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A Dance of Light & Shadow at the Ritz-Carlton Mexico City

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Photo Credit: Jaime Navarro

The collaboration between lighting and interior design was not incidental but intentional.

The Ritz-Carlton Mexico City is a luxurious hotel that exudes high society and glamour. Its lighting design, created by Artec Studio and principal Jose Cardona, is as opulent as the famous Irving Berlin tune "Puttin' on the Ritz" that celebrates the splendor of the elite. Cardona's lighting tableau at the Ritz-Carlton serves as a dazzling story of light, enhancing the hotel's elegance without overshadowing its innate grandeur. The meticulous orchestration of illumination at this new property echoes a radiant performance that harmonizes with the architecture's rhythm and upholds a commitment to the brand’s luxurious reputation.

The guest rooms feature discreet one-inch downlights, precisely controlled by Lutron’s myRoom.

Artec Studio was tasked with illuminating dark and reflective surfaces in a way that complemented the Ritz-Carlton's lavish design. Cardona looked to Spanish brand Arkos, ensuring that high standards were upheld without sacrificing quality. "For downlights, we also had to pivot to another Spanish brand, LedsC4," he recalled, emphasizing his commitment to maintaining excellence amidst financial limitations.

The design journey took an unexpected turn when the initially chosen translucent fabric was replaced by a synthetic material. Cardona praised the fabric for its natural diffusion of light but embraced the change as an opportunity to innovate. "The material change necessitated a new strategy," he explained. Rejecting the notion of flat lighting, Cardona designed an array of downlights, some with narrow beams, others with wide beams and some even with elliptical lenses, creating a dynamic interplay of light and shadow.

This inventive application of lighting design is especially transformative come nightfall. "It's during the evening that these different beams and optics create a very nice effect," stated Cardona, revealing the magical transformation of the ceiling grid into a canvas that mimics the tranquil motion of slow-moving water.

Artec Studio’s collaborative efforts with interior designers are equally notable, especially in the creation of a custom chandelier in the elevator lobby. Despite challenges in installation and application, the chandelier stands as a beacon of diffused lighting, countering the glare from reflective surfaces with its warm 2,700K glow.

In Mexico, where the Ritz-Carlton basks in year-round sunlight, Cardona capitalized on the natural luminance, opting for a simpler lighting scheme that leverages the country's abundant daylight. "We have beautiful sunlight all year," he shared. He chose scene-based lighting controls from Lutron over dynamic white temperature changes. The hotel thus features three main lighting scenes—daylight with high levels, a medium scene, and a low scene—that respond fluidly to the time of day and ambiance.

Artec Studio innovatively illuminated a series of shelves to create a separation between the corridor of level 34 and an adjacent restaurant. The design brief called for a solution that would offer privacy for the restaurant patrons while also providing a light and airy feel to the corridor space.

Artec Studio partnered closely with interior designers to achieve this balance. The design team chose textured glass that was strategically placed on the corridor side of the shelves, providing just the right amount of transparency and privacy. This glass was chosen for its ability to interact beautifully with light, creating an inviting ambiance.

The lighting itself was concealed. "We used LED strips in a way that they're virtually invisible to onlookers," Cardona explained. The LED strips were meticulously integrated into the design of the shelves, some placed at the bottom and others at the top, in a seemingly random method that catered to the design elements of each shelf.

The elevator lobby’s custom chandelier stands as a beacon of diffused lighting, countering the glare from reflective surfaces with its warm 2,700K glow.

This collaboration between lighting and interior design was not incidental but intentional. "Working with the interior designer, we selected the glass together, ensuring that it complemented the lighting," Cardona shared.

The bar area features tequila bottles double as lighting fixtures, creating a warm atmosphere augmented by decorative lamps and under-bar lighting. "The idea was to make a lighting design without being the protagonist," Cardona articulated, highlighting the seamless integration of lighting fixtures into the furniture.

The bar area features an innovative design where tequila bottles double as lighting fixtures.
"The idea was to make a lighting design without being the protagonist.”

Artec Studio’s custom fixtures throughout the hotel showcase his resourcefulness, from marble stone tabletop fixtures to discreet one-inch downlights, all harnessing DALI technology for precise dimming. This attention to detail ensures flicker-free, consistent light quality throughout the space.

A standout installation at the spa entrance employs LED fixtures that create the illusion of gently moving water, drawing visitors into a tranquil, nature-inspired space. Artec Studio used LED fixtures with narrow beams positioned on both sides of the ceiling. The subtle genius lay in the programming of the lights, achieved with Lutron.

Cardona acknowledges that while DMX is often the go-to for dynamic lighting projects, the choice to use DALI control systems was deliberate. "We did it with DALI because we don't need very fast movement. It's something very slow," he said, underscoring the nuanced control that DALI systems offer for creating the gentle ebb and flow reminiscent of a calm body of water.

Artec Studios added Lutron’s myRoom feature, providing benefits to guest and management. For guests, myRoom offers precision lighting control, enhancing the in-room experience with dimming down to 0.1% and a bedside "master off" for easy management of lights and shades.

The system's intuitive design requires no technical expertise, with universal icons for straightforward operation, and combines elegant aesthetics with functional USB and plug receptacles.

For staff, myRoom promotes operational efficiency without compromising guest service. The Guest Presence Detection automates resource management, conserving energy when rooms are unoccupied and signaling when to service rooms.

The Ritz-Carlton's lighting design, orchestrated by Artec Studio and principal Jose Cardona, sings a similar song of opulence to the Berlin masterpiece. At nightfall, the hotel dons its finest display, where lights choreograph an enchanting ballet reminiscent of the silver screen's golden age. Each beam glides across the ceilings and walls, proving that the Ritz-Carlton knows how to put on the glitz by marrying the legacy of Berlin with the lighting innovation of the present.


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