Snapshots of programming in SCRPA member agencies ville mer Sum e Run Hom y Derb
Monck’s Corner Miracle League Donations
e its fi rst Hom v il le hosted er m m Su of rs n io Tow n si n g loca l se (Above) T he 2020, showca e n Ju 9. -1 in ID by V O e to C Ru n Der e cut shor t du er w s on as se whose
(At lef t) Volunteers, includ ing sta ff members from other pa rks depa rtments in the area , showed up to help clean up Jaycee Pa rk in Pickens after it wa s deva stated by a large flood.
od Pickens Flo s er te n Volu
Charlesto n County Sprint Tria thalon
(At right) What a sweet way to give back! A group of young ladies in Monck’s Corner set up a produce and lemona de stand to raise money for the new Miracle League Field.
(At left) Cha rleston Cou nty Parks put on a sociallydistanced Spr int Triathlon on July 12. The star t of the race was staggered to ensure six feet of spa ce and par ticipants were required to brin g their own water bottles. Althoug h spectators weren’t allowed on the cou rse, the agency used Facebook Live to allow friends and fam ily to cheer from home.
6 SOUTH CAROLINA Recreation and Parks • www.scrpa.org
Tie-Dyed Masks in Spartanburg County
(Above) If you’re going to wear a face ma sk , why wear a pla in an d borin g one? Tie-dy ed ma sks for the wi n! Sp ar tanbu rg County su mmer ca mpers ke pt it sa fe and stylish, and ha d so much fun ma kin g these colorful creations!