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[left page, top] Stay Home, 2020

“A screenshot using my penplotter in combination with virtual ink realtime software.” The errors where the pen didn’t touch the glass, in combination with the almost empty battery sign, make this shot unique.


[left page, bottom] MH Lightpainting Ironman Kienle, 2015

The challenge was to create a swimming picture in a dry studio. “The triathlete was lying on a black box while I was shaking a fiberglass brush around him, before adding a blue Led light to create some water-like lightstrokes. At the end I used a flash to freeze him crispy-sharp within the picture.”

[right page, top] Mannequin, 2022

“Two shots with my beloved mannequin model and a white fiberglass brush.”

[right page, bottom] Jelly Blade, 2018

A rare Photoshop re-edit. “Here I had a session with a strobing acrylic blade and when I saw all the single parts, I gave the jelly a go, mixing four pictures into one.”

[top] Cyberpunk Portrait, 2019

“The model was lying on a mirrorfoil on the ground when I lit her with a UV torch. Then she moved out of the frame and I used a holographic tube on a torch to create a circle. Leaving enough black inside the composition is highly recommended.”

[middle] AIT Chris Noelle, 2018

Chris Noelle at the solo-exhibition space Entschleunigung at AIT Vienna. “Combining spirography and lightpainting to create a moment of deceleration.”

[bottom] Kyo, 2019

“When I didn’t mount my tripodclamp properly, this triple exposure came out as the camera lens slowly turned downwards.” a point at which you need a guy doing the programming of the robot’s movement. You need the technical gear, you need the camera, you need the lighting idea.

All these elements need to come together. So it’s not just myself, I need a couple of people around me to get everything done. That’s a bigger challenge, but it makes it reproducible.

Any other plans for the coming year?

I have this project called ‘The holo-painter.’ That’s coming up next. It combines projection mapping in real environments with real-time lightpainting.

You just have to imagine a huge screen that you can roll around, and on that screen is a CT scan animation. A 3D model gets scanned by one white line. And by the movement of that screen, I can create a floating threedimensional object in the environment.

Sounds incredible, will you tour with it?

It’s happening in Linz first, but it’s portable.

I’ve seen a couple of similar hologram techniques used in the events industry. But none of them used it in the way I would like to. Real-time lightpainting allows me to create an animation of what I do. I can record as the light trace builds up and builds down again. That gives you a video lightpainting.

The hardware is fast enough now that it’s a really smooth experience. It’s interesting because you can, for example, produce Tron-style effects in real-time.

That’s the challenge which I always look for - finding something that I haven’t seen before.

Design Friends would like to thank all their members and partners for their support.

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PUBLISHER Design Friends


LAYOUT Isabelle Mattern

INTERVIEW Mark Penfold

PRINT Imprimerie Schlimé

PRINT RUN 250 (Limited edition)

ISBN 978-99987-939-4-1



Association sans but lucratif (Luxembourg)


Anabel Witry (President)

Guido Kröger (Treasurer)

Heike Fries (Secretary)

Claudia Eustergerling, Reza Kianpour, Dana Popescu, Hyder Razvi (Members)


Charline Guille-Burger, Silvano Vidale



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This catalogue is published for the lecture of Christopher Noelle "Surrounded by darkness - on the cutting edge of experimental cross-medial Art" at Mudam Luxembourg on 29th of March, 2023 organised by Design Friends

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