Vision and Goals for the Urban Forest GOALS
Reach Citywide Tree Canopy Cover of 40% by 2050 High levels of health, quality tree canopy is critical for Columbus to remain a livable city. It is especially important as stressors increase as the climate warms and high population growth is expected. Tree canopy significantly reduces heat stress and air pollution, which has significant impacts on public health. It also reduces water pollution (by managing stormwater runoff), enhances property values, provides wildlife habitat, aesthetic benefits and even improves social ties among neighbors. Business districts are also more successful in areas with robust tree canopy. Columbus must strive for a much higher canopy cover of 40% in order to remain livable and resilient in the years to come.
This will be a challenge, but follows an industry standard and was clearly called for from the community (see sidebar). It is important to recognize that Columbus' canopy level was measured at 22% in 2013 and may be currently be lower than 22% considering population growth and the impact to ash trees from emerald ash borer. While this goal will take many decades to reach, it is critical for a livable community in the decades to come.
Consider that to increase citywide canopy by 1% (to raise canopy to 23% citywide), an additional 1,800 acres of tree canopy is required. That is approximately the same amount of land on the OSU main campus (1,726 acres).
Where Did the 40% Canopy Goal Come From? There is an suggested industry standard that communities should consider striving for 75% tree canopy of what was determined as possible in that community (Kenney et al, 2011). In Columbus, the most recent tree canopy assessment stated that if all non-concrete surfaces in the city were planted with trees (excluding inappropriate areas like agricultural fields, sports fields, etc), that Columbus could potentially reach a 59% tree canopy cover (Plan-It Geo, 2015). Using the industry suggested standard of achieving 75% of what is possible (59%), that equates to 44% canopy coverage. 40% was used as a rounded number for ease of communication and measurement. A canopy goal of 40% was widely supported, by 70% of the Advisory Group members and the majority of the community input in order to achieve the highest quality of life for residents in the long term.