Worksamples - Chihung Liao

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WORK SAMPLES chihung liao

Hello, I’m Chihung. In my practices, I am interested to include topics on public spaces, public well beings, community engagement, and discuss our relationships with the built environment. In my recent master program, I focus primarily in temporary architectural projectss, and integrated with physical models making and design experiments on materials. Also constructed digital models for live simulations. For future practices, I hope to continue discovering new perspectives, and furthur the discussions between the community and the built environment. It’s always important to remind myself to challenge working not only on the authenticity of the work, but also on the conceptual and meaningful perspectives of the work. And hope to make a difference using design projects as demonstrations for solutions. Thank you for your times, I can be reached at Sincerely,

chihung Liao

(+86) 152-2168-1612 Educations

University for the Creative Arts School of Architecture

MA Architecture


1990 - 2006 | Taipei, Taiwan 2006 - 2015 | Mass., Oregon & New York, USA 2015 - 2016 | Canterbury & London, UK Present | Shanghai, China

Canterbury, Kent, UK Sept. 2015 - Sept. 2016

Design Tools

University of Oregon

Rhino 3D, Rhino Grasshopper, AutoCad, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, SketchUp, Lumion 6 Rendering.

BFA Digital Design


School of Architecture and Allied Arts Department of Art & Technology Portland, Oregon, US Sept. 2009 - June. 2013

Junior Leadership Award, 2009. Master of Arts, Architecture, Distinction Award, 2016.


Class Representative | Sept 2015 - Sept 2016

MA Architecture Course Canterbury, United Kingdom

Reference: Course Leader, Sam McElhinney (

Artist Residence | May 2015

Red Gate Gallery Beijing, China

Reference: Artist, Julie Forgues


| Oct 2013 - April 2014

PublicStuff Inc. New York City, New York, USA

Reference: Design Supervisor, Julian Norton (

Gallery Assistant | July 2013- Sept 2013

Flag Art Foundation New York City, New York, USA

Program Assistant | Sept 2012- Jan 2013

BFA Digital Design Program University of Oregon, Portland, OR, USA

Reference: Supervisor & Program leader, Ying Tan (

As the class representative for our course, I joined Architecture department’s board meetings, and discussed for course regulations and improvements. I am responsible for studio maintenance and providing supports and assistants for our course leader and design tutors with course preparations.

During my residency, I designed and built a temporary pavilion with a drawing room on one side, and tea house on the other end. Inside of the drawing room, white canvas on hang on the walls for all visitors to draw and interact. The purpose of the temporary pavilion is to connect vistors and encourage for building public relationships.

Worked as Designer at PublicStuff, Inc. in midtown New York City, we are an energetic Tech startup company. I worked closely with my design lead Julian and engineering team, and was resposible for the marketing materials including all catalogue and conference presentation materials. I was trained in eyes for details, color designs, design layouts and user interface.

Worked as a gallery assistant at a non-profit organization, gave me oportunity to work closely with gallery collaborators, artists agencies, and to assist administrative preparations for the gallery exhibitions and events.

We were a group of passionate BFA students with diverse specialisations, from visual design to installation design. As a student lead for our Bachelor of Fine Arts program. I was the point person to help organising our studio and help organizing for our studio exhibition also to provide assistants for the program professors and tutors.



MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York, United States P.7 - P.28

SOLAR PAVILION Søren Kierkegaards Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark P.29-50

THERMO CANOPY Arsenale, Venice, Italy. P.51 - P.70

floating Hull 06/70

Solar Pavilion

MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York, United States | Oct 2015

Project Overview and Design Proposal Solar Empowerment and Context Design Rendering Scenarios Design of Pavilion Design and Material Experiments Diagram of Pavilion Performance Visit animations on:


Project Overview design Proposal and The story Project Overview

Triangle Relationship

I have been inspired by the power of temporary architectural projects. Temporary Architecture, that can be accessed and interacted by the general public. And its unique character of the mobility and flexibility temporary architectural projects can provide, which can adapt to different locations, and often have the freedom to design and build into the specific site and create unique exprience for the visitors.

In this practice, I hope to design a Pavilion that can encourage for social engagement, and with the work that is powered by solar energy, it formulates an important relationships between the visitors, the site, and the Environment.




Design proposal for a responsive pavilion in relations with the environment and people.

Initial Approach

On Form Finding with Tensions


The Solar Pavilion is a combination of my interest on form finding with an increased concern on environmental issue.

The design experiments on form finding starts farely simple with the idea of changing a sheet or a surface of material.

And begin to question on the power of solar energy, and how to integrate it into a Pavilion design where it can be self function and have a daily life cycle powered by nature resources. Especially, locating the Pavilion where it can be celebrated brightly at the MoMa PS1 courtyard for its summer programe, allow it to be an exciting gathering, bringing the young and creative generation of New York City togehter.

By applying points of forces, and adding tensions to the material surface, the material can perform according to the format of the forces, which can alter shapes and create series unique characteristic appearance.

The characteristics of the materials varies and sometimes requires certain softness, elasticness, resistency and the ability to strech and bend. In this particular practice, I also experimented raw materials that can be moulded and casted. (Continues on Page. 28)

Diagram of pavilion in site, view in perspective.


Design and Research Solar Empowerment and Context Design On Climate Taking UV Index data in 2015 shown in the images as an example that, New York state receives generous amount of solar energy in the summer months. Which provides great confident that the Pavilion placement at the courtyard of MOMA PS1, can be succeeded using solar energy to power the responsive pavilion.

On Technology Using UV sensor and light sensor to achieve the goal of controlling the performance of the Sensorium Pavilion. And letting the pavilion to become a smart with technology and environmental responsive installation, that can provides a daily cycle shelter.

In the diagrams, the research data shows the UV and temeprature data in the year of 2015, as promising resources to support the design for so

Adapting to the environemt. Taking measurements into actions. Context Design : Program at MoMA PS1

Designing for a Pavilion

The Young Architects Program, is a competition for young emerging architect to design and build on MOMA PS1 Courtyard. In my project, I am proposing the solar pavilion to locate in this very same place where the Young Architects Program takes place in their annual series.

Designing for a Pavilion that brings encouragements for spontaneous activities, that provides a gathering space for the visitors. In this project, Solar Pavilion, it integrates with solar energy to invite visitors to think for the climage change issues in its urgency.

With this annual program, which they also hosts a big opening night celebrates this temporary project each year. (Rendering Image on Page. 22-25. )

According to the purpose of MoMA PS1, Young Architects Program, it wishes to provide visitors an outdoor recreational area at its pre-existing space, the design of the Solar Pavilion could be the perfect placement to meet the wish.







20 jan.






monThlY TemPeraTure nEW YORK, nY 2015







AVERAgE high

REcORD high

uV inDEX

15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00


Very high

high moderate





uV index nEW YORK, nY 2015






cLEAR SKY uV extreme = 0 Very high = 110 high = 62 moderate = 82 low = 111





uV inDEX fOREcAST extreme = 0 Very high = 57 high = 72 moderate = 91 low = 145


Rendering Scenarios Entering Site

Rendering of open pavilion. View from entrace.

Rendering of open pavilion. View from the back.

Rendering of closed pavilion. View from entrace.


Birdeye view.

View from sitting area, under the pavilion.


Rendering of open pavilion. At Opening night in the evening.


Design and Material Experiments design methodology Design Principles The design of this project begins from the design principles in my research project of form finding, discovers forms through surface alternations. In the following diagrams, it’s an example of my process using a sheet of materail and transform into a three dimensional shape.

1/3 - Surface : Sheet of material

2/3 - Forces of points: Controlling

3/3 - Results

I begin the design process using a sheet of material that is flexible, stretchable, or bendable in order to create various dynamic shapes.

Applying points of pulling or pushing points of controls.

The alternations are the results which varies with different materials and the level of forces.

Highlighted yellow dot as the force points.

Example: Multiple force points/ Pulling points In this example, I tested and built a model attached to a wood box, stabled the surface material onto the four corner of the box, and added force points by attaching a claw shape elastic string creating a net throughout the surface, the result is visually interesting and create its unique and dynamic surface.

Fixed Surface Corner.

Soft Material (PVC)

Pulling Strings

Claw Shape Froce Controller


Casting Silicone Rubber In this experiment, I have decided to cast my own material of silicone rubber. Puring the mixture into the mould and allow it to dry, and pre-define where the force points to locate evenly througout the surface.

Force Points

Model for demonstration I designed and built the wood frame to demonstrate the surface alternation by attaching a string forces on each point, and adding pulling string forces to performance the live changes.

A sheet of marial.

Adding force points throughout the material surface.

Pulling force points for altering shapes.

Mould - for pouring mixture.

Digital Simulation Using the plugin of Rhino Grasshopper called, Kagaroo Physics, I can see the live responses of the pulling forces on surface changes.

Design Development Carrying on with the force point design methodology, I continue with the design for the main surface of the Pavilion, developped the final design.

Define a space for occupation.

Increase open air and sky view with hollow center.

Divide into parts for surface controls.

Top view of the Pavilion

Perspective view of the Pavilion


Design of Pavilion elements introduction

2| moVing TuBe

1| sensor deVices Box

3| TracK + PumP

5| shade +

solar Panel

4| lighT insTallaTion

1| sensor deVices Box Light and Rain Sensor attached, provide live data that control the movement of the pavilion.

2| moVing TuBe controlling the shading to strech outward or close inward.

3| TracK + PumP Pump that connects with the moving tube will move along the track and push the shading downward as it slides out.


4| lighT insTallaTion installed LED light tubes lights up in night time with energy charged by solar.

5| shade +solar Panel Thin layer of solar panel in customized shape is attached on the shading, storages solar energy for the sensor devices and LED lighting at night.


Diagrams of Pavilion Perormances Top View and front View movements

Top view of Pavilion.

Front view of Pavilion.


Rendering of open pavilion. Night view, light installation on.


Thermo Canopy

Søren Kierkegaards Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark | JUNE, 2016

Project Overview and Design Proposal. Rendering Scenarios Canopy Design and the making Film on the Performance Images of Visitors with 1:1 model. Visit short films and animations on: www.designchihung.comthermo-canopy


Design and Research The Story The Site and the City of Copenhagen The project is located at the yard space next to the Black Diamond Library in the island called Søren Kierkegaards Plads near the city center of Copenhagen. During the year of April 2014 to Spring 2015, Dome of Vision designed to show as a demonstration on sustainable and urban house. It’s a legal contract the organization with the local government which is a great exmaple to encourage architects to vitalize the temporary space.

The Black Diamond Library and this ground space locate right by the Sydhavenen River that runs along the city. And has a busy canal nearby, with generous tourists activities as well as local public transportations. And also with recent completed bridge across the river, designed by the Olafur Eliassen Studio. Which naturally gathered and invited many, and the design of the canopy placement can help flourish and give more lively activities for the community.

Overview and Design of the Canopy I proposed to design a responsive canopy design constructed by sets of symmetry canopy inspired by maple seeds mimicking the natural environment. The canopy performs a daily cycle with the changes on temperature to encourage sustainable social activities. I have designed and built moulding frame using timber wood for casting the canopy pieces with fibreglass panels. Continue the expriments with form fiding and point tensions. I was able to develop the design and determine the shape using the similar technique of a elastic fabric. (Continue on Page. 66)

The general design and its functionality of the Canopy used a weightsystem to balance and help rising up the Canopy when heated by sun. The Canopy has reached the ability to be self functional and performs a consistent daily cycle, that arises and lifted up during the day, and returned to counterweight position during night time. The Canopy is installed on a timber platform, that also function as sitting area for relaxations or fun activities. Image of Maple Tree Seed.


Rendering Scenarios Birdeye view and sitting height of the pavilion


Rendering of the Thermo Canopy, view from top.


Rendering of the Thermo Canopy, view from top.

Rendering of the Thermo Canopy, view from top.


Canopy Design and the Making

1| Wax Tube Controller

and joint parts Installed wax tube with stainless spring arm, and its extended wood timber.

2| canopy Customized shape and casted with fibreglass and resin.

3| main supporting timer

4| Weight Box To achieve a counter weight system, a weight box is attached on the other end.

1| wax TuBe conTroller

and joinT ParTs installed wax tube with stainless spring arm, and its extended wood timber.

Wax Tube

Spring Arm

1. 2.



1. Wax Tube Wax tube installed at window: 2. Window closed (Wax - cold). 3. Window opened (Wax - warm). 4. Wax tube attached to Canopy. cold TemPeraTure warm TemPeraTure

This stainless element is a product designed for opening the green house windows automatically when heated by sun, It has a industrial spring on one side, and a black wax tube on the other.

How it functions: The black tube contains wax, and will heats up by the sun, and turning the condition of the wax, and the spring arm will be stretched out. The counterweight of the Canopy can be pushed gentally onto the weightsystem, on the other side, helping the weight system to lift up the canopy.


2| canoPY The making of the canopy The making of canopy is the most important part of this project, beginning with a customized shape for form finding. The frame mould is constructed first with a base frame which can hold the fabric skin in place with an attached arm frame that determine the height and position for the final shape from stretching the fabric.

frame customized shape and casted with fibreglass and resin.

Materials The initial step of the fabrication is to coat a thin layer of resin on to the stretched fabric. And then apply the fibreglass pieces and coat another layer of resin to glue them togehter.

faBric aTTached customized shape and casted with fibreglass and resin.

The material choice is strongly considered for the flexibility for moulding and casting using elastic fabric as the base for form finding. Casting the canopy using fibreglass is thought as the best material choice that I am able to freely customised and use to apply to the frame mould design developed specifically for this project.

coaT wiTh resin customized shape and casted with fibreglass and resin.


aPPlY fiBreglass customized shape and casted with fibreglass and resin.


demould and cuT customized shape and casted with fibreglass and resin.

frame faBric aTTached

Frame and fabric attached


coaT wiTh resin aPPlY fiBreglass demould and cuT

Resin moulding, ďŹ berglass layer application and demoulding In the following images, you can see the process of a thin layer of resin brushed on the elastic fabric, which will harden the surface, and apply single layer of fibreglass, with more resin to glue together. Allow half day to dry, and they are ready to demould and cut in shape and they will be ready to install.

coaT wiTh resin

aPPlY fiBreglass

demould and cuT


Visitor Interaction 1:1 Model Installed at University for the Creative Arts

Photograph of visitor interation with the Canopy installed at the lawn at the University of Creative Arts.


Canopy Design And Performance

Canopy performances and relationships with the visitors

Visit recorded timelaspes on:

MORning RiSE : 9AM - 10AM



SUnSET : 8PM - 9PM



OPEning nighT : Visitor interactions



Floating Hull

Arsenale, Venice, Italy | Dec, 2015

Project Overview and Design Proposal. Relationships with the site Rendering Scenarios Physical Model

Visit short films and animations on:


Project Overview Design Proposal and The Story

Wood Panel Semi-Transparent Waterproof PVC

Water Bucket supporters

Project Overview

Adapting to Sea Culture

Floating Hull is a project combined with the research on Climate Change of rising sea level and the unique architecutre characters at Arsenale, Venice, Italy.

The location of this project situated under the roof of an old ship parking, currently used as part of Venice Biennale exhibition spaces. After some visits to both art and architecture Biennale, I’m intriged by this in between space which was not in use and left empty most of the time, expecpt the use for the Biennale.

Studying the examples of other projects and architects to bring architecture solutions to the serious climate change in the future, the alternatives of the floating architecture projects have been studied and put it in real experiment in the city of Rotterdam, called the Floating Dome project and the Makoko Floating School designed by Kunlé Adeyemi first located in Nigeria and later also exhibited the sturecture as part of Venice Architecture Biennale.

The Byzantin Architecture style indeed had influenced the surrounded building and especially with its ship building culture in the past. Parts of Venice City creates a uniqie geography with a low land and rich water transportation cultures, and many activites have shown that people of Venice have a strong connection with the Sea.

Climate Change, and Rising Sea Level Global Warming effects on rising sea level is not a new topic, in fact it’s a long term challange the city of Venice have to face. While understood its urgency and important concerns, i hope to propose a design project using temporary archiecture to demonstrate more possibilities and examples for the future urban development, people in the Venice could have. (Continues on next page.)


Design Research Data of Rising Sea Level







-10 1890 1990 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

SEA LEVEL of Gulf of Trieste and Venetian Lagoon

Rising Sea Level has been a challanged topic for the people who live in the low land, and people who are directly effected can be the living proof of this dangerous threat of the circustances of global warming. I urge more people who have the ability to help on bringing ideas into real life demonstrations and experiments. In order to really give a valuable feedback and persuasive idea on the urgency of the rising sea level, and what the designers and architects can be the role models to act according and putting in their design agenda. Many have done, and some city have well acively putting out examples and demonstrating to the world of the possible solutions.

Venetian Lagoon

Like the Dutch Government putting many examples in the city of Armsterdam and Rotterdam by accepting the fact of the rising sea level, as a demonstration, a Floating Pavilion was placed in the city of Rotterdam. Here I want to share some data I have collected from the local authority of VeniceCity, to support my proposal, and sharing brief knowledges on the city of Venice.

Gulf of Trieste

56/70 44/50

Relationships with the environment 1. 2. 3. 1. Drawing of front viewon site. 2. Drawing of side viewon site. 3. Drawing of left viewon site.


Rendering Scenarios Entering Site

Rendering of the soft floating hull, view from entrance.


Rendering of the soft floating hull, view from front.


Renering Scenarios I hope by demonstrating the possibilities and potentials this project can be in the positive example can inspire the people at venice to reclaim their land, other than the international event, but a gathering place for themselves. While providing a different interaction with the sea while facing and solving possible solutions on the sea level rising.

Rendering of the soft floating hull, section plane.


Rendering of the soft floating hull, view from the back.

Rendering of the soft floating hull, view from front, man sitting on the side .


Physical Model mockup Overview This research and design project examines on the importance of repurposing unprogrammed urban space to define a social architectural space for bridging connectedness among visitors.


2. 4. 3. 5.

1. Image of laser cuts parts. 2. Image of assemble process. 3. Image of partly assembled model. 4. Image of back of the model with floating ball. 5. Image of model hang in position.


Rendering of the soft floating hull, view from front, left side from the walk way.



View videos, animations and more studio works. (Best view on desktop.)

WORK SAMPLES chihung Liao www. designchihung. com xchihungx

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