2 minute read
Royal Blue
Colour Palette
Your colour palette has been strategically created to ensure it conveys the right emotions and feelings within your audience. Colour is one of the biggest factors to your brand, so it’s vital that you do not add any new colours to your branding.
If you want to change things up, try using a percentage of one of your colours as per the example to the right.
CMYK / 100, 93, 45, 59
RGB / 25, 26, 52
HEX / #191A34
Midnight Blue Emerald
CMYK / 100, 84, 54, 76
RGB / 11, 20, 33
HEX / #0B1421
CMYK / 87, 50, 50, 47
RGB / 27, 72, 79
HEX / #1B484F
Ivory Stone
CMYK / 82, 27, 38, 11
RGB / 81, 131, 143
HEX / #08838F
CMYK / 7, 9, 11, 0
RGB / 239, 233, 227
CMYK / 20, 20, 23, 2
RGB / 209, 200, 192
HEX / #D1C8C0
Mainheading/ headingone
Paragraph / Body Copy
Ti veliam rem doluptat laborib erercium haribusamet faciis excerum ereicti usapers pelessi inume omnihil laciist dipsaperio. Udis velloria porerspis ratur adis et acculpario erio. Ut volo et laceat voluptas quis dolenie ndant, con prore nobis et incitat enditiunto bea qui officae voluptus es rernatur sumque pelest reptassunt faceata tumque re acia quam et ad que nam qui delessimus, sae elitatur, naturibus pore nonsedi psandi andenectotat officitio quat.
Your subheading font is Georama Semi Bold. It should always be written in capitals. It should never be smaller than 8pt. Kerning (the space between letters) should always be set at 200.
Adhering to the above standards when it comes to using this font will ensure a consistent brand implementation.
You can download this font for free from google fonts.
Main Heading
Your main heading font is Georama Medium Italic. It should always be written in sentence case. It should never be smaller than 10pt. Kerning (the space between letters) should always be set at 0.
Adhering to the above standards when it comes to using this font will ensure a consistent brand implementation.
You can download this font for free from google fonts.
Your body font is Georama Regular. It should always be written in sentence case. It should never be smaller than 9pt. Kerning (the space between letters) should always be set at 0.
Adhering to the above standards when it comes to using this font will ensure a consistent brand implementation.
You can download this font for free from google fonts.
.EPS and .PDF are vector based which means you can scale them to any size and they will not pixelate.
.JPG files become pixelated when they are scaled larger than their original size.
.JPG and .PNG files become pixelated when they are scaled larger than their original size.
.PNG files are used for web only and have a transparent background.
.SVGs are vector based which means they can be expanded or shrunk down to any size without a loss of quality. (You can also edit their colour in Canva!)


To maintain the integrity of your branding, it is vital that you ensure there is always a minimum clear space around all edges of any of your logos. In your case, this should be at least the width and height of the letter “X”.
It is important you adhere to this spacing to ensure the branding does not interfere with elements surrounding the logo such as other logos, copy, graphics, patterns etc.
To preserve the readability of the logo it should never be sized below certain dimensions. The minimum width is 45mm when used in print.
65mm wide
Social Media Posts
To ensure brand consistency across your online platforms, I have created some social media templates to you. If you need to create more, ensure that you use your colour palette and typography as laid out within these guidelines.