Portfolio Selected Academic Works WENQI XU
2016-2018 University of Melbourne/ Bachelor of Environment/
Context Selected Academic Works
Education 2016-2018 University of Melbourne Bachelor of Environment---Landscape Architecture Major
Skills Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk 3dsMax McNeel Rhinoceros Sketchup V Ray Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere Adobe Illustrator Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Wenqi (Wendy) Xu P 0426278820 E WenqiX@hotmail.com
What’s in the Boxes?
June 2017 Architecture Design Studio: Earth
Ramp Grading November 2017 Site Tectonics
Liveable Community
November 2017 Landscape Studio 2: Site Plan & Design
Urban Treasure
November 2018 Landscape Studio 4: Designed Ecologies
01 What’s in the Boxes?
Herring Island Structure Design Project
Academic Work ABPL20027 Architecture Design Studio: Earth Type Individual Work Time 2017 Semester 1 Professor Brooke Gibson Software McNeel Rhinoceros 5.0 Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign
Site Context As the headstone for Architecture major, Architecture studio 1 explored some of the essential elements for built structures such as point, line, frame, infill etc. Most importantly, the final proposal was required to consider about the topography and condition of the chosen site Herring Island.
Scheme Overview
It is a subject which provided an opportunity to not only deal with built environment, but also get in touch with the natural landscape.
Throughout the semester, various spatial relationships were explored. Models were made by different methods and materials. These leaded to the basic impressions about spatial arrangements, and set the tone for later design on the actual site. I also advanced my physical model-making and hand-drawing skills gradually through the experience.
Exercise 2 Mass drawing
Exercise 3 Frame/Infill Model
Final Idea Exploration
During this process, I found I was fascinated with squares and boxes. They can be very interesting whether as individual or in groups, yet they are in very simple shapes.
Exercise 4 Conceptacle Model
Exercise 3 Frame/Infill Drawing
L andi ngDocks
Barcelona Pavilion
The assigned building for this project is the famous design Barcelona Pavilion by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Building Analysis
After the study of the building’s functions and flows, my partner and I decided to separate the building into two layer. This plan was more suitable for the topography changes, provided different views and made the project become interesting
Overall Perspective
02 Ramp Grading
Grading and ramp design suitable for wheel chair access in the context of Brimbank Park Academic Work ABPL20047 - Site Tectonics Type Group Work Role Team Member Time 2017 Semester 1 Professor Nano Langenheim Software Autodesk 3dsMax Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign
Site Context Site tectonics is the core subject for the landscape architecture major. It provided some vital knowledge about the grading, cut and fill techniques for a certain landform. As a landscape architecture student, I learnt about these skills through the consideration and alteration of site contours, and displayed the idea through hand-drawing and software exploring. My partner and I divided the work amount in half. We finished the project together as I did most of the section drawing and software work, and she finished the technical drawing and final layout. We cooperated to finish the large amount of hand drawings and experiments.
Design thinking
The task was to design a wheel chair accessible ramp for the Barcelona Pavilion in the context of Brimbank Park. It challenges the students to work with a fixed topography and existed conditions, and design the ramp that is most convenient for the visitors and people with disabilities
Cut and Fill indication
The separated levels made the design response become difficult. As a result, a ramp with low gradient crossed the river, and connected the building with the main road. Detail Design Plan A
Detail Design Plan B
Also the ramp connected the second floor.
Scheme Overview Overhanging ramp enable people to enjoy the river view
Eye level view from river bank Deck under the caopy of the building allows people to access the river bank
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The Carlton Brewery Site is a 100*200m site located at Carlton near to central CBD. As a classic urban block, the site is surrounded by busy circulation. Despite the Queensberry Street on top and Victoria Street at the southern side, the site is also affected by the heavy traffic on Swanston Street at the east. There are some significant modern buildings existed on the site currently, such as the William Barak building and RMIT Design Hub. At the same time, with its rich brewery history, the place has several heritage buildings such as the Bluestone House and Redbrick Melt House. The remanent of the site is filled with construction clutter, waited to be built into another city block with high skyscrapers and concrete structures.
The site is part of Elizabeth Street Catchment according to Elizabeth Street Catchment Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan; therefore it is facing the problem of high flooding risk.
One of the main findings after the proper analysis is that most of the site areas are exposed to sunlight. The top half part is at highly exposure level all year round, and with the concrete surface it is mostly likely to have high surface temperature during hot weather.
Form Testing
Development Process
The solid subtracted with each other and formed a canyon-like shape. From the ambition aspect, the landform suits the requirements: the bending extended part can provide shades, and the curving lines will make an interesting spatial arrangement, also manipulate people’s views. To apply the shape to whole site might be challenging but it is worth a try. The pattern is based on water movement on site. However, the form can also redirect the rainwater and stormwater to the designed drainage. Another reason why I chose this form is because the site has a high exposure level to the sunlight during summer, therefore the bending landform will be able to provide shading for people’s journey in the site
To make a contrast with the parks in surrounding areas, I wanted to create a place where it can provide various spaces that differ in sizes and functions. Also the form can bring privacy and shades for pedestrian. Most importantly, it uses visual hierarchy in coping with site’s topography to encourage people to explore the site.
Space Display
Use different divisions to provide various spaces for different experience
Overall Perspective
BioSwale treatment
BioSwale Elevation
In order to draw people’s attention and interest, there has to be some kind of “award” behind the long way of exploring. In urban context, what can be more attractive than a natural green space? Therefore, two green open spaces are set behind all the walls and obstacles at the centre of the site, to provide the essential element of an urban park. There are also several big trees to lead the way of people’s journey, and make them stay longer on the site.
Retarding Basin treatment Retarding Basin Elevation
Green Open Space Green Open Elevation
View form the cave-like walkway
Second BioSwale
Second BioSwale Elevation
The second surface can be seen as a new opportunity for the ecology on site. Since the surfaces are elevated and located at different levels apart from pedestrians’ activities areas, they are perfect for the native grass to grow. It will not only provide a variation for biodiversity on site, but also provide a natural feeling in urban area. I did some researches and decided to use one Australian-origin grass: Enneapogon nigricans. It is a perennial grass that has great drought tolerance and only need little maintenance. With its fluffy panicle flowers, the site will be able to have some seasonal interests and hence bring richer experience to the pedestrian.
Grassland Overview
Green Open Space
BioSwale treatment
Second BioSwale Retarding Basin treatment
WENQI XU P 0426278820 E WenqiX@hotmail.com