4 minute read

From the Board President

By Chris Esser, MRPA President

Autumn Leaves and Cool Breeze – I Enjoy Fall Most of All!

The autumn season is a time for gathering, reflection, and special events. While we are fatigued and wary by the state of the world, many parks and recreation agencies have forged ahead with traditional events while some continue to cautiously weigh options with public safety and perception in mind. Both perspectives are admirable, there is no right or wrong during these tenuous pandemic times. We exist to serve our communities, if that means the slow return to traditional events and activities or the continued pause of what we would traditionally do, we are doing what we believe is best for our communities and our people, both within our teams and in service to the public. Whether or not you are being cheered on by your local officials, decision makers, or the public, know that you will always have the MRPA family standing behind you to cheer you on, no matter the decisions you make or circumstances you find yourself in. On behalf of the MRPA Board and staff, our sincerest gratitude to all members, sponsors, and associates who attended the 2020 Virtual Annual Conference “Connecting Minnesota” in September. The conference registration and participation exceeded all expectations as the unknowns of this first-ever virtual conference weighed heavily on the Board and conference committee. While we did not match the financial success of a traditional in-person annual conference, this year’s success is measured by the participation numbers and the technology, which proved accessible and reliable, making the education and networking all possible. While all conference committee members deserve our profound thanks for their innovation and perseverance, special recognition is deserved to superstar Nikki Greenwell with Anoka County Parks for creating the website and platform that the virtual annual conference operated upon. And by the way, she and her family also personally branded by hand each wooden conference logo coaster delegate gift. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of the conference committee, we now know future virtual and remote MRPA education opportunities are possible in service to all members across our great state. This fall edition of the MRPA magazine celebrates our annual Awards of Excellence. I encourage you to review and recognize the great work our MRPA members are doing in the categories of management, programs, facilities, partnerships, communication, and volunteers. I am always inspired by the innovation, creativity, and dedication of our annual award winners and agencies. My thanks to the Awards Committee for their review and scoring of all initiatives submitted and to the award recipients for being innovative leaders in our profession. Fall is a great time for friends and flannel! Chris Esser pictured with 2020 Annual Conference Co-Chairs Ross Demant (left) and Scott Zlotnik (right)

The MRPA Board continues to navigate a challenging 2020 for our membership, budget, and the future outlook of the association. We have called a special meeting in November, a month we typically do not meet, in order to bring the MRPA’s 2021 budget into clearer focus. There is good news and bad news. Bad news is that we are undoubtedly going to adopt a deficit operating budget for 2021, where projected revenues will be less than projected expenditures. This is never an easy outlook as we try to balance the association’s financial needs while being mindful and respectful of the fees and charges assessed to our membership during this time of budgetary uncertainty. The good news? At the October meeting, the Board voted to pay-off our $50,000 line-of-credit from earlier in the year. This may seem counterintuitive based upon the budget outlook; however, the MRPA investment portfolio dipped down to a low of $321,000 in 2020 and recently rebounded to a high of $403,000, one of the largest balances reached since inception. The investment portfolio exists for a rainy day, and it is pouring at the moment. Wisely, the Board voted to pay-off the line of credit due to its recent change in value, which unquestionably will continue to rollercoaster in 2020, especially with the unknowns of the national election. This action has reduced the MRPA’s debt moving forward into 2021. Parks and recreation has a renewed relevancy in 2020 that cannot be ignored. Unfortunately that relevance is not always reflected in our budgets and the decisions being made as we look ahead to 2021. Thank you for all you do, and remember, we are not only a membership, but a family that supports one another. I could not be more proud and grateful for the help and support our membership shows each other in good times and in bad. Stay active, stay engaged, and find time to relax and reflect. Enjoy the changing leaves, pumpkin spice, football, and sweatshirt weather!

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