ERCO Lighting Inc. 160 Raritan Center Parkway Suite 10 Edison, NJ 08837 USA Tel.: +1 732 225 8856 Fax: +1 732 225 8857 e-mail:

Australia ERCO Lighting ERCO Leuchten GmbH Representative Office Australia 349 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia Tel.: +61 2 9004 8801 Fax: +61 2 9004 8805 e-mail:

Brunei Indonesia Philippines Vietnam see Singapore Malaysia ERCO Lighting ERCO Leuchten GmbH Representative Office (K.L.) Level 40, Tower 2 Petronas Twin Tower Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel.: +60 3 2168 4479 Fax: +60 3 4257 5950 e-mail: Thailand Palicon Pro-Art Lighting Ltd. 58/3 Soi Prompak, Sukhumvit Road Klongton-Nua, Vadhana Bangkok 10110 Thailand Tel.: +662 382 1851 Fax: +662 382 1852 e-mail:

Architectural Lighting (HK) Ltd. 3/F. Shing Dao Industrial Building 232 Aberdeen Main Road Aberdeen, Hong Kong P.R. China Tel.: +85 2 287 022 88 Fax: +85 2 255 227 87 e-mail: Japan ERCO TOTO Ltd. Shibakoen ND Bldg. 2-5-10 Shiba Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0014 Japan Tel.: +81 3 5418 8230 Fax: +81 3 5418 8238 e-mail: Korea Altek Technologis Co. Ltd. Jungjin B/D, 619-2 Sinsa-Dong, Gangnam-gu Seoul Korea Tel.: +82 2 512 7779 Fax: +82 2 512 4117 e-mail:

Canada Mexico see USA

New Zealand see Australia

South America Argentina ERCO Leuchten GmbH Oficina de Representación Av. Alicia M. de Justo 2030, Of.202 1106 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel.: +54 11 431 314 00 Fax: +54 11 431 254 65 e-mail: Bolivia Brazil Chile Ecuador Colombia Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela see Argentina

Egypt Jordan Kuwait Oman Qatar India Bahrain see Dubai Lebanon La Giralda Mme Curie Street Beirut-Lebanon P.O. Box 13-5554 Lebanon Tel.: +961 1 864 641 Fax: +961 1 867 353 e-mail:

ERCO Head Office ERCO Leuchten GmbH Postfach 2460 58505 Lüdenscheid Brockhauser Weg 80–82 58507 Lüdenscheid Germany

Saudi Arabia Technolight P.O. Box 12679 Jeddah 21483 Saudi Arabia Tel.: +966 2 669 3241 Fax: +966 2 665 9664 e-mail: jeddahbranch@

For our up-to-date address list, please visit

United Arab Emirates Scientechnic P.O. Box 325 Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel.: +971 4 266 6000 Fax: +971 4 266 6176 e-mail:

Tel.: +49 2351 551 0 Fax: +49 2351 551 300

Our ERCO lighting experts in regional ­ centres, offices and partner companies are available in all major markets around the world. ERCO Light Factory



The Light Factory


Art.-Nr. 1028676000 EN 10/2006

The potential to influence architecture through light is unlimited. With ERCO’s hardware and software, light becomes the fourth dimension of architecture. Our product is light – which is why we call ourselves ERCO, the Light Factory.

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