Columbus Urban Forestry Master Plan

Page 104

The Action Plan ACTION ITEMS



Form a Team for Implementation: The Columbus Tree Coalition Challenge This is a master plan for the urban forest in Columbus, meaning that it is not just a plan for the city staff and leadership to implement. As the majority of the urban forest is located on private land, there are many actions in this plan that must be spearheaded by the community.

Action Needed Coordination and organization among the larger community can occur in one of three ways: 1. A working group is housed under an existing organization’s umbrella, with City representatives as participants, or 2. A coalition of organizations and residents form to take on the implementation of this plan with the City as a coalition member, or

Action Item 1.1: Convene a First Gathering LEAD: City - Columbus Recreation and Parks Department Many community stakeholders were involved in formulation of this plan. They could serve as an initial group to meet, talk about next steps and how best to organize and engage over the coming months. During this meeting, plans for next steps are ultimately up to the group, but could include: •

Formation of Working Groups. Topicfocused work groups could tackle certain action steps and provide a way for the public to get involved as a team volunteer.

Consider a Pledge of Commitment. A “Pledge of Commitment” can be created as part of membership into the coalition, detailing each member’s commitment to the UFMP’s vision, goals and action steps. This will provide partner organizations and agencies with the opportunity to officially and publicly pledge their commitment to improving and growing Columbus’ tree canopy.

Start Implementation Efforts. Plan for Implementation of Action Step #2, which is focused on developing a messaging and outreach plan, and Action Step #3, which includes building an online information hub.

3. A new nonprofit forms to work with the City as a plan implementation partner. Regardless of form, the Columbus Tree Coalition should be community-led and serve as a forum to unify tree-related projects, and it should ultimately plan work beyond the City’s efforts. This can evolve organically over time to a structure that will work for Columbus. This group of community partners is key to maintaining momentum.



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