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We have come to terms and now you are officially under contract with a buyer to purchase your property! Now what?
Thebuyer'sEarnest money will be due just a few days from when we go binding and willusuallybeheldinthebuyer'sbroker'sescrowaccount.
If the terms of the contract allowed the buyer a period to inspect the property then theywill want to move forward quickly and schedule all the inspections they wish tohave doneas soon as possible. If issues are found that the buyer wantsto addresswewillwanttogeteverythingnegotiatedbeforethebuyer's inspection time expires. Some of the commoninspectionsbuyerschoosetohave doneareradon, roof,homeinspections,surveys,termite,foundation,hvac,septicandwell.Itisbest ifyoucanstepoutduringtheinspections.
The buyer hired the inspector with the intention of learning more about the conditionof your home. In the event they should find any item thatneeds to be further addressed theywillhave a few options. Depending on the item we may need to do further investigation with alicensed professionalin that field such as roofing, plumbing, electrical, etc. In mostcases the buyer will receive the inspectionreport within a 24 hourperiodoftheinspectionandwillmakeany requestsbasedoffoftheinspectionreports.