Darren Bloom Memory Book

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Our dearest DB, loved by all at MARCOL

Dear Max, Janine, Peter, Marcia and family, As you know, DB was a long standing and important member of the MARCOL team, arriving in 2005 to initially manage part of the Compco portfolio working closely with Antony Burns and Jane Corkhill. Following the sale of many of the Compco assets, Darren went on to manage large refurbishments working closely with Chris Wagstaff and Debbie McLoughlin before pivoting again to split his time between Chelsea working with Sailesh Siyani and the special team at Chelsea Harbour and with me and my team in Operations at Upper Berkeley Street. Whatever you asked of DB he would make the most of it. His ability to manage a busy workload with a smile, impeccable organisation and great joy was wonderful to see. Always a smile and a kind word for everyone. A real and genuine interest in the person not just the project. He personified MARCOL and was a big part of making MARCOL the special place it is today. He had good friends in every department, was a source of inspiration to everyone with his incredible positivity, personal resilience and infectious character. Nothing meant more to him than you, and Arsenal! He spoke so much of you all. We were kept up to date on all the happenings in the Bloom households. The energy and enthusiasm he lived with was something you wish you could bottle. Even on days when he felt unwell he still managed to muster a smile and turn the conversation away from him. Personally I miss my friend. Going back to the office after the Covid pandemic was made so much harder knowing his desk would be empty, the 80‘s music wouldn’t be playing and that I’d have to descale the kettle myself! I think about him daily and miss him enormously, even his ridiculously long emails! The world was a better place for the years that he spent here with us, my world is a better place for knowing him and I am grateful that I got to share the time I did with him and for the many conversations we’ve had. Rest in peace DB. All my love, Vxx Victoria Boxall-Hunt (Group Operations Director, MARCOL)

Terence and Mark have asked me to kindly express on their behalf their shared thoughts and sentiment for Darren, a long standing and well respected member of their MARCOL team, whom they admired greatly, not only for his staunch work ethic but also his personal resilience and infectious character. Darren was a core member of MARCOL, seeing the business grow and develop over the years. To say Darren was well liked by all at MARCOL would be an understatement, he indeed was a friend to all. He brought his expertise as a hard working senior surveyor as well as his warm and friendly attitude to the wider MARCOL family – both for which he will be sadly missed by all. Terence Cole and Mark Steinberg (Co-Founders and Joint CEOs, MARCOL)

After I moved roles and was no longer working directly with Darren; I would try and find an excuse to go down to ‘his’ office to catchup and trade insults about our teams’ results. Always one to laugh and bring a smile to my face. I will miss Darren’s cheerful character and football banter. Scott Ellison (MARCOL)

Will always remember my first day on reception in 2009 when Darren walked in with such a friendly face and introduced himself, cracked a joke and welcomed me. His smile, kindness and friendliness will be sorely missed. Yasmin Akbari (MARCOL)

I shall miss your sense of humour! Robert Brock (MARCOL) Darren was one of the nicest people I have ever met and was more than a colleague - he was a friend that I miss dearly. He was kind, funny, cheerful, helpful (I could go on and on) and sometimes a little cheeky with his friendly Northerner banter saying “Aye up chuck”! He loved life and lived it to the full, with a constant smile on his face and if everyone was like him the world would be a wonderful place. Debbie McLoughlin (MARCOL)

Dear “DB” was an example to everyone with his cheerfulness, humility and determination to seize the day. His family was everything to him and whenever he spoke of Janine and Max, his pride was huge and lovely to behold. I will miss deeply his stalwart support as a colleague, his easy friendship and of course his super-keen sense of humour! x Chris Wagstaff (MARCOL)

My darling Dizzle Bizzle, oh where to begin on my memories of you? You took me under your wing from the moment I joined Marcol; I think you saw we were kindred spirits both always seeking fun and also loving a bit of a bitch! You helped me out massively when I was fundraising for Hospice UK and I never forgot that kindness. You were my friend as well as my colleague and I remember singing at the top of our voices in your car, Bant’s crew lunches and our shared absolute disgust at #toiletrollgate I remember Nana, cheerleader, stealing your chocolate and crying with laughter with Katie and just your lovely lovely soul! You thought I was mad but I know you loved me just as I did you. Rest In Peace my friend, I will miss and cherish you forever, love your lucky best non-Jewish Jew xx Sevren Anderson (MARCOL)

To one of the most ‘beautiful’ men I ever had the pleasure to meet. He will always have a place in my heart ….. Jane Fanis (Chelsea Harbour)

My best memories are actually from outside of the office, I will always remember how you enjoyed the Christmas parties and over the years we have boogied on the dance floor more times than I can remember. I will always remember how one year you entertained us with your talent on the piano, who knew!! You will be missed greatly. Till we meet again x Jennie Carter (MARCOL)

Geez, The day when you asked me to go and watch the Arsenal and West Ham game at the Emirates Stadium with you, this was one of the best moments of my life (despite losing still : D ) It was an incredible experience going to the Emirates but the experience wouldn’t be the same if you was not there. Thank you Darren for being such an amazing friend and work colleague. There are few people in the world are down-to-earth these days..and you defo one of them! I will 100% miss the banter as well. Louie Sawyer (Alltime)

RIP DB I have worked in a lot of places and have never met a person with so much good in them. You always spoke with meaning and always meant what you said – a truly lost quality. Daily, I look to my left, thinking you’ll come scooting in; so I can steal a snickers bar! Football is lost to me and haven’t watched a game since! I miss you terribly, all the while knowing you are smiling down on us. Love and best wishes, always Sailesh Siyani (Chelsea Harbour)

Dearest DB Thank you for your friendship and the laughter we have shared over the years. I have wonderful memories of working with you and all of the fun times we had at our Marcol social events and other social events outside of work. I miss you very much and there is not a day that goes by without you appearing in my thoughts. Much love Jane Jane Corkhill (Chelsea Harbour)

In the 15 years of knowing Darren, he only ever wore a permanent, warm and infectious smile, he was always positive and always asked after you. His constant graciousness and his bravery is an example to us all and something that I will personally always remember. Caroline Foster (Chelsea Harbour)

Darren was a one off Boss Guy, we will never forget Big D. In one way or another 'Big D' touched all our hearts and souls. Forever More Anthony x Anthony Jones (MARCOL)

Cuz, which is what I named you when I found out you were best friends with one of my cousins. A big smiley character who was always positive and upbeat. I will miss your wit and warm charm. RIP Darren my Cuz x Sarah Kiely (MARCOL)

How sad I felt to read the news about Darren. I remember him from our Cushman days with real fondness, he was an excellent colleague and friend. I send my sincere condolences to his family. Simon Elmer (Steward at Bedfor Estates)

What a beautiful and fitting way to celebrate the life of a dear friend and colleague. It was indeed a great privilege to have known Darren. He blossomed in company. At your office parties, listen for the laughter, Darren could often be found there. I can hear it now, just looking at the photographs. He even made surveys fun! George Wigley (Director at GW Risk Consultants)

Darren was a wonderful example of how to stay positive in the face of adversity. He will be very much missed. Sarah Batges (Senior Associate at Clyde & Co)

Every time I spoke to Darren was a pleasure. He was unfailingly cheerful and delightful to chat to. I’m glad you were able to exchange messages with him on Sunday. All too often we don’t get (or take) the chance to let people know how much they mean or the influence they have had. Nicola Seager (Partner at Clarke Wilmott)

He was a wonderful person, generous, good humoured and kind. When ever I saw him it was like picking up just from where we left off at college. I will miss him very much. I would like to send my condolences to his family, who are in my thoughts and prayers. Jonathon Wallach (Partner at Everton Philipps)

Our Mr DB, what a truly special person he was. There are not many people in this world that have shone or will shine so brightly as he did. The most caring, thoughtful, positive and fun person. Everyone was drawn to his kind nature and character. When I first met him, it felt like I had known him for years, he put me at ease and made me laugh straightaway. We would all cheer when he came into the office, as we knew it would be a good day. Our singing, jokes, conversations and fun times will always be a big part of my life and he is someone who I will always do my best to channel - he inspires me every day. Love you DB, you will forever be in our hearts. Joanna Hay xxx (MARCOL)

Darren was one of the most amazing people I have met, I had the privilege of sitting next to him in the office... you always knew he was in the office before you even got there as you could smell delicious coffee and hear 80‘s music blasting down the corridor. We had the best conversations, so many laughs, he was always so helpful supporting me in work (I was always super impressed by his impeccable organisation) and I loved his wonderful stories about his family. I miss DB so much, his sound counsel, his banter, his loyalty as a friend and the list goes on... I think of him everyday and I look forward to celebrating his life soon. Love Katie James xxxxxx (MARCOL)

Darren had such a big heart and he never failed to put me at ease and make me laugh. I always admired how fiercely proud he was of his family. I am glad you were able to remind him how lucky we all were to have had the opportunity to know him and be blessed by his vibrant zest for life, and to tell him how much he meant to you as a friend and colleague. I am sure it would have meant a lot to him. I would like to send my deepest condolences to his wonderful family, who are in my thoughts and prayers. Toral Shah (Associate at Clyde & Co)

Darren was such a kind and thoughtful person who always had time for others even with so much on his own plate. I would like to send my thoughts and prayers to his family. This cannot be easy for the team at Marcol either as you are such a close knit family especially on top of everything else going on. Best wishes to you all. Graeme Taylor (Partner at Clyde & Co)

He was such a warm, charming and delightful man, I really enjoyed working with him. I didn’t know his wife or his son, Max, but Darren often spoke about them Robert Qvist (Partner at Daniel Watney)

My thoughts are with Marcol and Darren’s family. I didn’t know Darren very well but know he was a fuel that powered Marcol. It will leave you with a large void and sadly the greatest gift death brings to those left behind is the appreciation of the life they had. Jeremy Prosser (Principal at Avison Young)

Darren was such a pleasure to work with. He was always so cheerful and every conversation I had with him on the phone or in person was full of laughter. I can‘t imagine the loss to you and his family. Lauren Brooks (Associate at Clyde & Co)

Darren was such a lovely person and will be sadly missed by all. I would like to send my condolences on to Darren‘s family and the rest of the team at Marcol. Annabelle Redman (Partner at Clyde & Co)

A few days into working at Marcol, Darren appeared in the doorway of my office, filling the door frame with his infectious smile. He heard one word of my West Country accent and proceeded to take the mick out of me and talk like a farmer for the rest of our conversation. I was sat at my desk in tears of laughter and knew we’d be firm friends from that day on. I miss him terribly, every time we spoke we’d be in fits of giggles, messing around and we always, always spoke about his lovely Max. To say he was proud of his boy is an understatement. We used to talk at length about his current adventures and auditions and watching him beam talking about his son always warmed my heart. DB, I shall miss our annual Christmas ensemble photo and sitting next to you at Christmas lunch dropping my gravy over you, this had become one of my favourite Marcol pastimes. I truly treasure our times together and Marcol is surely a lesser place without you. Kelly Edwards (MARCOL)

Darren was an amazing human being, funny, caring, a kind heart and loved life, he always took time when in the office to come into reception to say “Hello” with that gorgeous smile, one I am truly going to miss. Gaynor Driscoll (MARCOL)

Wonderful Darren, I miss sitting across from you at the office and peering over and around the screens at each other. I miss playing Heart FM competitions with you, singing to 80‘s, squabbling over the radio station! and you being an honorary part of the Ops girl gang :) Most of all I miss your bright and cheerful greetings, general office banter and your infectious grins. I have such wonderful memories of you being part of my close work family xxx Hannah Kennerley (MARCOL)

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