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U of M Mortuary Science Update

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Lifesource Update

Membership continued from cover…

Committee provided input on the recent survey of the mortuary science profession in Minnesota.

The Legislative Committee have put significant time into the entire 149A rewrite project (and the many other issues that come up) and serve the profession well with their diverse opinions on the issues.

2022: The Legislative Committee continues to evaluate, gather input, and refine different proposals on 149A: relaxing the reciprocity requirements for licensure; changes to the internship including allowing interns to register during their education as well as allowing additional preceptors and locations for interns to learn from; an internship/ apprenticeship program to permit individuals to get a hands on preview of funeral service prior to committing to a mortuary science program; certification requirements for cremator operators; numerous other administrative updates; and a possible program to register removal specialists (non-licensed) with required training and additional requirements on employment. Of course, input is welcomed on any of these proposals, and nothing is set in stone at this point. Your membership dues support the work of the Legislative Committee in 2022! MFDA’s Online Community keeps members connected.

Meeting Involvement

2021 & 2022: Our MFDA staff and board members participated in meetings with the Minnesota Department of Health Mortuary Science staff to communicate questions/issues as needed.


2021 & 2022: MFDA shared urgent and important communications with our MFDA members through our Online Community. We provided up-to-date information regarding all of Governor Walz’s Executive Orders affecting funeral service, as well as information about continuing education opportunities and important news for funeral service. Members were able to engage in conversations to share best practices. We published and mailed quarterly Bulletin newsletters to our MFDA members and industry resources.


2021: MFDA provided continuing education opportunities both in-person and virtually. From virtual events with Dr. Alan Wolfelt on self-care for funeral directors, preneed insurance course (for both insurance and funeral director CEUs!), annual OSHA Training, and MFDA District Meeting, to our “Live & In-Person” 130th Annual Convention at Breezy Point Resort, we provided CEU events for all convenience levels.

MFDA’s Winter board meeting 2021 MFDA Convention

2022: MFDA will continue to offer inperson, hybrid, and virtual continuing education events throughout the year. MFDA will host its 131st Annual Convention at Treasure Island Resort & Casino in Red Wing on May 24-26 with a full exhibit hall, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and an exciting party! District Meetings will return to in-person throughout the state. Our preneed insurance course will be offered as a hybrid event. Additional virtual CEU opportunities will be offered throughout the year, including member discounted prices for virtual CEUs through WebCE.

Public Relations

NEW in 2022: MFDA will be creating a public relations campaign promoting the value of a funeral and working with our MFDA members. The campaign will be promoted on our website and social media accounts with images and short videos available for member funeral homes to use on their website and social media. There will be a search function for consumers to find MFDA members for their preneed and at-need services.

Workforce Development

2021 & 2022: Continue to address workforce challenges through ongoing discussions with advisory committees. MFDA will again attend the Minnesota School Counselors Conference to promote mortuary science as a career option for students.

MFDA’s Career Center

2021 & 2022: MFDA’s Career Center provides options for both employers and job seekers to use with a 50% discount for MFDA members. Monthly emails and social media posts promote job postings.

MFDA Committees

2021 & 2022: All members can join one of our active association committees: Legislative, Education, Finance, and Professional Practices. Most committee meetings are held on Zoom. If you’re interested in joining one of our committees, please contact the MFDA office at 763-416-0124 or email info@mnfuneral.org.

Partnerships 2021 & 2022:

MFDA’s continued partnerships with our endorsed preneed insurance provider Funeral Directors Life, endorsed commercial insurance provider Federated Insurance, and support of the Children’s Grief Connection. Through the endorsement of Funeral Directors Life, the MFDA receives revenue based off the total dollars produced in our state from preneed insurance policies written. This revenue largely supports our budget and benefits provided to our members.

Forms & Brochures

2021 & 2022: Customizable funeral home forms and brochures are available to order and print. Order information available at www.mnfuneral.org. Are burial vaults necessary? Your hometown funeral director is the best person to answer this questions because it o en depends on whether the cemetery selected requires the use of a vault. In addition, the National Funeral Directors Association Code suggests that the family select the burial vault from the funeral director who will be responsible for arranging the internment. Selecting the vault from the funeral director serving at the place of burial will save the cost of transporting the receptacle and will alleviate any unnecessary delay or confusion at the cemetery. What if I want to be cremated? Cremations are simply one kind of funeral service and can be accommodated by any licensed funeral home in Minnesota. Many cremation options are preceded by open casket viewing and traditional type funeral services either in a church, funeral home, or other facility. Viewing the remains and having a funeral ceremony are important. ese traditions help loved ones accept the reality of death, especially in circumstances when death occurs away from home. “Closure” is the term o en used to describe this important emotional event. What To Do When death occurs away from home I frequently travel or am away from home. What can I do to prepare for a death away from home? O en a medical emergency accompanies a death away from home. You should strongly consider having a Healthcare Declaration in place. is provides your family with important information that might help alleviate some stress and confusion over how you want to be cared for medically. Can I make arrangements in advance with my hometown funeral director? A pre-arranged funeral can also provide peace of mind for you and help eliminate worry and A Public Service Pamphlet published by: MINNESOTA FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION 7046 East Fish Lake Road Maple Grove, MN 55311 (v) 763-416-0124 | (f) 763-545-9499 info@mnfuneral.org | www.mnfuneral.org An informed public helps the Funeral Directors serve you better © Copyright 2017 Minnesota Funeral Directors Association

Is there a law that requires caskets to be placed in vaults prior to burial? No, there is no such law. However, certain cemeteries require that some sort of hard container house the casket to prevent the grave from sinking at the cemetery in subsequent years, and for ease of ground maintenance. A vault meets these cemetery requirements. What about cremation? Cremation is not the same as a funeral; rather, it is a form of fi nal disposition, an alternative to earth burial intact remains. Th e body is reduced to its basic mineral elements and bone fragments (not ash) called cremated remains by intense heat and then interred in a cemetery, entombed in a columbarium, or dispersed through scattering, or kept at home. Any MFDA member funeral home can accommodate you if you choose cremation. Th e funeral home will make necessary arrangements with the crematory, just as it acts as the family’s agent with the cemetery for earth burials. Cremation may be preceded by a regular funeral with the body present, or followed by a memorial service. In the case of a funeral, a regular casket, specially designed casket, or rental casket can be used for visitation and funeral services, aft er which the cremation occurs, just as internment in a cemetery takes place aft er funeral services. Is a casket required by law when remains will be cremated? No, it is not. Some type of alternative container is required by the crematory to enable dignifi ed handling of remains. What does a person do when death o ers away from home? Contact your hometown funeral director. He or she will make all necessary arrangements with the funeral director in the area where death occurred. Th e funeral director handles all the details whether a funeral is held at place of death, back home, or both places. Straight Answers About the Funeral A Public Service Pamphlet published by: MINNESOTA FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION 7046 East Fish Lake Road Maple Grove, MN 55311 (v) 763-416-0124 | (f) 763-545-9499 info@mnfuneral.org | www.mnfuneral.org An informed public helps the Funeral Directors serve you better © Copyright 2017 Minnesota Funeral Directors Association uncertainty for your family. If you travel away from home on a regular basis, you can even include a monetary allowance in your pre-funded funeral arrangement for the additional costs associated with a death away from home. Your family should be aware of any funeral prearrangements that you have completed, and they should be instructed to work through your hometown funeral director. Knowing what to do and whom to call when a death occurs away from home can help you and your loved ones minimize stress and unnecessary expense at a very di cult time. Commonly asked questions about who to contact when a death occurs away from home

Whom do I contact if I have a complaint? Nationally, and particularly in Minnesota, families served by funeral directors have remarkably few complaints. Misunderstandings do arise from time to time, of course. First, discuss your concern with the funeral director. If you feel like you were not treated fairly, he or she should be given the opportunity at least to know your concerns and to answer any questions you might have. If this is not feasible, provide the facts in writing to the MFDA Professional Practices Committee (address below). Here are the state agencies that handle funeralrelated complaints: Funeral establishments, crematories, and funeral directors: Mortuary Science Section, Minnesota Department of Health, 121 East 7th Place, Suite 400, P.O. Box 64975, St. Paul, MN 55164 0975; (651) 296-3829 Cemeteries: Minnesota State Auditor’s Offi ce, 525 Park Street, Suite 400, St. Paul, MN 55103; (651) 296-2551 Frequently asked questions about funeral services, answered in easy-to-understand language

What can we do to make your job as a funeral director easier?

If you have member benefit ideas to share, please contact us at info@mnfuneral.org or 763-416-0124. We are here to serve our Minnesota funeral industry members!

Certified Funeral Celebrant Training participants.

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