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PARKS HEROES presented by Churchich Recreation
Submitted by Kurt Schroeder, Park Maintenance and Operations Manager, City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Through this challenging and him having done any better” and that his effort was “nothing unprecedented year, one staff less than outstanding”. Erik also served as a vital link in the member in Parks was positioned chain of communication, acting as our conduit between staff to coordinate our department’s that had potential COVID exposure and Occupational Health response to the pandemic. Erik staff, exchanging information and keeping all abreast of each Rodriguez, our Health, Safety and individual’s situation. Environmental Specialist, became Overall, Erik has performed exceptionally, meeting the challenges charged with keeping our staff safe presented by COVID and ensuring that our department could and informed to the ever-changing operate safely and continue to serve the public. He continually COVID world. This required serving addressed nuances presented by the pandemic, and adapted to as a liaison to different departments the fluid situation to support staff. On top of all things related Erik Rodriguez within the city and organizations to the pandemic response, Erik ably continued on with his across the state, while simultaneously disseminating critical other assigned duties that encompassed regular employee recommendations to leadership and staff. In this role, Erik led safety interactions. Erik has performed remarkably in managing record keeping and compliance requirements, ensuring timely our department’s COVID response, supporting other COVID and accurate detailing of CARES Act eligible expenses. Finance impacted departments, and assuring that Parks, Recreation shared with us that Erik “was amazing in the quality and the and Cultural Services staff were kept safe during these trying detail of the information” he provided and that he “tracked times. Erik’s commitment to our community ensured continued expenses thoroughly” and was “always responsive” to their operations and safe management of our local spaces that became requests and needs related to closing out the grants they were even more beloved due to COVID - our parks, trails, open managing. They also stated that Erik “deserved a gold star” for spaces, community centers and cultural amenities continued his work and that they “couldn’t imagine how it would gone were to offer valuable respite due to his on-going coordination and in not for Erik”. Likewise, representatives of our Safety Office unparalleled professionalism. raved about Erik’s work, stating that “they couldn’t imagine
Submitted by Janna Hansen, Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Director, Town of Crested Butte
Let is be known that Dylan Bova, Les Choy, Pete Curvin, Nick Dermer, Bobby Knight, and Chris Wiig of the Crested Butte Parks Crew are true parks heroes. In April 2020 when they received the news that they would not be able to hire any summer staff, they responded admirably with stoicism and confidence. The summer of 2020 turned out to be the busiest summer on record with more visitors than Crested Butte has ever seen. These Parks Heroes kept CB parks not only open and usable, but beautifully maintained. Crested Butte’s iconic flower barrels were planted, fields were given extra care, and mountains of trash were removed without complaint. The flexibility this crew showed in adapting to ever-changing public health orders and the reconfiguration of our main street was commendable. The Town of Crested Butte is tremendously grateful to our Parks Heroes for their outstanding efforts in 2020.
Dylan Bova Les Choy Pete Curvin
Submitted by Patrick Hammer, Director of Parks and Recreation, Town of Erie Parks & Recreation
Submitted by Tom Woodard, Director of Golf, Foothills Parks & Recreation District
From a public perspective it’s easy for our Park and Open Space team members to simply blend into the background during a morning trail run, a Saturday soccer game, or a picnic in a park, but to the Erie community these individuals represent so much more – they’re part of the fabric that ties the community together. During the pandemic, Division Manager Mike McGill and Supervisors John Frankenfeld, Matt Spinner, and Patrick Plummer worked long hours ensuring Erie’s parks and trails remained in tip top shape and safe for our community. Like most in our industry, 2020 became a never-ending cycle of mindlessly replacing social distancing signs, picking up discarded masks and cleaning parks. These tasks were added to what was already a full workload. However, an amazing unintended consequence developed out of this new mundane routine. Our Parks and Open Space team became the frontline friendly face in the community indicating, on a daily basis, that our parks and trails were safe and open for business. They moved from the background to the forefront in the eyes of the community, and they deserve every bit of credit that comes their way. They were no furlough days, work from home days or reduced operations. In fact, Mike McGill John Frankenfeld the opposite occurred. They took on more work and had to operate with restrictions intended for indoor office environments. Their days were filled with driving personal vehicles so everyone could stay 6’ apart; refurbishing an old farm house into offices to follow staff capacity requirements; staggering shifts to make Patrick Plummer Matt Spinner sure no one’s hours were cut; standing 6’ apart hand-shoveling snow drifts; teams like the true professionals they working long hours ensuring grave sites are; and the list goes on. On behalf of all were dug for funerals; cleaning vehicles of Erie, we tip our collective hats to our before leaving for the day; leading their Erie Parks and Open Space Heroes.
Jim Meyers works for the Foothills Park & Recreation District at the Meadows Golf Club. The golf industry, specifically golf courses, has experienced a historic surge during this pandemic. Jim works on the golf cart and driving range crew, and they sanitize more touch points than any other golf employee. A big shout out to Jim and all employees in the golf industry for creating a safe environment for those who enjoy the game of golf!
Submitted by Joann Cortez, Communications Director, Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District learned quickly as the pandemic grew how essential our 20 parks, trails and other FREE outdoor amenities are to families and District residents of all ages. Visitor numbers grew exponentially, but our friendly Parks Department staff did not miss a beat. They stayed on task maintaining the beauty of our many outdoor facilities with the same amount of pride as always. They worked longer than normal hours and missed days off to take care of massive amounts of trash, repairing anything that needed to be fixed, and gently reminding visitors to pay attention to park signage, adhere to park rules, wear face coverings, and to pick up anything they brought with them when they left. Hyland Hills relies heavily on our Parks Heroes and their frontline skills when working with our community and we think they are AMAZING!

(Left to right) Paul Nisky, Charlie Derksen, Pete Hokkanen, Keith Horan, Anthony Rosales, Cody VanArsdale, David Dozal, Bryan Lopez, Tristan O’Donnell, and Joe Falcon
The Summer issue of Byline magazine will feature Recreation Heroes. This category includes recreation center staff, aquatics, fitness, and athletics.
The Fall 2021 issue will feature Programming Heroes. This category includes programmers, therapeutic recreation, and event coordinators.
CPRA agency directors can submit up to two nominations in each category online at www.surveymonkey.com/r/CPRAHeroes (scan the QR code at right to go directly there). After submitting, please send up to three high resolution photos per nomination to Todd Pernsteiner at todd@pernsteiner.com. Please label your submission for “Recreation Heroes” or “Programming Heroes.”
CPRA Industry Partners: Summer and fall ‘Heroes’ section sponsorship packages available. Contact Todd Pernsteiner at todd@pernsteiner.com or (952) 841-1111 for details.


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Submitted by Karey Baker, Senior Administrative Coordinator, and Tom Hoby, Director of Open Space & Parks, Jefferson County Open Space
Submitted by Karey Baker, Senior Administrative Coordinator, and Tom Hoby, Director of Open Space & Parks, Jefferson County Open Space
At Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS), we rely on our volunteers for nearly every aspect of our operation. As stated in the information below, we would like to nominate LaMese HurrellCoupe as a Colorado Parks Hero. True of so many of our volunteers, LaMese goes above and beyond in her role as a volunteer with JCOS. LeMese Hurrell-Coupe
Specifically, LaMese stepped up to serve on the front lines and helped not only keep the parks open, but safe, for the public. She volunteered as a member of the Covid Information Team, providing information and modeling best practices for visitors about how to safely recreate during the pandemic. She provided vital reports about park conditions and visitor compliance during unprecedented visitation. In addition, LaMese was integral to the success of a muchneeded new program, the South Table Mountain Land Steward program. In a year when we could not safely bring anyone together for training, LaMese volunteered to serve as a Mentor for new volunteers. Her mentorship provided the necessary skills training we couldn’t have otherwise given. As a result, all successfully completed their training and have continued to serve as volunteer Land Stewards. Throughout everything, LaMese serves as a buoy to the spirits of all she encounters and remains a positive influence on our program staff and volunteers.
Not all heroes wear capes, but they do wear masks. With statewide marching orders to “stay at home but go outside”, the Denver Metro Area decided to hit their local trails. Hard. In the face of visitation levels we had never seen, Jeffco Open Space resolved to remain open; all 27 parks, all 256 miles of trail, all restrooms, and all trashcans. 39 Park Services and Park Ranger professionals worked the front line; cleaning restrooms, pulling trash, protecting resources, providing emergency medical assistance, educating, and keeping the peace so our visitors could find their peace in an otherwise chaotic and scary world. As we ‘round the corner into spring with not a day of rest, this team deserves to be recognized as Park Heroes.

Who’s that masked man? Park Ranger, Billy Hall, stops to talk trail safety with families at Mount Falcon Park.
Submitted by Kit Newland, Community Resources Director, City of Lakewood Department of Community Resources
Lindsay Gillis, the Lakewood Community Resources Park Naturalist, quickly reworked programming and educational opportunities during the pandemic. She created a virtual format for camps, educational sessions and our Junior Ranger program, giving citizens the opportunity to learn valuable lessons and connect with nature. Lindsay also created Nature Note videos that were posted throughout the year on social media that included educational and entertaining information on wildlife encounters, the Leave No Trace initiative, fire safety and many other natural resource elements. Additionally, as we were unable to hire as many Variable Rangers as we needed, and the parks became so busy Lindsay was placed into more of a Ranger role than previous years. She quickly adapted and handled all the pressures of the huge crowds at Bear Creek Lake Park. Thank you, Lindsay for all the hard work!

Submitted by Elizabeth Kayl, Parks and Recreation Director, City of Loveland Parks & Recreation Department
The Loveland Parks and Despite COVID, work at the cemetery never slowed or stopped Recreation Department has many and 2020 actually proved to be our busiest year ever. outstanding parks heroes and we Frequently, Devin deals with complex, emotionally sensitive are so grateful for their service to issues with families, requiring compassion and a delicate our community. One such hero approach. He owns and handles these issues with tact and that we’d like to acknowledge is professionalism and sees them through to resolution. Devin Wilson, Park Crew Leader (Cemetery). Additionally, as the only full-time grounds staff out at the cemetery, Devin often has to work weekends and odd hours Devin started working for the and does so without complaint knowing that the work needs to City as a part year employee in be done and he is capable of doing it. 2013 working in the Sports Turf Devin Wilson Section of the Parks Division. He Devin’s dedication and commitment set a wonderful example then accepted a full time position in Sports Turf in December for our seasonal workers and other department staff. Although of 2014. Then, in April of 2018 he was promoted to Parks Crew cemetery work is not flashy or glamourous, Devin embraces Leader-Sports Turf. This all made sense based on his previous his role, demonstrating leadership, accountability and integrity experience in sports field maintenance, however, due to every day. His commitment is rooted in his desire to do his budget reductions in 2020, Devin was moved from our Sports best work on behalf of the city and our community and for that Turf Section to the Cemetery Section of the Parks Division. he is a park hero. Although others might see this career move as a negative, Devin has shown true leadership and dedication.

Wade Ploussard
Submitted by Mari Steinbach, Director, Montrose Recreation District
When the pandemic hit, the Montrose Recreation District (MRD) asked “who and what needs our help?” And when the local school district announced that, in light of school closures, they would provide school meals to only a handful of pick up sites, the City of Montrose called upon the MRD to help distribute these important meals to families not able to get to the pick-up sites. Wade Ploussard, Adult Recreation Coordinator, jumped at the chance to take on the leadership of this important task, efficiently coordinating meal delivery routes and staff, and mobilizing additional local business sponsorships. Using MRD vehicles and repurposed staff, we delivered these lunches to households in need all throughout Montrose County, into June. Wade led our crew, motivating them and organizing them so that by the time deliveries ended Wade and the team had driven over 6,000 miles and delivered nearly 10,500 meals! Wade Ploussard is the Montrose Recreation District ‘Parks Hero’!
The Parker Parks Division, through the Pandemic and in its downturn, a blizzard and now Spring startups, you have been present and willing every step of the way. Despite the risks, you performed without fail and as a group, are Parker’s heroes. In honor of your commitment, we sincerely wish to say - THANK YOU!
Shout out to the Parker Parks Division for everything they do to keep our community safe and active during a pandemic and after one of the largest blizzards in Colorado history! Here they can be seen moving the snow that accumulated in the shady and already wet spots on the north side of the dugouts at Salisbury Park ballfields. Enough snow was moved where the sun can get to it to be closer to where we were before the blizzard. Our Parks team is literally doing everything possible to help our adult community enjoy our parks and programs and get back on the field!
Submitted by Jared Musil, Town of Parker

Submitted by Errin Koon, Town of Parker

Submitted by City of Westminster Department of Parks, Recreation, and Libraries
The City of Westminster would like to recognize its Parks Heroes that worked tirelessly in 2020 to not only help manage the City’s outdoor spaces but also to step up and continue to serve Westminster’s at-risk communities. When the need for the City’s largest remaining food pantry services, provided by Growing Home, increased by 700%, Westminster’s parks employees stepped up and began regularly transporting tons of food between Food Bank of the Rockies’ Denver location and Growing Home to be dispersed to community members in need. All of this critical food transport happened at a time when local park use was also at an all-time high. Westminster Parks, Recreation & Libraries is so grateful for its incredible parks team for their work in supporting our community during this challenging time.

Wheat Ridge Parks, Forestry and Open Space would like to nominate Joseph Buesser and Domonic Grine as Colorado Parks Heroes for their exceptional service during the last year of the pandemic. In their function as Crew Leaders, they were responsible for organizing and managing their crews in a manner that allowed for a continued high level of service, increased demands for parks facility sanitation, and leading their crews in a manner that minimized exposure to COVID and maximized their safety. They achieved this without the help of seasonal employees and through leading their crews on rotational 10 hours shifts that included working full days on the weekend. I am sure they would say that they could not have been successful without the help of their teams, who were willing to go above and beyond the normal call of duty, and should be recognized as well.
Submitted by Karen O’Donnell, Parks & Recreation Director, City of Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation
“I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.” Maya AngelouJoseph Buesser
Domonic Grine
THank you to all Colorado park heroes for everything you do for our communities!

Submitted by Belia Straushein, Administrative Assistant, City of Northglenn Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
Northglenn Parks Staff are truly parks heroes! A hero is someone who, in spite of circumstances and not knowing what to expect, goes ahead and does it anyway and does it extremely well. When COVID uncertainties were presented, the team took on so much more. They were able to provide a welcoming space where residents were able to safely continue some “normalcy” and they welcomed the assistance of several other city staff, from aquatics to theatre, as they were reassigned in their daily jobs. This group is far more than a group whose responsibilities including maintaining and beautifying city park spaces and assisting with numerous city events and festivals year round. This is a quality team of professionals whose work is recognized as consistently setting the “bar” very high!

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