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Existing Conditions
6.1.1. PURPOSE
In order to demonstrate how the placemaking elements will be implemented, the Canal Partners chose Locke Meadow Park in Lockbourne, Ohio as a demonstration site to highlight how the placemaking elements will be implemented. There have been intentions to improve this site for quite some time, and with the completion of other projects in the vicinity, community leaders in Lockbourne are eager to improve the site for use by residents and visitors.
The selected site is located in Lockbourne. This site was selected because it includes Lock 29, Lock 30, the Walnut Creek Guard Lock, various park uses, and parking. The site is also adjacent to numerous previous lock features along Canal Road, include the remnants of Lock 26 and 27. These lock features can be accessed from roadside pull-off areas.
The existing site has a basketball court, shelter, walking trail, portable toilets, and a paved parking lot. It is heavily used in the spring, summer, and fall by users who desire to access the trail and view the lock remnants.
The site will include various amenities which support access to the canal features including trails, signage, and parking. Because it will also function as a trailhead, the site will include an improved picnic shelter, portable restrooms, smaller shelters, and various cycling amenities.