3 minute read
Grow the Game of Golf
By Roxann Maxey, Theodore Wirth Golf Operations Manager, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Grow the Game of Golf is what we have been trying to do in the golf industry for the past several years. It took a worldwide pandemic to slow the world down and get back to the basics. An opportunity to enjoy the gift of time. With the many struggles families faced through the pandemic, we found joy in the simple things in life: camping, hiking, puzzles, board games, water sports, and golf. Golf was the sport that allowed for safe distances and a chance to clear your worries in lush green space and nature. It was an opportunity to compete against your score from the past round, or amongst your playing partners, when all other athletic competitions had come to a halt. In 2020, we could have captured historic golf bags and clubs, blowing off the dust from an inherited set of grandpa’s clubs. We saw new golfers inspired to take lessons and we witnessed a leap in youth participation. We watched families play the game, friends gathering without having to feel rushed, and many virtual office meetings on riding carts. As we wrapped up a 2019 golf season in the red, we challenged ourselves to seek innovative revenue streams and ways to decrease expenses leaving an operating budget at a bare minimum, putting projects on hold and stalling equipment replacement. As we completed 2020 clearing almost $2 million in profit after all expenses, we seek to re-invest in the future of golf and being ahead of the game. We invested in golf apps and other technology that allows us to move guests through more efficiently and an option for check in
from the customers phone to limit face-to-face contact for those that desire that option. The app allows the player a one-stop shop for food and beverage, golf check in, instructional programs, and an ease in tournament host resources. We are excited to continue our momentum and have an opportunity to enhance our properties and our awareness of the Play Golf Minneapolis system to new and experienced golfers. We have a variety of courses for all playing levels and abilities. Now in 2021, there are over 2,000 Play Golf Minneapolis pass holders. Last year brought a historic record number of players to our courses and weather was ideal with a season that went well into November. Play Golf Minneapolis increased rounds by over 64,300 green fees compared to the year prior. Junior golf numbers were up as well. In 2020, there were 1,024 youth on the Theodore Wirth 18-hole course, as compared to 152 in 2019. Theodore Wirth par-three course had 2,140 junior rounds of golf in 2020 as compared to 1,100 the year prior. This year in 2021, the weather has been ideal for an early start to golf. There have been eager players seeking additional skills through our instructional programs and there has been overflowing league play. We are trending to have another successful season where our revenue is exceeding 2020 revenue dollars at this point last season.
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